Chapter 83 – It’s simple, you just need to master the Sword Momentum

Out of the fifteen bull demons, Meng Fan had slain twelve, Li Xuerou two, and Liu Yanping just one.


Indeed, the last one wasn't killed by Liu Yanping.


"I don't care, since I dug it out, it's mine! If you want it, trade me for that demon core."


That young lady was still fixated on that demon core.


Giving Li Xuerou a high-level demon core but not herself.


What a miser!!


Meng Fan chuckled; he didn't really care about the demon core.


Before coming to the Demon Realm, Elder Lin had told Meng Fan that the Spiritual Essence within the demons was far more beneficial to him.


The demon core was merely a material for crafting!


Seeing Liu Yanping's obsession with the minotaur's demon core, Meng Fan casually tossed it to her.


His intuition told him that the jade stone inside the bull demon's belly was far more valuable than the demon core.


Liu Yanping accepted the demon core with a delighted expression, thinking she had struck it rich.


Meng Fan pocketed the jade stone, and though his face was expressionless, he felt just as elated inside, convinced he had made a fortune.


As for who really profited, that would be clear once Elder Lin examined the jade stone.


"Meng Fan Senior Brother, can I join your team?" Wang Jiuyuan asked proactively.


He knew that Meng Fan was the backbone of the team, the decision-maker!


Meng Fan glanced at Wang Jiuyuan and smiled, "We're all from the same sect. If you insist on joining us, we won't turn you away. But think it over; you'll have little to gain since there's hardly a chance for you to take action!"


Wang Jiuyuan grinned, "That's perfect. I came here to broaden my horizons, not for gains. I feel safe with you guys!"


"Alright then, suit yourself," Meng Fan smiled and didn't reject Wang Jiuyuan.


He remembered how Wang Jiuyuan had first appeared aloof and cold, silent and distant.


How long had it been since then?


Barely fifteen minutes, and his persona had completely collapsed!


Where was the aloofness in his current playful and smiling face?


"Meng Fan Senior Brother, that sword move you used just now, it was the Demon-Slaying Sword Intent, right? Why is your Demon-Slaying Sword Intent so powerful?" Wang Jiuyuan was extremely curious, recalling the strike Meng Fan had used to kill the minotaur.


He too had practiced the Demon-Slaying Sword Technique, a fundamental technique of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


It was the easiest technique to develop Sword Intent with, and Wang Jiuyuan had mastered the Demon-Slaying Sword Intent as well. However, in terms of power, it was leagues behind Meng Fan's strike.


So he was curious and hoped to learn from Meng Fan.


"Actually, achieving the power of that strike is very simple," Meng Fan said offhandedly.


"Could Senior Brother enlighten this Junior Brother?" Wang Jiuyuan shamelessly asked.


This guy kept addressing Meng Fan as Senior Brother and himself as Junior Brother.


But in reality, as a Guarding Sword Disciple, Meng Fan's status was equivalent to an Outer Sect Disciple.


Wang Jiuyuan should be Meng Fan's Senior Brother!


But Meng Fan didn't correct him; being called Senior Brother was more pleasant to the ear than Junior Brother.


"The move I used was not the Demon-Slaying Sword Intent, but the Demon-Slaying Sword Momentum. So, if you want that kind of power, it's really simple—just master the Demon-Slaying Sword Momentum," Meng Fan said lightly.


Really… that simple?


Wang Jiuyuan was at a loss for words, stumped.


He couldn't understand how 'sword momentum' and 'simple' could be related.


Especially seeing Meng Fan's serious expression made him question life.


Could it be that for a genius, mastering sword momentum was indeed simple?


"Meng Fan brother, next time we encounter a minotaur, let me try!" Li Xuerou approached Meng Fan after collecting the bull demon's core.


It seemed her competitive nature was hard to shake off.


"Sure, you can try next time," Meng Fan didn't refuse.


His recent strike had already tested the waters against such minotaurs, and though they were stronger than ordinary bull demons, Li Xuerou was certainly capable of handling them.


"Then the time after next, I want to try against a minotaur too!" Liu Yanping chimed in.


Unable to compete with Li Xuerou, she voluntarily deferred to the next opportunity.


Meng Fan glanced at Liu Yanping and said irritably, "Try what? How to die?"


Meng Fan's single strike made the minotaur seem weak and foolish.


But in reality, the minotaur was not weak at all.


For Liu Yanping to take on a minotaur was no easy feat.


In a one-on-one fight, even if she didn't get killed, it would likely end in mutual destruction.


And then they would have to take care of her injuries.


Meng Fan wanted no part in such troublesome matters!


Liu Yanping retorted angrily, "Meng Fan, you underestimate people!"


Meng Fan nodded, not disagreeing.


Liu Yanping was furious!


But there was nothing she could do; no matter how she verbally attacked Meng Fan, it couldn't hide the fact that she was the weakest among them.


"If you really want to kill a minotaur to satisfy yourself, next time I'll beat it half to death and then let you finish it. How's that?" Meng Fan suggested to Liu Yanping.


"That's just a deeper insult," Liu Yanping shook her head.


"Pretentious!" Meng Fan shrugged and stopped paying attention to Liu Yanping.


After all, this carefree young lady would only stay mad for three minutes at most.




Moments later, the three continued deeper into the forest.


No, it was four people now.


Wang Jiuyuan eagerly followed behind Meng Fan and the others, constantly initiating conversation with Liu Yanping, Li Xuerou, and Meng Fan.


He talked to each in turn, and if one ignored him, he simply moved on to the next.


To build good relationships, taking the initiative was a fundamental element.


And if no one paid him any mind, it didn't matter; as long as he didn't feel awkward, all was well.


About ten minutes later, Meng Fan spotted a group of Shu Mountain Sword Sect disciples ahead.


Using the word "group" might not be appropriate since there were only four of them.


"It's Sun Senior Brother, Yang Senior Brother, Liu Senior Brother, and Zhang Junior Brother," Wang Jiuyuan informed Meng Fan proactively.


Meng Fan gave Wang Jiuyuan a surprised look. Was this guy a walking encyclopedia for the Shu Mountain Sword Sect?


But considering Wang Jiuyuan's chattiness along the way, Meng Fan thought it normal for him to know a few more people.


Meng Fan noted Wang Jiuyuan's address; among the four, three were called Senior Brother, and only one was Junior Brother!


Clearly, this Zhang Junior Brother didn't seem to have much status.


"Hey, why is there a woman with them?" Wang Jiuyuan exclaimed in surprise.


As they drew closer, they saw a woman in white, not dressed in the Shu Mountain Sword Sect attire, surrounded by the four brothers.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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