Chapter 80 – Take me to fly

Three days later, Mi Xiaojing walked out of the cave without passing through the room. He flew directly into the air and plunged into the stream outside the yard. He took off his shirt, which had become like armor, and vigorously washed away the dirt on his body. After three days of consolidating his realm, he had accumulated thick grease and grime on his body, which had almost formed a thick shell.

The stream was gentle, and where Mi Xiaojing soaked, a black band formed and flowed downstream with the stream.

Mi Xiaojing was naturally clean and couldn’t believe his eyes. This was too dirty.

He had no choice but to take off his pants and wash them vigorously, feeling like he was rubbing his skin off. His whole body turned red like a cooked shrimp.

“Wow…who are you…wow…ah…little junior brother…when did you come out…”

Mi Xiaojing was also frightened and stared at Mu Xiaoyin in a daze. When he saw a basket of dirty clothes, he realized that this was where they usually washed clothes.

“Ah, ah…ah…”

Mi Xiaojing shouted louder than Mu Xiaoyin, and he had never been naked in front of a woman before, which was too scary.

Mu Xiaoyin was scared by Mi Xiaojing’s strange scream and ran away. While running, she shouted, “I, I didn’t see anything…I really didn’t see anything…”

After shouting twice, Mi Xiaojing squatted in the water, and the sound of Mu Xiaoyin shouting that she didn’t see anything gradually calmed him down. He couldn’t help but feel amused.

He had never been so embarrassed before, nor had he ever been so frightened, but when he calmed down, he didn’t have too many thoughts. Suddenly, he felt a sense of joy in his successful prank, especially when Mu Xiaoyin screamed and ran away, it was really fun.

After a few silly laughs, Mi Xiaojing quickly finished washing and changed into a new set of clothes. He then soaked the replaced clothes in the stream with a stone and walked alone to the small courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a laundry basket on the ground, and clothes scattered around it. Mu Xiaoyin washed all the clothes at home. He walked into the room and asked, “Where is Sister?”

Zhang Ke said, “I don’t know. She just said she was going to wash clothes…maybe by the stream.”

Suddenly, Luo Bo looked at Mi Xiaojing and asked, “Xiao Mi ge ge, did you succeed in your breakthrough?”

Mi Xiaojing smiled and touched his head, saying, “Yes, finally…I succeeded!”

Luo Bo grinned, ever since he followed Mi Xiaojing, he knew that the stronger Mi Xiaojing was, the safer he would be. Seeing Mi Xiaojing’s breakthrough, he happily laughed out loud.

“Congratulations, Xiao Mi ge ge!”

Wei Fu also said, “Great, the stronger Xiao Mi ge ge is, the better, haha.”

Zhang Ke exclaimed, “Little senior brother, is it really true? That’s amazing!”

Mi Xiaojing joked, “You should call me little senior uncle from now on…haha.”Zhang Ke suddenly frowned and said, “This…this doesn’t count. This is cultivation, not evolutionary immortality…”

“I have already ascended to the Observing Laws stage in evolutionary immortality. It’s the initial stage of ascension.”

“Ah? Ah! Okay, junior martial brother…”

Zhang Ke wasn’t jealous; he was genuinely amazed. He had been practicing evolutionary immortality for decades and hadn’t even reached the Conversion stage. However, his cultivation speed was decent as he had already reached the Qi Refining initial stage and was thoroughly stable. Currently, he was attempting to break through to the mid-stage of Qi Refining. Once he succeeded, his cultivation level would be higher than when he was practicing evolutionary immortality.

Mi Xiaojing said, “Everyone needs to make good use of their time to cultivate. Also, here are some Qi Refining pills for you. Don’t take too many at once…aim to break through your current cultivation level as soon as possible.”

He took out low-grade Qi Refining pills, having already consumed all the middle and high-grade ones.

Zhang Ke was at the Qi Refining initial stage, Luo Bo was already at the mid-stage, and Wei Fu had just entered the body refinement stage. With the Qi Refining pills, they could accelerate their cultivation speed. For some reason, Mi Xiaojing always felt a sense of urgency, as if there was some kind of danger if their cultivation couldn’t keep up in the future.

Mi Xiaojing had only given them pills now because he was afraid that their cultivation levels were too low to digest them. However, he had his own plan now. Low-grade pills were useless after five or six times, but he could refine middle and high-grade pills. The higher the grade of the pill, the more times it could be used. Middle-grade pills could be used at least ten times, and if one had good aptitude, using them fifteen times wasn’t uncommon. As for high-grade pills, they could be used up to thirty times.

Of course, there was a big problem with this: obtaining pills was not easy. No one could directly use high-grade pills to cultivate because they were rare and expensive. However, Mi Xiaojing’s ability to refine pills meant that Zhang Ke and the others would have a steady supply of them.

Luo Bo asked curiously, “Can taking these pills really increase our cultivation level?”

Mi Xiaojing nodded and said, “Yes, it’s best to take them at critical moments. The effect will be better that way.”

Luo Bo replied, “I’m at a critical moment now. I feel like I’m about to break through…just a little bit more.”

Wei Fu also said, “Yes, yes. After entering the body refinement stage, my true energy has increased slightly, but it’s just not enough to convert into true qi…it’s really frustrating.”

Zhang Ke raised his hand and said, “Me too, me too…”

Mi Xiaojing was stunned for a moment before saying, “Okay, it’s my fault. I should have given them to you earlier.”

Luo Bo asked, “By the way, Xiao Mi, can you fly now that you’ve advanced in cultivation?” Flying was Luo Bo’s greatest wish. He wanted to fly freely in the sky and soar to his heart’s content. It was his dream.

Mi Xiaojing nodded and smiled, “Yes, I can!”

Zhang Ke, Luo Bo, and Wei Fu all exclaimed in surprise.

“Wow, amazing! Xiao Mi can fly now…”

“I’m so envious, I want to fly too!””Ah, Little Uncle doesn’t need to walk down the mountain anymore, he can fly down…”

Luo Bo’s face was full of envy and excitement: “Brother Xiao Mi, take me to fly… take me to fly!”

Mu Xiaoyin suddenly entered from outside the door: “I want to fly too! I want to fly!” She said with a flushed face.

Mi Xiaojing asked in surprise: “Eh, where did you run off to?”

Mu Xiaoyin said fiercely with a red face: “I had something to do… What? I can’t?!”

Mi Xiaojing didn’t understand why she was acting like this and said: “You can, uh, of course, you can…”

Mu Xiaoyin said: “Take me to fly, and I’ll forgive you!”

Mi Xiaojing muttered in his heart: “Forgive me? What did I do… to be forgiven?” Fortunately, he was smart enough not to say it out loud.

Seeing Mi Xiaojing not speaking, Mu Xiaoyin felt a little guilty and said: “Take me to fly, and I’ll… I’ll…”

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