Chapter 175 – Oscar owes Lin Baici a little golden man

In the grand hall, the banquet was in full swing.

“Cheers, esteemed guests!”

The Scorpion Queen continued to toast.

Soon, the second batch of about twenty heavily intoxicated people were pulled out by some scorpion beauties and started dancing.

It was time for everyone to eat.

Whenever everyone finished drinking, the scorpion beauties would immediately fill their golden goblets.

Lin Baici saw that Jin Yingzhen’s alcohol tolerance was not as good as Hua Yueyu’s. He was already a bit drunk, so he grabbed the wrist of the Korean girl.

“What are you doing?”

The Scorpion Queen immediately stared at him, her voice stern.

The scorpion beauties waiting around like wild dogs also instantly stared at Lin Baici. As long as the Scorpion Queen gave the order, they would devour him.

“Not enough wine!”

Lin Baici snatched the Korean girl’s wine cup and poured it into his mouth. “Just one jar? Who can drink that? If others see it, they might think I can’t handle alcohol. Bring me another jar!”

“Little Lin!”

Xia Hongyao became anxious. “Take it easy.”

There was obviously something wrong with this wine.

Song Huizhi was dumbfounded. “Are you crazy?”

She knew that this young man was saving that girl, but was it necessary?

She was beautiful and had a hot figure, but you were a divine hunter. As long as you were alive, there was no woman you couldn’t sleep with.

That’s what she said, but deep down, Song Huizhi was a bit envious of Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu.

Was this what friendship was?

She also wanted a man to care about her!


The Scorpion Queen’s angry expression softened, and she waved her hand. “Bring more wine, give him ten jars.”

The scorpion beauty with big eyes and a pointed chin immediately went behind the gauze curtain, carrying two long-necked pottery jars in her hands and another one curled up with a tail hook.

Four times in a row,

Twelve jars.

With a thud, the scorpion beauty with the pointed chin placed the wine jar in front of Lin Baici and looked at him coquettishly. “Warrior, it’s too slow to drink with a golden goblet. It’s better to drink directly from the wine jar!”

Lin Baici looked at this monstrous woman. Do you want me dead?

“Haha, if you can’t finish these drinks within half an hour, I will tear open your mouth and pour them directly into your stomach!”

The Scorpion Queen laughed gently, but her words were the most terrifying.

“No problem!”

Lin Baici smiled faintly, picked up the wine jar, raised his head, and took a few big sips.

He didn’t intentionally spill the wine because there was no need to.

Even if it was poisoned wine, it was still wine. Within the range of the wine pool and meat forest, Lin Baici could only be poisoned to death, not drunk.

And the biggest problem with this wine was its sedative effect, which wouldn’t directly cause death.

This reminded Lin Baici of the videos he had seen on Bilibili before, where people ate live drunken shrimp and drunken crabs. Now, thinking about it, it was just that the drunken crabs had become drunken people.

The Scorpion Queen was very satisfied with Lin Baici’s response, so she prepared to eat a person for entertainment.

“Um, bring him over!”

The Scorpion Queen chose a handsome young man.

Lin Baici glanced at him and estimated that he was also a college student who didn’t go home for the National Day and came to the museum to play, unexpectedly encountering rule contamination.

“Hehe, Lin Baici, be careful. This Scorpion Queen likes them young!”

Song Huizhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least for now, this scorpion monster who called herself the queen only ate men.

“Little Lin, what’s your plan?”

Xia Hongyao looked at the wine jars in front of Lin Baici and worried for him.


Lin Baici suddenly raised his hand and slapped the face of the scorpion beauty next to him.

“Get out of the way and don’t disturb my drinking!”

Lin Baici scolded and took another sip of wine.

The Scorpion Queen had already looked at Lin Baici, but when she heard this, she smiled slightly and stopped paying attention. She grabbed the young man brought by the servants.


The Scorpion Queen’s cheek split open, turning into a big bloody mouth, biting the left side of the young man’s face.

It loved eating human head meat the most.

Crack! Crack!

While chewing, the Scorpion Queen exerted force, tearing off the young man’s left arm as if tearing off the chicken leg of a salt-baked chicken, and then began to devour it.

The young man was being eaten, but due to the sedative effect of the wine and the scent of the scorpion beauties, he had no reaction, and there was hardly any blood flowing.


Song Huizhi saw Lin Baici suddenly slap the scorpion beauty’s face and couldn’t help but gasp.

Could this guy be crazy?

By making such an extreme reaction, he would anger these monsters and be directly devoured.

Song Huizhi knew that Lin Baici was testing these monsters and gathering information, but doing so was really risky.

Ordinary people wouldn’t dare to do this!

Song Huizhi suddenly felt that if they let this person grow up, the Lost Coast would be in trouble.


The Lost Coast was already in trouble.

Song Huizhi remembered the information given by the captain, plus the Baihe River Dolphin. This young man had already killed five members of the team.

“Little Lin!”

Xia Hongyao was also startled.

“Don’t panic!”

Lin Baici remained calm. He could no longer grasp the pattern.

As long as a person was drinking and did something a bit out of the ordinary, the Scorpion Queen could tolerate it. After all, in its eyes, these scorpion beauties were servants, tools.

“If you get drunk, you will be eaten. So, just don’t get drunk.”

Lin Baici analyzed.These drinks are problematic, coupled with the anesthetic fragrance emitted by the scorpion beauties, Jin Yingzhen and Gu Qingqiu, who have just become divine hunters, cannot withstand the double stimulation and are already drunk.

Hua Yueyu is slightly better, but she is also drunk and her hands are constantly touching Lin Baici.

“Xiaobai, your abs are so hard!”

The little mermaid extended her fair index finger and poked Lin Baici’s stomach, then lifted his shirt and wanted to crawl inside.

Seeing this, the Korean girl pressed down on Hua Yueyu’s head, preventing her from doing so.

“Oppa is mine!”

Jin Yingzhen stared at Hua Yueyu and declared her sovereignty fiercely.

“If you don’t find a way soon, they will be taken away by those scorpion monsters to dance!”

Song Huizhi also realized that those who were drunk would be taken away and eaten.

Her constitution was good and she could withstand it, but if they couldn’t find the key to breaking the situation, she would be done for as well.

While the Scorpion Queen was busy eating, Lin Baici took advantage of the opportunity and quickly took out a bag of dried squid from his backpack, hiding it from view.


Lin Baici handed some to Xia Hongyao, then took a handful and prepared to stuff it into Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu’s mouths.

“What are you doing?”

The sharp-chinned scorpion beauty stood nearby, staring at Lin Baici.

“Our Eastern delicacy, dried squid. Do you want some?”

Lin Baici showed the bag of dried meat in his hand to the scorpion beauty. “To be honest, I’m not used to your ancient Egyptian cuisine!”

The scorpion beauty walked over, looked at the dried meat in Lin Baici’s hand, and took some, throwing it into her mouth.

Crunch! Crunch!

The scorpion beauty chewed.

It had a taste of the sea and was quite salty, just like ordinary snacks.

After confirming that the meat was fine, the scorpion beauty left.

“Is it delicious? I usually eat it with this stuff.”

Lin Baici took a bite and then quickly pried open Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu’s mouths, stuffing the dried squid inside.

“Come, let’s drink!”

Lin Baici picked up his cup and started pouring alcohol into the Korean girl and the female anchor.

One was to numb the scorpion beauty, and the other was that both girls were a little drunk and couldn’t swallow, so he had to use alcohol to force the dried squid down their throats.

The Scorpion Queen glanced at Lin Baici and saw that he not only drank himself but also poured alcohol for his companions. She was very satisfied.

Drink up!

When you’re drunk, I’ll taste your flavor.

I hope your meat is a bit chewy.

After Xia Hongyao ate the dried squid, her body quickly became hot, and she broke out in a sweat. The slight drunkenness she had before also dissipated a lot.

“Xiaolinzi, what is this…”

Xia Hongyao’s mouth twitched because she suddenly realized what this thing was.

Except for the Dragon Zen Temple’s God’s Ruins debut battle, whether it was conquering the God’s Ruins or purifying the contaminated rules in daily life, Xia Hongyao was always with him, so she knew all about his spoils.

Could this dried meat be the flesh from the dried corpse he picked up in the Palm Port God’s Ruins?

At that time, Xia Hongyao was curious why Lin Baici picked up that monster’s dried corpse. After all, it looked creepy and couldn’t be used.

Lin Baici said that the meat was edible and could detoxify.

Xia Hongyao covered her mouth and quickly tried to think of something else to distract herself, otherwise she was afraid she would vomit.

Hua Yueyu guessed correctly.

The dried corpse of that monster had powerful detoxifying effects. As long as it wasn’t an instant-death poison, anyone who ate its meat could be cured.

When drinking tea, adding a few strands of it could cleanse the intestines, eliminate toxins from the body, and have beauty and skincare effects.

It wouldn’t cause acne even if consumed regularly.

“It seems that if you want to survive longer in the God’s Ruins, you have to accumulate more divine taboos, hollow tea, and monster dried corpses like this!”

Lin Baici endured the nausea and chewed the dried meat. He could feel that as he sweated, his body became transparent from the inside out.

This bag of dried squid was a disguise, with dried monster meat hidden underneath.


Hua Yueyu woke up, her vision blurred. She struggled a few times and finally revealed her head, her cheeks immediately turning red.

Damn it!

What did I do just now?


Jin Yingzhen’s head was aching.

In order to prevent the scorpion beauty from noticing anything, Lin Baici quickly leaned close to Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen’s ears, pretending to be intimate, and whispered a reminder.

“Pretend to be drunk!”

Both girls were clever and familiar with acting, especially the female anchor and the wealthy young lady. They were very familiar with this kind of playacting.

Xia Hongyao also fed Gu Qingqiu some dried squid to restore her senses and intelligence.

This girl was very clever and didn’t need any instructions. She continued to pretend to be drunk.

“Lin Dashen, please give me some of that dried squid!”

Song Huizhi pleaded.

“You’re not drunk yet, eating too much of this stuff is not good for your body!”

Lin Baici dismissed her.

“I don’t care about my body!”

Song Huizhi stared at Lin Baici. “You don’t want me to report you, do you?”

“Hehe, without me, do you have the confidence to clear this Divine Taboo game?”

Lin Baici sneered.

Am I afraid of your threats?

You’re thinking too much.”Do you have confidence?”

Song Huizhi’s face twitched as she tried to suppress the anger in her chest.

“Of course.”

Lin Baici looked at Song Huizhi. “The dried squid I have is a divine taboo, very precious. Why should I give it to you when we have no relation?”

Song Huizhi was initially worried that Lin Baici had discovered that she was also a member of the Lost Coast. If that were the case, it would have been foolish of her not to help Baihetun just now.

But now, hearing Lin Baici’s words, she found it reasonable.

“One hundred meteor coins, I’ll sell you a portion!”

Lin Baici made an offer.

“Aren’t we in a cooperative relationship now?”

Song Huizhi retorted.

“Heh, what use do you have?”

Lin Baici sneered.

This statement was quite a slap in the face, but Song Huizhi thought about it. Lin Baici was the one who broke the four contaminated rules they encountered. He really didn’t need companions.

Damn it!

So frustrating!

Just as the two were talking, more than thirty people were completely drunk. The scorpion beauties, who had been impatiently waiting, immediately rushed over and dragged them into the dance floor.

Before they could even dance a few steps, they were devoured.

Snap! Snap!

The feast began.


Huayueyu was startled, and her mouth involuntarily released a fragrant scent. Jin Yingzhen’s face also turned pale.

This was raw food!

And those who were eaten had an intoxicated expression on their faces, as if they were enjoying the sensation.

“Here, Wenqi, have some snacks!”

Lin Baici forcefully handed some dried squid to Cai Wenqi.

After swallowing them, Cai Wenqi quickly regained her confused senses.


Huayueyu understood that she was still sober because she had also eaten the dried squid. He had saved her again.

“Feed these to them!”

Lin Baici gave a large handful of dried squid to Song Huizhi.

In this situation, they still needed some cannon fodder.

Song Huizhi took it and ate half before distributing it to the people around her.

They quickly became sober, and Song Huizhi quietly told them to continue pretending to sleep.

The other companions were all feasting, making the scorpion beauties who were watching Lin Baici’s group anxious. Why weren’t they getting drunk?

After the Scorpion Queen finished eating half a person and filled her stomach, she rewarded the rest to her servants and then stared at Lin Baici, her gaze filled with doubt.

“You have a good alcohol tolerance!”

“I usually get drunk after just a little, but maybe I’m in a good mood today, so I’m getting drunk slowly!”

Lin Baici smiled faintly.

The Scorpion Queen turned her head and glanced at the three o’clock direction.

Lin Baici also turned his head and looked over.

There was a tilted disc with a diameter of one meter, with markings on it and a wrist-thick stone pillar in the center.

Sunlight shone through the large window and fell on this object, casting a shadow of the stone pillar on the disc.

As the sun moved, the shadow also moved.

“Is this a sundial?”

Huayueyu knew that it was an ancient tool for measuring time.


Lin Baici pondered. Could it be that the key to clearing the level was related to this sundial?

The banquet continued, and people were being eaten one after another. The scorpion beauties, who were watching Lin Baici’s table, became more and more restless.

They began to frequently look at the sundial.

It was as if a student participating in the college entrance examination had not finished answering many questions and kept looking at the clock, afraid that there was too little time left.

“Could it be that when a certain time comes, the banquet ends and these scorpion beauties can no longer feast?”

Lin Baici’s spirits rose.

[When the banquet ends, those who haven’t been eaten can leave!]

[The Golden Scorpion Beauties are very disciplined in order to maintain their figure and health. After mealtime is over, they won’t eat anything else!]

“Song Huizhi, I think the key to clearing the level is on that sundial. Go and forcefully hit it to the left.”

Lin Baici calculated the trajectory of the shadow on the disc and concluded that hitting it to the left would make the shadow move for an extra moment.

“Why don’t you go?”

Song Huizhi asked in return, but she also understood that it would be a waste to let Lin Baici take such a risk. So she looked at a strong man sitting at their table.

“Go and hit the sundial to the left!”

While speaking, Song Huizhi’s eyes faintly glowed red. The strong man was initially going to refuse, as the task seemed dangerous, but before he could say anything, his mind went blank and he stood up, walking towards the sundial.

“Hypnotic divine power?”

Xia Hongyao narrowed her eyes.

As the strong man approached the sundial, his movement immediately attracted the attention of the monsters. Without the Scorpion Queen’s command, several scorpion beauties rushed forward and wielded their curved knives, turning him into a pile of minced meat.

“Ordinary people won’t do!”

Song Huizhi frowned.

“I’ll go!”

Xia Hongyao felt that it was her turn to contribute.


Lin Baici stopped Xia Hongyao from acting rashly. With so many scorpion beauties, who knew how strong they were? Moreover, the Scorpion Queen didn’t seem easy to deal with.

While Lin Baici was contemplating his strategy, the Scorpion Queen grew impatient.

“Someone, pour them some wine!”

This time, more than a dozen golden scorpion beauties came over. After pouring the wine, they stood by the side and didn’t leave.

It was clear that they wanted to get these people drunk in one go.

The golden scorpion beauty with a pointed chin looked at Lin Baici’s neck, and saliva dripped down.

After downing three drinks, Lin Baici’s head thudded onto the table.

“Xiao Bai!”


Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen jumped in surprise.

The scorpion beauty with the pointed chin had finally gotten her chance. She excitedly reached out, pulling Lin Baici up and leading him towards the dance floor.

Lin Baici stumbled along.

“Hongyao sister, what should we do?”

Hua Yueyu was a bit nervous: “Xiao Bai is just pretending, right?”

“He should be!”

Xia Hongyao estimated that Lin Baici must have thought of a tactic.

“Everyone, don’t act rashly!”

Song Huizhi was afraid that these women would cause a slip-up out of concern for Lin Baici.

Gu Qingqiu took a small sip of her drink, watching Lin Baici.

Lin Baici wanted to head towards the sundial, but the scorpion beauty was supporting him, leading him to the dance floor, and her strength was quite formidable.


It seemed he had to make a sacrifice.

Lin Baici leaned into the scorpion beauty, pressing against her. At the same time, using the cover of their bodies and pretending to take advantage of her, he began to pound her lower back and back.

Drunken Fist in the Wine!

Stone! Bang! Bang!

Lin Baici’s fists moved quickly, and he kept cursing loudly to cover the sound of his fists hitting flesh.

“Damn, what’s wrong with a little touch? Are you so precious?”

Lin Baici, like a violent man gone mad with drink, began to beat the golden scorpion beauty.

The golden scorpion beauty was initially very angry, ready to bite down and feast right here. But after taking a few punches, her head started to spin. By the time a few more punches landed, she was already drunk.

To be continued…

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