Chapter 42 – Counting sheep

After finishing the steak, I continued to drive in the afternoon.

When I got back to my place in the evening and opened the door, a chill hit me in the face.

There lay Sun Jiao, sound asleep on my bed!

“Well, well, look who’s brave enough to show up!”

I was pleasantly surprised.

I thought after last night’s events, Sun Jiao would steer clear of me.

But here she was!

Looks like I can practice on her again tonight!

Heh heh!

I had tested the talismans enough yesterday, today I’ll try something else.

Feng Shui formations require specific conditions.

Acupuncture needs silver needles.

With my current strength… yeah, I can’t afford that yet.

So, I’m left with no choice but to try the Seventy-Two Yin-Yang Hands!

I tiptoed to the bedside.

With my right hand forming a seal, I poked at an acupoint under Sun Jiao’s armpit!


A puff of black smoke rose from the spot.

Sun Jiao woke up from her sleep in shock.

Seeing the Ghost Qi dissipating from her body, she looked at me with terror and stammered, “What… what are you doing?”

As long as it works!

I stopped and said, “Today, I’m trying out hand techniques!”

Sun Jiao, feeling sorry for herself, said, “It took me so long to cultivate a bit of Ghost Qi, and you almost poked it all away!”

I replied, “Out with the old, in with the new! What I’m doing to you is what any sorcerer would do. We’re just getting a head start, aiming to train you into an all-around capable female ghost without any weaknesses!”

“I can’t argue with you!”

Sun Jiao couldn’t help but chuckle, “Your mouth really is something!”

I smirked, “Is it just my mouth?”

Sun Jiao said, “Stop talking big, let’s practice a bit more!”


I continued with the Seventy-Two Yin-Yang Hands, facing off against Sun Jiao.

At first, she could exchange moves with me evenly.

But as I got better, she was left crying out “Darn it!”

We practiced until two in the morning!

I had poked Sun Jiao all over!

A formidable ghost, she couldn’t even float when she left!

She had to walk out leaning against the wall!

Watching her stagger away, a sense of pride welled up inside me…

After resting for a bit, I prepared to take a shower and go to bed.

That’s when my phone suddenly rang. It was Zhao Yao: “Hey, are you at home?” He sounded anxious.

I said, “Yeah, what’s up?”

Zhao Yao said, “Something seems to have happened at Xue’er’s place! Come downstairs and wait for me, I’ll pick you up!”

Something happened?

I didn’t want to mess up my first job, so I said, “Don’t come, I’ll drive over myself, save you the detour!”


Zhao Yao said, “Kangxin Garden, Building 9, Apartment 502!”

When I arrived, Zhao Yao was just parking.

Seeing me in a taxi, Zhao Yao curiously asked, “You’re… a taxi driver?”


I admitted openly.

Zhao Yao’s look changed instantly, filled with doubt, “Can you… really draw talismans?”

I said impatiently, “What exactly happened?”

“I’m not quite sure!”

Zhao Yao said, “All I know is that Xue’er sounded scared on the phone and asked me to bring you over quickly!”

As we reached the door of Apartment 502, both Zhao Yao and I were startled!

We saw Xue’er standing there in a white slip dress, her hair disheveled, looking three parts human and seven parts ghost!

I quickly asked, “What happened?”

Xue’er’s eyes were hollow as she murmured, “It’s over, it’s all over…”

Zhao Yao helped her sit down and poured a glass of water, “Xue’er, we’re here, don’t panic, tell us slowly.”

With Zhao Yao’s comforting, Xue’er gradually calmed down and said, “I came straight home from work today. I hadn’t been asleep long when that dream appeared again. But just as that person was about to harm me, a bright light suddenly burst from my body…”

“And then?” I pressed.

Xue’er took a sip of water and continued, “I looked closely, and that person was bleeding, but it was black blood, and he said he would definitely come back for revenge!”

“What happened after that?” I asked again.

Xue’er said, “After that… I woke up in fright and immediately called Yao Yao.”

I looked her up and down and asked, “Did you put up the talisman I gave you yesterday before bed?”


Xue’er said, “I did as you told me, I put it inside.”

“Let me see…”

I reached out and pulled open her slip dress to look inside…


That sight got me a bit excited!

This Xue’er, she actually sleeps in the nude!

Xue’er blushed with embarrassment.

But it was too late to stop me now, and any attempt would seem even more suspicious.

After looking for a while, I reached in…

Xue’er was so scared she didn’t dare move, afraid that any slight movement would make me touch something inappropriate.

I peeled off the ghost-expelling talisman.

The originally yellow paper had turned black.


“Wasn’t it yellow yesterday?”

Zhao Yao looked at me, puzzled.

Xue’er hadn’t noticed the change before, but now, seeing it, she waited with Zhao Yao for my explanation.

I said, “This is a good sign, it means the talisman worked! If all goes well, that guy is injured!”

Xue’er said fearfully, “But he said he would come back for revenge!”

I scoffed, “Empty threats are easy to make, I’m afraid he won’t come!”

Xue’er asked, “So now… should I go back to sleep?”


I said, “Sleep with confidence, I’m here this time!”


Xue’er lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and murmured, “One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…”

By the twenty-seventh sheep, Xue’er was silent, probably asleep.

Zhao Yao pulled me aside and whispered, “Zhang Yuan, do you really have a way to deal with that man in black?”

Seeing her doubt me again, I got a bit angry and said bluntly, “If you don’t trust me, it’s not too late to find someone else!”

“That’s not what I meant…”

Caught out, Zhao Yao was a bit embarrassed, “I’m just curious, how does a taxi driver know all this?”

“What’s wrong with being a taxi driver?”

“Liu Bei used to weave straw mats when he was young!”

I ignored her and lit a cigarette to smoke.

Truth be told, even I wasn’t sure of myself.

This was my first job in the field, with no experience to speak of, relying solely on my unmatched wits to complete the task.

After finishing the cigarette, Xue’er woke up.

Zhao Yao and I hurried over.

Before we could speak, Xue’er shook her head in disappointment, “He didn’t come this time!”

Zhao Yao asked, “Could it be because there’s an outsider here?”


I said, “This person just sneaks into Xue’er’s dreams, he doesn’t know the real-world situation.”

Xue’er speculated, “Maybe he got scared off by your talisman just now!”


I looked down at Xue’er and said, “Let’s make it more tempting for him!”

Xue’er asked, puzzled, “What do you mean?”

I asked, “Do you have any sexy clothes at home?”

“Sexy clothes…”

Xue’er wondered, “What counts as sexy?”

I explained, “The kind men like, like black stockings, leopard print, that sort of thing!”

“I have them!”

Xue’er said, “Should I put them on now?”


I lit another cigarette and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom for a smoke, call me when you’re ready!”

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