Chapter 85 – Start our journey to find delicious food!

“【Unfortunately, no!】”

Lin Baici was a bit disappointed.

“【Stop dawdling, let’s get going and start our journey to find delicious food!】”

The Food God urged.


Lin Baici’s stomach started to growl, indicating his hunger.

The crisis was resolved, and everyone gathered around.

“Handsome guy, thank you!”

Lu Yingxi approached with a smile, “My name is Lu Yingxi!”

“Bro, thanks. I’m Tang Zhiqian, a junior at Haijing University of Technology. I heard from Zhou Ya that we’re from the same school? If there’s anything in the future…”

Tang Zhiqian stopped abruptly. He was used to being flattered and fawned over due to his family background. He was about to say, ‘If you need anything in the future, you can come to me.’

What a joke.

The other party was a god hunter, what could he possibly need help with?

It should be him asking for help!

“Lin Baici, a freshman at Haijing University of Technology.”

Lin Baici responded casually.

“【A slightly S-type girl who likes both men and women. She’s quite dominant and her family is so wealthy that she has no real pursuits. She just plays all day!】

【Work for money? She has enough money to last three lifetimes!】”

Lin Baici glanced at Lu Yingxi. The Food God must be talking about this woman in a leather miniskirt.

It was still hot in September, wouldn’t wearing boots be uncomfortable?

“【Tang Zhiqian, the core figure of this small group. Everyone fawns over him. He always maintains a calm and elegant demeanor, as if everything is under his control. He’s good at judging the situation and is very personable!】

【The women he likes are all older than him!】

【Auntie is pretty, auntie is wonderful, I am auntie’s good baby!】”

Lin Baici was surprised. He hadn’t expected Tang Zhiqian to have such a preference. Given his status, he wouldn’t lack young and beautiful girlfriends, let alone those who would chase after him.

Others also wanted to strike up a conversation with Lin Baici, but except for Xue Zhao, none of them were qualified.

Xue Zhao had just had a conflict with Lin Baici and was stunned by the muscular Buddha. He was now hiding in the crowd, not saying a word.

Du Xin watched as Tang Zhiqian and Lu Yingxi, whom she had to flatter, lowered their stance to talk to Lin Baici. She suddenly felt stupid.

She should have taken the initiative to get close to Lin Baici when she first saw him in front of the elevator. Now it was too late.

Could she still make up for it?

Du Xin believed her beauty was her biggest asset. However, when she saw Hua Yueyu and Xia Hongyao, she lost her confidence.

Hua Yueyu was cute, but she was a tomboy, which was a natural disadvantage and not a concern. But the girl next to her was too big, wasn’t she?

Did she eat the entire Bear family?

“Zhou Ya, what are you doing? Go and talk to your junior, Lin. Show some concern!”

Du Xin suggested quietly.

No wonder Zhou Ya had such a mediocre college life, even her taste in men was questionable. Now that the opportunity was right in front of her, she was useless.

What was this?

God was feeding her, but she was spitting it out.

“Junior Lin, are you okay?”

Zhou Ya plucked up the courage and squeezed over.

Of course, Du Xin followed, with a bright smile on her face. However, Lin Baici didn’t look at her.

“Brother Lin, how did you find out that the mummy monster was the problem?”

Guo Zheng was curious and wanted to gain some experience.

“Yes, how did you figure it out?”

Xia Hongyao’s eyes sparkled.

There were over sixty mummy monsters. Lin Baici was able to find the main culprit in such a dim environment. That was impressive!

“It was the most cowardly!”

Lin Baici explained.


Everyone was confused.

“This turtle shell is very cunning. It deliberately set up an altar to attract everyone’s attention. The various anomalies during the divination would make everyone think that the altar is the key to solving this rule pollution!”

“When we think and act this way, these mummy monsters start attacking us. It seems like they are defending the altar, which would make us more certain that the altar is the most important thing.”

“At that time, I noticed that this mummy was the most ferocious and the slowest to run.”

Everyone listened to Lin Baici’s explanation and suddenly understood.

To be honest, everyone was indeed distracted by the altar. When Guo Zheng and the others rushed over to dismantle the altar, they didn’t pay attention to the mummy monsters at all. They were all focused on the altar.

“So, you noticed its slip-up at that time?”

Guo Zheng was amazed. He hadn’t noticed.


Lin Baici shook his head.


Guo Zheng was taken aback, “Then when was it?”

“When everyone first ran away!”Lin Baici did not hide anything: “At that time, these corpse monsters were chasing us. This monster was the last one and didn’t attack.”

“And another thing, I saw it dodge the bullets, the other corpse monsters didn’t do that.”

Lin Baici thanked the meteorite and the divine remains. If he hadn’t consumed them and strengthened his body, his vision wouldn’t be so good.

“So when you shouted at the end, saying that there was something wrong with the heads on the ropes and we needed to destroy them, was it actually a diversion?”

Guo Zheng speculated.


In order to divert the attention of this corpse monster, Lin Baici even attacked the heads himself.

“Why didn’t you summon the Muscle Buddha when we first escaped? I thought this thing had a limited number of uses, but it turns out you were saving it as a trump card!”

Xia Hongyao revealed a surprised expression.

“Lin Ge, you’re really smart!”

Du Xin finally found an opportunity to flatter Lin Baici, but before she could finish, she was interrupted by the young man with earrings.

“Lin Ge? Call him God Ge!”

Du Xin immediately felt embarrassed and at a loss. Although the young man with earrings didn’t have a high status in this circle, Du Xin’s status was even lower, she was an outsider.

If she hadn’t shamelessly approached them, they wouldn’t have paid any attention to her.

“Why call him God Ge?”

Lin Baici was speechless. “Just call me Baici!”

“That won’t do! It’s too disrespectful to Ge!”

The young man with earrings immediately retorted.

This was only the case in God’s Ruins. If they were outside, the young man with earrings would have to show some respect and invite Lin Baici to a table.

Lin Baici waved his hand, indicating that it wasn’t necessary.

“You are really meticulous and thoughtful.”

Guo Zheng patted Lin Baici’s shoulder with emotion. “Are you from the Nine Provinces Security Bureau?”


Lin Baici kept the Muscle Buddha as a trump card for critical moments. After all, it was his strongest card so far.

In addition to the Muscle Buddha, Lin Baici had secretly activated the Red Rolling Stone. The little clay figure was hiding in a dark corner, ready to strike.

Of course, there was no need to tell these people about these secret moves.

“It will be soon!”

Xia Hongyao quickly interjected, worried that Guo Zheng would dig into Lin Baici. She had already realized that this guy was not from the security bureau.

Upon hearing this, Guo Zheng was somewhat surprised. “Aren’t you a reserve talent trained by the security bureau?”

So, he was a wild God Hunter?


Lin Baici put the Divine Turtle Shell into the black altar bowl and walked to the other side of the altar, looking at the scattered debris and started picking things up.

There were several beautiful turtle shells, animal teeth, and exquisitely crafted stone tools, all of which were hanging on the ropes just now.

He didn’t know if they could be sold for money, so he decided to take them out first. After all, the food storage in the black altar bowl was large and couldn’t be finished.

Seeing this, the others also wanted to pick up the items, but they didn’t dare to do so with Lin Baici standing there.

“I guess you haven’t explored many God’s Ruins considering your age, right?”

Guo Zheng sighed.

Some people were born to eat the God Hunter’s meal!

He hadn’t forgotten this kid’s performance in the God Taboo game. He remained calm and composed from beginning to end, as steady as an old dog who had long been accustomed to the ups and downs of life.

He was fortunate enough to have seen the deputy curator of the Nine Dragons Pavilion strategize in the God’s Ruins. That person didn’t even consider himself human, chopping off his own legs without blinking an eye.

“This is my second time!”

Lin Baici said this to emphasize that he was a newcomer and to lower Guo Zheng’s guard against him.

Since Guo Zheng wasn’t a member of the security bureau, he couldn’t be sure if he would be tempted by wealth and engage in some backstabbing activities.

However, Lin Baici miscalculated. Upon hearing this, Guo Zheng was dumbfounded. “How many times?”

Guo Zheng clearly became wary.

“The second time!”

Lin Baici saw that there was nothing left to take and was ready to leave.


Guo Zheng thought that Lin Baici had at least three experiences in the God’s Ruins, but it turned out to be only one?

Are you kidding me?

Your performance doesn’t seem like that of a newcomer.


I’m jealous! I’m jealous!

Guo Zheng also wanted to be so outstanding. He looked at Xia Hongyao and said, “According to what you said, you should be a Dragon Guard, right?”


Xia Hongyao looked at Lin Baici in confusion. “Why are you picking up these things?”

“Just in case!”

Lin Baici explained.

“I see that you already know each other. Since you’re still from the security bureau, why don’t you introduce him as a Dragon Guard?”

Guo Zheng was shocked. “Does that mean the security bureau has become so powerful that they don’t even actively recruit newcomers like him?”


Xia Hongyao felt depressed. Could this be my fault?

It’s all because of Xia Hongmian’s mistake!

If I had the final say, I would have given Lin Baici the highest salary and the best treatment.”Brother Lin, although the end of the universe is the civil service, and being an officer in the Jiuzhou Security Bureau guarantees a stable income and high social status, it ultimately restricts freedom. After all, we are divine hunters, standing at the top of the human species, we should be more free-spirited!”

Guo Zheng tried to recruit him, “After leaving the God’s Ruins, you can come to our Jiulong Pavilion!”

【Just to clarify, you are a top predator, the king at the top of the food chain. No matter what species, once the head is removed, it can be eaten!】

The Food God was dissatisfied with Guo Zheng’s words, feeling that it belittled Lin Baici.


Xia Hongyao was unhappy, was he trying to poach in front of her?

Looking for trouble, huh?

“Haha, don’t be nervous, everyone has the right to choose!”

If it weren’t for Lin Baici’s excellence, Guo Zheng wouldn’t have said such things, offending Xia Hongyao for no reason.

In Jiulong Pavilion, if a member could introduce a powerful divine hunter to join, they would receive a reward from the pavilion master.

The more powerful the new member, the better the reward for the introducer.

Seeing that Guo Zheng and the others had almost finished speaking, Lv Yingxi came over.

“Lin God, what should we do next?”

Lv Yingxi was older than Lin Baici. Calling him brother was not impossible, but it seemed too superficial. Calling him God Brother seemed more like a joke, so Lv Yingxi chose the title Lin God.

The meaning was the great god who cracked the God’s Ruins.

“Only after containing the divine body can we lift this God’s Ruins. So if everyone wants to survive, we must find the divine body as soon as possible!”

Lin Baici explained.

“What is a divine body?”

Tang Zhiqian wanted to know.

“Are you annoying? Just follow along! Why ask so many questions?”

Guo Zheng had no kindness or patience for these ordinary people. In his view, these people were just cannon fodder for exploration.

“Lin… Brother Lin, save me?”

The old Liu Liu came over, pleading with tears streaming down her face.

Her snow-white shirt was finely crafted, paired with a young girl’s body, it was cute yet sexy. But now it was worn on an old woman with chicken skin and crane hair, it looked strange no matter how you looked at it.

“Please… cough cough… please!”

Coach Zhang pleaded while coughing up blood, unable to stop. His face was pale now, all caused by excessive blood loss.

“Wait a moment!”

Lin Baici took out the divine turtle shell again: “Can you lift the curse on them?”

“Why lift it? Look at their state, isn’t it good?”

‘It’ spoke, puzzled: “Look at the fresh blood they coughed up, how beautiful, and the sound of coughing, how pleasant?”

“Another woman is walking towards death, isn’t this like a drama coming to an end, a perfect ending, with no regrets in life?”

This statement sounded very offensive.

Guo Zheng didn’t care about the lives of those two people. He was surprised to hear that the turtle shell could speak. Xia Hongyao, on the other hand, was not surprised.

She had seen stranger Divine taboos.

“Lift their curse!”

Lin Baici ordered.

“Five-body prostration…”

‘It’ drew out its tone and began the divination ceremony, but after shouting a few words, it realized something was wrong: “Sorry, I’m used to it. You just throw me out with a devout attitude.”

“Be gentle, don’t break me, and it’s best to break some clean straw on the ground, otherwise I’ll get dirty!”

‘It’ chattered on.


Lin Baici was speechless, was this thing a chatterbox?

“What should I call you?”

Lin Baici was curious.

“Turtle God… Ah!”

‘It’ was halfway through speaking when it screamed because Lin Baici had thrown it up.

The divine turtle shell rose to its highest point, began to fall, the entire trajectory was a beautiful arc, and then with a pop, it fell to the ground.

“Turtle shell divination, divine communication, today is a lucky day!”

“All your diseases and disasters will be gone now!”

As the Turtle God spoke the divination, Coach Zhang, who had been coughing all the time, suddenly felt much better. His chest no longer hurt, and his breathing became smooth.

It felt as if he could suck the whole world into his lungs.

It was just that he had coughed up too much blood, causing his chest to be covered in blood stains, and his face was pale, looking like a sickly ghost.

On the other side, Liu Liu was much better. When the curse was lifted, her skin began to tighten again, and the wrinkles disappeared.

“Have I changed back? Brother Tang, Sister Yingxi, have I changed back?”

Liu Liu looked at her hands and kept touching her cheeks. She didn’t dare to look in the mirror because she was afraid she would still see an old face like tree bark.

“You’ve changed back!”

Lv Yingxi was shocked.

Is this the power of the Divine taboo?

So weird, but so magical!

Lv Yingxi turned her head and looked at Lin Baici. She suddenly had an urgent impulse, no matter what the cost, she wanted to become a divine hunter.Because of this powerful force, it is controlled by the Divine Hunters.

Tang Zhiqian had the same idea.

Usually in his circle, because of his family background and high status, everyone spoke to him with a respectful attitude. But today, that guy named Guo Zheng treated him like a dog.

It was a sense of superiority that came from both physiology and psychology.

In Guo Zheng’s heart, he probably felt unworthy of sitting at the same table as him.

Tang Zhiqian could tell that among the people present, whether it was the wealthy boss like Fu Jinlin, or the beauties like Lv Yingxi and Hua Yueyu, they did not earn Guo Zheng’s respect. Only Lin Baici and that female bear could.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Coach Zhang kept thanking, crying like a baby, not at all like a grown man.

There was no way, he was afraid of death!

What about his wife and children?

He was the pillar of the family. If something happened to him, the family would be finished.

“Brother Lin, thank you!”

Although Liu Liu had not fully recovered, it was no longer inappropriate to call him Brother Lin. Otherwise, calling him that with an old lady’s face…

Lin Baici felt goosebumps all over his body.

“Is everyone rested enough? Let’s go now!”

Lin Baici carefully felt the direction indicated by the feeling of hunger. It seemed to be upstairs, as if there was delicious food attracting his gluttony.

“Go upstairs!”

Lin Baici ordered.

This time, he didn’t ask for the opinions of others, he made the decision directly.

Xia Hongyao didn’t mind, Xiaobai had strong reasoning abilities, so it was fine to listen to him. Guo Zheng, on the other hand, started to believe in Lin Baici because he had performed well in this contaminated rule.

Exploring the God’s Ruins was like this. When one couldn’t do it on their own, it was best to follow someone else. Otherwise, if one was too arrogant, it would be a big problem.

“Tang Ge, give me the gun!”

Xue Zhao leaned in behind Tang Zhiqian and asked in a low voice.

Tang Zhiqian was almost scared to death. He first glanced at Lin Baici in front of him, then asked in a low voice, “What do you need the gun for?”

“For self-defense!”

Xue Zhao’s mouth was split open by a muscle Buddha, and he had lost more than half of his teeth, so his speech was a bit muffled.

Tang Zhiqian fell silent. He knew Xue Zhao’s personality very well.

This kid was never one to suffer losses. If it was a normal situation, if Xue Zhao wanted revenge, Tang Zhiqian wouldn’t care and might even help him. But today…

“Zhaozi, listen to my advice, forget about the beating just now and apologize to Lin Baici!”

After Tang Zhiqian finished speaking, he forcefully hugged Xue Zhao’s shoulder.

Whether Xue Zhao apologized or not, he didn’t care. He had said everything he needed to say.

Xue Zhao’s face turned dark when he heard this, and he looked at Lv Yingxi.

“Zhaozi, if you want to stay alive, endure it!”

If it wasn’t for the good relationship between Xue Zhao’s parents and Lv Yingxi’s father, Lv Yingxi wouldn’t have said this. What if Lin Baici held a grudge against them?

Xue Zhao clenched his fist and looked at his friends.

But they all pretended not to see and avoided his gaze.

“Xue Ge, today is different from usual. The person you offended is a Divine Hunter!” The young man with an earring, still nostalgic, hesitated for a moment and said, “That’s someone you can’t afford to offend!”

Lin Baici wanted to go upstairs, but couldn’t find the way.

Because of the radiation from the divine remains, the terrain and buildings in this Palm Harbor resort area had completely changed.

The dark mist was slowly spreading, and the visibility had increased to more than thirty meters. Compared to the previous five or six meters, the field of vision had opened up a lot.

The group walked along a shady path, with half-height thatched grass growing on both sides.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the thatched grass became sparse, and Lin Baici suddenly stopped.


Lin Baici put his finger to his lips, making a gesture for everyone to crouch down.

“Spread out and hide in the grass!”

Everyone immediately followed suit.

Soon, they heard a sound coming from ahead.

“Does this road have an end? Are we running into a dead end?”

“Let’s think of a solution. We can’t just keep walking like this, we’ll get exhausted!”

“Damn it, I’m not going any further!”

The group cursed and complained as they walked out of the dark mist in front of them.

“These people are really lucky!”

Guo Zheng sneered. Judging from their appearance, although they looked a bit disheveled and anxious, there was no blood on them, indicating that they hadn’t encountered contaminated rules.

There were about thirty of these people, including seven or eight middle-aged people in their forties or fifties, who were obviously the highest-ranking individuals in this group.

Their aura was similar to Fu Jinlin’s, clearly indicating that they were wealthy bosses who had come to Palm Harbor to play and were well-off.

There were also a few sturdy men in their thirties who didn’t look like good people. They were the most vigilant and had no complaints, always on guard.

These should be the bodyguards of the bosses.The remaining ones are some girls, in their twenties, youthful and beautiful, dressed in fashionable clothes and wearing makeup, exuding a charm that ordinary boys cannot catch up with.

Lin Baici unexpectedly saw a familiar face, it was Feng Yi, the teacher from Haixi Drama Academy who invited him to visit Haixi Drama on the day of university registration at Haijing Train Station.

“Boss He! Manager Guo!”

Fujinlin saw someone he knew, stood up, and shouted.

“Old Fu?”

A middle-aged man with a beer belly on the opposite side, unexpectedly saw Fujinlin here, and was delighted: “Where did you come from? Do you know the way out?”

Not being a monster, there was no need to hide.

Everyone came out of the bushes.

Feng Yi looked at these people, and when he saw Lin Baici in the crowd, his face froze.

Isn’t this the male student from Haijing University of Technology that he met when he was receiving new students that day?

How did he get here?

In Feng Yi’s opinion, the people who can enter here are either rich or noble.

Of course, there is another kind, that is, playthings.

Like those mistresses brought by the bosses.

“Manager Guo, that boy, the tallest one, is the one I wanted to recommend to you before!”

Feng Yi pointed at Lin Baici and introduced him to a woman in a white suit dress beside him.


Gu Rongjie nodded, she had already seen him.

That boy was handsome, and although he was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and jeans, his unique temperament couldn’t be hidden.

“Manager Guo, this guy gave up joining your entertainment company, he doesn’t know what a rare opportunity he missed!”

Feng Yi flattered: “He will regret it for the rest of his life!”

“If you don’t want trouble, it’s better not to say such things again!”

Gu Rongjie turned her head and warned Feng Yi.


Feng Yi was dumbfounded, did I flatter too much?

Gu Rongjie didn’t want to explain.

Looking at the group of people opposite, their faces were more or less nervous and anxious, but only that boy, calm as if having a picnic in the suburbs.

Right, the big bear girl beside him was also calm.

“Boss He, Manager Guo, have you encountered any trouble?”

Fujinlin’s eyes were more focused on Gu Rongjie.

This woman in her thirties not only had a beautiful appearance and a plump figure, but she was also the CEO of Huaxing Entertainment Company, with considerable influence in the entertainment industry.

If he could conquer her, it would give him a great sense of accomplishment.

“Have you encountered any trouble?”

Gu Rongjie asked back.

“Ah, don’t mention it, my bodyguards are all dead!”

Fujinlin sighed and habitually laughed: “Come over here, let me introduce you. This is Lin Shen!”

“Lin Shen?”

Boss He frowned, and the other big bosses also looked confused. What kind of nonsense title is this?

Is he a professional gamer?

Boss He remembered that his son had formed a team, and those professional gamers were always called “shen” by their fans.

Gu Rongjie raised an eyebrow, she knew Fujinlin, who owned a real estate company. Although he was smooth and friendly, he was not someone who would casually call a young boy “shen”.

Girls are simpler in their thoughts, they just think Lin Baici is more handsome, and Xia Hongyao is bigger.

“This is Xia Shen, Guo Shen!”

Fujinlin introduced Xia Hongyao and Guo Zheng again.

Actually, Xia Hongyao didn’t show much in the pollution of the rules just now, but since she is a friend of Lin Shen, she naturally should be introduced before Guo Zheng.

“What a mess is this?”

A balding boss who was already in a bad mood couldn’t help but curse when he heard Fujinlin’s confusing words.

“How did your bodyguards die?”

“Where did you come from? Hurry up and take us away from this damn place. We’ve been wandering here for a long time!”

“Do you have any water? Sell me some!”

The bosses clamored, as they were all billionaires in their daily lives and were used to being served by others, so they spoke without any consideration.

“Xie Changfeng, watch your tone!”

Fujinlin warned.

“This is my tone, what’s wrong? If you provoke me, I’ll curse you too!”

Xie Changfeng had a bad temper.

He was originally invited by He Zhongkun to discuss business. Who knew he would encounter such a thing? It’s really frustrating. If he had known this earlier, wouldn’t it be better to play poker with his secretary in the company?

“Boss Fu, who is this Lin Shen…”

Manager Guo took the initiative to walk over and stood in front of Lin Baici.

She noticed that when Fujinlin introduced her and He Zhongkun, he asked them to stand in front of that boy. Generally speaking, this represents a higher status.

She didn’t understand!He Zhongkun was a coal tycoon worth tens of billions, and he himself was the head of an entertainment company that had produced five hit dramas and managed a host of celebrities. What kind of background did this young man have to make He Zhongkun and himself take the initiative to show goodwill?

【Yo, a high-end ingredient, it’s recommended to taste it before it dies!】


Lin Baici raised an eyebrow, it seemed like the Food God was referring to this female CEO.

She was dressed in a professional skirt suit, with flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and a pair of white high heels with side cut-outs on her feet, exuding an understated elegance.

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