Chapter 104 – The Third Form of Myriad Swords Returning to me

"By the way, how far have you progressed with your Supreme Dominance Body cultivation?" Elder Lin asked Meng Fan.


He had arranged for Meng Fan to venture into the Demon Realm primarily to enhance his Supreme Dominance Body.


The demons there were unique; upon their death, they released Spiritual Essence, which was tailor-made for body cultivators.


Meng Fan replied with a smile, "Master, care to take a guess?"


Seeing the smile on Meng Fan's face, Elder Lin had a bold thought.


"Have you reached the sixth level?" he blurted out.


The young man always managed to astonish him, so this time, to appear nonchalant, he guessed ambitiously!


Meng Fan was stunned upon hearing this.


Usually, it was others who wore such an expression.


For Meng Fan to show it was indeed rare.


"Master, you really think highly of me!" Meng Fan said with a wry smile.


The sixth level of the Supreme Dominance Body?


What a daring thought!


"Then, which level is it?" Elder Lin inquired.


"The fourth level," Meng Fan said helplessly.


It must be said, Elder Lin's high regard made him feel anything but pride when revealing his progress.


"Just the fourth level?" Elder Lin immediately looked disdainful.


Meng Fan felt a sudden blockage in his heart at that expression!


What did he mean by 'just' the fourth level?


Wasn't that an exaggeration?


When he had left the Shu Mountain Sword Sect for the Demon Realm, his Supreme Dominance Body was only at the second level, right?


Advancing two levels in one go was already remarkable.


Did he really expect him to break through four levels in a single month?


Even a monstrosity couldn't achieve that, could they?


Meng Fan hadn't realized that in Elder Lin's eyes, he had long been considered a monstrosity.


Even more monstrous than a monstrosity!


Now that he was finally conforming to the norm, Elder Lin was actually a bit unaccustomed to it.


Meng Fan felt helpless, sensing he would no longer have the chance to show off in front of Elder Lin.


No matter what he boasted about, Elder Lin would find it normal, even thinking he could do better!


"Right, the one-year challenge you set with Junior Luo can be canceled," Elder Lin suddenly said to Meng Fan.


"Huh?" Meng Fan was puzzled.


The one-year term was for a contest with Senior Disciple Luo after its expiration.


If he won against Senior Disciple Luo, he would be allowed to comprehend the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights.


Now that Elder Lin wanted to cancel it, was he planning to go back on his word?


That would be unacceptable!


Comprehending the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights was crucial for Meng Fan's path to strength, a necessary step to fully perfect the Primordial Dao.


"With your current strength, you can easily thrash Junior Luo.


By the time the one-year term is up, Junior Luo probably won't even qualify to carry your shoes, so why bother fighting?


As for comprehending the Sword God Stele, just let me know whenever you want to go.


Rest assured, I wouldn't go back on my word!"


Elder Lin saw the change in Meng Fan's expression and immediately understood the young man's worries, speaking somewhat irritably.


Hearing this, Meng Fan breathed a sigh of relief.


If Elder Lin really went back on his word, that would be troublesome.


Although his trip to the Demon Realm had earned Meng Fan a considerable fortune, it probably wouldn't be enough to cover the cost of comprehending the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights!


It seemed, indeed, that the older the ginger, the spicier it gets.


Elder Lin had agreed so readily to let him comprehend the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights, his wallet must be quite thick!


But that was to be expected; if Meng Fan saved up for a few decades, he would probably also consider it a small amount.


However, these were just appearances Meng Fan saw…


In fact, Elder Lin was not so calm and collected; it pained him to the core!


Even with wealth, one couldn't withstand such squandering.


It was only because this disciple was so outstanding that he was willing to invest so heavily.




Moments later, Meng Fan left the second floor of the Sword Pavilion.


After finding Senior Disciple Luo on the first floor, Meng Fan shared the good news about the cancellation of their one-year challenge.


For Senior Disciple Luo, this was naturally good news, as he was well aware that he was no match for Meng Fan anymore.


The cancellation spared him the embarrassment when the time came.


Then Meng Fan left the Sword Pavilion and headed for the Scripture Pavilion once more.


He had already finished reading the sword scriptures on the first and second floors of the Scripture Pavilion, and had seen quite a bit of the third floor as well.


He was determined to finish the third and fourth floors in one go!


He also wanted to see if there were any demonic cultivation techniques on the third and fourth floors of the Scripture Pavilion.


Meng Fan was still concerned about the strand of demonic Qi within him.


If he could find a demonic cultivation technique to strengthen the demonic Qi, having three types of True Qi within him would take his strength to a new level.


At the Scripture Pavilion, Meng Fan greeted Senior Disciple Jin.


After more than a month, Senior Disciple Jin was still as listless and lifeless as ever.


Then Meng Fan saw Elder Wang and paid his respects.


Elder Wang nodded to Meng Fan without saying much.


In truth, Elder Wang felt bitter inside.


After seeing Elder Lin take on such an excellent disciple as Meng Fan, he had been scouting for disciples within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect for some time, but none caught his eye.


Envy and jealousy were truly uncontrollable emotions that would surge from the depths of his heart, impossible to suppress.


Meng Fan proceeded to the third floor of the Scripture Pavilion, familiarly browsing through various sword scriptures.


While viewing the sword scriptures, he also perused other books, hoping to find demonic cultivation techniques.


Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain, time and again.


Meng Fan had considered, after finishing the third and fourth floors of the Scripture Pavilion, whether he could create the third move of Myriad Swords Returning to One.


But now, having only seen half of the third floor, he would have to wait until the fourth floor was complete to know if it was possible!


Myriad Swords Returning to One, although created by Meng Fan, was undoubtedly a formidable sword technique.


Previously, in the grand hall of the Demon Realm forest, if not for Myriad Swords Returning to One, Meng Fan would have had no way to deal with the female fox demon.


Otherwise, he might have really ended up as a subordinate under her skirt!


The thought alone was terrifying…


Meng Fan had great confidence in Myriad Swords Returning to One.


At the very least, he was certain that no sword technique in the entire Scripture Pavilion of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect could surpass his Myriad Swords Returning to One.


Including the fifth floor!


Although Meng Fan was currently not permitted to enter the fifth floor of the Scripture Pavilion and had no chance to access its sword techniques, the Thunderous Sword Technique passed down by Elder Lin was definitely of the fifth-floor caliber.


Yet, compared to Myriad Swords Returning to One, the Thunderous Sword Technique fell far short!


"If I manage to develop the third move of Myriad Swords Returning to One, what should I name it?" Meng Fan pondered this question.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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