Chapter 204 – The contamination of rules erupted naturally, subtly influencing everything

The high ponytail turned, and she saw a girl in a denim miniskirt and black leggings jogging towards her.

“Lin… Lin God, is it really you?”

Cai Wenqi’s face lit up with surprise. She had long wanted to invite Lin Baici for a meal, not to mention his life-saving grace, but also because his identity as a divine hunter was worth befriending.

“Just call me Baici!”

Lin Baici smiled faintly, giving face to the class president from his childhood.

“How could I!”

Cai Wenqi was cautious, worried about upsetting Lin Baici.

She had witnessed Lin Baici’s strength in the God’s Ruins at the provincial museum, so she could no longer treat him as an ordinary college student.

That would be disrespectful.

“Calling me Lin God makes me uncomfortable.”

Lin Baici chuckled self-deprecatingly.

“Alright then, I’ll keep my respect in my heart.”

Cai Wenqi revealed a sweet smile, then greeted Xia Hongyao: “Captain Xia!”

Cai Wenqi was emotionally intelligent. Although she hadn’t spent much time with Xia Hongyao, she knew she liked this title, so she called out.


Xia Hongyao was delighted. Captain Xia?

It sounded so cool!

“Are you here looking for Li Wei?”

After Cai Wenqi asked, her heart skipped a beat.

Oh no!

Could it be that Divine taboo creatures have appeared at the school?

Because of her experiences during the National Day holiday, after leaving the Security Bureau, Cai Wenqi began searching for all information about God’s Ruins. Unfortunately, such information was tightly controlled online, and almost nothing could be found. The few pieces that were available seemed fabricated.

This frustrated Cai Wenqi. After seeing the power of divine hunters like Lin Baici, she too yearned to step into that world.

After all, even if she did well after graduation, she would only be middle-class, but becoming a divine hunter would be a huge leap in status.

“Some questions are better left unasked!”

Lin Baici knew that even if he answered ‘yes,’ Cai Wenqi wouldn’t believe him, because there was no reason to see Li Wei at this time.

With Cai Wenqi’s intelligence, she would surely think of this, so instead of giving a perfunctory lie, it was better to give a reminder.


Cai Wenqi felt the chill in Lin Baici’s attitude, her expression stiffening.

“Stay away from that girl recently!”

Lin Baici whispered a warning, considering the face of his childhood friend.

Cai Wenqi followed Lin Baici’s gaze and saw Li Mei, unable to help but exclaim in surprise: “What’s wrong with her?”

After asking, she realized she had overstepped and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry, I misspoke!”

“Cai Wenqi, who are they? Your friends?”

A tall boy approached, wearing glasses and looking gentle, but probably not very shrewd, as his gaze at Lin Baici was filled with wariness and hostility.

“This must be one of Cai Wenqi’s admirers!”

Xia Hongyao sized up the boy and deduced an answer.

“Is it any of your business?”

Cai Wenqi retorted sharply.

The boy, Ma Hongyang, was a senior and the vice president of the student council, whom Cai Wenqi knew from the council.

Although he hadn’t explicitly said so, she could feel that he was interested in her.

Under normal circumstances, Cai Wenqi would have introduced Lin Baici and Ma Hongyang, but this time,

Sorry, you’re not qualified.

Moreover, the boy’s words had provoked Cai Wenqi, and although she knew there was no chance of her and Lin Baici becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, what if?

Doesn’t everyone eat dumplings during the New Year?

So Cai Wenqi subconsciously wanted Lin Baici to know that she was still a virgin who had never been in a relationship.

“Wenqi, what’s wrong?”

Ma Hongyang was surprised. Everyone was laughing and chatting just a moment ago, and the atmosphere was good. Why did Cai Wenqi’s attitude change so drastically after seeing this man?


Cai Wenqi knew she had mishandled the situation, and this attitude would offend Ma Hongyang, but she didn’t care. She was only concerned about her image in Lin Baici’s eyes.

“Ma Hongyang, I’m entertaining friends, please excuse yourself!”

After speaking, Cai Wenqi felt she might be mistaken by Lin Baici for being cold-hearted, so she added: “Don’t ‘accidentally’ run into me at the library anymore, I don’t like your type!”


Ma Hongyang couldn’t stand being judged like this in front of others, and his little shrewdness vanished as he scoffed: “Cai Wenqi, remember this, as long as I’m here, you can forget about joining the student council!”

After saying that, Ma Hongyang turned and left.

“Wow, are college students really that authoritative these days?”

Xia Hongyao was shocked.

Cai Wenqi was disdainful, as if the student council belonged to him. Moreover, if she became a divine hunter, not only would she not care about joining the student council, but she wouldn’t even be interested in becoming a counselor at Haijing Normal University.

“Lin God, Captain Xia, is there anything I can help with?”

Cai Wenqi wanted to seize the opportunity, even if it meant losing some dignity: “Don’t worry, I can keep a secret!”

“Let’s sit down first!”

Lin Baici urged, as people were starting to look their way.


After speaking, Cai Wenqi didn’t sit down but ran outside the library and bought three bottles of drinks from the vending machine, placing them in front of Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

She was as eager as a tea-serving maid.

“Do you know that girl?”

Lin Baici pointed at Li Mei.

“I heard some scumbag played her and then abandoned her.”

Cai Wenqi was outgoing and a social butterfly with a wide circle of friends. The incident with Li Mei was the hottest gossip recently, and of course, she had heard about it.

“People say she threatened to jump off a building, but looking at her now, it’s clear she’s using the threat of suicide to get a guaranteed postgraduate spot or something!”

Cai Wenqi observed Li Mei, who had no injuries, clearly indicating that the threat to jump was just a bluff to gain the greatest benefit. If it were Cai Wenqi, she would definitely do the same.

Half an hour passed, some students left, but many more were still buried in their studies.

“The students at Haijing Normal are really hardworking!”

Xia Hongyao remarked.

At this point, these students showed no signs of returning to their dormitories.

“Captain Xia, you’re experiencing survivorship bias. The students who come to the library are willing to study. If you go to the dormitories, you’ll see many playing games and using their phones!”

Cai Wenqi was trying hard to impress, not missing any opportunity, just seeking Lin Baici’s approval.


Xia Hongyao’s expression stiffened, feeling a bit embarrassed, and quickly glanced at Lin Baici.

He wouldn’t think I lack even this basic reasoning ability, would he?

Should I tell him that today I’m Watson, I’m Yuanfang, not focused on solving cases, just an assistant?

Cai Wenqi noticed Xia Hongyao’s glance at Lin Baici and immediately understood that Lin Baici was the decision-maker.

“But Captain Xia, you’re right. Most of our school’s students do love to study. After all, our school’s reputation and job prospects aren’t as strong as Lin God’s Haijing Polytechnic.”

Cai Wenqi added another compliment, flattering both Xia Hongyao and Lin Baici.

“Are we just going to wait like this?”

Xia Hongyao muttered quietly, growing restless, mainly because the surrounding male students were no longer focusing on their books and were frequently stealing glances at her.

It was an uncomfortable feeling.

“Do you have a better plan?”

Lin Baici countered.

Xia Hongyao shook her head, then let her arms hang naturally, leaned her upper body on the table, turned her head, and observed the students.

“Lin God, can I add you on WeChat?”

Cai Wenqi asked, her posture as low as a dog begging to add a goddess on WeChat. She could have gotten Lin Baici’s WeChat from Li Wei, but what if he added her as a friend just for Li Wei’s sake and then never chatted?

Lin Baici took out his phone, about to let Cai Wenqi scan the QR code, when his stomach suddenly growled.

A wave of hunger struck.

“A Divine taboo creature is approaching!”

Lin Baici’s spirits lifted. He didn’t immediately look around, worried about being discovered by the ‘organ thief’: “Take a look around, is there anyone who doesn’t look like a student? Or any students acting strangely?”

Cai Wenqi was quick to react, leaning close to Lin Baici as if whispering sweet nothings like a couple, but her eyes were scanning the vicinity.

A scent of shampoo wafted into Lin Baici’s nose.

“Red Medicine, go somewhere else!”

Lin Baici had forgotten about this.


Xia Hongyao didn’t understand.

“Go quickly!”

Lin Baici was frustrated. Xia Hongyao, this big bear, was too attention-grabbing.

“I see him, by the third window to the west, there’s someone standing there!”

Cai Wenqi tensed up: “Is he… is he a bad guy?”

Xia Hongyao instinctively looked over.

“Don’t look!”

Lin Baici stretched out his hand and wrapped it around Xia Hongyao’s shoulder.

“What does he look like?”

Lin Baici didn’t look over, not wanting to make eye contact with the other party: “Find a chance to sneak a photo!”

“He’s wearing a black hoodie, with a hat and a mask, I can’t see his face!”

Cai Wenqi took a few selfies with her phone, inconspicuously capturing the ‘organ thief’ in the background.

Baici checked the photos. The person was very careful about protecting their privacy, with a baggy hoodie and head well-wrapped, revealing only the eyes.

Xia Hongyao also leaned in: “Can we make a move now?”

“Aren’t you worried this guy might cause a rule pollution incident?”

What if the person was a ruthless villain? This was a library, with hundreds of people present. If they got involved, who knows how many would die.

“Go to Li Mei’s side, and if the situation becomes critical, take her hostage. I’ll go meet that organ thief!”

As soon as Lin Baici finished speaking, Cai Wenqi nervously leaned into his ear and warned: “That guy left!”

Perhaps due to nervousness or a little scheming, Cai Wenqi’s lips brushed against Lin Baici’s cheek.


Lin Baici stood up and quickly left the library.

“Could Lin God be in danger?”

Cai Wenqi was worried.

She felt a little disappointed at Lin Baici’s lack of reaction, but then she thought about it. With Lin Baici’s looks and identity, he surely wasn’t lacking women throwing themselves at him.

Cai Wenqi glanced at Xia Hongyao.


Except for her.

“Get out of here quickly!”

Xia Hongyao urged, getting up and heading towards Li Mei.

Cai Wenqi hesitated. She knew this might be her closest chance to become a divine hunter, so she decided to take a risk.

“I’ll cover you, it’ll be less likely to be noticed!”

Cai Wenqi followed Xia Hongyao.

Lin Baici chased after the figure, the hunger fading, indicating the other party was quickly moving away from the library.

“He probably hasn’t noticed me, just came to check on Li Mei, and now he’s leaving!”

Lin Baici pondered, what was the relationship between Li Mei and this guy?

And his first hunger pang at this university seemed to be because of this person.

Lin Baici hurried along, and about three minutes later, he saw the hoodie man, hands in pockets, head down, walking along the cement path towards Building B.

That was a chemistry lab building, closed at night due to the chemicals inside.

“Did this guy notice me?”

Lin Baici frowned. Or was the person just passing by?

He considered a possibility: was the person worried about causing rule pollution and harming others, so he planned to lure him over and deal with him alone?

But would an organ thief care about the lives of others?

Lin Baici quickened his pace. With his personality, even if he knew danger lay ahead, he wouldn’t back down.

Sure enough, as the hoodie man reached the shadow on the west side of Building B, he suddenly swung a punch, shattering a window, and darted inside.


Lin Baici cursed and sprinted. Concerned about being ambushed, he didn’t enter through the broken window but made a hole in the glass window of the adjacent classroom.

Lin Baici activated his snake-bone flexibility, slipping through nimbly. Just as he was about to burst through the classroom door, his heart skipped a beat.

Something was off!

Why was the light on in this classroom?

Lin Baici’s first thought was that someone had forgotten to turn off the light, but when he entered, he seemed to remember the room was dark.

【You’re not mistaken, you’ve fallen into rule pollution!】”If you leave this classroom without completing the homework assigned by the teacher, you will die!”

The contamination of rules erupted naturally, subtly influencing everything. This is why Lin Baici was more vigilant. If it were Xia Hongyao, she might have broken through the door and then met her demise.


Lin Baici turned his head to observe.

The entire classroom was arranged with four rows of single desks, fifteen in each row. On each desk, there was a banana and a white metal box, resembling the kind used in hospitals to hold surgical instruments.

Above, the ceiling was not fitted with ordinary energy-saving lights but with shadowless lamps used in hospital operating rooms.

The atmosphere was eerie and frightening.

“Did I really not notice these things just now?”

Lin Baici was shocked. The contamination of rules was indeed unpredictable. He turned his head to look at the blackboard, where five lines of text were written.

“Today’s homework is to learn surgical suturing!”

“Please carefully suture your own banana!”

The remaining three lines of text had been erased by the board eraser, leaving only vague white traces.


Lin Baici frowned. Was it actually related to medicine?

He was completely unskilled in this subject.

And what about those three erased lines? What did they say?

Could they be the key information to purify the contamination of rules?

Just as Lin Baici was about to try and discern those traces more closely, he felt a wet sensation on his skin. Looking down, he saw blood flowing from the exposed skin.

A lot of it!

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