Chapter 115 – Haven’t you noticed any changes in me?

Su’en successfully created a zombie.

But he had another idea, which was whether he could inject himself with it.

Su’en carefully looked through the “Zombie Research Diary” and found some experimental records of injecting “X Serum” into living people, which made him hesitate.

Even with the “Deformation Inhibitor,” the success rate of fusing the serum was only 80 percent.

The remaining 20 percent meant unknown mutations, deformations, or even direct body explosion.

Moreover, the side effect of the skin turning blue for a long time was also a big problem.

It’s not that he had any idol baggage, after all, he could accept the eyebrowless bald smoky style, and blue skin seemed no uglier.

But ordinary people didn’t know what the skin meant, but anyone with discerning eyes could tell that it was the side effect of the “X Serum.” Once discovered by the people in the inner city, it would definitely be a big problem.

He also didn’t know how long the blue skin would last and didn’t dare to try it rashly.

Anyway, it seemed that there was no reason for him to take the risk of using the serum now. Su’en planned to wait for a while and see if he could find other methods to increase the success rate.


Su’en stayed in the basement every day, tinkering with zombies, puppets, machinery, exercising his body, and studying alchemy knowledge…

He felt busy, so busy that even with the help of his eight spider arms, it still wasn’t enough.

It had been almost a month, and except for attending a small gathering of high-level professionals in the black market, he hardly went out.

He also inquired about the progress of the investigation into the robbery he and Kay carried out, but there seemed to be no significant movement.

After all, the laboratory had exploded, and who cared about a batch of lost supplies?

In this way, Su’en successfully sold a part of the stolen goods and exchanged them for some hard currency.

But the more money he had, the more worried he became.

Now, Su’en not only wanted to buy the “Mental Power Secret Method,” but also the “Cursed Hair of the Mourning Witch,” and now there was another second-tier advanced material that could awaken spatial abilities.

According to Mr. Black, the first two could still be bought. After all, many people didn’t recognize the value of the Mental Power Secret Method and didn’t need it, so there were opportunities to pick up bargains. As for the hair, only puppet masters could use such material, and it could be bought at a reasonable price.

As for the cursed material that could awaken spatial abilities, it was almost impossible.

Such rare advanced materials that could awaken “Spatial Abilities” were in short supply, and there were no reports of them being stocked in the treasuries of the major financial magnates in the inner city.

Even if they were found by a hunting team, would they be able to keep it internally?

Even if they were sold, the wealthy magnates in the inner city were the best buyers.

Su’en felt that if he really wanted it, he could only try his luck in the wilderness.

There were indeed more and more good things in the black market.

With the gradual excavation of the “Dawn City Ruins,” more and more people also participated in hunting outside the city.

Of course, the casualty rate remained high, and many small hunting teams were wiped out on the way without even seeing the ruins.

But the harvest was truly astonishing.

According to the news that came back, the ruins were not empty cities, but seemed to have been destroyed by some terrifying disaster.

The city preserved a large number of ancient artifacts, and there were also many S-level and T-level cursed spaces.

Su’en didn’t feel anxious after hearing this news.

After all, Mr. Black had evaluated that it would take at least ten or eight years to develop the ruins without sacrificing a large number of lives.

But because the harvest was so tempting, the major financial magnates in the city organized hunting teams and daredevil squads to explore the underground.

The three major gangs in the city also took action upon hearing the news.

Within the Cross Society, multiple exploration hunting teams were organized, and they had already left the city to scout ahead.

After hearing the news, Su’en also had some thoughts.

Now he had a zombie that could manipulate a sickle and a certain degree of self-defense ability.

If the timing was right, he also planned to go and take a look.


After all, they were members of the gang. Su’en and Kay, the two loners from Green Street, would eventually have to do some work.

Others might forget about these two slacking off for the past month, but Qiantiao knew very well about their talents.

On this day, Su’en rarely went out and rode his motorcycle to wait at “Big Beard’s Mechanical Repair Shop.” He chatted and exchanged experiences in mechanical repair with the boss, Wright, for a while. At half past six, Kay arrived on time riding a bicycle.

Kay greeted, “Let’s go.”

Su’en followed, “Captain, why did you call me out?”

Kay said, “The new place on Norton Street is opening tonight, and Qiantiao wants us to go and check it out. According to Qiantiao, we might have to follow her in the future…”


Su’en listened and suddenly realized.

After Green Street was destroyed, the Cross Society had been planning to rebuild an entertainment district.

It just so happened that the recent internal conflicts in the inner city seemed to have subsided.Mrs. Fino stood firm amidst the turmoil, and the Cross Society began to expand again.

I’ve been hearing about the preparation of a new entertainment street for a while, and I didn’t expect it to be completed so quickly.

And that new street is located in Norton district, one of the thousand districts.


There was plenty of time, so the two of them didn’t ride too fast.

Kay seemed very excited, riding his motorcycle like a victorious rooster, puffing out his chest and raising his head, he asked with a smirk, “Brother Su’en, haven’t you noticed any changes in me?”

Su’en glanced at him and naturally noticed something.

It had been half a month since he last saw this guy.

Kay’s physique had obviously grown a lot, his leather jacket was bulging. His arm, gripping the handlebar, was muscular and rolling, as if there were worms wriggling under his skin, creating a visually striking image.

Seeing Kay’s deliberately showy flexing, Su’en pretended not to see and cooperated with him, asking, “Ah…what’s up?”

Kay let go of the motorcycle with one hand, showing off his massive biceps, “Look, what’s this?”

Su’en looked at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He felt he should be shocked, but he just couldn’t muster the surprise, and could only respond with an “Oh.”


Kay rolled his eyes, realizing he had chosen the wrong person to show off to, and seemed a bit deflated.

But he also knew Su’en’s character, saying “Oh” was already a good response.

Even though his show-off attempt failed, it didn’t affect Kay’s mood, he excitedly said, “Brother, the body refining potion you got for me from the black market is simply divine! I feel like a month of training with it is equivalent to a year’s worth of training in the past. I feel great now!”

“Oh, as long as it’s useful.”

Su’en responded with a slight smile.

Of course, he knew what the potion was all about.

The PTX Berserk Amplification Potion and the Lester VI Generation Blood Cell Enhancer, he was using them himself.

He bought so many second-hand instruments for Danny, making money was secondary, the first priority was to ensure his own potion needs.

Now the initial investment has yielded returns, these two body refining potions are the top priority for production.

Last time, under the pretext of sharing the money from the sale, he casually gave Kay a few.

“Brother, I won’t say anything else, this potion has really helped me a lot!”

Kay excitedly said, “If it wasn’t for the fortune we made together last time, I wouldn’t have been able to afford such an expensive potion.”

He was very clear that without Su’en, they wouldn’t have been able to intercept that batch of goods.

After a pause, a hopeful gleam appeared in Kay’s eyes, he sighed, “With such a good body refining potion, I see hope of advancing to a second-tier professional in my lifetime…”


Su’en listened and smiled.

Actually, professionals like Kay, who are ambitious and courageous, have always been working hard.

But in reality, his strength is just average among professionals.

The key difference is still the gap in resources.

Whether it’s breathing techniques, alchemical implants, or various martial arts training, they are all lacking.

For close combat professionals, without enough high-quality supplements, the training efficiency will be low, and hidden injuries will accumulate. It may not matter in the short term, but in the long run, it will leave a lasting impact.

This is the most important reason why it’s difficult for outer city professionals to advance, and even more difficult to promote to the second tier.

After all, body refining potions are a long-term need.

The two types of potions that Kay is using now, each costing nearly half a million, are not only “controlled potions” that can’t be bought in the inner city, but even if they could be bought, he couldn’t afford to use them.

At this point, Kay added, “When I feel like I’ve hit a bottleneck, I plan to apply to join the guild’s wilderness hunting team and go out of the city to hunt. I might even make a fortune…”

After a pause, he mysteriously added, “Hey, have you heard? They say they’ve found a large ancient ruin underground, it seems to be quite amazing.”

Su’en knew he was probably talking about the Dawn City ruins, the information of the lower-level gang members was indeed much slower.

He casually said, “Isn’t that ruin said to be very dangerous?”

“We have to go even if it’s dangerous!”

Kay had an indifferent expression, not hiding his admiration as he recounted the legendary stories he heard in the guild, “The boss Angel became strong because he encountered danger while hunting in the wilderness outside the city, and that’s how he successfully integrated the silver implant, Thousand Kill Feather Wings…”

But when he got to this point, his words suddenly stopped.

Kay seemed to remember something, he turned his head to look at Su’en who was riding alongside him, and deflated his mouth in disappointment.

The other members of the guild would be boiling with passion when they heard the story of Boss Angel, but he knew that Su’en definitely wouldn’t.

Because he knew, this guy’s implant must be more than just silver!

But even though he thought about it, he never asked.

At this point, seeing that Kay didn’t continue, Su’en also smiled and said, “You’ll have it all in the future.”

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