Chapter 83 – Tortoise shell divination, today is a great disaster!


The girls screamed in fright.

“Xiao Bai!”

Hua Yueyu hugged Lin Baici tightly, trembling like a young bird caught in the mouth of a carnivorous bird.


A large amount of blood sprayed out from Qiao Ning’s severed neck, like a goddess scattering flowers, splattering everywhere.

This horrifying scene sent shivers down everyone’s spine, causing them to break out in a cold sweat.

“What is going on?”

Tang Zhiqian couldn’t maintain his composure anymore and looked at Lin Baici, questioning him.

If Qiao Ning had been killed by a monster, he wouldn’t be so scared. After all, no matter how terrifying a monster was, it could still be seen. But now, Qiao Ning’s head had fallen off without any warning just because of that ‘voice’ that predicted “You will meet a beheading disaster today!”

Who could bear this?

“There is not enough data to analyze, but based on the current situation, ‘its’ divination result will come true.”

Lin Baici looked at the bonfire, his brows furrowing.

The Food God remained silent.

But Lin Baici didn’t put all his hopes of leaving the God’s Ruins on it either.

“What should we do then?”

Lu Yingxi interjected, her voice urgent.

“Perhaps those who receive a good divination result by approaching it will be able to leave!”

Xia Hongyao speculated.

“How can we get a good result?”

“Give it money?”

“Money probably won’t work. It should be some precious offerings, like gold and silver jewelry, or the three sacrificial animals: pigs, horses, cows, and sheep!”

“Where can we find these sacrificial animals?”

The crowd clamored, trying to come up with ways to survive this crisis.

Enduring the discomfort in his body, Lin Baici walked to Qiao Ning’s headless body and squatted down to examine her.

“The wound on her neck is very clean, as if it was cut by some kind of sharp blade!”

Xia Hongyao also came over and expressed her opinion.

Lin Baici nodded and roughly examined the body. He reached out and grabbed the hem of Qiao Ning’s white T-shirt, rolling it up.

A lace-trimmed pink bra was revealed.

When Tang Zhiqian saw this scene, his brows furrowed. However, remembering Lin Baici’s identity as a Divine Hunter, he didn’t say anything. It was Lu Yingxi, as a woman, who couldn’t help but question it, instinctively.

“What are you doing?”

Everyone is dead, so stop desecrating her body.

“I’m not as dirty-minded as you think. I just want to see if there are any clues on her body!”

Lin Baici explained. After confirming that there were no tattoos or anything similar on Qiao Ning’s upper body, he tidied up the T-shirt and lifted up her tennis skirt.

Perhaps due to the large amount of blood loss, Qiao Ning’s thighs were unnaturally pale.

“Did you find anything?”

Fu Jinlin asked hopefully, hoping that Lin Baici could find some answers.


Lin Baici looked at everyone. “Check your own bodies to see if there are any abnormalities, like additional tattoos or something.”

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked and immediately began to check their bodies, asking their companions for help with parts they couldn’t see, such as their backs.

After a lot of fuss, they didn’t find anything abnormal. Everyone seemed normal.

“Should we hurry and run?”

Du Xin suggested.

Tang Zhiqian and Lu Yingxi hadn’t experienced the God’s Ruins before, but they were not stupid. They estimated that those who tried to leave would most likely meet a bad fate.

Moreover, even if they ran, they would have to let others try first.

Before they could come up with a solution, ‘it’ spoke again.

“Kneel and offer three sacrificial animals, showing respect to the heavens and spirits!”

“This god asks you, do you want to divinate?”

It was the same opening line, instantly making everyone’s hearts tighten.

Who would be targeted this time?

Before a few seconds had passed, the ten or so heads hanging from the ropes opened their eyes once again, staring at Tang Zhiqian and his group.


Everyone immediately retreated like startled wild cats, trying to avoid the gaze of those heads.

But the eyes on those heads were fixed on a young man with long hair, who had a literary and artistic vibe. They clung to him like maggots on a bone, unable to shake them off.

“It’s not me!”

Not only Tang Zhiqian, but everyone else also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Don’t look at me! Don’t look at me!”

The literary man prayed, dodging a few times, but found that he couldn’t escape. Despairing, he shouted at everyone, “Can you help me?”

“Ascending to the heavens, descending to the abyss, all spirits are numbered, none are as trustworthy as you!”

“At this auspicious time, divination can be performed!”

“Approach! Approach! Approach!”

‘It’ urged, but with the example of Qiao Ning’s beheading, the literary man didn’t dare to approach the altar at all. He suddenly gritted his teeth and ran in the direction he came from.

However, he hadn’t run far when one of the grotesquely shaped mummies suddenly moved, like a ferocious beast hunting for prey, and quickly pounced on him.

Tied to the mummy’s waist was a scabbard made of animal skin. It extended its right hand and, with a swish, pulled out a bone knife over a foot long.

Everyone held their breath nervously.

After approaching the literary man by three meters, the mummy kicked off the ground with its right foot, lunging at him.


The literary man stumbled forward a few steps and fell to the ground.The dried corpse stepped on the back of the young man, grabbing his artistic long hair with his left hand and pulling it back forcefully.


The young man screamed in agony, his head tilted back. In the next second, the dried corpse placed a bone knife on his neck and made a swift cut.


A stream of crimson blood sprayed out.


The young man’s throat, with a large gash, overflowed with wailing, but it wasn’t intense enough due to the loss of air.

The dried corpse made several cuts back and forth, then cut off the head of the young man and carried it, walking to the altar. It knelt down on one knee, hanging the head on a hemp rope like a dried fish.

After completing all of this, the dried corpse returned to its original position, assuming the same sacrificial posture as before, as if it had never moved.

Everyone looked towards the altar.

The head of the young man hung there, with blood dripping from the neck.


Several girls were so scared that their legs went weak, and they sat on the ground.

Everyone felt despair. It turned out that running away would result in death.

“Now what do we do? Do we have to wait for ‘it’ to divine?”

Du Xin trembled all over, finally experiencing the terrifying nature of God’s Ruins.

Zhou Ya regretted it so much. In order to climb into Tang Zhiqian’s circle, she asked Du Xin to introduce her to these people. She spent over a thousand yuan to buy Du Xin a set of Estée Lauder cosmetics.

As a result, they ended up trapped in God’s Ruins.

It was really not worth it, to the point of vomiting blood.

“Xia Hongyao, what do you think?”

Xia Hongyao asked Lin Baici.

“Wait for another divination.”

Lin Baici looked at the altar, carefully observing every detail of the dried corpses, trying not to miss anything.

Observation needed to be discreet, not blatant, so as not to alert the monsters.

“Kneel and offer three sacrifices, showing respect to the gods and ghosts!”

“This god asks you, do you want to divine?”

The chanting voice deliberately elongated, resounding for the third time.

Everyone’s scalp tightened, praying not to be targeted.

The dozen or so heads on the hemp rope, including the freshly hung head of the young man, all turned and stared at a girl in a chiffon dress.

“Tang Ge…”

The girl in the chiffon dress wailed.

“Aren’t you a Divine Hunter? Don’t you have any way to deal with this?”

Lu Yingxi pleaded with Lin Baici.

“I am a Divine Hunter, but I am not an all-powerful god!”

Lin Baici thought to himself that he didn’t even have a Divine Hunter license.

Lin Baici only had one experience exploring God’s Ruins. He was a complete rookie. According to the customs of the Hunter Circle, he would only do miscellaneous tasks like patrolling, cleaning the battlefield, and taking care of the wounded in any organization. He couldn’t possibly be the main force in conquering God’s Ruins.

“How that young man died, you saw it too. If you don’t want to die, go to the altar!”

Boss Fu Jinlin persuaded.

That dried corpse monster was extremely ferocious. Fu Jinlin felt that there was little hope of escape and wanted to see if they could escape by getting a good result from the divination. Running away would definitely result in death, but going to the altar for divination might allow them to survive. So, trembling, the girl in the chiffon dress walked to the altar.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

The turtle shell fragments tied to the wooden stakes with hemp ropes were shaken as if by an invisible hand, and then a piece of turtle shell fell and flew into the bonfire.

The turtle shell ignited, making crackling explosions.

Everyone waited.

After about ten seconds, with a bang, sparks flew out of the bonfire.

The divination was over.

‘It’ spoke.

“You will live out your entire life within three minutes!”

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what this meant.

“Will I die in three minutes?”

The girl in the chiffon dress cried, tears streaming down her face, and even snot bubbles appeared.

[Watching an ingredient go from fresh to rotten is truly distressing, such a waste!]

“How can we escape from this rule contamination?”

Lin Baici held a torch made of pine wood. “Can we burn down this altar?”

The Food God remained silent.

‘It’ had no intention of giving anyone a way out. Or perhaps ‘it’ was deeply addicted to this divination, so after finishing the divination for the girl in the chiffon dress, ‘it’ spoke again.

This time, the unlucky one was Coach Zhang.

“I still have a wife and children. I can’t die!”

Coach Zhang muttered, staring at the several dried corpse monsters.

He had a gun in his hand. Although he had been discharged from the military for almost ten years, he was a coach at this shooting range and almost touched a gun every day, so his marksmanship was very good.

But the problem was that he didn’t have many bullets. Once these monsters chased after him together, he would be doomed.

Coach Zhang looked at the dried corpse monster that had just killed someone and gave up on fighting for his life. He walked to the altar.

The divination began again, following the same process.

“It seems like this is a popular turtle shell divination from the Yin Dynasty.”

Xia Hongyao speculated, “There might be a tomb from the Pre-Qin period here. After the meteorite fell, some burial objects were contaminated by the divine remains and became divine taboos!”


As the bonfire exploded, sparks scattered, and the divination ended.

“Today, you will suffer from illness and injury. You will contract tuberculosis and cough up three liters of blood. Tragic!”

Coach Zhang’s mood at this moment was complicated and difficult to understand. If it was a bad result, he didn’t die directly. If it was a good result, tuberculosis and coughing up blood didn’t sound pleasant.

“Pulmonary tuberculosis? Isn’t that just tuberculosis?”

The wealthy boss remembered that it was an infectious disease. If one contracted it, they would have to go to a specialized infectious disease hospital for treatment.

“Lao Zhang, how do you feel now?”

Coach Tan asked with concern.

“I… cough, cough!”

Coach Zhang was about to answer when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lungs and started coughing.

Cough, cough! Cough, cough!

Coach Zhang coughed so severely that his whole body bent down, his hands supporting his knees. After coughing more than ten times, he vomited a pool of blood.

Then his bleeding couldn’t be stopped. He vomited mouthful after mouthful, quickly forming a large pool on the ground.

“At least he didn’t die suddenly!”

The wealthy boss envied. With advanced medical technology now, this disease could be cured. As long as Coach Zhang survived and left, he could live.

“It feels more painful than death.”

The young man with an earring just watched, feeling sorry for Coach Zhang.

“Xiao Bai, look!”

Hua Yueyu suddenly pulled Lin Baici’s clothes and pointed at the girl in the chiffon shirt.

Everyone heard her voice and looked over, immediately shocked. The girls’ faces were filled with fear.

“What… what happened to me?”

The girl in the chiffon shirt was scared, but besides feeling a bit tired, she didn’t feel any other discomfort.

“Your… your face!”

Lu Yingxi’s scalp went numb.

“What happened to my face?”

The girl in the chiffon shirt reached out and touched her cheek.


Why is the skin so loose and feels rough?

She quickly opened her small bag and took out a small mirror to look at herself.

When she saw her face in the mirror, the girl in the chiffon shirt screamed.



She was so scared that she threw the mirror away.

“This… this is too terrifying, right?”

Du Xin cried in fear.

At this moment, the girl in the chiffon shirt no longer had the youthful and beautiful appearance of a twenty-two-year-old. Her waist was hunched, her skin on her face was wax yellow and loose, completely sagging, like the face of a Shar-Pei dog.

She had completely turned into an old lady, at least sixty years old in appearance.

Xia Hongyao looked at the girl in the chiffon shirt, whose originally black shoulder-length hair had turned into dry white hair. She understood the meaning of the divination.

So ‘living a lifetime in three minutes’ referred to rapid aging.

Everyone’s hearts turned cold. Now everyone understood that any result divined by ‘it’ would definitely come true, whether it was bad luck resulting in death or the torment of contracting tuberculosis or aging. It was all too terrifying.

“We can’t wait any longer!” A man in his twenties walked out of the crowd. “I suggest that we split up and run, escape from this altar!”

“But those who run will be killed by the dried corpses!”

If Tang Zhiqian could run, he would have done so already.

“That’s why we need to split up, relying on our luck!”

The man had short, neat hair and was not tall, but he was strong. He was wearing a navy blue suit and had a confident expression on his face, looking like a high-ranking executive of a listed company.

The man’s words caused a commotion.

“Do you have a better solution?”

The man retorted, “Running may lead to death, but if we don’t run, this is the fate of these people!”

Tang Zhiqian and Lu Yingxi exchanged glances and made a decision.

“We agree!”

The two of them decided to give it a try.

“Xiao Zhou, can you help me?”

Fu Jinlin held the hand of a young man, pleading in a low voice.

The young man’s surname was Zhou, and his single name was Bing. He was twenty-seven years old and had just retired from the army. He was Fu Jinlin’s fellow villager and was now working as his driver and bodyguard.

“Boss, don’t worry, I’ll do my best!”

Zhou Bing held a shotgun and had a Beretta M92F pistol inserted in his belt.

He was grateful that when the meteor fell and the God’s Ruins appeared, he was at the shooting range playing with guns with his boss. Having suitable weapons was fortunate; otherwise, they would have to fight barehanded.

“Good, if we can survive this time, I’ll give you my villa in the western suburbs of Haijing City!”

Fu Jinlin patted Zhou Bing’s shoulder. “I’ll also give you a promotion and a raise, as well as a share of the company’s profits.”

“Is everyone ready? I’ll count to three, and then we start running!”

While the man with short hair spoke, he walked quickly to Lin Baici’s side and invited, “Let’s go together!”

[A divine hunter with three experiences exploring the God’s Ruins, possessing two trash divine blessings. Overall, he is like a roadside stall’s braised food, not delicious enough.]


Lin Baici’s voice had just fallen when everyone rushed over.

In this day and age, no one was foolish. Although they were splitting up, the survival rate would be higher if they followed Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

The man with short hair’s face turned angry. “Why are you all coming over? Get lost!”

“Why do you get to go with them?”

The young man with an earring questioned.

“Because I have a gun!”

Guo Zheng aimed his pistol at the young man with an earring. He didn’t want to reveal his identity as a divine hunter, as it would lower Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao’s guard against him.

After all, one must always be cautious.

“You act as if we don’t have any weapons.”

Tang Zhiqian raised his pistol and aimed it at Guo Zheng.

“It’s already this late, and you’re still fighting among yourselves?”Fu Jinlin helplessly said, “But he’s right. If so many people follow them, won’t they all be killed by the zombie monsters?”

“You’re together, so why don’t you run together?”

Fu Jinlin hoped that Tang Zhiqian and Lv Yingxi would go together. “Actually, I think you should split into two groups for a higher survival rate!”

Du Xin looked at the arguing people and poked Zhou Ya’s arm with her hand, asking softly, “Zhou Ya, what’s your relationship with Lin Xuedi?”

“Are we friends?”

Zhou Ya was also unsure. What she was most grateful for now was that on the day of university registration, she took the initiative to accompany Lin Baici and formed a bond.

“Then when you follow him, bring me along?” Du Xin pleaded, “Don’t you want the latest model of the iPhone? I’ll buy one for you when we go back!”

“What do you take me for?”

Zhou Ya frowned.

“Of course, a good best friend!”

Du Xin hugged Zhou Ya’s shoulder. “Stop hesitating and go cling to his thigh!”

At this time, Tang Zhiqian thought that even being the second prince was useless, and it was safest to follow a divine hunter.

Zhou Ya gritted her teeth and quickly walked to Lin Baici’s side.

“Lin Xue…”

Zhou Ya subconsciously called out, but when she reached the word “di,” she quickly stopped. After all, he was a divine hunter. Would it be disrespectful to call him “Xuedi”?

Du Xin stood beside Zhou Ya and forced out the sweetest smile, but Lin Baici didn’t even spare her a glance.

Fu Jinlin’s persuasion didn’t work, and Tang Zhiqian and Lv Yingxi had made up their minds to follow Lin Baici.

“Damn it, I’m a divine hunter. Why are you still arguing?”

Guo Zheng growled, and a large amount of red aura overflowed from his body, forming a lizard head above his head.


The lizard even stuck out its tongue.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Get lost!”

Guo Zheng cursed.

“Kneel and offer three sacrifices, disrespect the heavens and respect the spirits!”

“This god asks you, do you want to divine?”

‘It’ started again.

“What should we do?”

Xia Hongyao looked at Lin Baici, listening to Little Linzi.

“Run first!”

Lin Baici held the pine torch and drew a line on the ground.


The torch ignited, and the orange light scattered, shining on them, warm and familiar, like being caressed by a lover’s hand.

The way Lin Baici lit the torch was like striking a giant matchstick. This strange and magical scene made everyone look at him with surprise, astonishment, and envy.

Could this be the specialized weapon of a divine hunter?


Zhou Ya swallowed her saliva and didn’t know why, but she looked at the torch and had the urge to pounce on it, wanting to embrace it.

“Listen to me count to three!”

Guo Zheng glanced at Lin Baici’s torch.



“Three! Run!”


Everyone started moving, but most of them followed Lin Baici.

“Damn it!”

Boss Fu was so angry that he spat blood. He really wanted to shoot these people with a shotgun, but he quickly gave up on the idea because the zombie monsters also started moving and surrounded them.

“Spread out and run!”

Guo Zheng shouted, even considering killing someone to force them.

He was a wild divine hunter, belonging to the Kowloon Hall on Hong Kong Island, so he had no psychological pressure to kill a few ordinary people.

The speed at which the zombie monsters charged was much faster than that of humans.

[A group of naive ingredients, are your brains damaged, or do you think God’s Ruins is a children’s playground not worth worrying about? How could a rule contamination allow you to escape by running?]

The Food God mocked.

Lin Baici didn’t feel too disappointed when he heard this, because he also thought it wouldn’t be that easy to escape.

The zombie monsters were approaching!

“Shoot! Shoot!”

Tang Zhiqian and Lv Yingxi shouted, pulling the trigger, holding their AK47s, and firing at the fastest charging zombie monsters.

But their marksmanship was terrible.

Only the retired coach Tan and Fu Jinlin’s bodyguard Zhou Bing hit their targets every time.

Especially Zhou Bing, holding a shotgun, he was unstoppable.

A zombie monster rushed to within three meters of him, exerted force with its legs, and pounced.

Zhou Bing held the gun with both hands and twisted his upper body, aiming at it and pulling the trigger.


Gun smoke billowed.

Zhou Bing grabbed the shotgun’s fore-end with his left hand and pulled it back forcefully.


The shell ejected, and the bullet was reloaded.


Iron pellets hit the zombie monster’s head and face, smashing half of its brain.


The zombie monster fell to the ground.

“I can kill!”

Zhou Bing shouted, feeling extremely cool at this moment, like a war god with invincible might.

“Charge out, boss, follow me!”

Zhou Bing roared.

Everyone was still running too slowly. About twelve or thirteen zombie monsters on both sides accelerated and rushed forward, preparing to block and intercept them.

“Attack together!”

Guo Zheng called out to Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

“I’ll go!”

How long would they have to fight? And it was too dangerous.

Lin Baici took a big step forward, surpassing everyone and activating Divine Blessing!A statue of Buddha with its eyes closed appeared behind him, sitting cross-legged on a lotus platform.

Its hands were bound inward, thumbs crossed, index and middle fingers of both hands stood upright and united, placed in front of the chest, forming a mantra hand seal.

Apricot blossoms fell like a gentle rain, their damp scent rich and intoxicating.

When these raindrops sprinkled on the mummies in front of them, their heads ignited like oil lamps, flames flickering.

“What a magnificent divine grace!”

Xia Hongyao, holding a short knife, looked at the Buddha shadow behind Lin Baici.

The Buddha shadow was tall, solemn, and compassionate, as if blowing away the incense ash on the Buddha niche, it exhaled a breath.

Night rain in the fleeting life, the wild Buddha blows out the lamp.


There was no gust of wind stirring up dust, only the cool breeze of a summer evening brushing against their faces.

It didn’t seem powerful, but after the thirteen mummy monsters were swept by this cool breeze, the flames on their heads were instantly extinguished.

These mummy monsters, which were originally rampaging and besieging everyone, suddenly ‘dropped dead’, falling one by one on the floor, making a series of thumping sounds.

They stopped moving.

Guo Zheng’s eyes twitched, he turned his head, looking at Lin Baici with shock.

What kind of divine grace was this?

So powerful?

“Little Lin, impressive!”

Xia Hongyao was equally shocked, then delighted. This was her team member. However, thinking that her sister wanted Lin Baici to participate in the God Hunter license examination and enter the Jiuzhou Security Bureau through the regular process, she looked displeased.

Sister, by doing this, you’re going to make me lose him.

Xia Hongyao even considered courting Lin Baici as a tea girl, but she didn’t know if he liked Big Bear?

“Don’t waste your energy, be careful you won’t have the strength for the buffet later!”

With the mummy monsters blocking the way gone, the path ahead was clear, which excited everyone.

“Charge! Charge! Charge!”

The earring-wearing youth roared, but soon, the bonfire on the altar blazed up, and ‘its’ voice, like a thunderclap, drowned out all other sounds.

“Tortoise shell divination, today is a great disaster!”

“All of you, will die!”

As this voice sounded, the mummy monsters chasing Lin Baici and the others stopped moving, each assuming a strange pose.

Logically, this was a great opportunity to escape, but Lin Baici stopped. Seeing this, Tang Zhiqian and Lu Yingxi also stopped.


Guo Zheng was so angry he could spit blood, but had nowhere to vent, so he started shooting at the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets scattered everywhere.

“Be careful of misfires!”

Xia Hongyao warned.

“Why… why aren’t we running?”

The rich boss was about to cry. He understood, but he still wanted to hear these professional hunters tell him an answer he hoped to hear.

“Didn’t you hear what that thing said?”

Guo Zheng roared, “It’s too late, we’ve all been ‘divined’!”

Why did the mummy monsters stop chasing?

Because these people had all been cursed.

‘The lot of you will die’ was easy to understand. Translated into plain language, it meant all of you are going to die.

“What do we do now?”

The rich boss wanted to cry. I’ve finally earned a fortune, I haven’t had enough good food, I haven’t had enough beautiful women, I don’t want to die!

“Hunter bro, do you have a solution?”

“What do you mean ‘Hunter bro’? That’s impolite, call him God bro!”

“Great God, please show us a way to survive?”

Although Guo Zheng and Xia Hongyao were also God Hunters, at this moment, everyone’s eyes were on Lin Baici. Mainly because Xia Hongyao had been consulting Lin Baici’s opinion, indicating his greater experience. Plus, the Buddha that appeared behind him just now, with a single breath, had blown all the mummy monsters to death?

That was too impressive, right?

Clearly, it was his trump card.

Some observant people, like Tang Zhiqian and Fu Jinlin, noticed that Lin Baici’s expression had never panicked from beginning to end, he was calm and composed, while Guo Zheng, also a God Hunter, was more volatile.

Now, when everyone had been ‘divined’ and could die at any moment, Lin Baici was the only hope for everyone.

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