Chapter 230 – True • Lose fans

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

As the hurricane ceased, Lin Baici immediately stood up and dashed towards the edge of the rooftop, shouting a reminder, "Quick, go pick up the feathers!"


"Are you crazy? Be careful not to get blown off by the wind!"


Li Jun, a staff member who had been following Lin Baici, didn't understand why he was running towards the edge again.


"Right, you both have feathers in hand, but we didn't see you budge during the hurricane!"


A chubby man questioned.


"My phone won't turn on, whose is working? Call the police, quick!"


"Mine's dead too!"


"Why are they all broken?"


Someone angrily threw their phone.


"Qinqin, don't be afraid, I'll protect you!"


Zeng Guoxue held onto Xiao Xianya's arm, still entangling her.


"Leave me alone, please, we've already broken up!"


Xiao Xianya tried to shake off Zeng Guoxue's hand, but her ex-boyfriend was caught in his own paranoia and sickness, refusing to listen.


"Listen to him, he's right!"


Xia Hongyao shouted, following Lin Baici: "We're professionals, we're doing it too, do you really think we'd deceive you?"


"The feathers were useless before because we didn't have enough!"


Lin Baici explained as he ran, having already chosen which feather to take and his route. So, when he reached the rooftop edge, he didn't stop and jumped onto a cube.


"Yueyu, Qingqiu, remember, you must return within a minute and thirty seconds!"


Lin Baici glanced at his watch, emphasizing: "Even if you don't get a feather, you must come back!"


Thirty seconds had passed, so in a minute and a half, the hurricane would pick up again. He figured that as long as Hua Yueyu and Gu Qingqiu made it back to the rooftop, even if they were at the edge, with his strength, he should be able to hold onto them.


Of course, if they came back early, they'd definitely run towards the center of the rooftop.


"Got it!"


Hua Yueyu nodded, about to choose an easy feather, when suddenly Xia Hongyao's shout pierced her ears.


Following Xia Hongyao's voice, a corpse plummeted from the sky, whizzing past Hua Yueyu and crashing onto the rooftop.




The body, like a water-filled balloon, smashed onto the ground from the skyscraper, bursting on impact, scattering flesh, blood, and shattered skull fragments everywhere.




Hua Yueyu halted abruptly, frozen in place, screaming in shock.


Although she had seen many dead in the God's Ruins, she had never experienced such a close encounter with death, especially one that splattered her with blood and flesh.


Especially when the body hit the ground, the skin couldn't withstand the impact and burst open, the organs exploded like a fountain, the scene was simply too ghastly and nauseating.


Intestine fountain? Ever seen it?


Like a goddess scattering flowers!


Bang! Bang! Bang!


More than twenty bodies fell from the sky, shattering upon impact. From above, each point of impact looked like a blooming flower of flesh and blood.


Some of Xiao Xianya's fans, they've just gone a few steps, 'corpse rain' began to fall.


This directly shattered their courage.


Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao were also startled, not expecting the rule contamination to be so bloody, as these were the people who had just been blown off the rooftop by the hurricane.


Gu Qingqiu wiped the blood splattered on her face with her hand, licked her palm casually, then teased Hua Yueyu, "Little Fish, ever seen such 'lose fans'?"


Hearing this, Hua Yueyu was stunned, then gasped as she realized what it meant.


"This kind of visible 'lose fans' is not just heartbreaking, but also shocking!"


After making her joke, Gu Qingqiu continued her actions, completely unfazed by the scene, while Hua Yueyu's legs went soft.


Seeing Hua Yueyu's state, Lin Baici quickly dissuaded her, "Yueyu, don't come over, wait in the middle of the rooftop, try again next time."


Xia Hongyao stopped at the rooftop edge, waiting for Gu Qingqiu to reach her, ready to hand over the locust leg, "Little Lin, can't we take feathers for others?"


"It probably won't work!"


Although the Gourmet God said it wouldn't work, in this situation, Lin Baici definitely couldn't say "definitely," as Xia Hongyao, with her D intelligence, wouldn't doubt, but Gu Qingqiu might.


"Don't give it to me, you go!"


Gu Qingqiu licked her lips, "Don't waste time!"


"Can you make it?"


Xia Hongyao was worried because Gu Qingqiu wasn't very athletic.


Without answering, Gu Qingqiu ran to the rooftop edge and without pausing to look, jumped onto a cube.


One! Two! Three! Gu Qingqiu jumped in succession.


"Be careful!"


Xia Hongyao gasped in shock because Gu Qingqiu was jumping in succession, which was too reckless—what if she slipped?


"Be more cautious!"


"It's okay!"


Gu Qingqiu's body wobbled, but she was actually stable, taking only sixteen seconds to successfully leap across twelve cubes and grab a feather.


She didn't immediately return but played with the feather while leaning out, looking down, "So high!"






Hua Yueyu was speechless. Do you even qualify to say the word 'terrifying'?


You're even more reckless than Little White and Sister Yao!


[A madman, a neurotic, and maybe a bit of a pervert?]


[She's reveling in the thrill of death!]


"Red Medicine, don't worry about her, watch your own safety!" Lin Baici reminded.


With the current layout of the cubes, it wasn't difficult at all. As long as one had strong mental resilience and wasn't afraid of heights, basic athletic and balance abilities were enough to pass.


Gu Qingqiu clearly had a big heart.


Lin Baici waited for this crazy woman to jump back onto the rooftop, grabbed her, and immediately ran back.


Two minutes passed, and the hurricane surged once again.


This time, without Lin Baici's reminder, everyone immediately lay on the ground, clutching the floor with both hands.


The hurricane was strong, and lighter people were blown and slid away, screaming in terror.


"Little Lin, it's okay!"


Xia Hongyao was overjoyed, realizing that after obtaining two feathers, the hurricane felt like a gentle spring breeze, without the violent sensation of being torn away.


"Quickly go get the feathers, with two you won't be blown away!"


Xia Hongyao urged.


The majority of people moved.


"Qinqin, don't be afraid, I'll get it for you!"


Zeng Guoxue was still following Xiao Xianya.


"Yueyu! Quick!"


Lin Baici helped arrange the route, "Take that one!"


Although there were many feathers, they varied in difficulty. Some were closer to the rooftop and on a level plane, avoiding the need for jumping up and down.


After all, the more movements, the greater the risk.


Hua Yueyu was a bit acrophobic, her heart pounding.


"Don't look down!"


Xia Hongyao advised, handing her the locust leg, "Try to jump one platform at a time, don't rush for success!"


"Go for it!"


Lin Baici instructed, "You must come back within a minute and a half!"


Gu Qingqiu had already started.


"Beauty, if she's too scared to jump, can I borrow that weapon of yours?"


Li Jun approached, eyeing the locust leg, hoping to borrow it. He felt it could increase his chances of success.


"Sorry, my friend needs it!"


Xia Hongyao apologized.


"No problem, I can wait!"


Li Jun smiled accommodatingly.


Seeing this, over a dozen smart people also hurried over, wanting to borrow the Divine taboo.


"You'd better not wait, these cubes will fall, and after each hurricane, some will drop!"


Lin Baici warned.




Hearing this, everyone tensed up and looked at the cubes. Did they seem fewer?


But getting feathers was a life-risking endeavor, so everyone was cautious and didn't jump rashly.


"Based on my estimation, after each hurricane, more cubes will fall than the last time, so you don't have much time left."


Gu Qingqiu returned, took a deep breath, and looked back at the cubes.


"You're not thinking of going again, are you?"


Xia Hongyao, seeing Gu Qingqiu's eager expression, suddenly realized she might be crazier than expected.


Lin Baici checked his watch, "No time left, run back, those on the cubes hurry, if you can't get a feather, come back!"


As Hua Yueyu jumped onto the rooftop, Lin Baici immediately grabbed her arm, then pulled her into his arms and carried her towards the center of the rooftop.


Everyone was no fool; seeing this, they all started running, those on the cubes panicked, and those who hadn't jumped many platforms immediately gave up and jumped back. But those who had jumped several felt it was too much of a loss to return and decided to persist, though they couldn't move quickly.


The hurricane, like the executioner's blade at the third watch, wouldn't wait for anyone and blew on time.




The seven people still on the cubes were blown off without a doubt.




When the hurricane stopped, Lin Baici immediately got up.


"Quick! Quick!"


Lin Baici urged while looking up, worried about being hit by falling bodies.


With the experience from before, many people looked up, and then they saw a black dot suddenly appear high in the sky, rapidly enlarging, and then with a bang, it smashed onto the ground.


Because the body fell from such a high place, it skipped the deformation upon impact and directly disintegrated.


"Another fans drop!"


Gu Qingqiu checked her phone and camera, found them unusable, and shook her head in disappointment.


Ah! She really wanted to capture it!


"You better hurry, the cubes are falling, you don't have many chances left!" Xia Hongyao shouted.


"Are you a divine hunter, something like a military profession? Don't you have a duty to ensure our safety?"


The chubby man who had questioned before demanded Xia Hongyao, "Shouldn't you and he help us get feathers? Everyone, isn't what I'm saying right?"


In the crowd, some chimed in, others remained silent.


Zeng Guoxue successfully retrieved a feather and hurriedly stuffed it into Xiao Xianya's hands, "Here, take it!"


Xiao Xianya didn't want to owe her ex-boyfriend a favor but was too scared to risk her life, almost torn apart by indecision. But the next second, as Zeng Guoxue completely handed the feather to Xiao Xianya and his fingers left it, the feather immediately ignited.




Flames soared, licking Xiao Xianya's hair.




Xiao Xianya screamed in fright, hastily retreating, patting the flames on her head and hands. Her sleeves were also burned.




Zeng Guoxue panicked.


Lin Baici took a fire extinguisher from the black cauldron and rushed over, spraying Xiao Xianya.




Foam sprayed out, extinguishing the flames on Xiao Xianya.


Xiao Xianya cried out in pain and urgency, "Am I disfigured?"


"It's okay, just a minor burn!" Lin Baici comforted.


"Little Fatty, did you see? If we get it for you, would you dare to take it?"


Gu Qingqiu countered.


The chubby man's face panicked, now what?


"Even if you're disfigured, Divine taboo can heal you!"


Xia Hongyao reassured, "You should be more worried about getting feathers quickly, or you're dead for sure!"


"This… this is like sending us with acrophobia to our deaths, isn't it?" the chubby man cried.


If only I had stayed home to watch movies, wouldn't that have been better? Coming here to take live photos of Xiao Xianya, now I'm screwed!


"Everyone, pay attention, it's time to run, the hurricane is coming again!" Lin Baici shouted.


Hua Yueyu successfully retrieved a feather.


The four of them were temporarily safe, but of the nearly four hundred fans, only about ten had completed the task.


The hurricane came and stopped again, this time no one died, but the situation was dire as many cubes had fallen.


It was clear now, to survive, one had to fight for their life.


A young man in a denim jacket was psyching himself up when a kid in Nike shoes jumped ahead of him.


"What are you doing? I chose this route first!"


The denim jacket youth panicked because he had checked this route, and it only required jumping thirteen cubes to get a feather, with a low risk factor.


"Is your name written on this platform?" the Nike kid scoffed.


This round, many people started to grab feathers, after all, there were quite a few with the guts and initiative, just differing in speed.


Of course, some overestimated themselves.


Like some tourists playing on glass walkways in scenic areas, they think they can handle it at first, but after walking a bit, they're paralyzed with fear.


And then there's acrophobia, without personally experiencing high altitudes, one simply doesn't know if they have it. After all, looking down from a twenty-meter-high building and a hundred-meter-high building are not the same feeling.


A young man jumped five cubes, his hands and feet trembling, his heart racing, he squatted down, clutching the cube beneath him tightly.


Not just him, three others did the same.


"Jump quickly, you're running out of time!"


Xia Hongyao shouted, "Or you can come back first!" But these few didn't move.


The young man decided to give up and return to the rooftop to rest. He took a few deep breaths, stood up halfway, his legs not yet straightened, started to feel dizzy, and quickly squatted down again.


A youth saw everyone running towards the center of the rooftop and panicked, he could only speed up, risking jumping three cubes at once.


Thud! Thud! Thud!




The youth was overjoyed, about to sprint, when the hurricane arrived.




The youth was blown off, as were those on the cubes, none spared.

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