Chapter 121 – Destroy your family!

"Because I know who killed your wife and child!"


Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Elder Wang's previously hunched back straightened instantly.


His gaze, sharp as a torch, was fixed intently on Meng Fan.


Meng Fan could even feel the icy coldness, and even a murderous intent, in Elder Wang's eyes!


Some things, the deeper they are buried, the more insane they become when unearthed.


"What are you talking about?" Elder Wang looked at Meng Fan coldly, his previous amiability gone.


At this moment, he seemed like a wild beast ready to devour someone.


"Whoosh—" The Compassionate Heart Sword flew from Meng Fan's hand towards Elder Wang.


In the next second, the Compassionate Heart Sword appeared in Elder Wang's hand.


He pressed the sword against Meng Fan's neck, merciless and cold.


Facing Elder Wang's gaze, Meng Fan could only see an icy coldness, as if looking into the eyes of a robot.


"Elder Wang, calm down, please. I just happened to come across this information and was about to tell you. I couldn't possibly be your enemy; there's no need to threaten me with a sword," Meng Fan said with a hint of helplessness.


But how could Elder Wang calm down?


No one could imagine what he had endured for the past thirty years!


The death of his beloved child was like a nuclear bomb buried in his heart.


Touch it, and you die!


If Meng Fan couldn't provide a satisfactory explanation, even if he was Elder Lin's direct disciple, Elder Wang would not hesitate to kill him.


"Who exactly are you? How do you know these things?" Elder Wang's icy gaze remained on Meng Fan.


He had never told anyone about this matter.


No one in the entire Shu Mountain Sword Sect could possibly know his secret.


Yet Meng Fan, this young lad, knew; naturally, Elder Wang wouldn't let him off!


Honestly, Meng Fan was feeling a bit of a headache at this moment.


He had anticipated that Elder Wang's reaction would be extreme, very emotional.


But he hadn't expected it to be to the extent of almost drawing his sword on him.


Indeed, without experiencing others' suffering, one cannot easily put oneself in their shoes.


"Elder Wang, please put down the sword. It's a Spiritual Sword, very sharp. You should be well aware that I can't be your enemy. Besides, I wasn't even born at that time!"


Elder Wang took a deep breath, knowing Meng Fan was right.


Meng Fan was only twenty years old; he hadn't been born thirty years ago.


However, Elder Wang did not withdraw the sword, still holding it to Meng Fan's neck.


"You must explain everything to me clearly, otherwise…"


Otherwise, Elder Wang didn't continue, leaving the threat unspoken.


He was gradually calming down, not wanting to make idle threats in front of Meng Fan.


"The murderer who killed your wife and child, who wiped out Hongyun Village, was from the Blood Blade Sect, and one of them was named Yuan Hao," Meng Fan stated the key point succinctly.


"Whether what you say is true or not, we'll leave aside for now. I must know why you're aware of this matter?" Elder Wang stared intently at Meng Fan.


Meng Fan sighed inwardly.


It seemed that no matter what world one was in, doing good deeds couldn't be taken lightly.


Too troublesome!


"Elder Wang, what I'm about to say may sound fantastical, but it's the truth.


If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do!


Ever since I was young, I've been quite special, naturally possessing a unique ability with Sword Weapons.


Once I come into contact with certain Sword Weapons, I can see some of their 'memories'.


Yesterday, when I touched the Compassionate Heart Sword in the Sword Pavilion, I saw its memories, which included the murderer of your wife and child.


I could have chosen not to tell you, but you've been kind to me lately. I believe in clear debts of gratitude and felt it necessary to inform you!"


Elder Wang's face showed evident astonishment and surprise at Meng Fan's words.


It was truly beyond his expectations.


Seeing that Elder Wang still had no intention of putting down the sword, Meng Fan sighed, "Whether you believe it or not, that's the truth.


You might think I'm using you to strike at the Blood Blade Sect.


But I have no grudges with them; a little investigation will show that my enemy is the Skyhawk Demon Sect.


If I really wanted to use you, I wouldn't say it was the Blood Blade Sect but the Skyhawk Demon Sect.


Moreover, whether the murderer is from the Blood Blade Sect, whether there is someone named Yuan Hao, I believe you can find out by following this clue!"


This was the explanation Meng Fan had prepared the night before.


Since he had decided to tell Elder Lin, he naturally needed to prepare a story.


And he wasn't lying!


Elder Wang stared at Meng Fan, scrutinizing his eyes for three full minutes before sighing and looking away.


At the same time, he lowered the Compassionate Heart Sword from Meng Fan's neck and sheathed it.


Meng Fan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Elder Wang had chosen to believe him.


Of course, that didn't mean he believed him entirely!


Elder Wang said to Meng Fan, "I've heard there are many special constitutions in this world, some even hailed as divine or holy bodies. With your terrifying Sword Technique talent, what you say isn't impossible; there's some credibility!"


"Every word is true," Meng Fan replied.


"Actually, verifying your constitution wouldn't be difficult. I just need to find a few more well-known Sword Weapons and see if you can 'see' their memories.


However, I don't plan to do that!


Because if what you say is true, and I repay your kindness with enmity, I would be the one at fault.


As for whether it's true or false, I will personally verify it at the Blood Blade Sect.


If what you say is true, when I return, I will grant you a tremendous fortune.


But if what you say is false…"


Elder Wang again left his sentence unfinished, but Meng Fan understood his meaning.


If it was false, then Meng Fan should prepare for his own funeral.


"I did consider pretending I didn't know this and keeping the information from you. Perhaps that way, you could forget the hatred and continue living well," Meng Fan suddenly said.


"Then why did you come to me?" Elder Wang looked at Meng Fan.


"Because whether you can forget the hatred and live well is something only you know. You have the right to know the truth. As for what you choose after knowing it, that choice should be yours, not mine to make under the guise of false benevolence!"


In Meng Fan's view, hiding the truth under the pretext of "for your own good" was false benevolence.


Meng Fan wasn't sure if his view was right or wrong, but he personally upheld it.


Just like the phrase "white lies," no matter right or wrong, Meng Fan believed they were still lies.


What's more ridiculous is that some people constantly talk about white lies, but the one who benefits is themselves!


Meng Fan sighed, casting these messy thoughts from his mind.


"Thank you!" Elder Wang suddenly said to Meng Fan, then turned and left, holding the Compassionate Heart Sword.


At this moment, Elder Wang's posture was as straight as a pine tree, no longer bent and decrepit as before.


He gave Meng Fan a sense of standing tall and upright.


Elder Wang left, not returning to the Scripture Pavilion but directly departing from the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.


He was off… to flatten the Blood Blade Sect!


Perhaps at the time, there were only a few culprits, but he intended to make the entire Blood Blade Sect pay.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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