Chapter 89 – They are not monsters, they are human!

Demon pills, evolved from demon cores, are far more potent in their effects.


While demon cores serve merely as materials for weapon forging, demon pills are essential for elixir crafting.


Such items are used to concoct Heavenly Heart Pills and Heavenly Soul Pills.


A single demon pill can produce ten Heavenly Heart Pills.


However, if one opts to create Heavenly Soul Pills, only one can be made.


The Heavenly Heart Pill aids cultivators in condensing their Divine Sense.


The Heavenly Soul Pill, on the other hand, assists in the formation of the Divine Soul.


Especially the Heavenly Soul Pill, it's exceedingly precious; cultivators in the Condensation Pill Realm would fight tooth and nail for it!


Meng Fan stored away the snake demon's inner pill, knowing it would fetch a handsome sum of Spirit Stones back home.


Within the snake's carcass, besides the inner pill, there was also a gallbladder.


This gallbladder was another highly valuable elixir ingredient, capable of being used in crafting various antidote pills.


Meng Fan, of course, didn't miss out and collected it as well.


He then began to absorb the Spiritual Essence from the snake demon's body, which took the duration of a stick of incense to fully refine.


The Supreme Dominance Body was getting ever closer to its fourth layer.


With another snake demon like this, Meng Fan felt he could break through to the fourth layer of the Supreme Dominance Body.


The remaining minotaur corpses had almost no Spiritual Essence left, so Meng Fan absorbed and refined it casually, not paying it much mind.


Compared to the snake demon's Spiritual Essence, the minotaurs' was hardly worth mentioning!


After such a long time, the three minotaurs Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou were entangled with finally perished.


Liu Yanping, with disheveled hair and her clothes torn in several places revealing some skin, glared at Meng Fan, panting, "You'd rather sit here absorbing Spiritual Essence to cultivate than lend us a hand?"


Meng Fan replied earnestly, "I believed you could handle those three minotaurs. If I had intervened, it would imply I underestimated you. Do you really want me to look down on you?"


Liu Yanping was so angry she gritted her teeth. What kind of twisted logic was that?


Li Xuerou didn't say anything, silently using her Sword Weapon to extract the demon cores from the minotaurs.


Seeing this, Liu Yanping hurriedly followed suit, digging for demon cores as well.


Because the demon cores from the five minotaurs Meng Fan had killed earlier hadn't been extracted yet.


She planned to take advantage of Meng Fan in this regard to vent her frustration!


Meng Fan, seizing the opportunity, absorbed the Spiritual Essence from the last three minotaurs. Even a mosquito leg, no matter how small, was still meat and not to be wasted.


Now, in Meng Fan's eyes, minotaurs were nothing more than mosquito legs.


Ordinary bull demons were even less significant, as insignificant as dust!


"Meng Fan brother, what's inside those two rooms?" Li Xuerou, having finished extracting demon cores, asked out of curiosity.


This time, she didn't bother offering the demon cores to Meng Fan, as he never accepted them anyway. There was no need for such false courtesy.


Liu Yanping also approached, equally curious about what was inside the wooden huts.


The third hut needed no questioning, as they had already seen the giant white snake inside.


The mystery of the remaining two huts remained.


"If you're interested, why not go have a look for yourselves?" Meng Fan said with a smile.


Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping exchanged glances and then headed towards the huts.


They were well aware that since Meng Fan had said so, it meant there was no danger in the remaining two huts.


Or if there was any danger, it was certainly within their ability to handle!


The two women approached the first hut and pushed open the door.


The next second, surprise flashed in their eyes.


Li Xuerou immediately drew her sword, ready to strike!


Because she saw three human children inside, and she remembered Meng Fan had said that apart from Shu Mountain disciples, there couldn't possibly be any humans in this forest.


So, her instinct told her these children must be illusions created by fox demons.


And if that was the case, they naturally had to be eliminated!


As Li Xuerou drew her sword, the three children in the hut huddled together, crying in terror.


But Li Xuerou's expression was impassive; she believed this was just the fox demons trying to beguile her. The more pitiful the crying, the more it proved the fox demons' deceit.


She swung her sword coldly and mercilessly towards them!


Behind her, Meng Fan was startled to see Li Xuerou draw her sword and quickly executed the Willow Fluff on the Wind movement technique.


Just as her sword was about to fall, he managed to arrive in time, pinching the blade between two fingers!


At this moment, probably no other Shu Mountain disciple within the Demon Realm would dare to be so bold as to catch Li Xuerou's sword with their fingers!


Li Xuerou herself was shocked by this action, fearing she might accidentally sever Meng Fan's fingers.


"Meng Fan brother, are you insane!!!" Li Xuerou shouted angrily.


She was genuinely frightened, unable to imagine the consequences if Meng Fan's fingers were indeed cut off by her own hand.


Perhaps, she would never be able to forgive herself in this lifetime!


"It's you who's insane!!!" Meng Fan glared back at Li Xuerou, his tone equally filled with anger.


"How could you bring yourself to kill such small children, what are you trying to do?"


Hearing Meng Fan's angry voice, Li Xuerou was visibly taken aback, having assumed these children were not human, but demons.


But now, seeing Meng Fan's reaction, she suddenly understood something.


"They're not demons?" Li Xuerou asked weakly.


In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.


This question was more to cover her own embarrassment.


"They're not demons, they're human," Meng Fan said helplessly.


"But you were the one who told us that apart from us Shu Mountain disciples, there couldn't be any other humans in this forest. If we encountered any, they were definitely demons!" Li Xuerou started to deflect blame.


Meng Fan replied with a wry smile, "I did say that, but who could have imagined these demons would actually kidnap human children from outside?"


Alright, he admitted his mistake; he had been too certain in his previous statement.


"But what do these demons want with human children?" Li Xuerou was puzzled.


If Meng Fan hadn't seen the children's broken bones in the third hut, he wouldn't have understood either.


He sighed and said, "These children were captured by the bull demons to feed the white snake."


Humans! Food!


When these two words were linked together, as humans, they instinctively felt suffocated and enraged.


"Damn it! Beasts!!!" Li Xuerou roared furiously, scaring the three children in the hut once again.


She then rushed to the white snake's corpse and began hacking at it with her sword to vent her anger.


Meng Fan shook his head slightly, his face full of helplessness.


Then he turned to Liu Yanping and said, "Sister Liu, please go comfort these three children. Sister Li Xuerou has frightened them; she's certainly not up to this task."


"Alright!" Liu Yanping, filled with sympathy for the children, naturally didn't refuse.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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