Chapter 105 – Let’s go and do something big

Su’en saved Danny’s three friends.

They got off in a neighborhood far from Green Street and started walking.

Along the way, both Danny and Nancy’s three kids were excited.

But Su’en remained expressionless, replaying tonight’s actions in his mind.

Although the illegally captured people in the basement were released, not many of them could escape. The control of the gang in the area far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. Those who looked like homeless people and orphans couldn’t run far with just their legs. Even if they hid, they were easily discovered because they were unfamiliar with the area.

Su’en was not sure if the Steam Party would exclude those who were not caught, and remembered Nancy and the others, then traced back to Green Street where the arrests were made, and looked for clues.

Although the possibility was small, Su’en knew it was best not to leave any hidden dangers.

After all… this incident also involved that S-class wanted criminal.

If only a few gang members died and a few captured orphans escaped, the Steam Party might not go to great lengths to pursue the culprit.

But if the inner city umbrella organization discovered that woman had been there, things would become complicated.

Before Su’en came, he also thought that the Steam Party was only involved in “illegal human trafficking,” but now he realized there were some problems.

The batch of illegally captured people were meant to be “delivered,” but delivered to whom?

Who would accept such a batch of low-quality slaves? After all, half-grown children and homeless people were not as valuable as young women.

Moreover, judging from the memories Su’en extracted from those bodies, this “delivery” had been going on for a long time.

This indicated that the recipient had a great demand for people.

Ordinary slave business couldn’t handle so many “low-quality” people.

When Su’en thought about that S-class wanted criminal, he felt that the situation might involve some other hidden issues.


“I was so scared. I thought we were going to be sold to the meat factory and turned into canned food…”

“The person I was captured with before said that the people in the inner city would raise some deformed monsters as pets, and they would feed us to the pets…”


Along the way, the three kids chattered and shared their terrifying experiences of being captured with Danny, as well as the exaggerated legends they had heard.

“Oh, we can finally go home.”

“Susan’s mom must be worried sick knowing we were captured.”

“We owe it to Danny this time, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to come back.”

When Danny heard this, he quickly looked at Su’en next to him and corrected them, “You should thank this gentleman. He saved you.”

But he knew that Su’en probably didn’t want to reveal too much information, so he didn’t introduce how he had called for help.

“Thank you, sir.”

The three kids were overjoyed and bowed to Su’en.

But Su’en shook his head and didn’t pay attention to their gratitude. He poured cold water on them directly, “You can’t go back to your place now, at least not for the next few months.”

The three of them were stunned, “Ah? Sir… why?”

Su’en felt it necessary to explain the seriousness of the situation to them, so he said, “When I saved you, I killed several gang members. The people who captured you might remember that you came from Green Street. If they see you again when you go back, it will not only harm yourselves but also your other companions.”


As soon as he said this, the three of them were instantly at a loss.

Thinking of the horror of those people before, they seemed to be really scared. They stood in place, looking at Danny, and then at Su’en, “Then, sir… where can we go now?”

Su’en thought for a moment and took out a stack of banknotes, “Here is some money, enough for you to live in another place for a few months. I suggest you take the intercity train to the Marshal Street area in the East City District. It’s the territory of the Crow Gang, and the Steam Party’s reach doesn’t extend that far.”

Looking at the stack of green bills handed over by Su’en, the three of them simultaneously withdrew their hands and no one dared to take it.

“No, no, no… sir, we don’t need money to survive.”

“Yeah, sir, we can earn money ourselves.”

“I can steal bread, I won’t go hungry…”

The three of them looked at Su’en timidly. This large sum of money made them feel fearful.

The lives of orphans in the slums were cheap. Even if they searched for food in the garbage cans, they could still survive tenaciously.

Su’en shook his head and explained calmly, “This money is for you to avoid wandering on the streets for the time being. Otherwise, it’s easy for people to see that you are outsiders.”


“Take it!”

Before the three of them could say anything else, Su’en had already stuffed the money into the hands of the girl named Nancy.

And at this moment, a distant “woo woo” sound came from the train approaching.

With a threatening tone, Su’en said in a deep voice, “You take this train and leave. You can’t come back for at least three months, otherwise, you might harm your companions.”

He knew that scaring them would make it less likely for things to go wrong.

The three of them listened to Su’en’s serious tone and had completely lost their attention. They could only turn their heads and look at Danny helplessly.

Danny knew the seriousness of the situation and also persuaded them, “Listen to this gentleman. He’s right, you can’t go back to Green Street now.”

By this time, the steam train had already arrived at the platform.

Feeling sad, but helpless.

The three of them turned back reluctantly to look again.

Beta weakly asked, “Danny, will we see each other again in the future?”

Danny thought for a moment and didn’t dare to answer immediately, but in the end, he looked at the expectant eyes of the three and smiled, “We will.”

The girl Nancy timidly asked Su’en, “Sir, can we know your name? I will pay you back the money in the future.”

“No need.”

Su’en shook his head.

Thinking about it, he took out two pistols and a dagger and handed them to the three of them, “Keep these for self-defense.”

“Oh.”The train doors opened, leaving no time for further farewells. The three of them carefully concealed their weapons and money under their robes, boarded the train, and journeyed into the distance.


Two people stood on the platform, watching the three depart.

Su’en felt relieved, as if he had just sent away three little troubles.

Tears shimmered in Danny’s eyes. He knew he might never see these friends again in his lifetime.

He was well aware that Nancy and the others couldn’t go home, and neither could he.

Danny turned to Su’en and asked, “Sir, where are we going now?”

Su’en led him towards Green Street, “I’ll rent another house for you near Green Street. You should stay indoors for a while.”


Danny nodded, “What do you need me to do?”

After all, saving people was a transaction, and he hadn’t forgotten to pay the price.

Su’en didn’t beat around the bush and said directly, “You should prepare some emergency potions for the time being. Make a list of what materials you need, and I’ll bring them back for you the next time I go to the black market. After a while, I might need your help with some things.”

Danny nodded, already prepared to work long hours, “Okay.”

The two of them walked back towards Green Street.

Su’en also asked about the “X Serum Project” and some details about the inner city.

Suddenly, he remembered something and asked, “By the way, Danny. Last time you went to the black market, did you notice the top bounty on the list, the S-class fugitive from the inner city? Do you know her?”

He thought that since they were both from the inner city, Danny might know her.

To his surprise, Danny did know.

“Sir, are you talking about the silver-haired woman?”


“I don’t know her, but I saw her once in the lab.”

“Was she a member of the research institute?”

“I’m not sure, but she wasn’t a researcher, she seemed to be a combatant. Once when I was at home, I overheard my parents mentioning another top-secret project that our medical research department and mechanical department were working on together, which seemed to be related to her…”

“Do your parents know her?”

“They probably do…”


Listening to this, Su’en instinctively had a thought.

Danny’s parents blew up the lab, and this woman happened to steal some research results and defected. Could these two events, separated by more than three years, be somehow connected?


They chatted casually along the way, and soon they were back on Green Street.

Su’en was always efficient. Not long after they returned to Green Street, he rented a basement for Danny through a housing agency not far from his own rental.

This distance could avoid some trouble and they could also look after each other.

Because Danny’s deformed appearance was too conspicuous, and it was inconvenient for him to go out wearing a cloak, Su’en prepared plenty of food and water for him.

Fortunately, alchemists are real homebodies. As long as they have something to do, they can stay in the lab forever.

After waiting for a few days without any trouble, Su’en knew that the trouble at the “Black Baron Club” had probably passed.

Su’en’s life returned to normal.

Since he got a complete set of textbooks from Mr. Black, he plunged into the study of theoretical knowledge and became busy.

Not only textbooks, but also the vice principal’s teaching plans and annotations, filled a storage ring.

The textbook content was easy to understand and progressive. As long as he followed the order of beginner, intermediate, and advanced reading, it was not difficult to understand.

Moreover, Su’en could read the textbooks very quickly because many knowledge fragments had been stripped from his mind. Many pieces of knowledge in his mind felt strangely familiar when he saw them in the textbooks. By understanding some transitional content, he could connect the pieces of knowledge.

These textbooks were like a thread, stringing together the beads of knowledge.

Stringing beads into chains, gradually became a systematic discipline.

Potions, enchantments, implants, runes, alchemy spells, mechanics, forging, mysticism, medicine…

Su’en was immersed in the ocean of knowledge of this fantasy world, absorbing it like a whale.

His progress was rapid.

Especially in the field of mechanical knowledge, his progress was simply incomparable to before.

The problem with the “Spider Bomb” that had always failed before was found. With theoretical support, he could even improve the previous design drawings and create a more perfect spider bomb. The “Iron Man Mark II” also had many technological innovations…

Through systematic learning, his rune drawing skills and forging skills also improved significantly. Because of the more perfect skills, the rune puppets he made now were much more powerful than before. He could also slowly start to try to make those high-difficulty intermediate puppets…

The same was true for alchemy spells and mysticism.

Once the principle is understood, everything else follows.


Su’en spent every day in the basement, planning a detailed and regular schedule for himself.

Exercising, studying, tinkering with machinery and puppets, occasionally going to the shooting range…

He strictly followed the schedule every day, and the data on the panel visibly increased.

The peaceful and fulfilling days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a month had passed.

Su’en originally wanted to continue staying at home, but Kay came to find him.

The former boss of Green Street, who was bored as a commander without a territory, seemed to have nothing to do every day. In the end, he couldn’t stand the loneliness and found Su’en.

“Let’s go, brother, let’s pull off a big job!”

On this dark and windy night, Kay had an excited expression on his face, as if he was taking his brother to make a fortune. He said mysteriously, “I got a secret tip. The Steam Party will be transporting a batch of ‘top-grade mechanical equipment’ from the inner city tonight…”

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