Chapter 81 – Meng Fan’s strength, Sword Momentum

Clearly, Wang Jiuyuan had encountered danger once again, and judging by his panicked expression, it was even more perilous than the situation he had just faced.


As Wang Jiuyuan came within a dozen meters of Meng Fan and the others, they finally understood why he was so panicked.


Dozens of meters behind Wang Jiuyuan, a group of bull demons were kicking up their hooves in glee, madly chasing in his direction.


A quick count revealed that there were more than ten bull demons!


Most importantly, one of the bull demons was twice the size of the ordinary ones.


Ordinary bull demons, though capable of standing and walking on two legs, still preferred to gallop on all fours when running.


But that giant bull demon ran on two feet, just like a human.


Most importantly, its form was clearly different from that of the ordinary bull demons; it had evolved into a minotaur, somewhat resembling the image of the Bull Demon King.


Without a doubt, this should be a minor boss among the bull demons.


Judging by the situation, it was probably much more formidable than the two-tailed fox demon they had just encountered.


"What are you dawdling for? Run!" Wang Jiuyuan shouted at Meng Fan and the others.


Beside Meng Fan, Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou also furrowed their brows.


The sight of over a dozen bull demons at once was enough to make them nervous.


Li Xuerou felt that her limit was handling four ordinary bull demons at the same time. Although she was a bit stronger than Wang Jiuyuan, it was only by a small margin.


As for Liu Yanping, seeing Wang Jiuyuan manage to hold off three bull demons, she believed she could do the same!


Plus, if Wang Jiuyuan continued to hold off three bull demons, then the three of them could take on ten.


As for Meng Fan, theoretically, he seemed stronger than any of them, so if they all joined forces, they should be able to handle more than ten bull demons.


But handling was not the same as slaying!


There was a significant difference between the two, and moreover, if the fight dragged on, they might end up at a disadvantage.


And most importantly, they had no idea how powerful that formidable-looking minotaur was.


It was possible that this one minotaur was equivalent to ten ordinary bull demons.


Therefore, both Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping hesitated, unsure whether to flee.


But subconsciously, they both regarded Meng Fan as their pillar, so if Meng Fan didn't run, neither would they.


Meng Fan noticed their expressions and knew what they were thinking.


So he said with a smile, "These are all demon cores, which can be rewarded for merit when we return. We've been searching everywhere before, and now they've come to us. Why hesitate?


Run? That's out of the question.


Let's take them down!"


In Meng Fan's eyes, these bull demons were already demon cores.


Or rather, they were already corpses!


Meng Fan drew the Hong Qi Sword and charged forward, taking the initiative to attack the group of bull demons.


So many bull demons, in his eyes, were Spiritual Essence, the hope for advancing his Supreme Dominance Body to the fourth level!


How could he miss such an opportunity?


Seeing Meng Fan take the initiative, the two women naturally wouldn't shrink back and drew their swords without hesitation, charging towards the bull demons.


They believed that Meng Fan wouldn't fight a battle he wasn't confident in winning!


Especially Li Xuerou, who hadn't seen Meng Fan in action much before, the only time being when he saw through the fox demon's illusion.


But that fox demon was only skilled in enchantment, and once Meng Fan saw through it, the fight was over quickly, hardly revealing any strength or weakness.


So Li Xuerou was actually quite looking forward to seeing Meng Fan in action.


Because she didn't really understand Meng Fan's true strength.


Liu Yanping didn't have all those messy thoughts like Li Xuerou, because she was very aware of how powerful Meng Fan was, even stronger than she had imagined!


Then, Wang Jiuyuan, seeing Meng Fan and the two women take action, also stopped in his tracks.


His expression was one of utter shock; he had never expected these three to face the group of bull demons not only without fleeing but actually charging to attack.


Wasn't this courting death?


But these bull demons were chasing him over, to put it unpleasantly, it was he who had led them here.


His running away before was normal.


But now that the three opposite were charging forward, if he ran away, he would be seen as a coward, greedy for life and afraid of death!


He couldn't do that.


So he drew his saber and charged towards the bull demons as well.


Even if it meant death, he had to join in!


Otherwise, he couldn't afford to lose face.


Among the four, Meng Fan was the first to charge at the bull demons.


Although his cultivation level was sealed, his speed was naturally much faster than Li Xuerou and the others, thanks to his Supreme Dominance Body.


So he naturally was the first to rush into the midst of the bull demons.


His target was the strongest minotaur, without a doubt.


If anyone here could slay the minotaur with one strike, it would definitely be himself.


Li Xuerou might also have the strength to take down the minotaur, but that would be in a one-on-one fight, and certainly not with a single, swift kill.


In this situation, with a group of bull demons gathered together, a swift and decisive action was needed, otherwise, it would be troublesome.


Meng Fan led the charge, his speed frighteningly fast, making Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping even suspect that his cultivation wasn't sealed and that he was using True Qi.


Otherwise, how could he be so fast?


This was the strength of a physical cultivation technique!


In just a few breaths, Meng Fan had already bypassed the bull demons in front and arrived in front of the minotaur.


Sword out!


Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum.


It seemed like an ordinary slash, devoid of any fancy techniques.


But the minotaur's massive head was severed from its neck in an instant.


Dark green bull blood gushed out like a fountain.


Just as Meng Fan had anticipated, a one-strike kill.


Most importantly, Meng Fan had not even used thirty percent of his strength with that strike.


Because that strike could have combined the Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum with the Sword Momentum, a perfect match.


However, Meng Fan felt that slaying the minotaur required only the Sword Momentum.


Indeed, it was sufficient.


Little did he know, Meng Fan's less than thirty percent strength, his merciful strike, had already stunned the three behind him.


Liu Yanping was better off, somewhat prepared, and any shock from Meng Fan could hardly be considered shocking anymore.


Li Xuerou was dumbfounded, completely shocked by Meng Fan's strike.


As for Wang Jiuyuan, he stood frozen in place, his steps unconsciously halting, forgetting how to walk.


His mind churned, searching for a long time, but he couldn't recall when the Shu Mountain Sword Sect had such a terrifying Senior Brother.


This was undoubtedly a Core Disciple.


But he seemed to have met all the Core Disciples, and really had no recollection of this one.


Meng Fan paid no attention to the shock of the three behind him; his body moved swiftly, using the Willow Fluff on the Wind movement technique, coupled with his strong physique, he weaved through the bull demons like flowing clouds and water.


One sword for each little bull demon friend, chopping off their heads as if slicing through vegetables.


When Li Xuerou had just slain her second bull demon, when Liu Yanping had only taken down her first, when Wang Jiuyuan was still standing there pondering who Meng Fan was.


Not a single bull demon was left standing.


In less than ten breaths, Li Xuerou had killed two bull demons, Liu Yanping one, and Meng Fan… twelve!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

Recheck: Lotas

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