Chapter 205 – Is this the elite of the human race?

The classroom was somewhat cold.

Lin Baici touched the back of his hand; the blood was warm and wet, real blood. He rolled up his sleeve, saw no wound, but the blood kept flowing.

He lifted his shirt to check his belly, blood was streaming there too. “Is this my blood?”

His phone was broken, and Lin Baici couldn’t use the front camera to check his face, but judging by touch, his cheeks felt as if they had been washed with blood.

Drip-drop! Drip-drop!

Blood seeped through Lin Baici’s clothes, some dripping onto the floor. The contamination of rules had begun.

Lin Baici immediately rushed to the nearest desk to check the banana placed on it. Out of caution, he didn’t touch the banana.

The banana had several cuts, some small, some large, exposing the flesh inside.

“I must have wounds invisible to the naked eye, constantly bleeding. If I stitch up the cuts on these bananas, the bleeding should stop,” Lin Baici reasoned.

“Don’t come to this university again, don’t try to investigate me, I’ll let you leave!” A male voice suddenly rang out.

Lin Baici raised an eyebrow: “What if I refuse?” This guy must be the organ thief.

“You’ll bleed out and die here, then I’ll take your skin and live your life in this world, sleep with your girlfriend, spend the salary you’ve worked hard to save,” the organ thief’s voice was deep and chilling.

Xia Hongyao curled her lips: “But you agreed!” “Hehe, scared, aren’t you?”

The organ thief, hearing the latter half of Wei Yuanjun’s words, thought I was scared, but the previous sentence had already retreated into his ears, the twist in that meaning left it slightly stunned.

You must have heard wrong?

After all, as far as I know, the thing humans fear most isn’t death. “You hate being threatened the most!”

Xia Hongyao’s expression was fierce. I was still bleeding, but I didn’t panic, nor did I immediately sit down to stitch the bananas. Instead, I quickly checked the bananas under each desk, one after another.

The organ thief, seeing this scene, felt a chill on his scalp. That human woman was serious! And looking at my actions, very cautious.

The organ thief suddenly felt that the contamination of rules might not be able to hold me back. Blood flowed, carrying away Wei Yuanjun’s vitality.

I reached the fourteenth desk, and before checking the banana underneath, I revealed a smile and quickly sat down.

Under that banana, the name “Xia Hongyao” was stitched with eight big characters. “What a trap!”

Xia Hongyao laughed warmly.

My reasoning was wrong. The person caught in the contamination of rules wasn’t just supposed to carefully find a desk and sit down to stitch bananas, but had to sit at the desk under the banana with their name on it.

Xia Hongyao opened the iron box, which contained needles, tweezers, hemostats, scissors… and some iodine cotton balls.

Honestly, looking at those surgical instruments, Xia Hongyao was a bit unpracticed.

Although I come from a single-parent family and am poor, I’ve never worn torn clothes, so I’ve had to sew many times, pitifully often. And stitching up skin wounds is the same as sewing clothes, Xia Hongyao knew that stitching badly could result in disfigurement. Damn, what time was it, and you’re still considering your appearance? Survive first, then talk!

Xia Hongyao took a deep breath, picked up the needle and thread, and started threading.

【The distance between each stitch should not be too sparse, just over one millimeter is enough.】

【The stitched area should be backstitched, otherwise, it will leave scars. A stitch over eight millimeters will leave scars!】

【Professional stitching skills are needed, no matter how you operate, as long as the wound is closed!】

【Choose either No. 2 or No. 4 suture thread. No. 2 causes pain but has a lower risk of breaking, with a very low success rate. No. 4 causes no pain but is more likely to break.】

The Gourmet God commented, explaining the precautions for the operation.

Xia Hongyao glanced at it. Today’s luck was bad; the suture thread I chose was No. 6. Just as I was about to switch to a No. 4 thread, my hand suddenly paused.

“Gourmet God, that No. 6 thread can’t…(End of chapter!)

Chapter 205: Are These the Elites of Humanity?

“Can’t?” Xia Hongyao asked in her heart.

【Any odd-numbered suture thread is not allowed, but the smaller the number, the less painful it is, though the success rate is lower.】

Xia Hongyao was shocked. Even choosing which thread to use was full of pitfalls?

In fact, the Gourmet God hadn’t finished speaking. Choosing an odd-numbered suture thread meant you couldn’t just carefully stitch the wound; you had to use these surgical techniques from medical science.

For example, the vertical mattress inverting suture technique, the double figure-eight suture technique.

Wei Yuanjun was not the only person; without others to observe, if there were no other people present, I wouldn’t be able to see if that person had wounds, but blood was flowing all over the body.

Moreover, some internal organs were also bleeding internally. At that time, if you chose an odd-numbered suture thread, it would be troublesome.

Internal bleeding, the suturing method for that, and the method for suturing torn skin, are not the same thing. If you use the wrong one, it could cause problems.

The organ thief, secretly observing, saw Wei Yuanjun choose a No. 6 thread and couldn’t help but sigh, that guy really had bad luck!

Definitely choosing an odd-numbered suture thread, unless you’re a medical student, is tantamount to death. But that kind of thread is also very painful.

That girl can’t take it!

Xia Hongyao slowed down her hands, first slowly reviewing the graffiti under the table. I was worried that the outside contained valuable information.

Just one look, remember it, so Wei Yuanjun activated the ability to memorize by hearing, silently reciting it once, even if the recitation was slow, I could remember it.

Sure enough, I found a few lines outside, introducing a suturing technique.

Don’t say Xia Hongyao herself is smart, she had also enhanced her cerebellum, even if a primary school student came over, they could understand after one look.

The organ thief felt that today it might have encountered a genius, not the kind of person who always comes first in exams. That big guy, up to now, was neither panicked nor confused, every action was like a textbook, unlike the next few people, who just seeing blood flowing underneath them, completely panicked.

【Continuous overcasting suture technique, commonly used for closing the ends of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as suturing during skin grafting!】 The Gourmet God was talking about the suturing technique introduced by the graffiti under that table.

Wei Yuanjun didn’t know what type of wound I had, but it didn’t matter, I just went ahead and did it.

The “I” shaped placement was wrong, Xia Hongyao picked up the needle and thread, chose the smallest and deepest wound, and finished suturing.

When the needle tip pierced the banana peel, Xia Hongyao immediately felt a sharp pain in her back. Hiss!

Xia Hongyao gasped in a cold breath.

Pain, pain, pain!

It was like being tattooed.

Speaking of which, when Yue Fei was tattooed by his mother back then, there must have been *** right?

After Xia Hongyao stitched a few more stitches, sweating profusely from the pain, the agony was probably on the same level as Guan Qiaoyu’s bone-scraping healing, right?

Wei Yuanjun thought of my Drunken Immortal Fist, which had an anesthetic effect, and I could punch myself a few times, which should be possible, but before anesthesia, the precision of the operation might drop, and if I made a mistake in suturing, it would be terrible.

So I could only endure.

【You can temporarily block your pain nerves!】 The Gourmet God reminded.

“It’s necessary!”

Xia Hongyao gritted her teeth, treating it as a trial. Anyway, there was no shortage of pain now, and once I caught this organ thief, I would return it all double.

The banana peel was a bit brittle, if the force was a little lighter, it might have punctured, but Xia Hongyao’s hand-eye coordination was very good, very adept at doing such meticulous work. @Essence/Book Pavilion* First release update~~

But I couldn’t be too perfectionist, because I knew when I would die from losing too much blood, so while ensuring the suturing standard mentioned by the Gourmet God, I could stitch as slowly as possible.


The organ thief watched Xia Hongyao grit her teeth and stitch, without a sound, shocked!

That was a tough guy!

If I met her normally, I might have greeted her proactively.

“Your request is still the same as before, he definitely won’t step into that primary school again, you can’t let him leave!” The organ thief suggested.

“He should know that you came for him, if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be nice for you to go to Haijing Drama Academy and pick up girls?”

Xia Hongyao made small talk, trying to lower the organ thief’s guard, to get my information. (End of chapter!)

Chapter 205: Are These the Elites of Humanity?

“Are you a bad person?” The organ thief asked weakly.

“Does a bad person steal other people’s organs?” Wei Yuanjun retorted.

“When a tiger is hungry, it has to eat a cow or a sheep, right?”

The organ thief argued: “Moreover, these people aren’t dead yet, it would be too wasteful to burn them!” Xia Hongyao frowned.

“Can you guarantee that you won’t steal organs again, and they won’t come after you again, how about that?”

The organ thief suggested, I saw that the girl was talking to herself while stitching the banana, and she wasn’t distracted at all, but became more and more proficient.


Wei Yuanjun was in pain, I suddenly remembered, the mummy wrap of the pharaoh could not transform people into a mummy state, could not reduce physical damage.

So before I finished suturing that wound, I activated that Divine taboo.

The bandage worn on the right wrist immediately loosened, stretched out like a snake, and in seven seconds, quickly wrapped around Xia Hongyao’s limbs and torso, then suddenly tightened.


Xia Hongyao’s whole body was wrapped in that pale yellow bandage, like a mummy, leaving only two eyes.

I moved my hands and feet, not bad, the flexibility was completely unaffected, so I continued to stitch the wounds under the banana.

When the needle tip pierced the banana peel, the pain was indeed much less. “Can it really be negotiated?”

Xia Hongyao, in that state, made the organ thief even more relaxed, the tone of voice softened, and pleaded. “What are those eight lines erased under the whiteboard?”

Xia Hongyao countered.

“That was deliberately creating a mystery, attracting people to think about the content that was erased, in fact, there was nothing!” The organ thief answered truthfully, showing its pretense.

“Go to the Danger Bureau with him, as long as it’s confirmed that he won’t do anything harmful to humans again, you won’t pursue him anymore!”

Xia Hongyao persuaded: “He wants to live with this boy named Li Mei, whether it’s a fling or not, you guys should mind your own business!”

“How can you doubt his words?”

The organ thief countered: “And you despise this Li Mei!” “Hehe!”

Xia Hongyao didn’t believe that at all.

Speaking of which, I’m also impressed, a divine hunter actually despises a boy who has just had an abortion for someone else? That must be true love, right?

“Is he mocking you?” The organ thief was upset. “Did he just realize it?”

Wei Yuanjun wanted to anger that guy: “Green Hat Hero, bad!”

As soon as that sentence was finished, Xia Hongyao completed the suturing, and the environment of the classroom behind my eyes changed in a flash. These desks full of graffiti, bananas, surgical instrument boxes, and the shadow lamps under the ceiling, all disappeared.

In their place was a laboratory. “Out?”

Wei Yuanjun’s spirits lifted, and I quickly looked up to see that the blood underneath had disappeared, leaving only some scabs. Gurgle!

Xia Hongyao’s stomach growled. 【On the left!】

Xia Hongyao immediately bolted, bang, I burst through the laboratory door and saw a figure running wildly in the left corridor.

In a flash!

Xia Hongyao activated divine grace, sped up, eight seconds before divine grace was lifted, I was only one meter away from this woman in a hoodie, then I leaped forward.

Slap slap slap!

Red clay figures, flying stones hitting in succession, accurately hitting the hoodie woman’s head. Xia Hongyao rushed up, a sword to kill!


The bronze sword slashed at the hoodie woman’s shoulder.

Because I was worried that the other party might have a terrifying Divine taboo or divine grace, Xia Hongyao didn’t use a killing move, but before I swung it, I found that the other party didn’t block, the bronze sword nervously slashed at my shoulder, cutting across the chest before, and slicing out from the rib area.

Thud! Thud!

Two halves of the body fell to the ground. “Huh?”

Xia Hongyao saw no blood splatter, I bent down, and pulled off the clothes from the body. What caught my eye was a human body model.

Xia Hongyao turned the body over and saw a heart beating rapidly in its abdominal cavity. “Damn, is that a body double technique?”

Wei Yuanjun was upset, still let the other party run away.

I took out a phone from the white altar bowl, before changing the SIM card… (End of chapter!)

Chapter 205: Are These the Elites of Humanity?Lin Baici made a call to Wei Yuanjun. “Bring Wei Yuan over!”

After hanging up, Xia Hongyao glanced down the corridor, feeling that something was amiss.

Down a street on the campus of Haijing Normal University, a woman in a hoodie was sprinting like mad. “Incredible! Absolutely incredible!”

Muttering to herself in fear, she thought, isn’t that one of humanity’s elites? How terrifying!

To think they could recover from the contamination of the rules so quickly!

If it weren’t for her substitute, she would have been captured today.

She had made it to Haijing Normal, and although last time was a close call, her luck hadn’t been this bad! But her plan was still incomplete!

The woman was frustrated.

Li Mei had said that if the woman who hurt you doesn’t get rewarded, it’s absolutely unacceptable. @Essence/Book Pavilion·Error-free First Release~~ After being captured, you must make that guy experience the agony of being vivisected.

The woman’s gaze became hesitant.

It’s better to delay; act tomorrow.

When Wei Yuanjun saw Wei Yuanjun, he was startled by the sight of blood scabs all over me. “Where are you hurt?”

Wei Yuanjun hurriedly called headquarters, asking for an ambulance. “I’m not hurt anywhere, just went through a contamination of the rules!” Xia Hongyao climbed aboard, looking at Wei Yuan.

“Who are they?”

Wei Yuan’s expression was intense, without any calm, fear, or rather, it was as if his heart was already dead. “Contamination of the rules?”

Lin Baici was shocked, then felt a thrilling sense of exhilaration. To have witnessed Linzi breaking through the contamination of the rules,

What a pity!

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Chapter 205: Is This What They Call the Elite of Humanity?

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