Chapter 223 – I’m not pretending, I am a billionaire!

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

"Shall we leave here and hail a cab somewhere else?"


Pei Fei suggested.


In front of this nightclub, many people were taking shelter from the rain. With taxis already scarce, and many men braving the rain to flag down cabs for their female companions, the wait for a ride had become even longer.


At this rate, they were sure to miss the dormitory curfew.


Ji Xinyan glanced at Lin Baici, wanting to say that she didn't necessarily have to return that night.


"Let's wait a bit longer!"


Lin Baici didn't mind getting a little wet, but he was concerned that even if they tried to hail a cab in the rain, they might not succeed.


"I'll make a call!"


Lin Baici pulled out his phone and dialed the manager of the Hilton Hotel.


"What can I do for you, Mr. Lin?"


The manager's voice was respectful through the receiver.


"I need a car at the entrance of the Wave Nightclub. Can you arrange for a driver to bring one over?"


If the manager had said there was no time, Lin Baici was ready to offer money, but the other party was very accommodating and didn't refuse.


"I'll arrange for a hotel driver to pick you up right away!"


After a few more words of concern about him and Jin Yingzhen, the manager hung up the phone in a timely manner, leaving an impression of warmth without being obsequious.


It was a perfect balance, befitting of a manager.


Lin Baici's voice wasn't loud, but the three of them were standing close together, and he didn't try to avoid being overheard, so Pei Fei caught the conversation.


She looked shocked and nudged Ji Xinyan's arm.


"What did he just say?"


Pei Fei murmured softly, "Why do I get the feeling he's like one of those young masters from a Republican-era TV drama?"


"I don't know!"


Ji Xinyan shook her head. She wasn't playing with her phone but instead stood with her arms crossed, gazing at the city's nightscape veiled in drizzle.


Lin Baici remained silent, standing there like a deep and unmovable mountain, his expression serene, like a stone sculpture.


"Oh my, why do I feel like I've become a third wheel?"


Pei Fei finally realized the situation, feeling a bit awkward.


A gust of wind blew, sprinkling some rain on their faces.


Ji Xinyan had wanted to step back, but since Lin Baici didn't move, she gave up the idea.


At the nightclub entrance, the sound of car horns was incessant. At this time, men who had driven there felt a sense of superiority.


The girls would be happy to walk over to their boyfriends or friends who had parked their cars on the street in front of the club.


They'd open the door, get in the car, and then shut the door forcefully, as if to make sure others noticed, enjoying the envious glances.


Those without cars stood under the eaves, irritable and gloomy, heads down playing with their phones, too lazy to respond to their boyfriends' inquiries about the cold.


"These women are so materialistic!"


Pei Fei scorned. She thought that if she had a boyfriend in the future, as long as they loved each other, even without a car, she would be happy to walk in the rain with him.


"Old Pei, if you want to see a match made in heaven, you should go to the front of a high school!"


Ji Xinyan teased.


Lin Baici turned and re-entered the nightclub.


"Where's he going?"


Pei Fei stood on tiptoes, watching Lin Baici's retreating figure.


"I don't know."


Ji Xinyan guessed that Lin Baici might be going to borrow a car, possibly from that Sister Zhong or that male model, but then she dismissed the idea.


With Lin Baici's proud nature, how could he possibly ask someone to borrow a car? Pei Fei, just out of high school, was a well-behaved student, anxious about missing the curfew.


Staying out all night?


Pei Fei didn't even dare to think about it, let alone do it.


Ji Xinyan didn't care at all. If it weren't for her lack of familiarity with Lin Baici and the fact that it was her first time wanting a memorable experience, she would have directly hinted at going to a hotel with him.


No matter what, beauties are always favored!


A man in slacks and a white shirt approached.


"Are you ladies waiting for a ride? I'm heading home and can give you a lift if you don't mind?"


The man, in his twenties with a side-parted hairstyle and a Rolex on his left wrist, smelled faintly of smoke and alcohol, adding a touch of maturity.


He was a successful urban white-collar worker.


Pei Fei was a bit nervous and subconsciously grabbed Ji Xinyan's arm.


"No, thank you!"


Ji Xinyan declined.


Places like nightclubs are hunting grounds, and one can't avoid such encounters.


Undeterred, the man persisted, "It's late and raining; waiting for a cab will take a long time. Here's my business card!"


He took out a business card and handed it to Ji Xinyan, targeting her specifically: "My name is Lin Yuan, I'm a lawyer!"


The card displayed his company name and position. Judging by the title alone, it was quite impressive, which was the source of his confidence.


Often, Lin Yuan could start a conversation by handing out his business card, but today this girl showed no interest in taking it.


"Oh, dressed like a green tea b*tch, but playing it cool?"


Lin Yuan was even more excited; he enjoyed conquering such girls, loving to see the contrast between their public persona and their behavior in bed.


Ji Xinyan knew this type of man wouldn't leave easily, so she simply ignored him and started playing with her phone.


Lin Yuan kept talking to himself until he suddenly stopped and looked to the side.


A tall young man, towering over him by two heads, stood beside him, holding two cartons of milk and two canned coffees.


"Damn it!"


Lin Yuan was startled by the man's height.


Lin Baici's imposing stature gave Lin Yuan a sense of oppression. If this was some hot-headed youth, he could get beaten up without a place to reason.


"Hello, are you all together?"


Lin Yuan smiled and extended his hand to Lin Baici.




Lin Baici nodded politely and turned to Pei Fei and Ji Xinyan, "Would you like something warm to drink? Milk or coffee?"


"I like your milk!"


Ji Xinyan smiled sweetly, taking the milk.




Lin Yuan was dumbfounded. Was this girl flirting with this guy?


He watched the girl in boots insert the straw into the milk carton and take a sip with her red lips, his heart racing uncontrollably.


She's so provocative!


I thought she was aloof, but she's only like that with men she doesn't like.


"I'll have the coffee!"


Pei Fei took the canned coffee, holding it with both hands.


Lin Baici, having bought extra, handed a can of coffee to Lin Yuan.


"Are you students?" Lin Yuan changed his approach, planning to get to know these three first: "Let me give you a ride back?"


As he spoke, he took out his car keys and pressed a button.


Beep beep!


Not far away, a blue BMW 3 Series beeped.


"No need!"


Ji Xinyan still refused.


Nearby, other people waiting for rides, including a few young girls, laughed at the scene.


"If it were me, I'd choose that handsome guy too!"


"Yeah, you can only ride in a BMW once, but you can use that handsome guy many times!"


"How do you know? If it only lasts for ten seconds each time, I'd rather do it myself!"


"To be fair, that guy in the white shirt isn't bad-looking either!"


The girls whispered among themselves; they worked at the club and were ready to head home after drinking too much.


Normally, if Lin Yuan failed to pick up a girl, he would leave, but today he didn't want to miss out on this beautiful girl, who was exactly his type. He didn't leave, but he also didn't pester her.


If they can't get a ride after an hour, they'll appreciate my offer.


Lin Yuan waited, hoping reality would teach this girl a lesson.


With many people at the club entrance, the atmosphere was lively. Raindrops hit the streetlights, the leaves of the plants in the green belt, and the concrete giants of the buildings, creating a bizarre atmosphere under the midnight lights.


Suddenly, two fog lights pierced through the rain, followed by a coupe gliding silently over the concrete, stopping not far from the nightclub entrance.


A manhole cover was pressed down by a tire.


"Holy shit, a Mercedes AMG!"


A car enthusiast whistled.




Raindrops hit the black paint of the car and splashed away, making the coupe seem like a submarine that had just sunk a battleship and was surfacing to watch its enemy descend into the depths.


With its 20-inch lightweight rims, quad exhausts, and the ducktail on the trunk…


Many people didn't understand cars, but just by looking at this one, they knew it wasn't cheap. It was a luxury car that ordinary people wouldn't have in their lifetime.


A buzz arose as people discussed the price of the car, with whispers of "two million" being heard.


After a few glances, the crowd's attention shifted to the car following the coupe, another vehicle that looked even more luxurious.


The emblem was upright, featuring the figure of a flying lady.


"Holy crap, a Rolls-Royce!"


Lin Yuan was frustrated. His BMW 3 Series usually made an impression, but it was nothing compared to these two cars.




Lin Yuan sneaked a peek at Ji Xinyan, noticing that she was also looking at the cars, and he couldn't help but smirk.


Indeed, everyone loves good things! Then he looked at Lin Baici.


Lin Yuan suddenly laughed maliciously, curious to see if the man driving the Rolls-Royce or the AMG pursued this girl, would she still reject him?




The door of the Rolls-Royce opened, and a young man got out. He held an umbrella and carried another, looking towards the nightclub entrance before jogging over.


The people taking shelter from the rain watched the young man approach.


"What's going on?"


Lin Yuan was taken aback because the young man was heading straight towards them.


No way?


Could this girl beside me be a rich heiress?


Because the young man who got out didn't look like the owner of the car, but more like a driver.


Lin Yuan suddenly felt uneasy, hoping he hadn't done anything rash earlier.


Then he felt depressed because he hadn't even managed to ask for her name, which meant she wasn't interested in him at all.


"Do I keep pestering her, or do I give up?"


Lin Yuan was conflicted. He knew that after today, he might never get another chance to meet such a wealthy beauty. Meeting her might have used up all his luck for the rest of his life, so he should seize the opportunity.


But pursuing her persistently would likely lead to failure.


As Lin Yuan agonized over his next move, the umbrella-carrying young man ran up, not to the girl, but to the handsome man beside her, bowing slightly.


"Mr. Lin, sorry to keep you waiting!"

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