Chapter 225 – Women’s Dormitory Night Talk

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

In the dormitory, the girls had just finished their nightly routines, the air filled with the scents of makeup and shower gel, complemented by the faint aroma of champagne.


Liu Zilu sat cross-legged on her bed, cradling a large bottle of Ace of Spades, her eyes hazy with intoxication, cheeks flushed with a rosy glow.


No one teased her, for when they had returned earlier, they had all gathered around this bottle of champagne, snapping photos for a long while. Even if they didn't flaunt it on social media, just having it on their phones was a source of joy.


Some of the girls were self-aware, knowing that the chance to drink such an expensive wine, nearing ten thousand yuan a bottle, would likely not come again in their lifetime.


And even if it did, tonight was worth remembering, a beautiful memory to reminisce about in their old age.


"Jealous, are you?" Xu Jiaqi teased from Pei Fei's bed where she sat.


They lived in the next dorm over and had come over to chat after freshening up, as there was just so much to talk about today.


"If Lin Baici confessed to me today, I'd immediately buy two boxes of Okamoto condoms and drag him to a hotel. If we don't use them all, I won't let him leave the bed!" Liu Zilu declared, taking a big gulp of champagne.


"Liu Zilu, you've had too much to drink!" Tao Nai expressed her concern. Was this really something one should say?


"Pfft, don't tell me you haven't thought about it!" Liu Zilu pouted. "Aside from being broke, Lin Baici is outstanding in every other way. His looks and physique are a given, but just look at his intelligence—he broke the escape room record!"


"But he's too undisciplined, skipping classes so recklessly just after starting university. What will he do in the future?" Zhou Zhou countered. "He can't seriously become a gigolo, can he?"


"People are different, so a guy like Lin Baici is just someone to look at and nothing more," Xu Jiaqi said, holding a cup in front of her, watching the bubbles in the champagne slowly rise and then burst.


"Bai Jiao could give it a shot!" Liu Zilu joked, but her words carried a hint of sourness. "Ji Xinyan could too. If she were the only one with him today, maybe she really would have ended up in a hotel with Lin Baici!"


For some reason, everyone suddenly felt grateful that Pei Fei had stayed behind, effectively acting as a third wheel.


Although I can't have him, I don't want Ji Xinyan to get him so easily either.


"Do you think Ji Xinyan is a fool?" Bai Jiao said, unamused. Ji Xinyan might seem aloof and frivolous in her mannerisms, but she was certainly smart and self-respecting.


Handing herself over to a man she's known for less than 50% of the semester? Ridiculous!


Even if Lin Baici was incomparably outstanding, Ji Xinyan wouldn't do such a thing.




The dormitory door opened.


"Safe at home base!" Ji Xinyan laughed as she entered, the lingering scent of rain still on her, and after setting down her bag, she went to remove her makeup and wash her face.


"Let me wash my hands first!" Pei Fei said, not needing to fuss with makeup.


"What took you so long?" Liu Zilu asked casually.




Pei Fei wanted to say they couldn't find a taxi, but remembering she had returned in Lin Baici's luxury car, she fell silent.


The excuse of not finding a taxi just didn't hold up.


"The rain was heavy, hard to get a taxi," Ji Xinyan chimed in, smoothly changing the subject. "Is the champagne good?"


"Delicious!" Liu Zilu nodded vigorously.


"It's so expensive, how could it not be good?" Zhou Zhou remarked, thinking that a single set of such champagne cost more than her father's annual salary.


"You're just blinded by money. Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good. It could just be a tax on your intelligence!" Ji Xinyan said, not meaning to lecture. Zhou Zhou had seen too little of the world, so it was normal for her to think this way.


"Who says so? The BMW of Xu Daguan is definitely more comfortable than a taxi, not bumpy at all!" Zhou Zhou argued.


"Why are you comparing a new car worth over three hundred thousand with a taxi that's worth just over a hundred thousand? And those taxis have been running for who knows how many years, they're barely serviceable," Ji Xinyan shook her head, finding the comparison inappropriate.


"It's amazing that Xu Daguan could afford such an expensive car just starting university!" Zhou Zhou had just secretly checked the price of the BMW 3 series; it was indeed pricey.


She admired Xu Daguan a bit, at least compared to Qian Jiahui who spent his family's money, Xu Daguan earned his own.


"Indeed, impressive!"


"He's a bit ugly, but has some talent!"


"Does he count as a major broadcaster?"


The girls chattered away.


It was undeniable that Xu Daguan's show of superiority today was successful; he could be considered outstanding among his peers.


Liu Zilu opened her mouth to speak but seeing no one pick up the topic, she remained silent.


She had watched Xu Daguan's live streams. Without a clear focus, he relied on his mouth, like a solo comedian, and was somewhat vulgar. Moreover, his begging for tips was a bit demeaning, which was why Liu Zilu didn't think highly of him.


In essence, he had just caught the live streaming trend early and made a small fortune. Once the industry became more competitive, he would likely fall behind.


Zhou Zhou didn't understand why no one discussed Xu Daguan's live streaming career.


In fact, many girls loved to compare and had their little schemes.


Me, watch Xu Daguan's live stream?


Wouldn't that imply I'm interested in Xu Daguan? That I'm secretly paying attention to him?


Even if I am, I wouldn't let you all know. In everyone's eyes, aside from a bit of money, Xu Daguan really had nothing to boast about.


It's easy to be labeled as someone chasing after his money.


Of course, being Qian Jiahui's girlfriend would also attract such gossip, but the thing is, Qian Jiahui's family is wealthy, so even if slandered for loving money, it would be worth it!


"Qian Jiahui's dad is also impressive!" Tao Nai suddenly interjected.


"Ha ha!" Everyone laughed.


"You could be his stepmom!" Liu Zilu took another sip of her drink. "Ji Xinyan, Pei Fei, do you want a glass?"


Pei Fei wanted to tell everyone that Lin Baici's father was also impressive.


"I'll get a cup!" In Pei Fei's eyes, Lin Baici had transformed from a handsome, muscular, and generous man into a low-key second-generation wealthy.


The idea of Lin Baici earning a million a month on his own never crossed her mind.


"No, thanks!" Ji Xinyan, having finished her nightly routine and changed into her pajamas, lay on her bed and sent a message to Lin Baici: "I'm back at the dorm, all clean!"




Ji Xinyan covered her chest with her hand, took a selfie, and sent it to Lin Baici.


"Any regrets?"


Regrets about what?


Of course, about not going straight to the hotel!


The art of seduction, Ji Xinyan was quite skilled at it!


"Hey, liking Lin Baici is risky, you've seen it. There's actually a shameless wealthy woman who's actively pursuing him!" Xu Jiaqi actually had a crush on Lin Baici, because, well, he's handsome.


"Right, after Lin Baici graduates and gets knocked around by society, he might not want to try hard and could choose to lie in a wealthy woman's bed!" Zhou Zhou thought this was very likely.


"Do you think it's easy to earn a wealthy woman's money?" Liu Zilu rolled her eyes, and then the conversation turned lively as they discussed how Lin Baici might be tormented by a wealthy woman.


And that wealthy woman, or perhaps several of them, how ugly they might be, like the fat on their bellies resembling the tires of a bulldozer.


Oh, just thinking about them clinging to Lin Baici made everyone shiver.


Pei Fei listened to the girls' late-night gossip, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


How unlucky would Lin Baici have to be to end up in such a situation?


Besides, the money others work ten years to earn probably isn't even as much as he'd get from selling that sports car.


"If you have the chance, try to persuade Lin Baici not to waste his talents!" Bai Jiao couldn't stand the nonsense any longer.


"Look, dumpling, you've also taken a liking to Lin Baici after seeing him clear the escape room?" Some girl made a joke.


Lin Baici's performance in the escape room today was indeed eye-catching.


"I'll consider him when he has twenty million!" Bai Jiao lay in bed, wearing a headset, listening to English readings.


Everyone knew Bai Jiao had high standards, and from her words, they understood her expectations for a boyfriend: assets worth twenty million yuan.


It could be said that this was Bai Jiao's valuation of herself, which could fluctuate, but couldn't be too far off.


"Pfft!" Ji Xinyan couldn't help but laugh.




Should I tell Bai Jiao that Lin Baici's bank account balance today is two million more than the twenty million she mentioned?


I really want to see her expression when she finds out, what should I do?


"Ji Xinyan, what about you? What's your expectation for your boyfriend's wealth? How much money?" Xu Jiaqi was curious.


"I'm a lookist, my boyfriend's wealth isn't important, what's important is that he's handsome enough to make other women jealous of me," Ji Xinyan giggled.


"But Qian Jiahui is quite handsome too!" Liu Zilu countered.


"Qian Jiahui is too frail, he's been with more girls than the number of face masks you've used, I don't want leftovers," Ji Xinyan's explosive words instantly elicited a chorus of giggles from the dorm, even the usually aloof Bai Jiao couldn't help but laugh at the comparison.


"I'm telling you, Lin Baici definitely has a six-pack!" Ji Xinyan lamented. "It's a pity it's winter now, otherwise we could organize a class outing to the water park. Then, in swimwear, you could all see Lin Baici's model physique!"


"Then I need to start dieting in advance!" Xu Jiaqi patted her belly.


The other girls didn't speak, but they resolved to eat less and run more this winter, determined not to gain weight.


"Just afraid that old woman might see Lin Baici's abs before us!" Tao Nai grumbled.


"Yeah, Lin Baici accepted such expensive wine from that wealthy woman, he'll definitely keep in touch, right? Otherwise, it would be too shameless!" Zhou Zhou wanted to say "shameless," thinking that if it were her, she would definitely exchange contact information after receiving such an expensive gift.


"No need to guess, with that kind of wealthy woman's connections, as long as Lin Baici isn't brain-dead, he'll definitely maintain them. As for what happens in the end, it depends on whether Lin Baici can withstand her advances," Bai Jiao was unfazed, as the more outstanding a man, the more inevitable it was for women to chase after him.


Pei Fei felt her roommates were worrying too much. With Lin Baici's excellent qualities that could cause a stir in university, would he really go after an old cabbage? Weren't the girls in university tempting enough? Or had Lin Baici been cursed?

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