Chapter 131 – The Passing Essence of the Sword

Meng Fan's face showed a hint of helplessness.


The only methods of exploration he could think of were these two.


If neither worked, he was out of options.


Oh, there was another method – using his naked eye.


But that was as good as nothing!


With his naked eye, Meng Fan could only see a phoenix pattern on the token.


On the back of the token was a carved longsword.


After fiddling with the token for a while and getting nowhere, Meng Fan tossed it back into his storage space.


Eventually, Meng Fan also found a Demon Pill in the jade bracelet space.


To be precise, it was a Golden Elixir!


Only members of the demon tribe who had reached the Demon King realm could cultivate a Golden Elixir within their bodies.


And only after a Demon King had fallen would their Golden Elixir be preserved in this manner!


This Golden Elixir must have been prepared by the fox demon for her breakthrough into the Demon King realm.


She was close to the Demon King realm, and consuming this Golden Elixir would likely allow her to break through.


Unfortunately, before she was ready to become a Demon King, she died at the hands of Meng Fan.


Such is fate. That's life!


The Golden Elixir was undoubtedly a treasure.


If sold, it would fetch an astronomical price!


But to sell it would be a waste, not worth it.


The best course of action was to save it for Xiao Qing when she was about to break through to the Demon King realm.


That way, a Demon King could be easily created!


Though Meng Fan sometimes appeared stingy, he actually had his own set of principles.


Xiao Qing had recognized him as her Master and signed a blood pact; her life was in his hands, so she would never betray him.


Therefore, with the means to do so, Meng Fan would spare no effort in cultivating Xiao Qing!


So Meng Fan carefully stored the Golden Elixir, with no thoughts of selling it.


Besides, Meng Fan was no longer in need of Spirit Stones!


He had accumulated more than twenty thousand, albeit low-grade ones.


Counting treasures was undoubtedly exhilarating, but time flew by quickly.


Meng Fan felt unsatisfied, having already finished inventorying the treasures in the jade bracelet space.


The rest were just trivial items, not worth mentioning.


However, in the end, Meng Fan still unearthed an unexpected item.


A fox fur coat!


It sounded strange for a fox to collect a fox fur coat, but humans collected human skin masks, so it wasn't that odd.


The fox fur coat had no power or offensive ability.


But when Meng Fan draped it over himself, he underwent a dramatic transformation.


Not just in cultivation level, but his entire aura changed.


To be precise, his charm increased significantly.


It was bizarre; others might not believe it, but wearing the coat did indeed make one more handsome.


Inexplicable, but true!


Especially since Meng Fan's face was already extremely handsome, with features that matched the standards of ancient beauties like Bai Gu and Yi Kuan.


With the coat, he was unbeatable!


Meng Fan didn't even need to draw his sword to conquer nearly half of the world.


The women!


Moments later, Meng Fan shook his head with a wry smile and stored the weirdly attributed fox fur coat into his storage ring.


Truth be told, under normal circumstances, he would never need such a garment.


If the day came when he did need it, it would undoubtedly be the most dangerous moment for Meng Fan.


Because Meng Fan wasn't one to rely on his looks, unless he was in a dire situation, on the verge of being killed.


After putting away the fur coat, Meng Fan also put away the jade bracelet.


It had to be said, the haul from the jade bracelet space exceeded Meng Fan's expectations.


So at this moment, Meng Fan was in high spirits!


Looking at Xiao Qing close by, Meng Fan smiled, took out a lotus petal, and tossed it to her.


"Focus on your cultivation. Have you been slacking off lately? Why haven't you stepped into the boss-level entity realm?" Meng Fan said to Xiao Qing.


Xiao Qing didn't hear what Meng Fan was saying; he stared at the lotus petal in disbelief.


Happiness had come so suddenly, it felt unreal.


But whether it was real or not, he couldn't wait to swallow the petal.


Moments later, he shed tears of excitement.


This was real, not a dream!


He looked at Meng Fan incredulously, wondering if her Master had taken the wrong medicine today.


Accustomed to being bullied, the sudden kindness was hard for her to adjust to.


Meng Fan rubbed Xiao Qing's head and said with a smile, "Work hard on your cultivation. Once you reach the boss-level entity realm, I'll reward you with another petal."


He had said before that he would reward Xiao Qing with a petal once he reached the boss-level entity realm.


Now with this petal, he would likely find it easier to reach that realm.


"Thank you, Master. I will definitely work hard!" Xiao Qing said, tears streaming down her face.


This was the sadness of being a pet; usually, the Master didn't care much for you, but just a bit of pet food would make you ecstatic.


Meng Fan smiled. Ever since he found a lotus flower in the jade bracelet space, he had become much more generous.


Moreover, the lotus was originally taken from Xiao Qing.


Of course, the main reason was that after spending time with Xiao Qing, Meng Fan had grown fond of her.


After all, raising a cat or a dog would lead to some emotional attachment, let alone a sentient spirit pet.


With the petal, Xiao Qing was full of motivation and went off to cultivate energetically.


Meng Fan didn't idle either; he began his own cultivation.


Ever since stepping into the Heavenly Origin Realm, he had been busy deciphering the jade bracelet's restrictions and hadn't had a proper cultivation session.


Before starting his cultivation, Meng Fan left his room and went to the Sword Pavilion hall to polish a few swords and absorb some Essence of the Sword.


He had no choice; the Essence of the Sword was essential for cultivating the True Scripture of Scarlet Blood!


As soon as Meng Fan began to absorb the Essence of the Sword from the first blade, his brows furrowed.


He felt that a small portion of the Essence of the Sword entering his body was leaking out.


Although it was a small part, about one-tenth, it still caused Meng Fan's gaze to become tense and serious.


One-tenth might not seem like much, but small losses add up, and Meng Fan absorbed the Essence of the Sword almost daily.


Over time, the lost Essence of the Sword would be terrifying!


With a furrowed brow, Meng Fan took out another sword to absorb its Essence of the Sword.


This time, he paid close attention, determined to find out where the lost Essence of the Sword was going.


Moments later, Meng Fan's eyes widened in surprise.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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