Chapter 98 – Believe in Lin Shen and you will have eternal life!

In the strange withered forest, the cannibal crows were rampant, and the number of them was like a locust plague, with seven or eight of them being crushed with one step.

“Help! Help!”

Zhou Ya covered her head with her left hand and held a torch in her right hand, waving it vigorously, trying to drive away the cannibal crows.

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

These ordinary torches were useless against the cannibal crows. They flapped their wings and avoided the torches, rushing towards Zhou Ya and scratching her with their claws.

Tear! Tear!

Zhou Ya’s linen robe was quickly torn apart, and her body was covered in scratches and bloodstains.

Some bold cannibal crows even approached her head, constantly pecking at her with their beaks. Some wanted to peck open her skull and eat her brain, while others wanted to eat her eyeballs.

In an instant, Zhou Ya was covered in wounds and blood was flowing.

Du Xin saw how miserable Zhou Ya was and quickly distanced herself. Gu Rongjie secretly cursed Zhou Ya for being so foolish and not knowing to run towards Xia Hongyao.

With Zhou Ya’s relationship with Lin Baici, as long as she ran over, Xia Hongyao would definitely help.

Of course, it could also be that Zhou Ya didn’t want to trouble others due to her pride.

Gu Rongjie originally wanted to remind her to run towards Xia Hongyao, but hesitated for a moment and gave up.

No one knew what kind of rule pollution they would encounter next. If both Zhou Ya and herself were in danger at the same time, Lin Baici would definitely save Zhou Ya first, after all, they knew each other.

If Zhou Ya died, then besides Xia Hongyao and Hua Yueyu, her own ranking would be the highest, even higher than Guo Zheng.

How great would it be if I were ten years younger!

Gu Rongjie felt depressed. It was a pity that Lin Baici didn’t like her, otherwise her appearance and temperament would be irresistible.

“Zhou Ya, come over here, quickly!”

Xia Hongyao was fighting the bird monsters. When she saw Zhou Ya attracting so many cannibal crows, she immediately shouted at her and ran towards her.

“I’ll go!”

Guo Zheng took big strides and rushed towards Zhou Ya.

After all, killing bird monsters was killing bird monsters, no matter where they were killed. Saving Zhou Ya would also give Lin Baici a good impression.

The other girls who were besieged didn’t have such preferential treatment.


A female student from Hai Xi University screamed in pain, covering the gap between her right fingers with her right hand, blood flowing out: “Get away!”

Just as the girl finished shouting, a cannibal crow pecked at her left eye, directly pecking off her eyeball. It raised its neck and swallowed it.


The girl let out a scream of despair, stumbling and wanting to run towards where there were more people.

She was very beautiful, with black long hair and a melon seed face. She had a quiet and elegant aura, like an artistic girl. But at this moment, her eyes, which should have been sitting on the grass, reading Tagore’s “Gitanjali,” were pecked off.

Only two bloody holes were left.


The girl stumbled with her right foot and fell down.

The cannibal crows swarmed in, and their beaks pecked at her head and flesh like pile drivers.

The girl rolled and struggled, but soon stopped moving because a cannibal crow pecked through the back of her head.

The girl died!

The cannibal crows became even more excited, tearing and ravaging her like a pack of ferocious wolves, enjoying this sumptuous feast.

Three other girls were even more unlucky. They were each carried by a group of cannibal crows and forcibly lifted into the sky. When they reached a height of over thirty meters, they were dropped.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two girls fell directly to the ground and died on the spot, while one fell onto a tree first, with cuts all over her body from the branches, before finally falling to the ground.

She didn’t die, but she had broken bones and was in great pain.

“Get out of the way!”

Guo Zheng waved the torch, approached Zhou Ya, and grabbed her arm, forcefully throwing her away.


Zhou Ya fell to the ground and rolled away.

Guo Zheng took a few more steps, adjusted his position, and then released his divine grace!


The lizard’s head fired, and a long flame dragon swept across.

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

The ground was filled with charred corpses!

“Xia Hongyao, don’t save people, protect the game meat first!”

Guo Zheng saw Xia Hongyao starting to save people and was so angry that he spat blood.

These people would die anyway, and it wouldn’t affect passing the level, but if the game meat was gone, everyone would die.

Xia Hongyao ignored Guo Zheng and wielded her short knife quickly, like a black lightning. Every time it flashed, it would cut off the neck of a cannibal crow, and the splattering blood looked like a blooming flower.

But there were too many cannibal crows.

Xia Hongyao couldn’t clean them up for a while, and instead, because she was saving people, she was targeted by a large group of cannibal crows.

“Come over!”

Lin Baici’s voice sounded in the distance.

Xia Hongyao immediately ran towards him, and because she ran too fast, even the cannibal crows that could fly were left behind.

Lin Baici took a deep breath and, after crossing paths with Xia Hongyao, released his divine grace!

The rain of life, the wild Buddha blows out the lamp!Once again, the ultimate display of group killing and the bestowal of divine power!

The cannibal crows fell with a thud.

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

The remaining ones seemed to be scared or it was time for them to attack. They flew into the air and circled above the meat forest for two rounds before flying away.

The crisis was resolved, and everyone sat down on the ground.

Besides exhaustion, there was more tension and fear.

“Lin Shen, torches and smoke are useless!”

Du Xin exclaimed.

“Lin Shen, this won’t work. Your Buddha’s shadow and Guo Zheng’s lizard head can’t be used frequently, right? If you guys are unable to use them, we won’t be able to stop those bird monsters!”

Gu Rongjie analyzed, “There should be a way to permanently solve this.”

“Have you found anything?”

Guo Zheng, who was already tired of thinking, asked Lin Baici directly.

Lin Baici didn’t answer him. He looked at the messy scene and frowned.

Five dead and three injured?

“Xiao Bai!”

Hua Yueyu was protected by Xia Hongyao and was very clever. She was responsible for lighting the torch and creating smoke, so she didn’t provoke too many cannibal crows. Although she looked disheveled and covered in sweat, it seemed like she was safe.

“Are you okay?”

Lin Baici asked as he ran to Zhou Ya’s side.

Xia Hongyao was applying medicine and bandaging her.

“Lin Xuedi!”

Zhou Ya’s voice was hoarse.

“Hold on, it will be over soon!”

Lin Baici comforted her.

Zhou Ya had scratches on her head, face, and neck. Her robe was also tattered, and she looked extremely disheveled.

“Is my face ruined?”

Zhou Ya cried. After the tears flowed out, they stung her wounds, causing pain.

She came to Palm Harbor to find an opportunity to live a better life in the future. Was there anything wrong with that? Why did she have to suffer like this?

“Sister, stop crying!”

Lin Baici sighed. There was no way to console her. Everyone had their own hardships and difficulties.

Fang Wen looked at Zhou Ya with envy.

What did it matter if her appearance was ruined? Being alive was the most important thing.

Looking at the unlucky ones who died, the only difference between this girl and them was that she had a closer relationship with Lin Baici. That was why she was saved by the two divine hunters when they encountered danger.

“Lin Shen, have you found anything?”

Guo Zheng asked eagerly. He didn’t care about the life and death of these people. He just wanted to know if Lin Baici had found a way to escape from this rule contamination.

“The injured people stay and rest. The rest of you come with me to pick leaves!”

Lin Baici ordered.


Du Xin was overjoyed. “Lin Shen, have you found a way to kill those cannibal crows?”

Everyone looked at Lin Baici with anticipation.

“Don’t waste time, let’s go!”

Lin Baici led the way and ran about seventy meters, arriving under a tree. “I’ll climb up and cut branches, you guys are responsible for carrying them!”

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he agilely climbed up a tree and used the dragon tooth to cut the branches. The bronze sword, known as the king’s sword, was truly like cutting through mud. With just a casual swing, branches as thick as an adult’s wrist were cut off.

Crash! Crash!

The branches fell to the ground.

Fang Wen picked up a branch and looked at the thumb-sized leaves on it. He compared them with the leaves on the surrounding trees but couldn’t see any difference.

He wanted to ask if this would work or if it was a waste of effort, but when he saw that no one else asked Lin Baici and instead excitedly started carrying the branches, he wisely closed his mouth.


I don’t know anything, I dare not ask anything!

Since these people trust Lin Shen, I’ll go along with the flow!

After cutting the branches with leaves from this tree, Lin Baici led everyone to another tree and continued cutting.


Fang Wen endured it for a while but couldn’t hold back anymore. “Lin Shen, did you choose this tree randomly?”

“Where did all these useless words come from? Hurry up and carry them!”

Guo Zheng scolded.

“Believe in Lin Shen and you’ll have eternal life!”

Du Xin took the opportunity to flatter.

“Carry on, there’s no problem!”

Lin Baici was very confident. He was worried that there wouldn’t be enough leaves, so he planned to cut more.

More than ten minutes passed, and Lin Baici wanted to continue, but the sky in the west was filled with the figures of cannibal crows, densely packed like a black cloud.”Lin Shen, the cannibal crows are here!”

Gu Rongjie shouted.

“I see!”

Lin Baici jumped down from a five-meter-high tree and grabbed a large branch to carry on his shoulder as he ran back. “Run!”

Everyone grabbed a branch and followed behind.

Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and Guo Zheng were very fast. In just a few breaths, they had left the others behind by more than twenty meters.

“Lin Shen, wait for us!”

Du Xin cried out anxiously.

“Hongyao, Guo Zheng, you two go back first, light up the branches under each tree, then take the largest one as a torch and go upwind, letting the smoke drift over, covering as much area as possible!”

Lin Baici instructed.


Guo Zheng immediately accelerated.


Xia Hongyao made an OK gesture with her left hand and they both quickly sped up.

“Is this the physique of a divine hunter?”

Fang Wen was amazed. Although he had retired from sports in recent years, he had continued to exercise and considered himself to have good physical fitness. But now, compared to that female bear, he felt completely overwhelmed!

Because Fang Wen was involved in sports, he could better understand the huge gap between the two.

If I also become a divine hunter…

Fang Wen suddenly felt full of anticipation. He wanted to play poker with the two women all night and still be full of energy the next day.

That would be so cool!

The cannibal crows flew over. The front ten or so crows were originally diving down, ready to peck at Lin Baici and the others, but halfway through, they suddenly braked.

“What’s going on?”

Fang Wen was dumbfounded. Could it be that the leaves really worked?

“They work!”

Du Xin exclaimed with joy. “Lin Shen, they work!”

“Don’t just stand there, come over and light up the branches!”

Lin Baici didn’t dare to use pine torches to start the fire because anything ignited by them would quickly turn to ashes.

Everyone lit up the branches they were holding, and they crackled and burned, sending up a thick smoke.

Chirp! Chirp!

The calls of the cannibal crows became urgent and nervous.

The thick smoke rose into the air and spread with the gentle breeze.

The cannibal crows scattered as if the smoke was poisonous.

Gu Rongjie and the others were filled with spirit and followed Lin Baici back to the meat forest they were responsible for.

Xia Hongyao and Guo Zheng were very efficient and had already placed burning branches under most of the trees. The thick smoke they emitted dispersed the cannibal crows.

“Lin Shen, it worked!”

Guo Zheng saw Lin Baici return and immediately shouted.

He, a rough man, had a happy smile on his face, showing his teeth.


Xia Hongyao gave a thumbs-up.

She couldn’t find enough words to praise Lin Baici anymore.

In short, two words.


“Believe in Lin Shen and you will have eternal life!”

Du Xin cheered.

“Don’t let your guard down, pay attention to the flames. Wherever they are about to go out, add more branches!”

Lin Baici didn’t dare to be careless and kept observing the cannibal crows.

The cannibal crows circled in the sky, screeching. When they saw the thick smoke rising below, they flew towards the meat forest defended by Wang Mingfu.

“Yeah, it’s over!”

Guo Zheng cheered.

Everyone was smiling with joy. Xia Hongyao and Hua Yueyu raised their right hands and clapped them together.

Everyone felt relieved.


Fang Wen’s mood relaxed and he sat down on the ground, taking a deep breath. He had survived, finally made it through, but for some reason, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable!

Only three times!

Just three times!

This Lin Shen had found a way to drive away the cannibal crows.

This was too fast!

Didn’t he know that using living people as scarecrows could attract the attention of the cannibal crows and protect the wild game?

He knew!

But he had never thought of using such a cruel method from beginning to end.

To be honest, when Fang Wen first joined this team, he was worried about being chosen as a scarecrow.

It turned out that he had been thinking too negatively.

Looking back at what he had experienced with Wang Mingfu, it was simply hell.

Every time the cannibal crows attacked, one or two scarecrows had to be sacrificed to survive.

Fang Wen was not a fan of killing people. Every time he nailed someone to the wooden frame, he felt uncomfortable, but there was no other way.

Everyone wanted to survive.


If everyone had entered here following Lin Shen instead of Wang Mingfu, so many people wouldn’t have died.

“Hongyao, you stay here. Guo Zheng, and a few others, take the branches and torches with me to rescue people and protect the wild game.”

Lin Baici urged and took the lead in running towards Wang Mingfu’s side.

On Wang Mingfu’s side, it had already descended into chaos.

“Wang Zong, we can’t hold on anymore. Should we use scarecrows?”

Zeng Chuan urged. His words were bloody, contrasting with the jade Guanyin pendant hanging around his neck.

Others were also urging him.There are too many cannibal crows in this wave.

“Zhao Tong, I’m sorry!”

Wang Mingfu finished speaking and ordered someone to take action.

“No, Mr. Wang, please, there must be another way to drive away the cannibal crows. Please think of something else!”

Zhao Tong cried out, but it was useless.

Several men rushed over, grabbed her, and dragged her towards the prepared wooden frame.

“We have all drawn lots, accept your fate!”

Zeng Chuan persuaded.

As death approached, Zhao Tong couldn’t bear the immense pressure. She started struggling and wanted to run, but Zeng Chuan wouldn’t let her have her way.

Several people held her and quickly dragged her to the wooden frame. Just as Zeng Chuan and another man were about to insert the sharpened wooden wedge into her wrist and secure it to the frame, Zhao Tong shouted.

“The bird monster ran away! Look, the bird monster ran away!”

“Your lies are useless!”

Zeng Chuan didn’t believe it, but someone blurted out in shock.

“Oh my god, it really ran away?”

Zeng Chuan turned his head and saw Lin Shen running over with some people. They were holding burning branches, and thick smoke rose up.

Wherever the thick smoke drifted, the bird monsters fled as if the smoke was poisonous.

Wang Mingfu saw this scene and was stunned.

“Why are you all standing there? Come and take the branches, run around this meat forest, and try to spread the smoke everywhere!”

Lin Baici shouted and looked at Zhao Tong, who was being held by several men. “Let her go!”

The elevator girl looked even worse than before. Her clothes were torn, and her stockings were completely ripped, with scars crisscrossing her legs.

Zeng Chuan and the others didn’t dare to delay. They let go of Zhao Tong and ran over to take the branches, then started running around the forest.

Thick smoke billowed and filled the air.

One minute later, the last cannibal crow left, and the strange forest became quiet.

Zeng Chuan and the others were stunned for a moment, then started cheering louder and louder.

They were excited!

They were ecstatic!

They also cried!

Because driving away those monsters with the burning branches not only meant that they had survived another ordeal, but also meant that they no longer had to fear the return of the bird monsters and being turned into scarecrows to attract them and protect the wild game.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Lin Baici, and some impatient ones had already run over to thank him.

Wang Mingfu stood still, his face full of disappointment.

Today, he had been ruthless and given many orders that would lead to people’s deaths. Whenever to use scarecrows was his decision.

Listening to the screams and wails of those who were pecked by the cannibal crows, Wang Mingfu also felt fear and trembling in his heart, but he told himself that it was for the sake of saving people.

Yes, a few people died, but more survived.

He had saved many people. He was their hero!

Wang Mingfu consoled himself in this way to alleviate the guilt of killing. He was looking forward to the moment when he would lead everyone out of this meat forest and receive their heartfelt thanks.

But it was gone!

Lin Shen had come and driven away those monsters with the thick smoke from the burning branches. He made all of his previous responses and strategies seem foolish.

Slap, slap, slap!

Wang Mingfu raised his hand and slapped himself hard four times.

Not out of self-blame, but out of unwillingness!


Wang Mingfu took a deep breath and walked towards Lin Baici.

“Lin Shen, what’s the deal with these branches?”

Wang Mingfu looked at the burning branch in Lin Baici’s hand that was almost burnt out. “I also cut branches and tried to use smoke to drive away these bird monsters, but it didn’t work!”

“Where did you cut the branches?”

Lin Baici actually guessed it. “Was it nearby?”


Wang Mingfu nodded, then paused. “Do we need to cut branches from elsewhere?”


Lin Baici looked at these disheveled people. “Hold on a little longer, take a break later, and let’s quickly go and get some more branches in case of emergency!”

“Rebirth in the Bo Lang Era”

Lin Baici turned and left, and the others quickly followed.

“Where do we need to cut?”

Wang Mingfu didn’t give up and continued to ask.

“You’ll know when you follow.”

There was no need to hide this information.

“Lin Shen!” Zhao Tong limped over. “Thank you, thank you!”

Tears streamed down Zhao Tong’s face, flowing over the claw marks left by the cannibal crows, causing her great pain.

“It’s alright!”

Lin Baici comforted her.

Back in the forest, Lin Baici checked on Zhou Ya’s condition and called Xia Hongyao and the others to go about 100 meters away to cut branches.

Wang Mingfu stood under a tree, looking confused.

“Is there a difference between these trees?”

Zeng Chuan raised his head, looked left and right, but couldn’t tell. He felt that the leaves were all the same.”The naked eye may not be able to discern it, but there should be some telltale signs in the scent or other aspects!”

Lin Baici explained.

“So how did you find it?”

Fang Wen was curious.

“I was inspecting this forest just now and noticed a few trees that the bird monsters would avoid when they flew by. There were also two trees with game hanging from them that the bird monsters didn’t touch at all!”

Lin Baici’s words left everyone stunned.

“Is it really that simple?”

Wang Mingfu was somewhat skeptical.

“What else could it be?”

Lin Baici shrugged.


Wang Mingfu fell silent.

Indeed, the matter seemed simple, but who would have the courage to run around in the forest alone when those terrifying bird monsters were attacking?

And even if they dared, there wouldn’t be enough time, because they also had to guard the game. By the time the bird monsters left, they would need to rest immediately, especially those unlucky ones chosen to be scarecrows.

In fact, Wang Mingfu didn’t do anything wrong. Being a scarecrow was also a way to survive this rule-breaking challenge, but it would cost some lives.

Everyone returned with a large number of branches.

A quarter of an hour later, the man-eating crows attacked again, but this time everyone was prepared and handled it with ease.

Wang Mingfu’s group had endured nine attacks from the man-eating crows. This time, no one died and they passed the challenge with ease.

Those who were next in line to be scarecrows were all feeling relieved.

Thank goodness Lin Baici was here.

Zhao Tong, still shaken, also felt regret for the previous unlucky one who died. If she had held on a little longer, she would have waited for Lin Baici and wouldn’t have had to die.

After another twenty minutes, instead of the man-eating crows, Lin Baici and his group saw the pale-faced, effeminate eunuch leading a group of armored soldiers towards them.

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