Chapter 62 – The legendary cave

Indeed, Meng Fan shook his head and said, "You think my sword technique is formidable because you're only at the True Martial Realm. Do you think a cultivator at the Condensation Pill Realm would have a weaker sword technique?"


"You have a point!" Liu Yanping nodded in agreement.


She couldn't help but let out a wry smile, feeling as if she had been somewhat poisoned by Meng Fan's influence, sometimes overestimating him, even to the point of believing he could do anything.


This was a problem, and she needed to remind herself of that.


How could she dare to think about challenging someone at the Condensation Pill Realm when she was just a True Martial Realm cultivator?


It was absurd!


But to be honest, what Jiang Poyue had proposed was also quite preposterous.


Was he treating the Shu Mountain Sword Sect like his own backyard, as if it belonged to the Kunlun Sword Sect?


It was as if he didn't put the Shu Mountain Sword Sect in his eyes at all, let alone the people of the sect. His arrogance was a bit too much.


Logically, the elders of the Kunlun Sword Sect should have stopped Jiang Poyue, not leaving it to the Shu Mountain Sword Sect to intervene.


But historically, after Jiang Poyue made his statement, not only did the higher-ups of the Kunlun Sword Sect not stop him, but those of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect didn't either!


That was quite strange.


Meng Fan's brow furrowed slightly, wondering what Jiang Poyue was really up to.


A literary competition?


Not allowed to use cultivation level, relying solely on sword technique for the contest?


What was the point of that?


Could it be that he, like Meng Fan, wanted to study the sword techniques of various schools and achieve the Myriad Swords Returning to the Origin?


Perhaps that was possible. Studying the sword techniques of others could indeed be very helpful to one's own sword technique.


But Meng Fan didn't think Jiang Poyue could do the same as him, merely watching a sword technique once and being able to learn something from it.


That was actually unscientific. He could only do it because of the transmigrator's benefit of Sword Dao Transcendence.


Regardless of what Jiang Poyue was up to, Meng Fan had no intention of getting involved.


Actually, what he had just said to Liu Yanping wasn't entirely true.


In fact, he felt that if it were purely a contest of sword techniques, his own mastery might indeed not be weaker than Jiang Poyue's, and he might even have a chance to win.


But Meng Fan had no desire to show off.


Most importantly, there was no benefit!


Everyone taking turns to spar with Jiang Poyue would only improve Jiang Poyue himself. Why should he be the kindling for that fire?


However, just as Meng Fan was about to leave, he heard Jiang Poyue continue to shout:


"Whoever can defeat me in sword technique, I will wager a Heavenly Heart Pill as the stake!"


Meng Fan had just been thinking there was no benefit, and now here it was.


But, a Heavenly Heart Pill?


What was that?


Meng Fan had never heard of it.


But Jiang Poyue had announced it so confidently; it must be an extremely precious elixir.


"Sister Liu, what is a Heavenly Heart Pill?" Meng Fan turned and asked Liu Yanping.


As the granddaughter of Elder Liu of the Alchemy Hall, Liu Yanping should have a good understanding of elixirs, right?


"The Heavenly Heart Pill is an extremely precious elixir.


When a cultivator reaches the Heavenly Origin Realm, they can begin to cultivate their Divine Sense, but cultivating it is extremely difficult.


This Heavenly Heart Pill can help one cultivate their Divine Sense.


Unless one is particularly hopeless, taking a Heavenly Heart Pill gives them a good chance of cultivating their Divine Sense!"


Hearing Liu Yanping's explanation, Meng Fan nodded, understanding the value of the pill.


Although the elixir was intended for cultivators at the Heavenly Origin Realm, even those at the Condensation Pill Realm would find it difficult to obtain because it was indeed too precious.


Jiang Poyue offering the Heavenly Heart Pill was not just to attract cultivators at the Heavenly Origin Realm.


Even those at the Condensation Pill Realm would be eager to get it!


"Is it only Core Disciples who can participate in this literary competition with you? Can Inner Sect Disciples join too?" Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.


The Kunlun Sword Sect and the Limitless Sword Sect had brought only Core Disciples, and now only the Shu Mountain Sword Sect had Inner Sect Disciples present.


So the one who had just asked was undoubtedly an Inner Sect Disciple of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


"As long as you have confidence, no matter your status as a disciple or your cultivation level, you can compete with me in the literary competition.


Even Senior Brothers at the Summoning God Realm, if you wish to instruct me, I would be most grateful.


However, for those above the Summoning God Realm, there's no need to step forward, is there? Winning against a Junior wouldn't look good on you, right?


Tomorrow at the Dragon Hour, I, Jiang Poyue, will be here waiting for all challengers!"


After speaking, Jiang Poyue turned and left with the people from the Kunlun Sword Sect.


Around the Heaven-Connecting Platform, countless disciples of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect were abuzz with discussion, finding the event quite novel.


Many who had been defeated by Jiang Poyue felt that their sword technique was not weaker than his, perhaps even stronger.


They believed that Jiang Poyue had won solely because of his higher cultivation level!


In a literary competition that focused solely on sword technique, they felt they could regain their honor tomorrow.


Meng Fan watched these eager disciples and shook his head helplessly.


He had observed Jiang Poyue's sword technique before; it was naturally flawless, a sign of profound mastery in swordsmanship.


Moreover, it seemed that Jiang Poyue hadn't even used his full strength.


These people had been trounced today, and they were likely to be trounced again tomorrow.


"Sister Liu, I'm heading back to the Sword Pavilion," Meng Fan bid farewell to Liu Yanping.


"Will you come tomorrow to watch Jiang Poyue's competition?" Liu Yanping asked Meng Fan.


"I probably will," Meng Fan nodded.


Today he had watched many Core Disciples' sword techniques, and he had learned a lot.


Since there would be more contests tomorrow, he naturally wouldn't miss out.


This kind of improvement was much better than reading sword scriptures in the Scripture Pavilion, especially since such opportunities were rare and not to be missed!


After returning to the Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan intended to go back to his room to cultivate, but after some thought, he went to the second floor of the Sword Pavilion to find Elder Lin.


"Did you go to watch the swordsmanship competition today?" Elder Lin saw Meng Fan and took the initiative to speak.


"Master, did you go to watch as well?" Meng Fan asked in surprise.


He thought Elder Lin wouldn't be interested in these younger generations.


"Indeed, I went. I happened to see you standing in the crowd," Elder Lin said with a smile.


Meng Fan hadn't seen Elder Lin at the Heaven-Connecting Platform, so Elder Lin must have had some special viewing platform.


After all, with his usual way of doing things, he certainly wouldn't have been squeezed in the crowd to watch.


"What do you think, are you interested in trying your hand at tomorrow's literary competition?" Elder Lin asked Meng Fan.


Although Meng Fan seemed to be far behind Jiang Poyue, Elder Lin was well aware of how monstrous his disciple was.


In terms of sword technique alone, without using cultivation level, his disciple might actually have the ability to fight Jiang Poyue!


"Master, I actually have a question for you," Meng Fan said to Elder Lin.


"What's your question? Is it related to the literary competition?"


"Yes, Master. Although the Kunlun Sword Sect has won the lead in this swordsmanship competition, Jiang Poyue is brazenly setting up a challenge, inexplicably initiating another literary competition.


This… it feels like a provocation against our Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


This is our Shu Mountain Sword Sect's territory, not his Kunlun Sword Sect's backyard.


Are we just going to let him act recklessly without intervening?"


This inexplicable literary competition was indeed very sudden and strange, completely unreasonable.


Elder Lin chuckled, patted Meng Fan on the shoulder, and said, "Jiang Poyue, that boy, is not provoking the Shu Mountain Sword Sect. In fact, this literary competition wasn't even his own idea."


Hearing Elder Lin's words, Meng Fan showed a hint of confusion.


"This inexplicable literary competition wasn't proposed by Jiang Poyue?"


Elder Lin explained with a smile, "This literary competition was actually conceived by the Shu Mountain, Limitless, and Kunlun sects together, it's just that it was announced by Jiang Poyue, the winner of the swordsmanship competition."


"A method thought up by the three sects together, what are they trying to do?" Meng Fan was extremely surprised upon hearing this answer.


Was this equivalent to holding another special swordsmanship competition?


But what was the point?


Just competing in sword technique, what use would the selected person be?


Strong sword technique doesn't necessarily represent strong power.


It's the combination of sword technique and cultivation level that constitutes true strength!


After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan came up with a possibility and tentatively asked, "Master, a person with strong sword technique has two possibilities.


One is that they have extraordinary enlightenment!


The other is that they are extremely diligent and hardworking, more so than others, and have more perseverance.


Could it be that the three sects want to use this selection method to pick out talented individuals for cultivation?"


This was the only explanation Meng Fan could think of.


Elder Lin said with a smile, "There's some relation, but it's not quite accurate."


"What is it for then?" Meng Fan asked curiously.


"Because the three sects are using this method simply to select those disciples with exceptionally strong sword techniques, preferably those below the Condensation Pill Realm.


Jiang Poyue is like a touchstone to test the level of these disciples' sword techniques.


Below the Condensation Pill Realm, it's unlikely that any disciple could surpass Jiang Poyue in terms of sword technique.


Using Jiang Poyue as a touchstone is very appropriate!


In fact, after the Shu Mountain Swordsmanship Competition ends, Jiang Poyue will also go to the Limitless Sword Sect and the Kunlun Sword Sect to conduct a similar literary competition, selecting other disciples with outstanding sword techniques from the two sects."


Hearing Elder Lin's words, Meng Fan keenly sensed a key point.


"Master, why are the three sects selecting disciples with strong sword techniques below the Condensation Pill Realm?"


Elder Lin sighed, looking somewhat helpless as he said, "Because there's a place, a task that requires these disciples to complete."


"It seems like a tough task!" Meng Fan followed up on Elder Lin's words.


Choosing a task that doesn't select stronger and more powerful disciples but instead picks those with the strongest sword techniques clearly indicates something unusual.


"Indeed, it's not simple," Elder Lin nodded.


"Master, stop beating around the bush, just tell me clearly," Meng Fan said helplessly.


"It's no harm telling you, as I was planning to have you participate in this task anyway."


Elder Lin's expression grew solemn, and he looked at Meng Fan very seriously as he began to introduce this "not simple" task.


"The reason the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, the Limitless Sword Sect, and the Kunlun Sword Sect want to select a group of disciples with extremely strong sword techniques is related to the Demon Realm!"


The Demon Realm?


Meng Fan heard another unfamiliar term.


Although he had never heard of it, the term seemed to be related to demons or monsters.


It sounded like they wanted him and those disciples with extremely strong sword techniques to enter the Demon Realm to carry out some task.


"What is the Demon Realm?" Meng Fan asked without hesitation.


"The Demon Realm refers to a special space that exists both within our world and independently of it, much like the legendary paradises!"


Meng Fan nodded as if he understood, but in reality, he was somewhat confused.


He asked with some incomprehension, "The task Master mentioned is to let us enter that Demon Realm? But why not let stronger and more powerful disciples go, instead choosing those with strong sword techniques?"


Elder Lin explained, "Since they've chosen this way, there must be a reason. Because that Demon Realm is extremely peculiar!


This Demon Realm can only be entered by those below the Condensation Pill Realm.


Once someone reaches the Condensation Pill Realm or becomes even stronger, they will be blocked from entering and simply cannot get in.


The key is that whether you are at the Qi Refining Realm, the True Martial Realm, or even the Heavenly Origin Realm, once you enter the Demon Realm, your cultivation will be sealed, unable to use True Qi, just like a common person!


With cultivation sealed, if you want to move within the Demon Realm, the only strength you can rely on is your sword technique.


This is why the three great sword sects are selecting disciples with strong sword techniques below the Condensation Pill Realm."


This explanation was very detailed, and Meng Fan completely understood.


However, there was still one thing he didn't understand.


"Then Master, why do we have to go to that Demon Realm? What is the task we need to carry out?" Meng Fan asked his last question.


Elder Lin said with a grave face, "The reason is simple: to save the people from disaster and slay demons and exterminate evil!


The monsters in the Demon Realm have recently been coming to our world, slaughtering the people on a large scale and using them as food.


Whether it's the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, the Limitless Sword Sect, or the Kunlun Sword Sect, all take it upon themselves to slay demons and exterminate evil!


If those monsters were to cower in the Demon Realm, barely surviving, we might still give them a chance at life, but since they come out to slaughter the people, how can we ignore it?"


Meng Fan nodded, understanding that these monsters indeed had a reason to be killed.


"From Master's tone, it seems that this mission is to clear out all the monsters in the Demon Realm, to eradicate them completely?" Meng Fan ventured.


"Exactly!" Elder Lin said with a determined look.


"But you don't need to worry too much, my disciple. Although our human cultivators' cultivation will be sealed upon entering the Demon Realm, those monsters will also be suppressed there.


With your strength, there won't be any danger in going!


However, you need to be careful and cautious. I don't want to see a low-level mistake like capsizing in a gutter happen to you," Elder Lin warned.


Meng Fan nodded. Since Elder Lin said so, he naturally wouldn't doubt it.


This Demon Realm, it wouldn't hurt to take a trip.


Recently, he had been immersed in the Scripture Pavilion, focusing on perfecting his sword technique.


It was indeed a bit boring, and it was time to slay some of these monsters to consecrate his sword!


"Master, since I'm going to participate in this mission, should I also compete with Jiang Poyue?" Originally, Meng Fan had no interest in testing his sword against Jiang Poyue.


But lack of interest didn't mean he was afraid.


If he needed to fight Jiang Poyue, Meng Fan wouldn't back down!


"Your abilities are clear to me, so whether you fight Jiang Poyue or not, you'll be selected.


However, I'm actually quite curious. You watched Jiang Poyue's contest today. Do you think you have a chance to surpass him in terms of sword technique alone?"


Instinctively, Elder Lin felt that Meng Fan's sword technique couldn't be stronger than Jiang Poyue's.


Because Jiang Poyue was not only a cultivator at the Condensation Pill Realm but also had a very high level of sword technique, especially his "Tai Xu Slash Dragon Sword," which had basically reached a state of perfection.


But his own disciple's mastery in sword technique was also very high, so much so that it couldn't be described as perfect; it was more like reaching the pinnacle.


Although Elder Lin instinctively felt that Meng Fan's sword technique was not as good as Jiang Poyue's, his disciple had created miracles time and again before his eyes.


So he couldn't help but have expectations for Meng Fan!


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