Chapter 54 – Is it difficult to fight above your level? Just use your hands

“Get lost once you’re done talking!”

Hearing these five words, Qian Lechi’s eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Meng Fan.

This menial disciple, no, this Guarding Sword Disciple of the Sword Pavilion, how dare he speak to me like this?

Is he… courting death?

“You’re courting death!!!” Qian Lechi roared in fury.

He indeed hadn’t seen through Meng Fan’s cultivation level, still thinking Meng Fan was just like before, a menial disciple without the Qi Cultivation Realm.

How dare such a waste challenge him? Tell him to get lost?

Wasn’t this seeking death?

Although the Shu Mountain Sword Sect forbade internal fighting among disciples, with Qian Lechi’s status and position, he had plenty of means to kill Meng Fan.

Of course, that’s what he thought Meng Fan was!

Blinded by rage, Qian Lechi didn’t care that they were in the Scripture Pavilion and swung a slap at Meng Fan.

However, the Scripture Pavilion was not a place for him to act wildly.

To dare to fight in the Scripture Pavilion was truly foolish!

The next second, before Qian Lechi’s palm could touch Meng Fan, he was sent flying, soaring over ten meters and landing outside the entrance of the Scripture Pavilion.

The person who intervened was someone Meng Fan didn’t recognize, seemingly in charge of the first floor of the Scripture Pavilion.

He was a middle-aged man whom Meng Fan had noticed before, always quiet and rarely speaking to anyone.

People called him Senior Disciple Jin.

Senior Disciple Jin’s status in the Scripture Pavilion was probably similar to that of Senior Disciple Luo in the Sword Pavilion.

For a disciple like Qian Lechi, it certainly wasn’t worth Elder Lin’s personal intervention.

Just as if someone caused trouble in the Sword Pavilion, under normal circumstances, it would be Senior Disciple Luo who would take action, not easily disturbing Elder Lin.

Of course, unless the troublemaker was very strong!

After tossing Qian Lechi out of the Scripture Pavilion, Senior Disciple Jin glanced at Meng Fan, said not a word, and returned to his spot.

Looking at Senior Disciple Jin’s position, Meng Fan’s mind stirred slightly.

Senior Disciple Jin was about ten meters away from him, while Qian Lechi had been only a meter away.

In the instant Qian Lechi made a move, Senior Disciple Jin managed to arrive in a second and casually threw Qian Lechi out.

Such speed was truly astonishing!

Without a doubt, this Senior Disciple Jin of the Scripture Pavilion was stronger than Senior Disciple Luo of the Sword Pavilion.

And Senior Disciple Luo was at the eighth level of the True Martial Realm.

Meng Fan couldn’t help but take another look at Senior Disciple Jin, thinking that he might be a cultivator of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Shaking his head, he dismissed these messy thoughts from his mind.

What realm Senior Disciple Jin was in had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, even if Senior Disciple Jin hadn’t intervened, Meng Fan was confident he could have thrown Qian Lechi out himself.

For the current Meng Fan, fighting above his level was really nothing.

True Martial second level, is it hard to fight someone at the fourth level?

As long as you have the hands!

Meng Fan continued to flip through various sword scriptures.

Although he had already created the first move of Myriad Swords Returning to One, “Sword Comes,” he felt it wasn’t perfect yet.

It wasn’t that Myriad Swords Returning to One was imperfect, but that “Sword Comes” wasn’t perfect enough.

Meng Fan wasn’t in a hurry for the subsequent sword techniques of Myriad Swords Returning to One!

What he needed to do now was to perfect the move “Sword Comes.”

With the existence of the Primordial Dao, every sword scripture Meng Fan read could perfect the move “Sword Comes” a bit more.

So these days, Meng Fan was far from tired of the Scripture Pavilion, still wholeheartedly studying the scriptures.

He set a small goal for himself, which was to read all the sword scriptures on the first floor of the Scripture Pavilion.

Another two months, and he should be about done.

After all, Meng Fan reads fast!

No, he reads sword scriptures fast.

As the sun set, Meng Fan left the Scripture Pavilion, ready to return to the Sword Pavilion.

But outside the Scripture Pavilion, he saw an acquaintance.

Qian Lechi, this guy was actually waiting for him outside the Scripture Pavilion.

After being thrown out by Senior Disciple Jin, he didn’t dare to cause trouble inside the Scripture Pavilion again, so he simply waited outside for Meng Fan to come out.

After all, he couldn’t swallow his pride and had to find trouble with Meng Fan!

A worthless thing, daring to tell him to get lost?

What kind of audacity was this?

If he didn’t retaliate and just left, he would despise himself and wouldn’t forgive himself.

“Heh, I thought you were a turtle hiding inside, too scared to come out!” Seeing Meng Fan, Qian Lechi couldn’t wait to start insulting him.

He had been waiting for so long, his patience had long been exhausted.

“Are you waiting for me?” Meng Fan looked at Qian Lechi expressionlessly.

“I’m not waiting for you, I’m here to teach you a lesson!” Qian Lechi drew his sword and slashed at Meng Fan.

This slash was filled with anger, brimming with murderous intent.

Of course, it only looked murderous.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, he didn’t have the courage to kill Meng Fan outright.

But he had to teach Meng Fan a lesson, at least to leave some marks on him!

His sword strike aimed not for Meng Fan’s heart or neck but for his face.

With the sword falling, he didn’t intend to kill Meng Fan, but he did intend to disfigure him!

His heart was condemnable, extremely malicious.

Meng Fan was undeniably handsome.

So when Li Xuerou got close to Meng Fan, Qian Lechi felt somewhat inferior.

Although he wasn’t ugly, he really couldn’t compare to Meng Fan; the difference in looks was too great, left behind by miles.

Thus, he harbored a dark wish to ruin Meng Fan’s face with a single sword strike!

A scar on the face, even if it meant disfigurement, would still be considered a minor injury.

This way, it wouldn’t count as killing within the sect, and it would make Meng Fan lose face in front of Li Xuerou.

A perfect plan!

He had it all figured out, but unfortunately, he was up against Meng Fan.

Meng Fan coldly watched as Qian Lechi’s sword came at him, a plain thrust without any sword technique.

In Qian Lechi’s eyes, Meng Fan wasn’t even worth using a sword technique against, a casual strike was enough to crush him.

Facing Qian Lechi’s sword, Meng Fan stood still, his face calm.

From Qian Lechi’s perspective, Meng Fan was already scared stiff.

This made him smirk with disdain.

Then, just as Qian Lechi’s sword tip was about a foot away from Meng Fan’s face, when it seemed Meng Fan was about to be disfigured.

The seemingly petrified Meng Fan finally slowly extended two fingers.

Fingers as a sword!

Qian Lechi, facing this casual strike, wasn’t even worthy of Meng Fan drawing the Hong Qi Sword.

Meng Fan flicked his fingers.

“Sword Comes”

Simultaneously, Qian Lechi felt a mysterious force burst from his own longsword, rushing towards his sword-holding hand.

His expression changed drastically, his grip on the hilt involuntarily loosening.

The longsword flew from his hand!

The next instant, Qian Lechi’s sword appeared in Meng Fan’s hand.

The sword gleamed.


A line of blood appeared on Qian Lechi’s face.


Another flash of the sword.

Two lines of blood.

One on each side of the face, perfectly symmetrical.

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