Chapter 74 – Jin Yingzhen is here!

Divine taboo?


Lin Baici's spirits lifted as he immediately looked up and observed, while his right hand quickly reached for the clothes placed on the bedside.


The clothes were rolled up, wrapped around a black bowl.


What came into view was a slightly messy university dormitory, with the snoring of Xu Daguan and Qian Jiahui echoing.


The morning sunlight sneaked in like a thief and spread across the floor.


Outside the window, the time was just right, and the noise of youth could be heard.




Lin Baici let out a breath.


Lately, he had been exposed to information about God's Ruins, and he had overreacted a bit. This was a university after all, where would there be any divine taboo?


He was hungry, it was just time for a meal.


Lin Baici lowered his head and glanced down.


Fang Mingyuan's blanket was not folded, casually thrown on the bed. The Spalding basketball under the bed was missing, he should have gone to the basketball court.


Hu Wenwu was also not there, he just didn't know what he was doing.


Liu Yu was lying on the bed, wearing headphones, watching videos, and muttering some syllables in his mouth.


With Lin Baici's current hearing, he could hear that he was reciting English words.


Liu Yu saw that Lin Baici had woken up and immediately closed the video, switching to Weibo: "The current hot searches are getting more and more boring. Seven out of ten are related to celebrities, and the remaining three are about women boxing."




Lin Baici was stunned. Was this the kind of person who secretly studied hard and secretly made you feel embarrassed?


Liu Yu's operation of switching apps was skillful, obviously he had done it many times.


Lin Baici smiled and got up to wash up.


Because Xu Daguan and Qian Jiahui were still sleeping, Lin Baici tried to be as quiet as possible.


Fetching water, squeezing toothpaste, brushing teeth…


Lin Baici looked at himself in the mirror on the wall, the Lin Baici with foam all over his mouth, and grinned, revealing a big smile.


"A new life begins!"


After washing his face, Lin Baici politely called out to Liu Yu, "Are you going to eat?"


"No, you go!"


Liu Yu was planning to study a little longer while his memory was still good in the morning.


His goal was to be the top of the department and win a scholarship.




Lin Baici stuffed the black bowl into his backpack and went out of the room.




Although the "food storage" of the black bowl had saved Lin Baici a lot of trouble, it was still inconvenient to bring it every time he went out, right?


If he didn't bring it, leaving it in the dorm, Lin Baici would be worried.


If it got lost, or if there was a sudden outbreak of rule contamination, it would be a big problem.


Lin Baici left the dormitory building and as soon as he reached the small square, he immediately smelled the fragrance coming from the No. 1 cafeteria.


There were quite a few people, all of them freshmen it seemed.


Lin Baici walked into the cafeteria and was immediately hit by the noise and heat wave. Even with the air conditioning on, it couldn't stop this force.


There were no vendors shouting, only students wandering around each window, peeking in.


There was no choice, the freshmen didn't know which chef made delicious food, and which aunt's hand didn't intentionally shake when serving food, shaking the meat back into the dish.


Lin Baici planned to start eating on the first floor.


[A mediocre university cafeteria, today's ingredients are all wholesale from the vegetable market, no substandard or rotten ones.]


[Sanitary conditions are qualified, extermination of rats and cockroaches was done just three days ago!]


[Counting from the right, the sixth window, the chef has diabetes and is lazy. Although he washes his hands after using the restroom, it's just for show. If you don't want your meal to be a little sweet, don't buy from him!]


Lin Baici looked over, that window sold steamed buns.


He couldn't see what the chef looked like, but the aunt responsible for serving food was in her forties, nimble with her hands and feet, and had a friendly smile.


After the aunt opened the steamer, hot steam rose up, carrying a rich aroma that made people's appetites soar.


There were more than twenty students in line in front of the window.


To be honest, if it weren't for the reminder from the Gourmet God, Lin Baici would have wanted to buy a few steamed buns to try.


Soy milk, fried dough sticks, millet porridge, eight treasure porridge…


There were various styles.


It was Lin Baici's first time in the cafeteria, so he looked at each window, and finally ordered a bowl of millet porridge, a tea egg, and a sweet pastry.


At Haijing University of Technology, students didn't need to bring their own bowls and chopsticks.


There were several food carts evenly distributed near the food windows, with stainless steel plates and bowls, disinfected chopsticks and spoons on top.


Before getting food, students just needed to take a set.


Lin Baici held his breakfast on a tray and felt it was fresh.


The tables in the cafeteria were made of steel, with the table and chairs integrated, seating six people.


The tabletop was blue, and the chairs were orange.


Lin Baici found a seat and sat down, his buttocks feeling a bit cold.


He didn't know if it was because it was morning, but the boys were all sleeping in and not eating, while the number of girls was a bit excessive.


After finishing his meal, Lin Baici started to wander around the campus, planning to take a walk and familiarize himself with the environment.


On the playground, many students were releasing their hormones.


Lin Baici stepped on the rubber track and felt good. He sprinted for more than ninety meters, like a hurricane, like a galloping horse.


Not far away, a girl who was jogging saw this scene and was stunned.


Wasn't that too fast?


That boy wasn't even wearing running shoes, carrying a backpack on his back. Wow, those long legs were really eye-catching!


He must be a student with a special talent in sports, right?


At 10:30 in the morning, Lin Baici finished touring the campus and was ready to go to the department store on campus to buy some things when his phone suddenly received a message.


Lin Baici took it out and looked at it, instantly delighted.


You have received an income of 30,000.00 yuan from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on September 3rd at 10:31 (remitted from another bank), with a balance of 41,175.93 yuan.


Counterparty account name: Origin Forum, counterparty account number: 0001 [ICBC].




Lin Baici clenched his right fist in excitement and swung it three times.


This remittance came from the Origin Forum, it must be the reward he received after correctly answering that help post.


Yesterday, Lin Baici received a message from the forum, saying that the reward would be received within three days, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.


"It seems that the employees of the Origin Forum are quite efficient!"


With the money in hand, Lin Baici felt relieved and became happy again.


From now on, the reward and help section of this forum would be his own gold mine. When he had nothing to do, he could go in and take advantage of it, it was simply delightful.


30,000 yuan!


Looking at the message, Lin Baici's first thought was to quickly call his mother and tell her not to work overtime for that little overtime pay.


He would earn his own living expenses from now on.


His mother could take it easy.


But when it came time to make the call, Lin Baici hesitated.


How should he explain the source of the money?


Tell the truth?


If his mother knew that he had become a hunter of gods, she would definitely be worried every day and would rather work overtime herself than let him take risks.


Just find a random excuse, like winning the lottery. But his mother wasn't stupid, she wouldn't be fooled.




Let's keep it a secret for a month or two. By then, he could say that he had received a scholarship or participated in a senior sister's entrepreneurial project and sold an app for some money.


This senior sister could be played by Xia Hongyao, helping to cover up the lie.


But with her intelligence, she wouldn't accidentally let it slip, right?


With a large sum of money in his account, Lin Baici planned to buy some delicious food to reward himself.


He walked into the supermarket and came to the refrigerated display, ready to pick an ice cream. But when he looked at the price tag, he exclaimed,


Oh my god,


They're all so expensive?


A beautiful jasmine flower, fragrant and beautiful…


His phone rang, and Lin Baici answered.


"Oppa, I'm here to see you, where are you?"


Jin Yingzhen's respectful voice came from the receiver.


"You've arrived at Haijing University of Technology?"


Lin Baici was surprised. When they were chatting yesterday, Jin Yingzhen was still in Goryeo.


"Yeah, I took a flight last night!"


Jin Yingzhen knew that Lin Baici had arrived at the school yesterday and immediately booked a plane ticket. She arrived at Haijing Airport around three in the morning.


The Goryeo girl got into the Mercedes-Benz car that came to pick her up and went back to Tingzhi Garden without resting. Instead, she went straight to the garage to check the gift prepared for Lin Baici.


Tingzhi Garden was a famous villa area in Haijing, and the house here was bought for her by her father.


But Jin Yingzhen had never come to live here. If it weren't for preparing a gift for Lin Baici and needing a place to temporarily store it, she still wouldn't have come.


"Where are you now? I'll come find you!"


Jin Yingzhen's voice was filled with excitement, she couldn't wait to meet Oppa.


"I'm at the supermarket, well, it's very close to the school gate. I'll come to the main gate to pick you up, the main gate on Fuan Road!"


As Lin Baici spoke, he walked quickly towards the exit of the supermarket.


By the way, from the tone of Jin Yingzhen's words, it seemed like she came specifically to see him?


Today was still the registration day, so there were a lot of people at the main gate, and the traffic was still heavy.


Lin Baici was worried that Jin Yingzhen wouldn't be able to find him, so he stood in front of the Fengshui stone with the four big characters "Haijing University of Technology".


There were more than twenty students and parents taking pictures in front of this eye-catching stone.


After a bus for new students passed by, a Mercedes-Benz drove over, with a pure black coating that shimmered in the golden sunlight. The body lines were heavy and magnificent, making it look like a black knight in armor, walking onto the battlefield to cut off the enemy general's head.


This was a new car, beautiful like a piece of mechanical art, making many people couldn't help but take a glance.


The Mercedes-Benz made a curved turn and stopped about five or six meters away from the Fengshui stone. The car door opened, and a girl with light golden hair opened the door and got out.




Jin Yingzhen shouted, running towards Lin Baici.




Lin Baici had just finished speaking when Jin Yingzhen had already pounced on him, hugging him tightly.




Dozens of gazes immediately fell on Lin Baici.


The girls were fine, but the boys felt sour, as if they had been forced to drink a bellyful of lemonade.


How could he have such a beautiful foreign girlfriend?


She was good-looking and had a sweet voice.


By the way, she came in a big Benz, she should be rich too.


"Let's go somewhere else to talk?"


Lin Baici's head was spinning, he didn't want to be seen as a monkey.


"Okay!" Jin Yingzhen looked around on the street, "Is there a café nearby? Or should we go straight to a hotel?"


Jin Yingzhen's pronunciation was very standard, so the word "hotel" was very clear. When the nearby boys heard it, they felt bad all over.


Go to a hotel?


Should they just chat?


They won't do anything else, right?


Please don't play poker!



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