Chapter 74 – Good things in Buddhism

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Elder Lin looked at him with a helpless expression.


This kid, such shamelessness, I wonder who he learned it from.


They say a crying child gets the milk, and it seems to be true.


If Junior Luo had half the shamelessness of Meng Fan, he wouldn't be in such a sorry state now.


Thinking of this, Elder Lin suddenly felt he owed something to Junior Luo.


Then he took out a new small jade bottle and handed it to Meng Fan.


"Master, what is this?" Meng Fan took the jade bottle, excitedly asking.


Without a doubt, something Elder Lin reluctantly took out after much pestering must be valuable!


Elder Lin sighed, resignedly saying, "You little rascal, you're going to empty out my entire stash.


This is Diamond Elixir, a type of spirit liquid used by Buddhist disciples for body cultivation, with extremely strong effects.


Originally, I planned to reward you with this once your cultivation level reached a certain realm.


But with your thick skin, it's truly a rarity in this world.


At this rate, by the time your cultivation improves, I won't have anything left to reward you with!"


Meng Fan's eyes lit up at these words.


A body cultivation spirit liquid from Buddhist disciples?


This is definitely a treasure!


As everyone knows, among the Buddhist sects, there are many who have achieved great success in body cultivation.


Various golden-bodied Arhats are even invincible in the flesh, causing many body cultivation sects to tremble before the Buddhist sects.


This Elder Lin, hiding such treasures…


Meng Fan immediately stored the Diamond Elixir in his storage ring, fearing Elder Lin might change his mind.


Seeing Meng Fan's actions, Elder Lin couldn't help but roll his eyes, then reminded, "Remember, take one drop every three days, using more is wasteful, and it could potentially burden your body!"


"Understood, disciple has got it," Meng Fan said with a smile.


"You're really cunning, at this rate, when you reach the Heavenly Origin Realm, your master won't know what to reward you with!"


Elder Lin mentioned this for the second time, showing he was indeed running low on resources.


Meng Fan quickly said, "Master, rest assured, in the future, your disciple will take care of you."


"Sweet talker, why wasn't your mouth this soft when asking for things?" Elder Lin said with a wry smile.


"By the way, Master, has the mission to the Demon Realm been set? When does it start?" Meng Fan asked.


"It's tentatively scheduled for eight days from now. If nothing unexpected happens, we'll gather everyone and head to the Demon Realm in eight days," Elder Lin replied.


"Isn't it said that the Limitless Sword Sect and Kunlun Sword Sect are also going to the Demon Realm?"


"The entrance to the Demon Realm is in Ghost Moon Valley; all three sects will meet there."


"I see."




Then Meng Fan went to the third floor of the Scripture Pavilion again to study the sword scriptures.


At his pace, it won't be long before he finishes the third floor.


The fourth floor has fewer books, so he'll read even faster.


As for the fifth floor, he can't go there, so there's no need to worry about that!


"However, it seems impossible to finish the sword scriptures on the third floor before heading to the Demon Realm," Meng Fan muttered to himself.


In fact, while studying the sword scriptures in the Scripture Pavilion, Meng Fan was also on the lookout for demonic cultivation techniques, as he had a trace of demonic energy in his body waiting to be strengthened.


However, he found no books related to demonic cultivation techniques on the first and second floors of the Scripture Pavilion.


As for the third floor, he also read a small part without finding any demonic cultivation techniques.


He wondered if the remaining third floor and the fourth floor contained any demonic cultivation techniques.


If not, obtaining demonic cultivation techniques would be truly difficult!


For a super-large sect like the Shu Mountain Sword Sect to lack such techniques, smaller sects would be even less likely to have them.


But Meng Fan's attitude was good; he didn't insist.


If there were demonic cultivation techniques, great; if not, so be it.


It was just a coincidence that he cultivated a strand of demonic energy in his body, so he thought to look for demonic cultivation techniques.


It was just a side matter!


As night fell, Meng Fan returned from the Scripture Pavilion to the Sword Pavilion and continued to cultivate the Supreme Dominance Body.




With the Diamond Elixir given by Elder Lin, Meng Fan found the cultivation effect to be much better than the Dominance Body Pill.


Indeed, the best things come out last.


He wondered what good things Elder Lin would bring out after the Diamond Elixir was used up.


Of course, it was also possible that there would be nothing left.


Meng Fan hoped that Elder Lin's pockets would be like Doraemon's, inexhaustible…




Eight days passed quickly.


Although the Diamond Elixir was potent, the time was too short; Meng Fan had only taken two drops so far, so he hadn't reached the third level of the Supreme Dominance Body.


Given a month, he might have had a chance!


Even so, Meng Fan was confident in himself; he should be able to walk sideways in the Demon Realm without any accidents.


After all, as Liu Yanping said, if Meng Fan couldn't walk out of the Demon Realm alive, it was likely that everyone from the three sects would be annihilated.


And that, of course, was impossible!


On this day, Meng Fan prepared to gather at Heavenly Sword Square and follow the main force to Ghost Moon Valley.


But he found that Elder Lin had also left the Sword Pavilion.


Meng Fan asked in surprise, "Master, why have you come out too?"


Elder Lin smiled and said, "Because I am also one of the Elders leading the team!"


Meng Fan was momentarily stunned; Elder Lin had never mentioned this to him.


At the same time, a warm current surged in his heart, deeply moved.


Elder Lin rarely left the Sword Pavilion, let alone the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


There was no doubt that he came out to lead the team because of Meng Fan.


"I can't guarantee your safety in the Demon Realm; you must rely on yourself. But I can ensure that your journey there and back will be absolutely safe!" Elder Lin said in a calm tone.


Meng Fan's jaw tightened, wanting to say something, but he couldn't find the words.


He wasn't one for sentimentality, but at this moment, he was truly overwhelmed.


When someone treats you well unconditionally, you can certainly feel it!


"Thank you, Master," Meng Fan said after a moment, his voice trembling slightly.


Damn sentimentality!


"Hurry up and set off, why are you being so polite with your master?" Then he walked ahead towards Heavenly Sword Square, with Meng Fan following behind.




At Heavenly Sword Square, Meng Fan saw an acquaintance, and only one.


Li Xuerou!


"Meng Fan brother, you're here; I've been waiting for you for a long time," Li Xuerou hurried over to Meng Fan, smiling.


She had chatted with Meng Fan in the Scripture Pavilion before and knew that Meng Fan would also participate in the Demon Realm mission.


In fact, she was somewhat worried, but such worry was meaningless.


So she silently resolved to protect Meng Fan in the Demon Realm.


When their village was destroyed in their childhood, only the two of them depended on each other, with Meng Fan brother always protecting her. Now it was finally her turn to protect Meng Fan brother.


The thought was quite exciting.


"Meng Fan brother, who is this?" After running over to Meng Fan, Li Xuerou noticed Elder Lin beside him.


"This is Elder Lin from the Scripture Pavilion I mentioned to you before, my Master!" Meng Fan introduced to Li Xuerou.


Li Xuerou quickly bowed deeply to Elder Lin, very seriously saying, "Thank you, Elder Lin, for taking Meng Fan brother as your disciple!"


She clearly remembered how sad and helpless Meng Fan brother was when he was a menial disciple.


She had tried to help Meng Fan brother with his cultivation, but to no avail.


She couldn't even help him cultivate the first strand of True Qi, let alone anything else.


But ever since Meng Fan brother became Elder Lin's disciple, he soared to the heavens, directly becoming a cultivator of the True Martial Realm.


In Li Xuerou's eyes, all of this was naturally Elder Lin's merit!


Li Xuerou truly treated Meng Fan as her own brother, and Elder Lin was practically Meng Fan brother's reborn parent.


So naturally, she had to pay great respect to Elder Lin, bowing deeply.


Elder Lin was taken aback by Li Xuerou's deep bow, then helped her up.


He thought to himself, are young girls nowadays so polite and respectful towards their teachers?


"Elder Lin is very easy-going; you don't need to make such a fuss," Meng Fan said somewhat helplessly to Li Xuerou.


He could probably guess why Li Xuerou was so excited.


Actually, the girl had some misunderstandings because, to be honest, a large part of the reason Meng Fan "took off" was due to himself.


Of course, Elder Lin also played a part, which was also true.


"Meng Fan brother, why didn't you mention earlier that Elder Lin was one of the leaders of this mission? If you had told me, I could have been prepared," Li Xuerou whispered to Meng Fan.


"What's there to prepare for? Don't be so formal. But I only found out this morning that Elder Lin was one of the leaders of this mission."


How could Meng Fan have expected that Elder Lin would play such a surprise on him?


Once the main force was assembled, everyone began to line up to descend the mountain and head towards Ghost Moon Valley.


Meng Fan roughly counted that there were nearly a hundred Shu Mountain disciples participating in the Demon Realm mission this time.


The number was not small, but definitely not large either!


Including the Kunlun Sword Sect and Limitless Sword Sect, there were probably around three hundred disciples in total.


But this was unavoidable; first, only disciples below the Condensation Pill Realm could enter the Demon Realm.


Then, disciples with strong sword techniques had to be selected, or else it would be a death sentence!


With such selection, the scope was much narrowed.


Only three hundred disciples to sweep a realm, it was quite thrilling to think about!


However, the three sects had previously investigated the Demon Realm and confirmed that there was no great danger, which is why they made such an arrangement.


And although the Demon Realm sounds formidable, the term "Demon Realm" is not entirely accurate.


It's just a special space occupied by a group of demons.


What Meng Fan and the others need to do is to clear out these demons, which is not as terrifying as imagined.


If "Demon Realm" were changed to "forest" or "mountain range," it would sound much simpler.


And in fact, there is no essential difference!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

Recheck: Lotas

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