Chapter 71 – The new generation of Shu Mountain Sword Saint?

Only by cultivating Divine Sense could he confidently control these two Sword Momentums and avoid being influenced.


In short, sometimes the Sword Technique is also related to one's Cultivation Level.


For instance, although Meng Fan's foundation in the Sword Technique is immensely profound, even surpassing those in the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Condensing Elixir Realm, his lower realm means he cannot fully unleash this foundation.


In fact, with Meng Fan's current foundation in the Sword Technique, it wouldn't be difficult for him to cultivate a Sword Soul; his foundation is sufficient.


But his realm is too low, merely at the True Martial Realm, so it's impossible for him to truly cultivate a Sword Soul.


To cultivate a Sword Soul, one needs to cultivate their Divine Sense to an extremely strong level, reaching the stage of condensing a Divine Soul.


With a Divine Soul, one can cultivate a Sword Soul; this is fundamental.


It's like a person who cannot read or write—how can they write an article?


Meng Fan hasn't even cultivated Divine Sense yet, let alone a Divine Soul.


As for a Sword Soul, that's even further out of reach!


Of course, this doesn't mean Meng Fan is weak; it's just a matter of progressing step by step.


He's definitely not weak!


Looking across the entire Shu Mountain Sword Sect in the True Martial Realm—no, the True Martial Realm isn't comparable.


It's the entire Heavenly Origin Realm, and not a single person has cultivated Sword Momentum!


Even in the Condensing Elixir Realm, not everyone can cultivate Sword Momentum.


Meng Fan cultivating Sword Momentum in the True Martial Realm is already a Monstrosity among Monstrosities.


Just like Yang Yifang, such a formidable being, cultivating a Sword Soul in the Condensing Elixir Realm is already an absolute chosen one.


But even so, he definitely couldn't have cultivated Sword Momentum in the True Martial Realm.


Undoubtedly, at this moment, although Meng Fan is only at the fifth level of the True Martial Realm, he is absolutely invincible in the True Martial Realm!


This isn't limited to the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


Looking across the whole world, Meng Fan is rightfully invincible!


Even in the Heavenly Origin Realm, unless it's someone with an extremely profound understanding of the Sword Technique, those mediocre ones are no match for Meng Fan.




"Wake up, time's up!" A hand patted Meng Fan's shoulder.


Meng Fan opened his eyes and glanced at the grey-clothed elder beside him.


Honestly, the time spent comprehending the Sword God Stele felt incredibly short, yet it was fulfilling and exhilarating.


Meng Fan felt as if his body was filled with endless strength.


"Thank you, Senior!"


Meng Fan bowed to the grey-clothed elder and then left the Sword God Temple.


The grey-clothed elder watched Meng Fan's departing figure with a hint of bewilderment.


This kid actually comprehended for a full day and night without waking up once.


Such an occurrence was unheard of in the decades he had guarded the Sword God Temple.


Could this kid truly be such a Monstrosity?


If he had been comprehending the Sword God Stele the entire time and continuously gaining insights… It was unimaginable to the grey-clothed elder.


If that were true, could this kid become the new generation's Sword Saint of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect?


The new generation, as in the next generation!


After all, it had been several hundred years since Shu Mountain had seen a Sword Saint!


"Perhaps I'm overthinking it," the grey-clothed elder chuckled wryly.


"But I really hope I'm not!"




Meng Fan returned to his room in the Sword Pavilion, planning to tidy up and take a bath.


Elder Lin appeared at Meng Fan's door.


In the Sword Pavilion, Elder Lin rarely visited the first floor; it was usually Meng Fan who went to the second floor.


But this time, the old man couldn't help himself and came to Meng Fan's room on the first floor.


He couldn't help it; Meng Fan was not following the usual path, and Elder Lin was eager to know what Meng Fan had gained after a day and night at the Sword God Stele.


But instead of reporting to his Master, the kid thought about taking a bath first.


Unable to wait, Elder Lin took the initiative to come down.


"Master!" Meng Fan greeted Elder Lin with a bow.


"How do you feel after a day and night at the Sword God Stele?" Elder Lin asked casually, as if it was of no consequence.


"Feels good," Meng Fan replied.


"Good?" Elder Lin frowned; that description was too simple, wasn't it?


Meng Fan paused, then after thinking carefully, he realized his answer wasn't precise enough, so after pondering, he continued: "Feels very good!"


He felt that the words "feels good" were not enough to describe his gains; "feels very good" was more appropriate.


Elder Lin took a deep breath.


What's the difference between "very good" and "good"?


He could only ask helplessly, "I'm not asking if it feels good or not, but what specific gains did you have?"


Elder Lin had paid a significant price to let Meng Fan comprehend the Sword God Stele for a day and night.


If the results weren't worth the cost, then even if Meng Fan defeated Junior Luo in half a year, he wouldn't let Meng Fan comprehend the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights.


Meng Fan understood what Elder Lin meant.


Without saying another word, he drew the Hong Qi Sword and slashed at Elder Lin.


This wasn't an act of betrayal; it was purely a demonstration of his Sword Technique to Elder Lin, as he was well aware that his sword couldn't harm Elder Lin in the slightest.


Elder Lin's face remained calm; he naturally understood that his disciple was trying to show off his Sword Technique.


He watched Meng Fan's sword intently, curious to see what kind of surprise Meng Fan could bring after a day and night of comprehending the Sword God Stele.


The next second, his expression changed, no longer calm.


He extended two fingers and effortlessly caught Meng Fan's Hong Qi Sword.


With his Cultivation Level, catching Meng Fan's sword was normal.


The key was, what did he see in Meng Fan's sword?


He saw—Thunderous Sword Momentum!


Not Sword Intent, but Sword Momentum.


This… How long had Meng Fan been practicing the Thunderous Sword Technique?


At most four months!


And he had already cultivated Sword Momentum?


Elder Lin was dumbfounded.


He wasn't someone who hadn't seen the world, yet time and again, Meng Fan shocked him to the point of speechlessness.


"Master, are you satisfied with this gain?" Meng Fan said with a smile.


Showing the Thunderous Sword Momentum was enough; Elder Lin must be satisfied.


If he revealed the Sword Comes Momentum, it would probably shock Elder Lin's jaw off.


The move Sword Comes was Meng Fan's own secret creation, and even facing Elder Lin, he kept it hidden.


"Did you cultivate Sword Momentum after a day and night at the Sword God Stele?" Elder Lin's lips trembled slightly, his voice filled with disbelief: "If I let you comprehend for ten days and nights, wouldn't you come back with a Sword Soul?"


Meng Fan smiled sheepishly and humbly said, "That's not possible; I really can't do that."


Elder Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Meng Fan had really said he could cultivate a Sword Soul, then he would have been a bit overwhelmed.


Too monstrous!


"If Master could help me cultivate Divine Sense and condense a Divine Soul before that, then there might be hope for me to cultivate a Sword Soul after comprehending the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights!" Meng Fan said earnestly.


In fact, once he truly condensed a Divine Soul, it wouldn't just be hopeful to cultivate a Sword Soul; it would be a certainty!


Meng Fan knew well that modesty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and even in a different world, this virtue should be promoted.




Elder Lin was silent for a good ten breaths.


Then he looked at Meng Fan seriously and said, "Are you serious about what you said?"


Seeing Elder Lin's solemn expression, Meng Fan was also surprised.


He had just made a casual joke; why was Elder Lin taking it so seriously?


But his joke wasn't entirely a joke, as it was the truth.


So, facing Elder Lin's serious question, Meng Fan nodded and said, "To answer Master's question, yes, it's true."


Elder Lin nodded too but said nothing, then silently returned to the second floor of the Sword Pavilion.


Meng Fan watched Elder Lin leave, puzzled as to why his Master would leave without a word after just one sentence.


In fact, Elder Lin was struck by Meng Fan's words.


But once back on the second floor of the Sword Pavilion, Elder Lin quickly recovered from the shock.


He came to terms with it, realizing that being shocked by his own direct disciple was a kind of happiness that others could only wish for.


Elder Lin did not doubt Meng Fan's words; it was precisely because he did not doubt them that he was struck.


Because cultivating Divine Sense and condensing a Divine Soul were not difficult tasks.


Once the realm and Cultivation Level were reached, it would happen naturally, sooner or later.


But cultivating a Sword Soul was different!


After condensing a Divine Soul, indeed, there was hope to cultivate a Sword Soul.


But this hope was one in a hundred, extremely difficult.


Many people, after condensing a Divine Soul, took ten years, fifty years, or even a hundred years to cultivate a Sword Soul.


But Meng Fan said that after he cultivated a Sword Soul, he only needed to comprehend the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights to achieve it, making it sound so effortless.


Elder Lin thought of his own past, the countless hardships he endured before finally cultivating a Sword Soul.


Comparing oneself to others can be infuriating!


"It seems it's time to help this kid cultivate Divine Sense and Divine Soul as soon as possible," Elder Lin murmured to himself.


Cultivating Divine Sense was easy; reaching the Heavenly Origin Realm and swallowing a Heavenly Heart Pill would guarantee Meng Fan could cultivate Divine Sense.


Elder Lin even suspected that with Meng Fan's monstrous talent, he might cultivate Divine Sense the moment he reached the Heavenly Origin Realm.


If it weren't for the realm limiting Meng Fan, who knows how high his limit could be!


At night, Meng Fan began his Cultivation as usual.




Unconsciously, his aura surged.


True Martial Realm, sixth level!


As usual, every time Meng Fan broke through a realm, the phantom of the Hong Qi Sword would float out and congratulate him.


It seemed that every breakthrough excited her even more than Meng Fan himself.


Meng Fan's Cultivation speed was indeed outrageous, not at all like someone with a Mixed Spiritual Root.


The Essence of the Sword was truly powerful!


Originally, Hong Qi chose to follow Meng Fan because she discovered he could absorb the Essence of the Sword.


It was also because of this that she firmly believed Meng Fan would rise.


And indeed, he did!


The next day, Meng Fan visited Elder Lin on the second floor of the Sword Pavilion as usual.


Seeing Meng Fan, now at the sixth level of the True Martial Realm, Elder Lin couldn't help but sigh.


"Where do you resemble someone with a Mixed Spiritual Root? Superior Spiritual Roots pale in comparison to you, you could even rival an Excellent Spiritual Root."

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

Recheck: Lotas

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