Chapter 45 – This is called professional

Zhao Yao didn’t lie to me.

Xue’er was indeed wearing the same outfit as she had in the early hours.

A pink Chanel-style cardigan on top, a white mini skirt below, paired with a pair of black stockings!

One of which was the pair I had ripped.

Moreover, she was wearing a pair of sky-high heels, making her already slender figure appear even more graceful and elegant.

Now, this is what I call professional!

Looking at the beauty under the lights, I asked, “Why are you alone?”

Xue’er replied, “Usually it’s a group selection, but this is a private booking!”

I asked, “What about Zhao Yao and the others?”

“They haven’t arrived yet!”

As she spoke, Xue’er walked over and sat down next to me, asking, “Shall we pick a song first?”

I said, “What’s the fun in singing?”

Xue’er suggested, “Then how about drinking?”

I replied, “Drinking alone is no fun either!”

Xue’er laughed, “I didn’t realize you were so hard to please!”

I asked, “What do you usually do when you encounter someone as difficult as me?”

Xue’er answered, “We just have to chat through it, play drinking games, or I could sing a song myself.”

“I see…”

I felt a bit disappointed.

Xue’er’s face turned sly as she said, “That’s for others, but for you… it can be a bit different.”

I asked expectantly, “What other special services do you have?”

Xue’er stood up, selected a piece of instrumental music, and then moved to the center.

As the music started, Xue’er began to dance gracefully.

I’m no expert in dance.

I couldn’t tell what kind of dance Xue’er was performing.

But if I had to describe it in one word, it would be beautiful!

It was like a refreshing spring breeze.

At that moment, Xue’er seemed not a princess, but a noble swan soaring above!

Her purity, her aesthetic, seemed so out of place in this dirty entertainment venue!

I was completely mesmerized.

Suddenly, Xue’er let out a “ya” and tumbled to the ground awkwardly.

I thought it was part of the performance until I saw her sitting there, clutching her left foot in pain.

I quickly went over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Xue’er, a bit embarrassed, chuckled, “I wanted to show off a move, but I forgot I was wearing high heels!”

“Let me have a look!”

I crouched down and picked up Xue’er’s left foot.

Even through the stocking, it was obvious her ankle was swollen, looking like a steamed bun!

“It looks pretty bad, come sit on the sofa and let me check!”

I helped Xue’er stand up.

She tried to walk on her own, but the pain was too much, and she leaned heavily on my shoulder, trembling.

Without another word, I picked her up around the waist and placed her on the sofa.

Then I helped her remove the stocking from her left leg.

The swelling in her ankle was worsening, with a severe bruise forming.

“It’s over!”

Xue’er glanced down and sighed, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to work for ten days to half a month!”

I asked, “Will they dock your pay?”

Xue’er replied, “Not earning money is the same as losing money.”

Feeling somewhat guilty, I said, “If it weren’t for dancing for me…”


Xue’er suddenly covered my mouth, looking at me seriously, “There are some things I’m afraid I won’t be able to say when Sister Yao and the others arrive, so I want to tell you now!”

I asked, “What is it?”

Xue’er said, “Even though we’ve only met twice, and this is the third time, you’ve helped me so much, and I’m really, really grateful. I majored in dance, and aside from the practice room at school, I’ve never danced for anyone else. I… really appreciate you!”

Looking at Xue’er’s stunning face, I joked, “Could you let me give you a kiss?”


Xue’er was taken aback.

“Ha ha, just kidding!”

I laughed it off and, holding Xue’er’s small foot, wondered whether to try the 72 Techniques of Yin and Yang.

The 72 Techniques of Yin and Yang could not only deal with demons and ghosts but also be used for massage and healing!

But I had never practiced them.

If I accidentally hurt her more, that would be a real problem!

While I was hesitating, Xue’er started to fidget and muttered to herself, “Damn Zhao Yao, why isn’t she here yet?” She said this while squeezing her legs together.

I asked, “Do you need to use the restroom?”

Xue’er blushed and nodded, “I drank too much cola just now…”

“I’ll help you!”

With that, I picked up Xue’er again.

But this time, the way I held her was different; I held her from behind, with my hands under her knees.


Xue’er panicked, her hands tightly clutching my neck, pleading in my ear, “Bro Yuan, please don’t! It’s so embarrassing! I’m not a three-year-old child! Please, brother!”

I was just scaring her a bit.

After achieving my goal, I put her down and looked into her eyes, “What did you just call me?”


Xue’er couldn’t look me in the eye and stuttered, “Zhang… Zhang Yuan!”

I said, “There were two more words after that, weren’t there?”

Xue’er bit her lip, “You’re so mean, making me say it again!”

“Alright, I won’t force you!”

“Bro Yuan…”

Xue’er suddenly called out again, “Actually, in my heart, I really do see you as an older brother!”

Seeing Xue’er’s earnest expression, I felt a little moved, as if I really had gained a younger sister!

Hmm, the kind I could tease!

I said, “How about I massage your foot? It might help, and then you can go to the restroom by yourself.”

“That would be great!”

Xue’er lay there, relieved, “You really scared me just now!”

I took her small foot again, “This is the first time you’ve danced for someone, and it’s my first time massaging someone’s foot. We’re both first-timers, so it might hurt a bit. If you can’t bear it, just let out a yell…”


Xue’er looked at me with a complex expression, murmuring, “Everything you say sounds right, but why does it feel like you’re driving…”

“Heh heh!”

I stopped talking and started to apply the 72 Techniques of Yin and Yang, massaging her ankle.


As soon as I touched her, Xue’er couldn’t take it, the pain almost bringing tears to her eyes!

I felt sorry for her and kept comforting her, “Theoretically, it’s a bit painful at first, but once you get through it, it’ll feel better. Maybe you should bite something?”

Xue’er pulled out a tissue, wiped the corner of her eye, and stubbornly shook her head, “It’s okay, keep going, I can endure it!”

Xue’er talked a good game, but after a few more presses, I felt a pain in my shoulder!

It turned out Xue’er was gnawing on my shoulder!

I didn’t stop what I was doing.

Sometimes it’s strange how pain and pleasure aren’t completely opposite; they come together!

Pain and pleasure intertwined.

Just like now, with Xue’er biting my shoulder.

As the treatment deepened, Xue’er’s body stopped trembling, and the force of her bite lightened significantly.

Occasionally, from deep in her throat, she would involuntarily let out some strange “mm-hmm” sounds.

But it was no longer clear whether it was from pain or pleasure…

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