Chapter 176 – Pharaoh’s invitation letter

One person and one scorpion, it seems like a struggle, but it is actually a false impression created by Lin Baici on purpose. After he hugged the beautiful scorpion woman and walked to the sundial, he stumbled and fell.


Lin Baici used the beautiful scorpion woman as a cushion and crashed into the sundial.


The sundial rubbed against the ground, making a piercing sound.

Its position moved.

Xia Hongyao stared at the Scorpion Queen. Once it ordered an attack on Lin Baici, she would immediately support him.

The beautiful scorpion women were originally focused on their own prey. After hearing this sound and seeing the shadow of the pillar on the sundial move, they immediately roared in anger.

Because their mealtime suddenly ended.

Especially those scorpion women who hadn’t eaten anyone yet, they brandished their curved knives and rushed towards Lin Baici, wanting to kill him.

However, after they rushed over, they still didn’t make a move because it was their companion’s food. If it didn’t eat, it would be someone else’s turn.

“It seems like we passed?”

Hua Yueyu was overjoyed.

“Don’t be too happy!”

Jin Yingzhen worried that there might be other tricks.

“Great acting!”

Gu Qingqiu took a sip of wine. She was starting to like the taste, especially when she watched Lin Baici perform. It was simply enjoyable.

“Weren’t we supposed to dance? Why did you fall asleep?”

Lin Baici seemed as if he didn’t know what he had done. He stood up, forcefully pulled the beautiful scorpion woman’s pointed chin, but she had already completely passed out, like a puddle of mud.

‘The Drunken Immortal Fist in the wine is truly a divine technique. It can even knock down monsters!’

Lin Baici sighed in his heart. He didn’t look at the Scorpion Queen. After pulling the beautiful scorpion woman a few times, he found that he couldn’t pull her anymore, so he leaned against her and lay down.

‘Why isn’t the Scorpion Queen speaking? Is she unwilling?’

Lin Baici pondered, with his back facing the Scorpion Queen. He took out the Lover’s Lipstick and applied it to his lips twice.

This lipstick would emit the fragrance of roses, giving a fresh and pleasant appearance. Whether kissing a person or an animal, it would temporarily gain their favor.

However, if used too much, it would create a strong sense of superiority and narcissism.

This was the first time Lin Baici had applied lipstick in his life, but he had no choice.

In the main hall, there was a suffocating silence.

Hua Yueyu and the others were like death row prisoners waiting for amnesty after autumn, eagerly anticipating the emperor’s pardon.

Finally, the Scorpion Queen spoke.

“The banquet is over. You have three minutes to leave, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!”

“Yes, we succeeded!”

Hua Yueyu was overjoyed.

“We’re alive!”

Song Huizhi breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s really interesting. Why didn’t it attack us?”

Gu Qingqiu was curious.

“This is the contamination of the rules. They are produced under the radiation of the divine remains. Just like how we are born to follow the natural laws of birth, aging, sickness, and death, after they are born, they also have to abide by their own rules!”

Xia Hongyao explained.

“Let’s go!” Song Huizhi urged, “This monster said three minutes. After the time is up, it might continue to chase us.”

Everyone was shocked. There was indeed a possibility, so they ran as far as they could.

“Xiaobai, let’s go!”

Hua Yueyu called out to Lin Baici.

“Xiaolin, please save these people.”

Xia Hongyao pleaded. She was a divine hunter from the Nine Provinces Security Bureau, and in situations where she could, she still had to try her best to save the citizens.


Lin Baici wasn’t heartless enough to let so many people die without saving them. He divided the dried squid into pieces and let Xia Hongyao and the others feed everyone.

“Once you sense something is wrong, run immediately!”

Lin Baici reminded.

He would save people, but the premise was to ensure his own safety. He couldn’t sacrifice everyone’s lives because of this.


Everyone nodded and immediately started rescuing people.

“So, adhering to morality is so troublesome!”

Song Huizhi shook her head.

Although she wasn’t a good person, she wanted to conquer the God’s Ruins with someone like Lin Baici who had a moral bottom line because it made her feel safe.

The detoxification effect of the meat from the monster’s corpse was extremely powerful. These people, who were drunk, woke up as soon as they ate the dried squid.

“Am I drunk?”

“What’s going on? Did the banquet end?”


Everyone was clamoring, and some people were vomiting on the ground.

“If you want to survive, leave this place quickly!”

Lin Baici urged.

“Can we leave? Will they kill us?”

The boy who had let them pass worried.

Lin Baici couldn’t be bothered to answer such a pointless question. It was as if they thought that if they didn’t run, the monsters wouldn’t kill them.

“Lin Baici, two minutes and thirty seconds!”

Song Huizhi reminded. She had been counting the time.

“Do you think I don’t know?”

Lin Baici sneered. How could someone as outstanding as him not silently count the time?


It feels like I’ve provoked someone I can’t afford to provoke!

“Let’s go!” Lin Baici urged, “If you want to survive, hurry up and leave!”

Lin Baici looked at the Scorpion Queen and nodded towards her.

It’s better to be polite. Besides, he didn’t have much to lose.


The Scorpion Queen suddenly spoke.


Everyone froze in place, instantly breaking out in a cold sweat.

“It really changed its mind!”

Cai Wenqi trembled in fear.

“I wasn’t talking about you. Go!”

The Scorpion Queen waved her hand impatiently, as if shooing away flies, urging Xia Hongyao and the others to leave quickly.

Her gaze remained on Lin Baici, implying that she wanted him to stay.

Xia Hongyao immediately walked over, clearly intending to stand with Lin Baici.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen also stopped in their tracks, but they didn’t approach Lin Baici because they knew they were too weak and would only be a burden.

At this moment, they envied Xia Hongyao for being able to fight alongside Lin Baici.

“You go first!”

Lin Baici urged, “Hongyao, protect them. I’ll run alone, faster!”

Xia Hongyao was not one to be melodramatic and knew that this was the best choice for now.

“Be careful. If I don’t see you in half an hour, I’ll come back and kill this Scorpion Queen!”

This was why Lin Baici wanted a group of elite members. That way, they could gang up on the monsters instead of leaving Lin Baici behind to hold them off.

“Queen, what are your orders?”

Lin Baici held the bronze sword and looked at the approaching Scorpion Beauties.

The Scorpion Queen descended from her throne and waved her hand, causing her servants to immediately step back and make way for her.

“I have been observing you all along!”

The Scorpion Queen walked to Lin Baici’s side, circling around him slowly. At the same time, her slender fingers reached out and touched his body.

Lin Baici never imagined that even wheat-colored skin could look so good.

Honestly, if the lower half of the Scorpion Queen was covered, she would definitely be considered a top beauty. Unfortunately, Lin Baici didn’t like insects.

“You are very clever!”

The Scorpion Queen stopped in front of Lin Baici, looking directly into his eyes. “And strong. That’s why our child will become the strongest Scorpion King!”


Lin Baici thought he was hearing things.

He never dreamed that the Scorpion Queen kept him here for this purpose.

“I sense a mysterious and powerful force binding me, preventing me from leaving this place.”

The Scorpion Queen frowned. “I want freedom, do you understand?”

Lin Baici understood. The Scorpion Queen believed that the force came from a terrifying existence and she didn’t dare to resist it. So she wanted to give birth to a powerful child who could fight for her.

“How many years will it take for the child to grow up? Can you wait?”

Lin Baici asked in return.

“Any hope is better than none!”

The Scorpion Queen embraced Lin Baici’s waist and walked towards the curtain. “Time is running out, let’s get started!”

“… “

Lin Baici was speechless.

If it was just the upper half of the Scorpion Queen, he might have considered it, but with those scorpion legs…


He couldn’t bring himself to do it.

He had to find a way to save himself.

Lin Baici thought about his first child being a scorpion monster and felt numb all over.

“Do you know how you were born?”

Lin Baici prepared to have a conversation with the Scorpion Queen.

“I don’t know. I woke up from chaos and found myself here. We survive by instinct, hunting for food.”

In the eyes of the Scorpion Queen, these people were food, while the other mummies, scarab beetles, and undead were neighbors who didn’t interfere with each other.

“You were born because of the radiation from the divine remains. If this birthplace were in a remote and uninhabited area, you could rest and raise your children in peace. But this is the most populous city in the world!”

Lin Baici exaggerated the data. “Outside this God’s Ruins, there are over 30 million people like me, not to mention the powerful ones. Even if ordinary people attack you, can you defend yourselves?”

[As a species that has gained intelligence under the radiation of the gods, different from those monsters, they are already considered living beings. Given time, they can reproduce into a tribe.]

“What is that?”

Lin Baici frowned.

The meaning of the Devouring God was that if they ignored these scorpion monsters, they could become a new species?

That would be terrifying, right?

Lin Baici knew that some invasive species could cause serious damage to the local ecology. But when he looked at these Scorpion Beauties again, he felt that with the morals of certain countries, these scorpion monsters would probably be locked up in a laboratory for the rest of their lives.

There was another question. In the Qin Palace and Busan, the God’s Ruins that had existed for over ten years, new species might have already appeared.

The Scorpion Queen was full of astonishment.

Over 30 million?

How many was that?

The number was too large for her to grasp.

“And that power you mentioned should come from the divine remains. We want to live and leave this place, so we must contain it. You can come with me to see.”

Lin Baici looked at the Scorpion Queen and smiled, trying to appear harmless.

“This city has the largest branch of the Nine Provinces Security Bureau. There are many Divine Hunters stronger than me inside. They will also enter here to kill all the monsters in order to protect the city and its people.”

“You are already strong!”

The Scorpion Queen shook her head. “I don’t believe there are many people like you!”

The number of strong individuals in a tribe is definitely limited.

“Look at my age!”

Lin Baici shrugged.

“… “Queen Scorpion looked at Lin Baici’s young and overly handsome face in silence.

Indeed, according to the laws of nature, the mature body should be the strongest.

“I think there are many of your kind who have deep malice towards other species, right?”

Lin Baici continued, “I am a lover of all beings and can speak for you.”

Queen Scorpion remained silent.

When those humans captured by the servants looked at them, they felt fear, dread, and disgust, but this young man’s eyes showed none of that.

[A queen who is almost convinced, prove your sincerity to her!]

How do I prove it?

Lin Baici thought, I can’t just kneel down and propose, right?

[Kiss her!]

“Well, you’re straightforward!”

Lin Baici looked at Queen Scorpion.

He had already considered this possibility when he applied the lipstick, but now that it came to it…

Damn it!

What am I thinking?

Just go for it!

Lin Baici suddenly took a step forward, held Queen Scorpion’s waist, and kissed her on the lips.



The beautiful scorpion women rushed forward, wanting to kill Lin Baici.

Queen Scorpion raised her hand to stop the servants.

The love lipstick took effect, making Queen Scorpion, who was already wavering, begin to trust Lin Baici.


Lin Baici took a deep breath and pushed Queen Scorpion away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Damn it!

This guy bites!

“Tastes good!”

Queen Scorpion licked her lips. “I have decided to go with you to see that divine corpse and settle the score later!”

“Wise decision!”

Lin Baici praised.

“If I find out that you’re deceiving me, I will put you in a jar and take a bite every day!”

Queen Scorpion snorted coldly.

After Xia Hongyao and the others ran two miles away, they dared not move any further because they might fall into another pollution zone.

They might get separated from Lin Baici then.

“I hope Lin Baici is okay,” Hua Yueyu worried.

Jin Yingzhen disliked this feeling. She wanted to stand by Lin Baici’s side and become his companion, not be protected by him.

“That Queen Scorpion is not ruthless and wise enough. With Lin Baici’s intelligence, it’s no problem to play with her!” Gu Qingqiu recalled Queen Scorpion’s words and actions, analyzing her behavior.

In other words, if she didn’t have power surpassing Lin Baici, there was nothing to worry about.

While everyone anxiously waited, Lin Baici returned.

With the help of the devouring god and the hunger radar, he wouldn’t get lost.

“Little Linzi!”

Xia Hongyao was the first to notice Lin Baici approaching, but just as she was about to greet him, she froze because Queen Scorpion was by his side.

What’s going on?

“Let me introduce you all. This is my friend, Queen Scorpion!” Lin Baici signaled to everyone, not showing any signs of disgust.


Xia Hongyao and the other two greeted briefly, but when it came to Gu Qingqiu, she had more to say.

“Your legs are pretty!”

Gu Qingqiu even wanted to reach out and touch them.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen were dumbfounded.

Are you tired of living?

“What is a friend?” Queen Scorpion was satisfied with Lin Baici’s attitude towards her, but after hearing the meaning of the word friend, she shook her head. “He is not my friend, he is the father of my children!”


Xia Hongyao and the others were stunned, looking at Lin Baici.

What did you do during the time you were alone with it?

The others didn’t dare to approach, but they were all paying attention to the situation. Now they faintly heard the conversation and were amazed by Lin Baici.

You’re really something!

“Let’s go!” Lin Baici didn’t want to explain anymore. “Queen Scorpion can sense where that power is. Let’s go and kill it.”

Everyone set off.

“The next action is quite dangerous. It’s better for you to stay behind!” Lin Baici suggested.

No one listened.

Because they believed that following Lin Baici would increase their chances of survival, especially since he could befriend monsters.

“Thank you, Lin Dashen.”

The man who had given up his seat ran over with courage.

They were all drunk in the hall earlier and didn’t know anything, but they were obviously helped by Lin Baici to survive.

The others also wanted to express their gratitude, but when they saw Queen Scorpion by Lin Baici’s side, they didn’t dare to approach.

Xia Hongyao was already brave, and it was her first time talking to an intelligent monster, so her curiosity grew and she wanted to ask everything.

Queen Scorpion didn’t mind. Through communication with humans, it also wanted to learn more about this world.


Queen Scorpion stopped and became alert.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Some mummies wrapped in burial shrouds appeared. They clung to the walls like geckos, jumping and moving on them.

When dozens of mummies appeared, staring at them with dark red eyes, it was a terrifying sight.


Someone turned and ran, but soon realized that the mummies were not attacking.

“Is it because of Queen Scorpion?”

Lin Baici guessed.Everyone waited for less than a few minutes when a mummy emerged from the fog opposite them. Compared to the ones that arrived earlier, this one was wrapped in cleaner bandages and adorned with gold jewelry, even sporting a golden crown on its head.

Perched on its shoulder was a strangely shaped bird.

“Our great Pharaoh invites you to his ceremony!”

After the mummy made its announcement, it took out a stone tablet the size of a palm.

The strange bird immediately picked up the tablet with its long beak and flew it over to Lin Baici.

“Lord Lin, don’t accept it!”

“If we don’t accept, won’t we be attacked?”

“That ceremony can’t be anything good!”

The crowd whispered among themselves.

“This takeaway meal might not taste good, but there’s no choice. If you don’t accept the invitation, these monsters will think their Pharaoh is being disrespected and they will hunt you down until you’re all dead.”

“What’s the relationship between this Pharaoh and the gods?”

Lin Baici caught the stone tablet.


The tablet lit up with a dark golden glow.

“Close your eyes, I will take you to my ceremony!”

A majestic and domineering voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

Lin Baici and his group closed their eyes, and the next moment, their bodies disappeared from the spot.

Several people were scared and didn’t close their eyes in time. Seeing Lin Baici leave, they panicked and quickly closed their eyes, but it was already too late.

The teleportation had ended.

The mummies roared and pounced on these people.


“Lord Lin, I was wrong, take me with you!”


These people were in chaos, no matter how they cried and struggled,


was their only outcome.

Lin Baici opened his eyes to find himself standing on the deck of a wooden solar boat, which was currently sailing on a clear river.

On both sides of the river, there were low houses made of mud bricks, tall and dense date palm trees, and it seemed like children could be seen running and playing under the trees.

The sunlight poured down, making his skin sting a little.

“What kind of rule pollution is it this time?”

Hua Yueyu clung to Lin Baici’s clothes, looking around. One-third of the people didn’t make it here.

I fell asleep after writing until 3 o’clock yesterday!

(End of the chapter)

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