Chapter 206 – It’s here!

In Xia Hongyao’s eyes, every time Lin Baici broke the rules and polluted the world, it was art, worthy of her study. Thus, she was very regretful for missing out.

It was like missing out on a billion yuan.

“What content?” Xia Hongyao asked curiously.

“Didn’t you tell her our identities?”

Lin Baici frowned, meaning, didn’t Xia Hongyao find an excuse to fob off Li Mei? “I showed her my police badge, but she didn’t believe it!”

Xia Hongyao shrugged her shoulders.

“Hello, classmate Li Mei, we are the police!”

Lin Baici took out his police badge from his pocket and showed it to Li Mei. “What are you looking for? Abortion isn’t illegal, right?”

Li Mei’s self-mockery was filled with disillusionment. This girl wasn’t even afraid of suicide; what else could she care about?

“I hope you can stay with us for the next few days, and we will pretend to kidnap you!”

Lin Baici explained.

Because he didn’t feel hungry, he could be sure that the organ thief wasn’t nearby, so he discussed verbally with Li Mei. Otherwise, he would have written his request on a note.

“I don’t understand!”

Li Mei shook her head, looking at Lin Baici with suspicion, mainly because the boy was too young, looking just like a college student.

Would the authorities send someone so young to work?

Shouldn’t there be an experienced older colleague paired with him?

“There’s an organization that steals organs targeting you. We’re doing this to lure them out!”

Lin Baici explained.

“Then why do you want to kidnap me?”

Li Mei was very suspicious.

How could Lin Baici explain? Could he tell this girl that the organ thief seemed to like her? So he planned to pretend to kidnap her, to make the thief worry and come out to save her?

“Sorry, this involves some internal secrets. I can’t tell you ordinary citizens. Rest assured, we will protect you and not let you get hurt. At the same time, we will compensate you. How about 100,000 yuan?”

Lin Baici didn’t want to explain anymore and directly offered money.

100,000 yuan was a considerable fortune for an ordinary college student.

“Can’t you just trust us? If I hadn’t protected you just now and instead helped Baici, he wouldn’t have gotten hurt!”

Xia Hongyao complained.

Li Mei looked at the blood scabs on Lin Baici’s skin and clothes, her brows furrowed. Indeed, the boy looked very wretched.

Did he save me?

Li Mei took a deep breath, thinking about how she hadn’t left anything for her mother. If she died, it would mean her mother had raised her for twenty years in vain.

“I agree, but I want the 100,000 yuan now.”

Li Mei suddenly spoke up.

“Give me a bank account number, and I’ll transfer it to you now!”

Lin Baici sighed with relief. For him, any problem that could be solved with money wasn’t a problem.

Speaking of which, could this kind of expense be reimbursed?

Lin Baici looked at Xia Hongyao.

At this moment, with her high ponytail, she blurted out, “As long as we catch that organ thief, everything can be reimbursed, including your torn clothes and the broken car.”

Lin Baici gave a thumbs up: “Now I’m relieved!”

After the transfer was successful, Li Mei looked at the bank card balance in the text message alert, somewhat stunned. Did he really give it? “You’re not even afraid of death, so why would you be afraid of us harming you?”

Lin Baici stood up: “Let’s go, follow us and take a couple of laps around the school!”

“I get it now, this is to draw the snake out of its hole!”

Xia Hongyao nodded, a good strategy.

Lin Baici flicked Xia Hongyao’s forehead with his finger.



Xia Hongyao covered her head. Why hit me?

Did I say something wrong?

“What’s up with her?”

Lin Baici gestured towards the door with his mouth. Cai Wenqi was hiding outside.

“She insisted on following!”

Xia Hongyao was helpless. She couldn’t just knock her out, could she?

When Cai Wenqi saw Lin Baici notice her, she immediately ran over: “Lin… Officer Lin, is there anything I can help with?”

“This classmate, don’t be afraid. Officer Lin is a good person; he saved me before!”

Cai Wenqi had seen Xia Hongyao show Li Mei the police badge earlier, so she knew they were concealing their identities as divine hunters and helped with the lie.

Li Mei sized up Cai Wenqi.

“I’m Cai Wenqi, a freshman majoring in Chinese language!”

Cai Wenqi introduced herself.

“You should go back first. It’s dangerous to stay with us!”

Lin Baici shooed her away.

“Officer Lin…”

Cai Wenqi didn’t want to leave. She didn’t know when she would see him again, so she wanted to plead to become a divine hunter and follow Lin Baici.

Lin Baici raised his right hand to stop Cai Wenqi: “I’m too busy today. We’ll talk about it later!”

“Then be careful!”

Cai Wenqi left reluctantly.@

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao, one on each side, took Li Mei for a big loop around the campus and then headed to the nearest budget hotel to Haijing Normal University.

Nobody brought their ID cards, but it didn’t matter, the police badge was very useful. Lin Baici directly got two rooms, but for safety, he stayed with Xia Hongyao and Li Mei.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience tonight!”

Lin Baici apologized, letting Li Mei and Xia Hongyao rest while he sat at the table, planning how to capture the organ thief.

The night passed without incident, and dawn arrived.

“What are we doing today?”

Xia Hongyao was disappointed that the organ thief didn’t show up last night. “Wait!”

Lin Baici actually had an idea, which was to spread rumors in the campus that Li Mei had been taken away. This way, the organ thief would quickly get the news and then come looking.

But doing so would damage Li Mei’s reputation, so he gave up.

A day passed, and after dinner, Lin Baici went to patrol Haijing Normal University and sent a WeChat message to Cai Wenqi, asking if there was anything going on at the school?

Everything was normal!


Lin Baici’s phone rang, and he opened WeChat to see a message from Ji Xinyan.

Your conscience is lying: Big class leader, why are you skipping class again? There’s a class reunion on Sunday, you’re not going to disappear again, are you?

Lin Baici: No.

Your conscience is lying: Are you going to a hotel with your girlfriend? Tell me quietly, I promise not to tell anyone!

Lin Baici frowned. Wasn’t this getting a bit too personal?

Your conscience is lying: Looking at you, you’re not planning to come back tonight. I just want to know, can your girlfriend handle it?

Lin Baici now had an annual salary of over a billion, super rich. Although on the surface, he was just an ordinary college student with no social status, in secret, he was a powerful divine hunter.

So sometimes, Lin Baici’s heart was quite inflated, wanting to enjoy life to the fullest.

He treated girls like Hua Yueyu, Jin Yingzhen, and Xia Hongyao as friends. If anything overstepped the boundaries, he would have to take responsibility, right?

Too troublesome!

But he couldn’t remain a bachelor, could he?

Ji Xinyan, this tea girl, seemed like a good choice. She had both looks and figure, and she was too understanding…

Lin Baici: Why don’t you try and find out?

After sending the message, Lin Baici felt his cheeks burning, embarrassed, and quickly chose to retract the message.

In the girls’ dormitory, Ji Xinyan, lying on the bed with a face mask, had been staring at her phone, so she saw the message before she could think of a reply, only to see Lin Baici retract it.


Ji Xinyan laughed.

“So you, Lin Baici, also have a bashful side, huh? Humph, it turns out that a man’s soft spot is made of sugar, and it melts as soon as a woman licks it.”

Ji Xinyan muttered and replied.

“I practice yoga, I can do 108 poses!”

After sending the message, Ji Xinyan waited several minutes without receiving a reply from Lin Baici.

“Isn’t it? So thin-skinned? Hey, if women don’t chase you, you’ll probably never have a girlfriend in your life!”

Ji Xinyan opened her album, picked a photo of her wearing gradient yoga pants, and sent it to Lin Baici.

Your conscience is lying: Don’t believe me? Look at my Scorpion Pose.

“Heart words, seeing you laugh so happily, you’re not chatting with a boyfriend, are you?”

Liu Zilu was curious.

Bai Jiao also looked over when she heard the words “boyfriend.” In terms of appearance, Bai Jiao was slightly inferior to Ji Xinyan, but her skin was whiter.

As the saying goes, a fair complexion hides flaws. In many people’s eyes, Bai Jiao and Ji Xinyan were beauties of the same level, even slightly superior.

The two girls usually got along well, but subconsciously, they were competing, comparing makeup, luxury goods, and such things, which were too vulgar. They compared grades, boyfriends, and status in school, each wanting to outdo the other.

In terms of grades, although there were no midterms yet, from the daily performance, Ji Xinyan couldn’t beat Bai Jiao. Neither had joined the student union, so for now, they were competing in social circles.

“Looking at Ji Xinyan’s smile, even if it’s not a boyfriend, it must be a very good friend!”

Bai Jiao mused. She felt Ji Xinyan was too tea, and the quality of her friends must not be high. “I wish, but I guess he doesn’t fancy me!”

Ji Xinyan lied. Lin Baici was being pursued by a princess from a big financial family; he probably wouldn’t fancy her.

Lin Baici looked at the photo Ji Xinyan sent over and was speechless for a moment.

What’s this about?

Do all you girls like to play this game?

Ji Xinyan was wearing tight yoga clothes, showing a good body curve, but she was wearing too much. Jin Yingzhen was better.

She treated herself like a brother.

You get to see the real thing!



Lin Baici: I was wrong. I shouldn’t have said that. Please spare me, heroine!

Your conscience is lying: My lord, what wrong have you done?

After sending an emoji with hands clasped together, Lin Baici quickly turned off his phone. Scared! Scared!

Ji Xinyan was too high-level; he couldn’t afford to provoke her.

The evening came, and Jin Yingzhen’s regular check-in also arrived.

It started with a selfie.

They video chatted for a while, and when it was eleven o’clock, Hua Yueyu finished her live broadcast and sent a message.

“I feel like you’re a playboy?”

Xia Hongyao leaned over to Lin Baici, watching him chat.

“If I were a playboy, would you still be intact?”

Lin Baici rolled his eyes.

“What’s intact?”

Xia Hongyao blinked her big eyes, waiting for an explanation.

“Are you a nine-hole fish?”

Xia Hongyao immediately opened the browser to search, and after knowing what it meant, she stretched out her hands and locked Lin Baici’s throat.

“I’m not a nine-hole fish; I just didn’t react!”

Xia Hongyao explained.

The two of them frolicked, and Li Mei sat on the bed, watching them, her face showing an envious look. Such friendship,

How wonderful!

“Stop messing around!”

Lin Baici pried open the high ponytail’s hands and sat up: “It’s already one o’clock. I feel like that organ thief probably won’t come!”

“Yeah, we can’t just keep waiting here, right?”

Xia Hongyao worried.

Lin Baici thought for a moment and called Cai Wenqi. He thought it was too late, and she might not answer, but to his surprise, the phone only rang three times before she picked up.

“Lin God, what are your orders?”

Cai Wenqi’s tone was respectful.

“Can you help me find out about Wang Hanxu’s schedule for the past few days?”

Li Mei’s brows furrowed when she heard this name. This was her ex-boyfriend who had abandoned her and forced her to abort their child.

“Wait a moment!”

Cai Wenqi said and hung up the phone.

Lin Baici thought he would have to wait a long time, but ten minutes later, Cai Wenqi called back.

“Lin God, I’ve found out. Wang Hanxu’s class is going on an autumn outing tomorrow. The specific location is Senhai Park in the southern suburbs!”

“Lin God, if you need me, just say the word!”

Cai Wenqi was like a hound eager to show off her skills to her master. “Thank you, get some rest early. I’ll remember this favor.”

Lin Baici hung up the phone.

“Do you plan to follow Wang Hanxu?”

Xia Hongyao guessed.

“Yeah, since the organ thief saved Li Mei, it means he has feelings for her, so he should hate Wang Hanxu. It’s possible he’ll punish him!”

Lin Baici analyzed.

“If he wanted to punish him, he should have done it a long time ago, right?”

Xia Hongyao frowned.

“First, it’s only been a few days since she lost the child; it’s too short a time, the organ thief probably hasn’t had time to do something. Second, I always feel that guy doesn’t want to involve too many people.”

“Stealing organs and still doesn’t want to involve others?” Xia Hongyao didn’t understand.”Anyway, I’m going to stake out their autumn outing spot tomorrow!”

Lin Baici made up his mind.

“I’m coming too!”

This time, I won’t be separated from him no matter what. What if I miss Lin Baici’s spectacular performance due to a rule contamination?

“That’s fine!”

The next morning, Lin Baici and his two companions had breakfast and headed to the Southern Suburbs Forest Sea Park.

“I don’t want to see Wang Hanxu’s face!”

Li Mei sat in the car, looking depressed. “You won’t have to!” Lin Baici assured her.

At 8 o’clock, Lin Baici received a WeChat message from Cai Wenqi.

“Lin God, I’ve infiltrated Wang Hanxu’s autumn outing group. I’ll report anything that happens.”

Cai Wenqi was determined to become a divine hunter, even if it meant going to great lengths.

She was practically turning into Lin Baici’s dog.


Lin Baici was speechless and quickly reminded her, “There might be danger, get out of there fast!”

Wang Hanxu’s reputation had plummeted due to Li Mei’s jumping incident. To salvage his reputation and popularity, he had paid out of his own pocket to organize this autumn outing.

At the very least, he wanted to ensure that these people wouldn’t badmouth him in front of their friends. It would be even better if he could explain that Li Mei was after his money for the sake of her child’s future.

To ensure everyone would return in high spirits, Wang Hanxu had prepared plenty of high-quality barbecue ingredients for today.

As everyone was spreading out picnic blankets and setting up tents, they didn’t notice that on a distant patch of grass, a person in a hoodie and sunglasses was observing them through a pair of binoculars.

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