Chapter 114 – Mainly, it’s better to be taught by the Master

Dozens of long swords lay scattered, dropped onto the floor of the first level of the Sword Pavilion.


Meng Fan's realm was still too low, and with his current abilities, controlling dozens of long swords to slay enemies was extremely difficult.


To have the swords return to their sheaths after defeating enemies was asking too much.


The fact that these swords could fly back to the Sword Pavilion and land on the ground was already quite an achievement for Meng Fan.


Once Meng Fan reached the Heavenly Origin Realm and cultivated his Divine Sense, using the "Sword Comes" technique to control the swords would be much easier.


By then, manipulating a hundred swords as if they were extensions of his own limbs wouldn't be a problem, and he could even have them return to their sheaths one by one, oozing style.


But for now, with dozens of swords on the ground, controlling just one was much easier for Meng Fan!


The sword that hovered in front of Princess Yuqi, pointing straight at her forehead, was Meng Fan's Hong Qi Sword.


Princess Yuqi, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, now widened her eyes in shock and trembled with fear.


Having witnessed Meng Fan's annihilation of Prince Gu, she was well aware of how terrifying Meng Fan was, and knew she was no match for him.


Without a doubt, if Meng Fan wanted her dead, it would be effortless!


"Meng… Senior Brother Meng, you saw it yourself, he acted recklessly on his own accord.


I kept ordering him to stop and back off, but he wouldn't listen.


This really has nothing to do with me, I just wanted to exchange sword techniques with you."


When had Princess Yuqi, who always held herself above others, ever spoken to someone with such a tone of admitting fault and apologizing?


She was truly frightened by Meng Fan!


Afraid that Meng Fan, in a fit of rage, would simply run her through with his sword.


In fact, not only was Princess Yuqi afraid, but Elder Lin upstairs was also a bit worried.


Although Elder Lin couldn't claim to understand his disciple completely, he still knew him to some extent.


Despite his disciple's usual low profile, he was not someone with a good temper by nature.


If Princess Yuqi angered Meng Fan, he was indeed capable of killing her in a fit of rage.


Therefore, Elder Lin couldn't sit still any longer. With a flash, he left the second floor of the Sword Pavilion and appeared in front of Meng Fan.


"Disciple, put down the sword. Princess Yuqi truly bears you no ill will. Since you've already slain that fellow outside, let's put this matter to rest."


In fact, with Elder Lin's abilities, he could easily knock Meng Fan's Hong Qi Sword away without effort.


But he didn't take direct action, instead choosing to persuade Meng Fan with words.


Compared to Princess Yuqi, he cared more about his disciple's feelings.


Princess Yuqi quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, the Senior speaks wisely. I truly bear you no ill will."


In truth, her behavior was quite unbecoming, even embarrassing, completely beneath her status as a princess.


But she had no choice, as when the Hong Qi Sword was pointed at her brow, she truly felt the threat of death.


It's respectable not to fear death.


But it's also human nature to fear it, and not something to be ashamed of!


"Yes, Master," Meng Fan replied upon hearing Elder Lin plead for Princess Yuqi, naturally he wouldn't make a move.


He had only agreed to a duel with Princess Yuqi to "vent" on behalf of Elder Lin.


In fact, even if Elder Lin hadn't intervened, Meng Fan wouldn't have actually killed Princess Yuqi. After all, he wasn't foolish and knew what was important.


However, this was all based on Princess Yuqi's submissive attitude.


If, after he had slain Prince Gu, Princess Yuqi had shown hostility towards him…


Under those circumstances, Meng Fan felt he wouldn't have let her go!


Of course, even then, he wouldn't have acted on the spot to kill Princess Yuqi, but would have looked for an opportunity to assassinate her later.


Again, Meng Fan wasn't foolish!


Seeing Meng Fan retract his sword, Princess Yuqi instantly slumped, as if deflated, barely able to stand straight.


She felt as if she had narrowly escaped death!


She could never have imagined this outcome when she had confidently challenged Meng Fan to a duel.


After retracting the Hong Qi Sword, Meng Fan began to pick up the swords from the ground, one by one, and insert them back into their sheaths on the wooden rack.


This act seemed to lose some of the coolness from before, but he truly didn't have the ability to sheath all the swords with a wave of his hand anymore.


Senior Disciple Luo, seeing this, immediately helped Meng Fan pick up the swords.


Honestly, he now saw Meng Fan in a new light.


He knew Meng Fan was strong, but he had never imagined he could be this powerful!


Elder Lin had previously suggested Meng Fan spar with him?


With the one-year deadline approaching, he was relieved that the duel had been called off.


Not only Senior Disciple Luo, but even Elder Lin was taken aback by Meng Fan's strength.


In Elder Lin's mind, Meng Fan's power was certainly enough to reach the Heavenly Origin level.


But Meng Fan's recent display of the "Sword Array" had far surpassed the simple achievement of reaching the Heavenly Origin level.


"Good lad, when I first taught you the Sword Driving Art, I could never have imagined that you would develop it to such an unbelievable extent!" Elder Lin turned, looking at Meng Fan with a face full of amazement.


In Elder Lin's mind, it was Meng Fan's research on the Sword Driving Art that led to the creation of the technique to control dozens of long swords.


Such a technique, even for someone at the Heavenly Origin Realm, would be difficult to achieve.


Meng Fan, a mere True Martial Realm cultivator, was truly a marvel!


Even Elder Lin could only describe him as "divine."


But even Elder Lin couldn't imagine how much effort Meng Fan had put into this "Sword Comes" technique.


From comprehending The Great Way of the Sword at the Sword God Stele, to studying countless sword scriptures in the Scripture Pavilion, and most importantly, Meng Fan's innate talent for Sword Dao Transcendence.


This feat, no one else in the world could achieve except Meng Fan!


"It's mainly because Master's teachings were excellent," Meng Fan earnestly replied to Elder Lin.


Unable to explain to Elder Lin how he created "Sword Comes," he could only return the compliment.


Moreover, the Sword Driving Art did indeed lay the foundation for the "Sword Comes" technique, which was undeniable.


But upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Elder Lin could only give a wry smile of helplessness.


Taught well?


He really couldn't take credit for that.


Because his disciple was simply too outstanding, hardly needing any guidance from him.


He had only imparted a few techniques and provided a bit of cultivation resources.


Most of what this young man had learned was through his own comprehension!


Not to mention anything else, Elder Lin felt that the Sword God Stele had taught Meng Fan more than he ever could.


But there was nothing to say about that!


In the entire Shu Mountain Sword Sect, there were few who could be taught by the Sword God Stele.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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