Chapter 29 – Lovey-dovey

Proofreader&Editor: Howard Wong

I looked around, utterly bewildered.


This is Longhu Mountain territory; there's no such thing as a safe place here!


Just as I was clueless about where to go, the young Taoist priest came towards us with my portrait!


My heart skipped a beat.


I wanted to run but didn't dare to.


But standing here was a surefire path to death!


At a loss for what to do,


Wen Rou suddenly hugged me, tiptoed, and kissed me on her own initiative.


At first, I was dumbfounded, wondering why this woman was so lovey-dovey at a time like this, still in the mood for romance!


Seeing that I didn't respond, Wen Rou urged anxiously, "Quick, kiss me!"


Only then did I grasp Wen Rou's intention!


I quickly bent down to embrace her, initiating a passionate and prolonged kiss.


We held each other tightly, kissing with intense focus.


Seeing us like this, the young Taoist priest seemed too embarrassed to interrupt and halfway through, he turned around to ask others instead.


After a long while,


Once we were sure the young Taoist priest was far away, Wen Rou stopped, her face flushed with red.


I said, "We were lucky you were so quick-witted just now, or we'd never have escaped!"


Wen Rou said with a sigh, "As a decent married woman, I had to do such a thing with you, how will you make it up to me?"


I chuckled, "Heh, I'll make it up to you tonight!"


"Stop it!"


Wen Rou playfully scolded, her coquettish demeanor stirring my heart.


Honestly, I thought bringing Wen Rou along would be like carrying a burden!


But to my surprise, not only was her intuition sharp, but her reactions were quick too!


She truly saved me from a lot of trouble!


Youth doesn't appreciate the allure of a mature woman, mistaking a young girl for a treasure!


I had this realization last night, and now, it struck me once more!


Being with Wen Rou was indeed like finding a treasure!


Wen Rou glanced around and pulled me onto a sightseeing car.


The car could seat four people.


After we boarded, the car didn't start for a while.


Worried that the young Taoist priest might return, Wen Rou quickly bought the tickets for the other two empty seats and said, "Driver, let's head up the mountain!"




"Please take your seats!"


The mountain road was steep, but the sightseeing car moved slowly.


After all, the car was meant for sightseeing, not for rushing.


On the way, Wen Rou asked, "Driver, we'd like to meet Taoist Priest Zhang Li, do you know of any good way?"


The driver replied, "That's not easy! Taoist Priest Zhang Li rarely meets with visitors, and now she's even busier preparing for a wedding!"


He paused, then asked back, "How did you know about her?"


Wen Rou laughed it off, "The daughter of Longhu Mountain's leader is well-known, who wouldn't know of her!"


"That's true!"


The driver glanced back at us and said, "You're looking for her… to ask about marriage prospects, right?"




Wen Rou went along with him, making up a story, "We heard that among all of Longhu Mountain, Taoist Priest Zhang Li is the most accurate in divining marriage fortunes. We've come a long way just to meet her!"


"I see!"


The driver said, "Once you reach the mountain top, you can try your luck at Yunjin Temple. If you're lucky, you might see her!"


Wen Rou and I exchanged a look, overjoyed.


This ride was indeed worth it, money well spent!


Passing by several famous spots without stopping, we went straight to the mountain top.


The driver stopped the car, pointing to an inconspicuous temple above, "That's Yunjin Temple, where Taoist Priest Zhang Li often meditates."




After getting off, Wen Rou and I hurried upwards.


Yunjin Temple was just an ordinary temple, not a tourist attraction, and it was located in a secluded spot, so there were no other visitors.


According to the driver's description, Zhang Li was thirty-four years old, nearly 1.7 meters tall, and usually liked to wear a white long dress.


We waited and waited.


Half an hour passed, and there was still no sign of Zhang Li.


That's when a serious problem occurred to me.


If Zhang Li didn't show up but Zhao Chengkun did, that would be terrible!


After some thought, I took out a letter and handed it to Wen Rou.


Wen Rou looked puzzled, "What are you doing?"


I said, "We can't put all our eggs in one basket; it's too dangerous for us to be together!"


Wen Rou pouted, "So you're sending me away?"




I explained, "I'll keep waiting here, you go down to the pavilion! Zhao Chengkun only knows me, he doesn't recognize you, so you're safe for now! If you see me get harmed, don't panic, take the letter and find a way to meet Zhang Li!"


Wen Rou bit her lip, "But I'm worried about you!"


I said, "Last night when we went to see the demon, I told you not to leave my side. Now, it's the exact opposite; it's safest if we're apart!"


After saying that, I felt a sense of parting from life and death, hugged Wen Rou tightly, and kissed her fiercely, finally saying reluctantly, "Be good, go now!"




Wen Rou said, "Be careful yourself!"




I said, "After we finish today's business, I still owe you a proper compensation tonight, I'll keep my word!"


Wen Rou blushed with shyness.


After Wen Rou left, I took out a golden gourd, pulled the stopper, and thought to hide the Golden Elixir.


A gust of wind blew.


A strange fragrance wafted from the golden gourd, quickly filling the mountaintop.




I was so scared that I quickly put the stopper back in!


If Zhao Chengkun caught the scent of the Golden Elixir, he would definitely come looking immediately!


As I was feeling anxious,


A young Taoist priest suddenly approached from a distance.


The priest looked to be in his early twenties, definitely not Zhao Chengkun based on his age!




Upon reaching me, the young Taoist priest sized me up and said, "Are you waiting for someone, sir?"


I nodded.


The young Taoist priest smiled slightly, "Are you waiting for Taoist Aunt Zhang Li?"




Curious, I asked, "How… do you know?"


"Ha ha, the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed!"


The young Taoist priest turned and said, "Taoist Aunt foresaw your arrival here; please follow me, she has been waiting for you for a long time!"




I was overjoyed and prepared to call Wen Rou to join me.


But looking down, the pavilion below was empty; Wen Rou had disappeared.


The young Taoist priest stopped and turned, asking, "Why aren't you moving, sir?"


"It's nothing!"


I figured Wen Rou might have just gone to the restroom, so I followed the young Taoist priest.


Leaving Yunjin Temple, the path became exceptionally narrow.


After walking a few hundred meters, the view suddenly opened up to a courtyard with nice scenery.


The young Taoist priest stopped and said, "Please wait here, sir, while I go in and announce your arrival!"




I sat on a stone bench, taking in my surroundings.


The courtyard was clearly well-maintained and lived in.


If nothing else, this should be Zhang Li's residence.




After a while, I felt something was off!


There were two black Taoist robes hanging on the clothesline, identical to Lu Chenglun's style!


Normally, this would be fine since Zhang Li and Lu Chenglun were of the same generation.


But besides the robes, there were also some undergarments on the clothesline.


And they were all men's!


So, it definitely wasn't Zhang Li who lived here!


It was Zhao Chengkun!


I was startled and immediately stood up.




Almost at the same time, a middle-aged Taoist priest came out, looking to be under forty.


With piercing eyes, he approached and said, "I am Zhao Chengkun. I heard that before your master passed, he gave you his last Golden Elixir?"

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