Chapter 220 – The Toilet War God Lin Baici

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

Dusk descended, painting the city in a neon glow, like a monster stirring from slumber, ready to hunt.


Outside the Ocean Wave nightclub, some stylishly dressed young men and women gave a few onlookers cold feet.


"Maybe… we shouldn't go in?"


Hu Wenwu tugged at Lin Baici's sleeve, whispering his desire to return to school.


"There's always a first time for everything, and it's not like there are man-eating monsters inside. What are you afraid of?"


Xu Daguan dragged Hu Wenwu along, insisting, "Let's go! Go! Go!"


"Sir, I've figured you out; you must have been a regular at nightclubs!"


Zhang Zhixu teased.


But then again, with Xu Daguan's wealth, only a fool wouldn't enjoy life.


"Let's go in!"


Qian Jiahui urged. He was clearly a regular, guiding the group with ease. The girls were nervous and curious, but Ji Xinyan was an exception, obviously no stranger to the nightclub scene.


As they entered, a wave of heat mixed with noise hit them, as if even the air had grown hot and dry.


Once inside, Qian Jiahui took charge, securing two large booths and ushering everyone over.


"Those who want to dance, go ahead. If not, just drink here!"


Qian Jiahui didn't fuss over the boys but had a few words for the girls: "Look after yourselves. Ignore strangers hitting on you, and call me or Lin Baici if anything happens!"


Hearing this, Xu Daguan quickly protested, "Brother Qian, they can call me too!"


"Heh heh!"


Qian Jiahui chuckled dismissively, knowing that in a pinch, Lin Baici was the only reliable one.


As long as Xu Daguan didn't slip away, that was good enough.


The waiter, pushing a cart of drinks, could tell Qian Jiahui was the decision-maker and asked, "Should I open all the beers?"


"Open them!"


Qian Jiahui looked around; he had met several girlfriends in nightclubs.


"Wait, aren't the drinks here expensive?"


Bai Jiao intervened, noticing the quantity of drinks exceeded the number of people in their group.


"Don't be a killjoy, come on, let's drink!"


Qian Jiahui shouted.


The club was noisy, and the students from Class 01 were either uncomfortable or excited. Many boys looked around like country moles first arriving in the city.


"Wow, it's autumn, and these girls are still dressed so scantily?"


"Look at that one, her headlights are huge!"


"Their outfits are so trendy!"


The boys murmured among themselves, careful of what they said in front of the girls, whispering to each other.


Ji Xinyan grabbed two beers, handed one to Lin Baici, and sat down beside him: "Is this really your first time at a place like this?"


Lin Baici looked a bit silly scanning the room, but it was also kind of cute.




Lin Baici took a sip of beer.


【Start hunting. Although most females here are of low quality, there are a few worth a bite.】


"This is considered low?"


Lin Baici was shocked; he had already spotted a dozen young girls with bodies and looks scoring seven or eight out of ten.


Had Lin Baici not become a Divine Hunter, he would have been too intimidated to pursue them.


【The one in blue has a minor gynecological issue.】


【The one with long hair is prone to pregnancy; it would be her second child.】


【The one in leather pants is neurotic; she likes to choke her boyfriend during sex.】


Only those worthy of the Gourmet God's critique had exceptional physical conditions.


Lin Baici glanced at a black-haired girl in her early twenties, young and already a mother.


With newfound wealth, Lin Baici wanted to indulge, but the Gourmet God's words had him spooked. Safety first!


Better to stick with the likes of Tea Sisters.


"What do you usually do for fun?"


Ji Xinyan was curious: "You don't spend your time sewing, do you?"


With Lin Baici's good looks and no lack of money, he'd be a killer in nightclubs.


"Reading, playing games."


Lin Baici thought to himself, now he had to add 'purifying God's Ruins' to the list.


Xu Daguan wanted to invite Ji Xinyan to dance, but turning his head, he saw her chatting and leaning close to Lin Baici.




Jealous, Xu Daguan decided out of sight, out of mind: "Brother Qian, let's go!"


The girls were curious but nervous and restrained on their first visit, especially with so many classmates around.


After sitting for a while, the boys grew restless. Bai Jiao and Ji Xinyan were clearly out of their league, and they weren't interested in the others, so why hold back?


Time to party!


"Class leader, aren't you going to join in?"


Pei Fei, bored, asked Lin Baici across the table. The beer had a hint of fruitiness and was quite tasty.


"Why should I go after other girls when there are so many beauties right here?"


Lin Baici retorted.




Pei Fei and Liu Zilu jeered at Lin Baici.


The other girls laughed, flattered by the compliment.


"Class leader, I didn't expect someone as rugged as you to have such a slick tongue!"


Liu Zilu teased, taking a seat next to Lin Baici: "Come on, let's play Truth or Dare!"


"That's not fair; I'd definitely lose at that game!"


Lin Baici spread his hands: "Because I never tell lies!"


"Really? I don't believe you!"


Liu Zilu picked up a beer: "Then tell us, between Bai Jiao and Ji Xinyan, who do you like? If you can answer, I'll down this bottle!"


"Wow, that's a tricky question!"


"Class leader, tell us!"


"You just said you never lie!"


The girls perked up, Bai Jiao pretending not to care but her ears pricked up.


"Liu Zilu, that's a death sentence!"


Pei Fei felt embarrassed for Lin Baici and was ready to help him out, considering the Disneyland tickets.


"Someone, throw her out!"


Liu Zilu grandly gestured like an empress.


Perhaps it was the alcohol, but everyone loosened up, and Zhou Zhou, Tao Nai, and a few other girls pinned Pei Fei down.


They too wanted to know the answer.


"Your question lacks depth. Any man would answer in four words!"


Lin Baici reached out, grabbing a handful: "I want them all!"


The girls burst into laughter, Lin Baici's expression, tone, and gesture like a scene from a comedy.


"Don't laugh yet; I'm not just talking about those two, but all of you!"


Lin Baici said, lifting his left leg, pretending to rest it on Liu Zilu's legs: "I'm tired, come, Liu Aifei, give me a massage!"


"Get lost!"


Liu Zilu pushed Lin Baici's leg away, feeling a twinge of regret.




If it were just the two of us, I'd make sure you enjoyed it.


Hu Wenwu watched Lin Baici chatting amiably with the girls, stunned. Could his roommate really be such a flirt?


And so confident!


Lin Baici was clueless about flirting, but who wouldn't be confident earning over eight million a month?


In truth, Lin Baici had no desires or demands for Liu Zilu and the others. Whether they loathed or loved him, he didn't care, so he spoke without reservation.


To others, Bai Jiao and Ji Xinyan were goddesses to be cherished and treated with care, but Lin Baici didn't bother with such things.


He could find better women than them.




Too lowbrow for Qian Jiahui, who never chased girls; they chased him.


"Look, Qian Jiahui is being hit on."


Tao Nai exclaimed, shocked at the girls' forwardness.


"Qian Jiahui, decked in designer brands and with a rich second-generation aura, was eyed by girls the moment we arrived!"


Ji Xinyan wasn't surprised. Here, not only did boys want to pick up girls, but girls also wanted to snag a rich catch.


She had been approached in nightclubs before, but not tonight, probably because Lin Baici was by her side.


After all, Lin Baici stood out with his exceptional appearance.


"Class leader, aren't you going to dance? I've seen many girls eyeing you. If you don't leave, they won't have a chance to ask for your WeChat!"


Bai Jiao spoke up, unable to ignore Ji Xinyan and Lin Baici's close interaction.


"I've also seen many guys eyeing you all, so I have to stay and protect you."


Lin Baici smiled slightly: "I have to let them know that my cabbages aren't so easily poached!"


Although they knew Lin Baici was joking, everyone still felt pleased.


Now that's how to talk!


"Class leader, just curious, how many girls did you charm in high school?"


Liu Zilu used a beer bottle as a microphone, putting it in front of Lin Baici. She was talking to Lin Baici more than ever and found his company delightful.


"I was so clumsy, do you think I could have gotten into Haijing Polytechnic if I'd been dating in high school?"


Lin Baici chuckled bitterly.


In reality, poverty had driven Lin Baici to focus solely on his studies, aiming for a good university and job to ease his mother's burdens.


"You just broke the Red Island Chamber's escape room record today, and you're telling me you're clumsy?"


Liu Zilu placed a beer in front of Lin Baici: "Tell me, don't you deserve a penalty drink?"


Liu Zilu signaled everyone; they could only get Lin Baici's true feelings if they got him drunk.


"Ha ha!"


Lin Baici laughed. Did they think his 'Wine Pool and Meat Forest' was a joke? He could drink any amount and not get drunk. But as he picked up the bottle, his stomach suddenly growled.




Was there a Divine Taboo in this nightclub?


Was it owned by a wild Divine Hunter or a colleague from the Safety Bureau?


A Divine Taboo that could induce hunger in him was almost always of the highest quality, and if it unleashed rule pollution, the damage would be severe.




Could someone have lost something?


Regardless, it was best to check!


Lin Baici stood up: "I'm off to the restroom!"


As he left, the girls immediately began texting on their phones.


"Lin Baici seems like such a playboy!"


"I think he's not really interested in either Dumpling or Xinyan!"


"What a pity about his family background. With his looks and charm, he could definitely land a rich beauty!"


Ji Xinyan watched their chat, wondering what their reaction would be if they knew Lin Baici had over twenty million in his bank account for spending.


Lin Baici circled around but couldn't find the Divine Taboo, so he gave up and headed back. On his way to the restroom, he walked through the dimly lit corridor.


Entering the bathroom, Lin Baici frowned.


Someone had vomited, and the air was thick with the stench. He held his breath, choosing a clean urinal.


A young man with short hair came in, standing next to Lin Baici with a cigarette in his mouth, exhaling a heavy scent of alcohol with each breath.


The heightened sense of smell from "One Breath Hundred Flavors" made Lin Baici sensitive to these odors, and he glanced at the short-haired youth.


"What you looking at, your mom?"


The youth cursed.


Four companions who had entered with him turned their attention to Lin Baici.


Lin Baici looked down.


Thinking Lin Baici was backing down, the short-haired youth laughed, took a deep drag, and blew smoke towards Lin Baici.




A cloud of secondhand smoke dispersed.


Lin Baici didn't respond, finished up, and buckled his belt.




The short-haired youth muttered, then noticed the man hadn't left but was standing beside him. He was about to ask, "What do you want?"


But the man struck first.


Lin Baici grabbed the short-haired youth's head and slammed it against the wall.




Blood splattered, staining the wall like a rose in full bloom.


The youth didn't pass out, not because he was tough, but because Lin Baici controlled the force, not wanting him to lose consciousness and miss the pain.




Lin Baici slammed his head against the wall again.


"Damn, what are you doing?"


Three of the short-haired youth's companions roared, hurriedly fastening their belts and charging over.


Lin Baici kicked the fastest one in the stomach, sending him flying backward to crash into the urinal.


Then his right leg lashed out at the shins of the other two.


They screamed and fell to the floor with thuds.


The blond-haired youth was stunned. Was this man a free-fighting champion?


"Got a smoke?"


Lin Baici asked, noticing the short-haired youth attempting a sneak attack, so he banged his head against the wall again.




The youth slid to the ground, finally quiet.


"Yes! Yes!"


The blond-haired youth nodded frantically, fumbling for cigarettes, splashing some urine on his hands in his haste.


Lin Baici frowned at the sight.


"Forget it!"


He reached into the short-haired youth's pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, then took out all the cigarettes.




The lighter ignited as Lin Baici lit seven cigarettes.


"Take a puff!"


Lin Baici crouched beside the short-haired youth, bringing all the cigarettes to his mouth.


"I was wrong!"


The youth begged for mercy.




Lin Baici smashed the lighter on the youth's face: "Didn't you understand me?"


The youth opened his mouth, and Lin Baici stuffed a cigarette in, pressing it against his tongue.




A chilling sound immediately filled the air.

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