Chapter 171 – Offering to the Cat God

The black cat extended its small paw and licked it before flicking the golden balance.

“For the fifth question, would you be willing to dance with me?”

Upon hearing the black cat continue to ask questions, everyone let out a sigh of relief and then became excited.


The girl who seemed to have an abnormal thought process answered correctly.

In the eyes of these people, the question of how many cats were around was simply a beheading question. As long as it asked, they would surely die because they had no clue and couldn’t guess the answer correctly even if they were the lucky goddess’s own son.

But now, this girl answered correctly.

Everyone looked at Gu Qingqiu with surprise and curiosity, wanting to know how she deduced the number.

A small group of people remembered Lin Baici’s cough and looked at him, wondering if it had something to do with him.


Gu Qingqiu blinked her watery eyes and looked excitedly at the black cat. “Do you want to dance with me like this? Or do you want to transform into a cat-human form?”

The black cat had originally stood up and took a step, preparing to jump off the platform. However, Gu Qingqiu’s words, along with her expression, made it freeze in its tracks.

Could this girl be crazy?


The couple said in unison, their faces filled with anxiety.

They had already prepared themselves to live or die together, but now that they had reached the final question, they began to worry and feel burdened.

“Come and dance!”

Gu Qingqiu urged and took out a wet wipe from her bag, carefully wiping her hands before spraying some alcohol on them.

This was her habitual preparation before petting a cat.


Seeing this, the black cat turned around and lay back down in front of the golden balance.

“You have passed, you can leave now!”

The black cat announced, causing the couple to be overjoyed and embrace each other on the spot.

“Aren’t you going to dance?”

Gu Qingqiu looked at the black cat, unable to hide her disappointment.

Its fur must feel really nice to touch.

The black cat didn’t want to talk to Gu Qingqiu and even wanted to smash the golden balance on her head.

“Lin Baici, if it asks me how many cats are around me later, can you please help me?”

Cai Wenqi pleaded in a low voice.

The people around Lin Baici couldn’t help but be stunned when they heard this. Did the crazy girl pass the test because of Lin Baici?

Cai Wenqi wasn’t sure if there was a connection between her and Lin Baici, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.

Gu Qingqiu walked back and stood in front of Lin Baici, looking into his eyes. Because of her chronic anemia, her slightly pale red lips moved as she said, “Thank you!”

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

Fortunately, Gu Qingqiu was clever and instantly understood his gesture. If it had been the high ponytail with low intelligence, it would have been a different story.

“How did you count 53 cats?”

After seeing Gu Qingqiu’s lip movements, the salesperson understood. It was Lin Baici who made the move, but how did he do it? Then his gaze shifted to the oil lamp in Lin Baici’s hand. Could it be related to that?

Gu Qingqiu also glanced at the oil lamp in Lin Baici’s hand, but even though she was eager to know the answer, she held back.

No rush!

Anyway, I can secretly observe.

A smile involuntarily appeared on the corner of Gu Qingqiu’s mouth, and she happily hummed a tune because she had found another interesting form of entertainment.

“Truly worthy of being my vice captain!”

Gu Qingqiu survived, and Xia Hongyao excitedly reached out and hugged Lin Baici’s neck.

“Hehe, how does that saying go? You can always trust Lin God!”

Hua Yueyu was calm and stood beside Lin Baici, feeling a strong sense of security.

“That’s right!”

Xia Hongyao nodded heavily and even reached out to ruffle Lin Baici’s hair.

Song Huizhi and Bai Hetun looked at the oil lamp in Lin Baici’s hand.

Damn it!

This kid has so many good things on him.

No escape, he must be the little wolf dog raised by Xia Hongmian.

The black cat looked at Lin Baici and wanted to say that since he coughed so loudly just now, he should answer the question this time. However, for some reason, when its gaze met this human’s, it suddenly had a feeling of heartache.

Forget it!

I won’t bother with him.

The black cat ignored Lin Baici and waved its little paw, selecting seven more people. “You! You! You!”

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen were both chosen, along with the hoodie guy and four other young people.

They all had one thing in common: they were single.


The Korean girl was a little worried.

“Xiaobai, it’s up to you!”

Hua Yueyu had never cheated before, but unexpectedly, the first time was for survival.

The pressure is quite high!

Lin Baici opened his backpack and took out four cans of fermented black beans fish and a bag of ham sausages, handing them to Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen.

“Go quickly, offer them to the black cat first!”

Lin Baici urged.

“Lin Ge!”

The hoodie guy looked pitifully at Lin Baici, like a begging stray dog.

Lin Baici didn’t have many cans of fish because he didn’t really like eating them. He bought them purely for balanced nutrition and to add some seafood. After all, the space in the black altar bowl was too big not to fill it.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen took the items and immediately ran to the stone platform.

The black cat stood up and stared at them cautiously.

“This is an offering!”

Hua Yueyu gestured with her hands. She had experience raising cats and being a cat litter cleaner, so she skillfully tore open the ham sausage and opened the can of fish, respectfully placing them in front of the black cat.

Jin Yingzhen followed suit.

The black cat looked at Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen, then looked at the food in front of it, and sniffed it forcefully.

It smells good!

The black cat walked over to the can of fish, stuck out its little tongue, licked it, and then started eating.

The other four people saw this and also ran over.

“Lin God, please?”


“I’ll kowtow to you!”

A boy even knelt down.

There was no way. If they couldn’t answer the question, they would really turn into withered beings.

He didn’t want to die.

Anyway, whether it was useful or not, they had to get it first.

Lin Baici couldn’t bear to watch these people die, so he took out five offerings and prepared to give them to them.

“Lin classmate…”

Cai Wenqi became anxious, worried that she wouldn’t get her share.

“Don’t worry, I saved some for you!”

Lin Baici reassured her. For the sake of their childhood friendship, he had to help Cai Wenqi.

“Thank you!”

Cai Wenqi wiped away her tears and felt both grateful and regretful. She was grateful for getting to know Lin Baici through Li Wei, but regretted not being a student at Haijing University of Science and Technology herself. If she had known earlier, she would have studied harder in high school.

“Thank you, Lin God.”

The five of them were overjoyed, but just then, Song Huizhi hurriedly walked over.


Song Huizhi grabbed Lin Baici’s wrist.

“What are you doing?”

The five people looked fierce.

Song Huizhi didn’t even spare them a glance. She looked into Lin Baici’s eyes and said solemnly, “Rare things are precious. If the black cat gets so much food at once, it might not have much effect if you offer more later.”

The five boys were ignited with anger upon hearing this.

“What do you mean? Are you just going to watch us die?”

“What does it have to do with you, what Lin God offers?”

“Lin God, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda!”

The five of them started to criticize her, wishing they could tear apart this woman in the red windbreaker.

“You’re not our family, why can’t I watch you die?”

Song Huizhi was speechless. Were these people crazy?

Save them?

Did others owe them something?



“Lin God, you’re a good person, don’t listen to her!”

The five young people looked at Lin Baici in panic, worried that he wouldn’t give them anything after hearing her words.

Lin Baici frowned. To be honest, he was a little annoyed by the attitude these five people were showing now.

As for the possibility that offering too much might not have an effect, he had also considered it.

【Except for the boy in the hoodie, the other four are ungrateful people!】

Upon hearing this comment, Lin Baici immediately made a decision. He gave the boy in the hoodie a can of food and ham, and ignored the others.

“Lin Great God, what about mine?”

“Great God, I don’t want to die, please help me!”

“Great God, we trust you, that’s why we followed you. Are you really so heartless?”

One man accused Lin Baici.

Lin Baici furrowed his brows, about to speak, but Cai Wenqi had already stepped forward.

“Lin classmate has already said it several times. It’s dangerous to follow him, but you guys insisted on following!”

Cai Wenqi spoke sarcastically, “Do you think I don’t know your little thoughts of trying to curry favor? Don’t try to morally manipulate us here!”

“Heartless? Can you guys still be alive now if it weren’t for Lin Great God’s blessing?”

The sales guy also started to argue in order to win Lin Baici’s favor.

The boy in the hoodie hurriedly ran to the black cat, opened the offering, and presented it, “Cat God, this is my offering!”

The black cat glanced at it and swiped its paw in front of it.

It’s all mine!


The boy in the hoodie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“First question, if this young man dies, you guys can survive. Are you willing to let him die?”

While eating the canned fish, the black cat extended a paw and pointed at Lin Baici.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen immediately answered, “No!”

The boy in the hoodie hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

The other four were conflicted. They wanted to answer “yes,” but that would definitely offend Lin Baici. With his strength, even if they passed this test, they would still die.

The person who accused Lin Baici of being heartless spoke up directly, “Yes.”

Lin Baici looked at him.

His appearance, sharp mouth, and narrow forehead exuded a sense of cruelty and ingratitude.

【In the face of death, some people have a very low bottom line!】

Food God chuckled: 【As the king at the top of the food chain, when you’re full and bored, you can sympathize with these weaklings, but don’t forget your instinct to hunt.】

【Survival of the fittest has always been the case!】

The black cat looked at Jin Yingzhen, Hua Yueyu, and the boy in the hoodie, then glanced at them again. “Although I’m not satisfied with your answers, I’ll spare you because of the offerings you presented.”

The boy in the hoodie was overjoyed.The black cat ignored the other four people and stared at Lin Baici, “Aren’t you afraid of death? Hurry up and bring out the food!”


Everyone looked at each other. It seemed that this question was a threat to him, asking for food!

“If you offer a sacrifice, I will allow you to leave!”

The black cat took a bite of fish,


“Little Lin, quickly give it the canned food.”

Xia Hongyao urged.

“I will give you all the food, can I take them with me?”

Lin Baici proposed a condition.

“It depends on how much food you have. If it’s enough, I will allow you to take your friends with you!”

The black cat was not stupid. It licked its paws and said, “Only your friends!”

“I should be considered his friend, right?”

Cai Wenqi nervously asked.

“Lin Dashen, when we get out, I will treat you to a good meal!”

The young man accompanied with a smile.

“Dashen, give me a chance!”

“I have a family to support, I can’t die!”

“Then why don’t you go to work? Why do you have time to come to the museum?”

Everyone argued.

“Shut up!”

Lin Baici scolded.

“No rush, you think about it first!”

The black cat’s little paw groped for a can of canned food and looked at the three people who hadn’t answered yet, “What’s your answer?”

Two agreed, one disagreed.

“You took so long to think, no sincerity!”

The black cat sneered, “Accept the punishment.”

The three people quickly showed signs of petrification.

“I answered quickly, I am sincere!”

The narrow-faced man couldn’t care less about offending Lin Baici anymore. It was good to live for one more second.

“Next question, how many black cats are there around me?”

The black cat asked.

The narrow-faced man was desperate. He looked around,

Who knows?

So he held onto his last hope and looked at Gu Qingqiu, “Please, help me.”

“You’ve asked the wrong person for help!”

Gu Qingqiu’s expression turned cold.

The narrow-faced man looked at Lin Baici, sneered, and cursed, “I curse all of you to die in this museum!”

After speaking, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the black cat.

Since he couldn’t answer the question, he would kill it.

But he had only taken three steps when his whole body turned into stone.

Everyone fell silent.

Lin Baici pondered whether he could kill it from a distance with a bronze sword or a champion dart.

The black cat, now having canned fish, had improved its temper. It lazily lay on the stone platform and its tone became lazy, “Next batch, you! You! You!”

The young man and Bai Hetun were chosen, as well as three other couples.

“Damn it!”

Bai Hetun was annoyed to be chosen. In order to maximize his interests, he pointed at Lin Baici and asked the black cat, “Why not choose him?”

“If you want food, I can also get you the top-notch caviar, truffles, and foie gras. Whatever you want to eat, I can get it for you!”

The black cat seemed to swallow its saliva when it heard these foods, but its voice became sharp and angry. It even slapped the stone platform with its little paw.

“Are you teaching me how to do things?”

The black cat questioned.

“No, I just want to answer the questions with him!”

Bai Hetun defended himself.

“Lin Dashen, it seems that your reputation has spread far and wide!”

The young man flattered.


Lin Baici thought to himself, “Spread my ass.” This guy wants to drag me to die together.

The black cat didn’t really want to ask Lin Baici, but this human didn’t take the initiative to offer a sacrifice. It was really unreasonable and needed to be taught a lesson.

“You!” The black cat pointed at Lin Baici, “Come out and answer the question!”


Human, if you are smart, offer all the canned food quickly, and I can spare you!

“Oppa, offer the sacrifice quickly!”

Jin Yingzhen worried.

“That guy is so annoying!”

Hua Yueyu hated that young man to death. She wanted to find an opportunity to beat him up with her drunken immortal fist.

[Offer a sacrifice and you can leave safely!]

[Or take a gamble, catch this black cat. On this golden scale, there are several divine blessings, which is a great harvest. But if you fail, you will turn into a withered image.]

The Food God commented.

[In the kitchen, there will always be cats and mice.]


Lin Baici raised an eyebrow when he heard this sentence. What did the Food God mean by saying this?

Something related to the kitchen, can it defeat this cat?

Lin Baici immediately thought of the Gluttony Apron and the Butcher Mask. Could it be that after catching this cat, dissecting it would scare it into submission?

It didn’t seem to make sense!

The black cat waited for a few seconds and saw that Lin Baici remained indifferent,

It got angry!

Human, I will let you know the consequences of offending the Cat God.

“The first question, how many black cats are there around me?”

Everyone’s gaze immediately turned to Lin Baici, like a group of failing students in a final exam, eagerly waiting for the top student Lin Baici to pass them a note.

“Oppa, what’s wrong with you?”

Jin Yingzhen didn’t understand why he didn’t offer the sacrifice quickly.

“Xiao Bai?”

Hua Yueyu was also puzzled.

“Dashen, please answer quickly!”

The young man was anxious.

“Could it be that Xiaolinzi has found the key to purifying this rule pollution?”

Xia Hongyao became excited.Gu Qingqiu looked at Lin Baici, her heart filled with joy.


A sword that takes an unconventional path, facing difficulties head-on!

Lin Baici didn’t offer a tribute, seeking an easy pass, which made Gu Qingqiu’s affection for him skyrocket instantly.

Because she liked this type of man!

Lin Baici’s expression was calm as he took a few steps forward, his gaze sweeping over the black cat.

In his left hand, he held an oil lamp. Its light wasn’t very strong, but it was enough to cover the stone platform.

In the eyes of others, there was only a black cat and a golden balance on the stone platform. However, Lin Baici could see that there were many more cats lying on the platform.

They came in all colors.

They seemed to realize that Lin Baici could see them, and they all turned to look at him in unison.

Lin Baici didn’t make eye contact with them, pretending not to see them.

“This oil lamp is really a good thing!”

Lin Baici gripped the handle of the oil lamp tightly.

It was called the ‘Ghost Spirit Oil Lamp’. When a person held it, they could see things that were normally invisible to the human eye.

Lin Baici didn’t answer immediately, he looked at the white pufferfish.


The white pufferfish cursed under his breath. He didn’t dare to hesitate, because it was clear that Lin Baici could survive as long as he offered a tribute.

He couldn’t.


Lin Baici quickly gave his answer. His brows furrowed slightly. This young man seemed to have a Divine Taboo or Divine Grace that allowed him to see those black cats.

Upon hearing Lin Baici’s answer, the salesmen and the other three couples immediately responded.

“The second question…”

The black cat hadn’t finished speaking when it was interrupted by the white pufferfish.

“This isn’t fair, they’re stealing my answers!”

The white pufferfish accused.

“Who stole your answer!”

“That’s right, we saw it ourselves!”

“You really know how to flatter yourself!”

The crowd cursed loudly.

“Shut up!”

The black cat roared, “The second question, how many black cats are there around you?”

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