Chapter 163 – Death Rolling Stone!

Cai Wenqi didn’t ask Lin Baici if Li Wei was a divine hunter. She could tell just by thinking about it that he wasn’t, because he exuded a strong aura of arrogance.

This boy in front of her was different, he was too confident.

There seemed to be a light in his eyes!

No wonder she felt that he was arrogant when she saw him last time and didn’t bother talking to her. Now she realized that he was a divine hunter, and when facing ordinary people, he must feel superior.

“You’re an ordinary person, you can’t use divine taboos!”

Lin Baici refused.

Cai Wenqi’s expression darkened. She had actually thought of this possibility, but as a person, she couldn’t have a dream?

At this moment, Cai Wenqi suddenly wanted to take out her phone and send a message to Li Wei to confirm their relationship, hoping that this boy would help her.

Of course, Cai Wenqi was just thinking about it.

After all, doing so would be too shameless.

As for why she didn’t become Lin Baici’s girlfriend?

Cai Wenqi still had some calculations in her heart.

“Xiaobai, it seems like a monster is coming!”

Hua Yueyu tiptoed and looked in the direction of the crowd.


Lin Baici also looked over.

Chasing after these tourists were twelve three-meter diameter boulders. An old man fell down, and the boulder rolled over him.


The old man burst open like a squeezed water bag, blood and flesh splattering everywhere. When the boulder rolled past, only a shriveled skin and pieces of flesh were left on the ground.


The old man was dead, but his cries were still echoing. This scene scared many people.

Lin Baici saw that after the boulder rolled over a person, it would completely crush them, leaving only a skin, but the person’s face would be imprinted on the boulder, vividly showing a terrified expression, continuing to cry for help as if they didn’t know they were already dead.

[Giant Stone Monster, loves to crush people’s heads!]

Boom! Boom!

Five boulders rolled and made a loud noise, rolling towards different directions.


“Get out of the way, don’t block the way!”

“Move aside!”

More and more people gathered, and pushing and trampling began. Everyone wanted to survive and stay away from the rolling boulders.

Two women started arguing and fighting because of the pushing. Then a boulder came, and they quickly separated and ran away, but the boulder was fast and rolled over the woman on the right.


The woman died, but her face remained on the boulder, still screaming for help.

The other woman hadn’t even had time to celebrate her escape when the boulder suddenly stopped and changed direction, rolling towards her.

“Don’t push, whoever pushes will be crushed by these rolling boulders!”

A young man in a suit who looked like a salesman shouted.

Hua Yueyu turned around and looked at Lin Baici. “Is that true?”


Although there was no comment from the Food God, Lin Baici knew it wasn’t true because he saw several unlucky people who didn’t push anyone, but the boulders still rolled over them.

Boom! Boom!

The twelve rolling boulders went on a killing spree.

“Let’s run!”

The round-faced girl urged, “What are we waiting for? If we wait for those boulders to roll towards us, we won’t be able to escape!”

“Let’s run!”

Cai Wenqi wanted to persuade Lin Baici to run together.

“It’s too late, we can’t escape!”

Lin Baici observed the situation around him. “The contamination of the rules has already begun. Either follow the rules and complete the Divine Taboo Game, or eliminate the divine taboos and purify the contamination. Otherwise, we won’t be able to leave!”

The twelve rolling boulders dispersed, like sheepdogs herding sheep, driving humans towards the center, obviously trying to make them gather.

If someone ran in a different direction, they would be chased and killed by the boulders until they died or ran towards this side.

“If you want to survive, don’t run, stay in place.”

Lin Baici shouted loudly, his powerful voice echoing above the crowd.

Some people looked over, but most of them didn’t listen and focused on the rolling boulders.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t run, gather here!”

Lin Baici shouted again.

Those unlucky ones who were being chased by the rolling boulders had no choice. Many of them ran towards this side, and sure enough, the boulders immediately abandoned them and went to kill others.

Cai Wenqi immediately looked at Lin Baici in surprise.

He discovered this crucial point in such a short time?

He truly deserved to be a divine hunter.

My choice was correct. I should be able to survive by following him.

There are always some people whom God extends a hand to, but they don’t look or hold on.

There were about twenty people who just wanted to escape as quickly as possible, maybe they were too panicked and didn’t hear or understand Lin Baici’s words.

Anyway, they were done for.

Five rolling boulders continued to chase and kill relentlessly, and seven stopped and scattered around, staring at these humans like wild dogs.

A large group of people was completely targeted.

“Handsome guy, do you know the origin of these monsters?”The salesperson who had spoken before pushed through the crowd and walked to Lin Baici’s side.

Besides him, there were many clever people who did the same because Lin Baici’s judgment was correct, and they wanted to hear his opinion.

“I don’t know!”

Lin Baici spoke honestly.

He didn’t rashly attack these boulders. If they couldn’t be broken with violence, Lin Baici might attract hatred and be targeted first.

Let’s assess the situation first.

“Are we just going to wait like this?”

“You can try to escape!”

“We should do something, right?”

The crowd murmured quietly.

The faces left behind by the people crushed by the rolling stones were still screaming and calling for help. Some people even cursed the living, making the scene look horrifying.

There was mist all around, with visibility of about forty meters, not too dense.

Rumble! Rumble!

Suddenly, there was a sound from above.

“What’s that sound?”

Jin Yingzhen looked up and saw many cracks appearing on the ceiling, followed by it shattering and falling down like hail.

“Cover your head!”

Lin Baici shouted.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The stones hit the ground, making a dull sound.


Someone reacted slowly and was instantly hit on the head, turning purple and emitting a scream of agony.

Everyone wanted to hide, but there was simply nowhere to hide. Some people planned to run, but as soon as they moved, the rolling stones moved towards them.

Among the falling rocks, Lin Baici occasionally saw flashes of metal. He stared at one and rushed over, pulling apart the walnut-sized debris to find a shiny silver coin.

Could this be the key to clearing the level?

“Quick, find the coins!”

Lin Baici leaned close to Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen’s ears and whispered.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen reacted quickly, and they trusted Lin Baici’s judgment, so they immediately started to act. Cai Wenqi, who was close by, also heard and hurriedly moved, but her mouth didn’t stop.

“Are these coins useful?”

Cai Wenqi worried that she would be attacked by monsters for holding the coins.

“I don’t know!”

Lin Baici couldn’t guarantee, and he wouldn’t force others to listen to him. After all, he was in charge of his own life.

“Thanks, handsome!”

The salesperson looked at the coin in Lin Baici’s hand and, along with Cai Wenqi’s question, immediately squatted down to search for coins. He didn’t forget to thank Lin Baici, leaving a good impression.

“What are you guys doing?”

People in the distance saw the commotion on Lin Baici’s side and noticed that many people were bending over to search for something. They wanted to come over.

No one answered.

Because there were very few coins among the debris falling from the ceiling, they didn’t want others to know until they found them.

Otherwise, it would increase the competition.

“I found it!”

A girl with a hairpin happily shouted, immediately attracting everyone’s attention.

“You idiot!”

The salesperson sneered, quickly glanced at Lin Baici, and then looked at his two female companions.

If you found the coins, you should keep it to yourself. By shouting it out like this, you’re afraid that others won’t come to snatch it from you?

Lin Baici didn’t snatch it. Not only this girl with the hairpin, but he also saw two other people who found coins and discreetly held them in their hands, pretending they hadn’t found anything and continued searching.

“Xiaobai, I didn’t find it!”

Hua Yueyu was a little anxious.

“Keep looking!”

The number of coins was indeed scarce. In the current situation, either snatch from others or rely on personal luck.

Lin Baici didn’t snatch the coins from those lucky ones. One reason was his pride and arrogance, which prevented him from doing such shameless things. Another reason was that he wasn’t sure if the coins were useful, so he wanted to see the situation of others who had found coins first.

These people were bending over to search for something, which couldn’t be concealed. Others also saw it. Some people asked what they were looking for, while others lowered their heads and searched first.

Some lucky guys found the coins.


Seven giant stones suddenly activated, accelerating in a straight line and rolling towards the crowd.

“They’re coming!”

Everyone shouted and panicked again.

The seven rolling stones chased after the people like rabbits with their eyes wide open. This scene looked like a game of “eagle catches chicks” played by children, except that in this game, the person caught by the “rolling stones” would die.

One rolling stone rolled towards Lin Baici’s side.


Jin Yingzhen signaled Lin Baici to run quickly.

“Get away from me!”

Lin Baici stared at the giant stone, clenched the coin he had found in his left hand, and also observed the others who held coins.

Upon hearing this, Cai Wenqi quickly moved away, but she was very clever and followed the female anchor with the voodoo staff.

In her opinion, Hua Yueyu had a weapon and could definitely deal with the monster for a while. If she died, Cai Wenqi could pick up her weapon.

The rolling stones moved very fast, but in Lin Baici’s eyes, who had enhanced his body, they were not a threat if they just rolled straight ahead.

When the rolling stone was fifteen meters away from him, Lin Baici didn’t run, but his whole body tensed, ready to dodge at any time.”Oppa!”


The two of them were worried.

“This is too crazy!”

Cai Wenqi was shocked. This boy had a lot of courage to actively test the giant stone. If it were her, she would definitely not do it and would wait instead.

The giant stone would eventually target the person holding the coin when it rolled down. Then they would know if the coins were effective.

Lin Baici knew this method, but he didn’t have time to wait.

And as a god hunter, he could bear this risk.

“Two meters is a safe distance!”

Lin Baici had already calculated the rolling speed of the giant stone and even added a buffer. As long as the giant stone rolled to within three meters in front of him, he would immediately start dodging.

The giant stone approached, and the faces of the people on it all looked towards Lin Baici, screaming at him.

Five meters!

Four meters!

Three meters!

Just as Lin Baici’s muscles were tense and he was ready to dodge, the giant stone that had reached three meters in front of him suddenly changed direction, as if it had hit an invisible wall, and rolled away from Lin Baici’s right hand.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen’s hearts immediately returned to their chests as they ran towards Lin Baici.

“I’m the best Oppa in the world!”

Jin Yingzhen exclaimed happily.

She hoped that the Kyushu Security Bureau would never notice him.

“It worked!”

Cai Wenqi was overjoyed.

“He guessed right!”

The sales god’s expression changed. He observed the trajectory of the rolling stones while scanning the ground, trying to find the coins.

But there were too few coins.

So the sales god’s gaze turned to the girl who had picked up the coins earlier.

Not only him, but several other men were also staring at the girl, and two of them were even afraid of being crushed by the rolling stones and had already run over.

“Give me the coins!”

A man with a hooked nose rushed to the girl’s side and reached out to snatch her coins.

“They are mine!”

The girl struggled.

The man slapped her twice, hard, on her face.


Lin Baici shouted angrily. It was already shameless enough to snatch the coins, but what did it mean to hit someone?

At this critical moment, the man with the hooked nose wouldn’t listen to anyone else and punched the girl’s face twice again.

Nosebleed and tears immediately covered the girl’s face.

She started crying.

“Get lost!”

After snatching the coin, the man with the hooked nose kicked her in the stomach. Before he could even feel happy, he saw a young man standing next to him.

“Don’t interfere…”

Before the man with the hooked nose could finish his sentence, Lin Baici grabbed his neck. Because he couldn’t breathe properly, his mouth opened wide and his tongue stuck out.

With the power of the giant statue gloves, Lin Baici could lift a weight with one hand and throw a horse with both hands. He exerted force with his right arm and threw the man with the hooked nose away.


The man with the hooked nose fell more than twenty meters away and couldn’t get up for a while due to the pain.

The sales god narrowed his eyes. There was a rolling stone about thirty meters away from the man with the hooked nose, rolling towards him.

“Was this boy intentional or unintentional?”

The sales god worried. If it was the latter, then this person was too sinister.

He obviously wanted to use the man with the hooked nose to test the effectiveness of the coin.

The man with the hooked nose was scared when he saw the rolling stone coming towards him. Because he couldn’t stand up after being thrown by Lin Baici, he could only roll and crawl.

Fortunately, when the giant stone rolled to within three meters in front of him, it changed its course.

This made him, who had just escaped death, breathe a sigh of relief. However, before he could relax, seven or eight men had already rushed towards him.

Originally, some people didn’t know about the coins, but after the man with the hooked nose snatched them in public, almost everyone knew.

These seven or eight people were quite ruthless in their attacks in order to fight for the coins.

The seven rolling stones suddenly stopped.

“How many minutes?”

Lin Baici immediately asked Goryeo Meimei.

The phone couldn’t be used, so he could only look at the watch, but Lin Baici’s Rolex was already gone.

He had planned to buy a few mechanical watches before the next time he entered the God’s Ruins, but who knew that he would encounter a god even when visiting a museum.

It should be said that many god hunters didn’t have this opportunity.

Lin Baici originally planned to silently count the seconds, but when the giant stones started moving, he saw Jin Yingzhen glance at her watch, so he gave up.

“Three minutes!”

Jin Yingzhen replied.

“Hurry up and find the coins!”

Lin Baici urged.

These three minutes felt like an eternity, and they didn’t know if the time for the rolling stones to move would increase in the future.

Everyone gained nothing and became anxious. Many people turned their gaze towards the person holding the coins, and a few foolish ones even stared at Lin Baici.

Crash! Crash!

Cracks appeared in the ceiling again, and some walnut-sized debris fell, mixed with flashes of metal.

“Unrivaled Immortal”

It was a coin!

Even if they were hit, everyone still looked up, trying to spot the coins among the debris falling like hail, hoping to find them first.

Lin Baici activated the Divine Blessing Red Rolling Stone, and the little clay figure appeared.What it could do was to attack targets with a slingshot. As for something like squatting on the ground to look for coins, it was incapable of doing so, lacking the intelligence.

However, Lin Baici found a workaround. He had the clay man attack the coins.

This was impressive.

You should know that the clay man’s shooting skills were so exquisite that it could hit a target two hundred meters away with a stone. What kind of terrifying eyesight and accuracy was that?

Of course, Lin Baici only needed its eyesight now.

Bang! Bang!

Two stones were shot out.

Lin Baici immediately followed, his eyesight was not bad either. He saw the two flying stones each hitting a coin, and then he kept his eyes on the one closest to him.


The coin fell to the ground.

Lin Baici pushed through the crowd, rushed over, picked up the coin, and then another one. But he didn’t need to pick up the second one, Jin Yingzhen had already run over.

“Xiao Bai, I found one!”

Hua Yueyu was very happy, waving the coin at Lin Baici.

Although many people looked over with greedy eyes, the female anchor was not flustered at all, because Lin Baici was there.

Whoever dared to snatch it, Lin Baici would definitely smash his head.

“He has an extra one!”

Cai Wenqi was excited, she wanted it, but the next second, she became nervous again.

“Hold on to it!”

Lin Baici instructed the two girls, then rushed towards the man with the hooked nose, who was already beaten to a bloody pulp and had passed out.

Those who had been robbing him had also determined the winner. A man with a large frame and bulging muscles, obviously trained in boxing or similar combat techniques, finally got the coin and was barely injured.

“He’s a god hunter, he shouldn’t lose, right?”

Cai Wenqi was worried.

Lin Baici looked at the fighting man, his voice cold: “Hand it over!”

“Bro, you already have a coin, what do you need so many for?”

The fighting man clearly didn’t want to give up what he had obtained.

“Is it any of your business?”

Lin Baici snorted coldly.

“Bro, don’t be so selfish, leave a way out for others, it’s good for you and me!”

The fighting man’s tone also became unfriendly.

This man had figured out how not to be crushed by those huge stones. The fighting man didn’t want to conflict with him, but that didn’t mean he was afraid of him.

“I’ve won the freestyle fighting championship!”

The fighting man bared his teeth.

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