Chapter 159 – Haijing Normal, pollution appears


Zhu Qiunan shook her head.

“Then let’s wait for the police!”

Lin Baici said, then turned and left.

Zhu Qiunan and Gu Qingqiu were both surprised by Lin Baici’s sudden action.

Of course, it was unexpected.

Lin Baici seemed to be talking to Zhu Qiunan, but his real purpose was to walk over and get close to the chubby girl, sniffing the scent on her body.

Then, using this scent, he would find the wireless earphones.

In his opinion, the thief must have hidden the wireless earphones for self-protection and would come back to retrieve them at another time.

Lin Baici wandered around the library.

Many people went to the front to watch the commotion, while others continued to study in their original places, as they had nothing to do with the theft.

Lin Baici was quite calm.

After activating his sense of taste, Lin Baici’s nose was even more sensitive than a dog’s. He turned around and suddenly caught a whiff of the chubby girl’s scent in the area.

He looked around and memorized the faces of more than a dozen people nearby. Then, following the scent, he walked towards the bookshelves. Just as he was about to enter, he suddenly turned back.

Lin Baici quickly scanned his surroundings.

Three girls hurriedly lowered their heads.

These three people were all suspicious. Generally speaking, a thief would definitely pay attention to the place where they hid their things.

Of course, Lin Baici was now a celebrity, so it was not ruled out that someone recognized him and was observing him.

Lin Baici walked between the bookshelves.

His footsteps slowed down, his gaze swept over the bookshelves, and then he stopped at the innermost part of the bookshelf, pulling out a book.

Two wireless earphones were quietly waiting behind that book.

The item was very small, so it was completely hidden behind the book and couldn’t be seen.

Sniff! Sniff!

Lin Baici sniffed hard. Besides the scent of the chubby girl, there was also a faint scent on the earphones. Although it was very faint, it couldn’t escape Lin Baici’s sensitive sense of taste.

Lin Baici put the book back, casually picked up another book, and walked out, pretending to pass by the three girls who had glanced at his back earlier.

The first one, not her!

The second one,

Lin Baici stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

This girl had short hair, wore cropped jeans that exposed her ankles, and matched it with a white top. Her appearance could be rated as a six out of ten.

There was an MK bag next to her.

The girl noticed Lin Baici and looked at him, even giving him a slight smile.

Lin Baici sighed inwardly. This girl must be a repeat offender, with good mental resilience. If he didn’t have his sense of taste, he wouldn’t be able to confirm that she was the one hiding the earphones.

Lin Baici sat down.

“Classmate, is there something you need?”

The girl with short hair asked.

“Go and return the earphones to that girl!”

Lin Baici instructed.

The girl with short hair was startled when she heard this, but she maintained a calm expression on her face, even showing a puzzled expression. “What did you say?”

Lin Baici didn’t say anything and looked at her coldly.

The scent on this girl with short hair was the same as the one on the earphones. Lin Baici absolutely didn’t believe that she hadn’t touched them.

The girl with short hair felt a chill all over her body as she was being stared at by Lin Baici. His gaze was too sharp, as if he could see through her inner thoughts.

“You should consider yourself lucky. Today, I’m in a good mood and don’t want to report you!” Lin Baici smiled faintly.

The girl with short hair was very cautious. She didn’t say anything because she was afraid that Lin Baici was recording their conversation.

“Just treat it as if you found the earphones and return them to the chubby girl!” Lin Baici stood up. “I’ll give you five minutes, otherwise, you’ll bear the consequences.”

The girl with short hair watched as Lin Baici left, her expression conflicted. In the end, she didn’t dare to gamble that Lin Baici didn’t have video evidence.

She cursed and went to the bookshelf to get her phone. When she took it, she paid special attention to her surroundings, especially Lin Baici, to make sure he didn’t catch her on camera.

With her phone in hand, the girl with short hair walked quickly towards the front.

As for an excuse, she had done this kind of thing too many times and didn’t need to think too hard.

Lin Baici sat back in his seat and flipped through a magazine.

Soon, the red clay figurine-like person sneaked back along the wall, like a mouse.

“Do you think that by sitting here, I won’t be able to capture any evidence? You have no idea how powerful the Divine Hunter is!” Lin Baici bent down and took his phone back from the red clay figurine’s hand. After stopping the recording, he checked the video.


Although the footage wasn’t very clear, it didn’t miss the girl with short hair taking the earphones. It could already be used as evidence.

The red clay figurine couldn’t use a phone, but it didn’t matter. Lin Baici just needed it to hold the phone and aim it at the girl with short hair, like aiming a slingshot.

“You have already shown the demeanor of a top predator in the food chain, but you are not ruthless enough. When you catch your prey, you must bite it to death!”

“Don’t give her a chance, control her! Enslave her!”

Lin Baici heard the commotion ahead. Many people were starting to criticize the chubby girl, saying that she had lost her earphones and caused trouble for others.

The chubby girl suspected that the girl with short hair had stolen her earphones, but as soon as she said it, she was criticized.

“Don’t you know what’s good for you?”

The girl with short hair was angry. “If I were a thief, I could just throw away these earphones to get rid of suspicion. Why would I return them to you?”

“With your attitude, I won’t even accept a red envelope from you as thanks. I can’t even get a simple ‘thank you’ from you!”

“Remember her, don’t help her if she gets into trouble in the future!”

The girl with short hair was still not satisfied and stared at the chubby girl. “If you accuse me again, I will expose you on the school forum!”

The chubby girl became scared and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

As for a red envelope as a token of gratitude?

She was not willing to give it.

I found the earphones with my own abilities, why should I give a red envelope?

The issue was resolved.

Everyone dispersed.

Zhu Qiunan and Gu Qingqiu didn’t move. They observed the girl with short hair, suspecting her, but they had no evidence.

“Could it be Lin Baici who did it?”

Gu Qingqiu was puzzled because she had been observing Lin Baici. She saw him wandering around the library for a while, and now he had returned to reading.

In her opinion, this was not a man who would easily give up. Since he had participated, he would definitely see it through and not give up halfway.

So, if he had returned now, there was only one answer.

He found the thief and used some means to make the thief return the earphones.

“How did he find her?”

Gu Qingqiu reasoned through the whole situation again and realized that there were not enough clues to find the thief. Since it was a problem that couldn’t be solved by common sense, it must involve some supernatural ability.

Very well,

There was only one answer left.

Lin Baici was a divine hunter!

Thinking of this, Gu Qingqiu was surprised.

Among my classmates, there is actually a divine hunter?


Due to her family background, Gu Qingqiu had come into contact with people like him before.

Also, why did Gu Qingqiu exclude the possibility of Lin Baici directly seeing the thief?

Because if he had seen it directly, he wouldn’t have wandered around the library. He would have gone directly to confront the thief.

“Is it resolved?”

Lin Baici saw Zhu Qiunan return and asked with a smile.


Zhu Qiunan nodded. “But it has nothing to do with me!”

Zhu Qiunan lowered her head, her right hand twisting the pen, but her mind was not on studying.

I don’t know if Lin Baici is enthusiastic or not, but I know that once he starts something, he won’t stop.

So why did he give up after wandering around?

Could it be that he found insufficient clues and didn’t want to waste his efforts?

Zhu Qiunan couldn’t understand, but it didn’t affect her evaluation of Lin Baici. After all, she would work hard to find a good job in the future, and the money she earned should be enough to support him. So even if Lin Baici was a bit incompetent, she could accept it.

Lin Baici planned to leave, but before he could act, the girl with short hair approached him.

“Can we talk?”

The girl with short hair looked at Lin Baici, her attitude humble.

Zhu Qiunan saw this scene and narrowed her eyes.

Sure enough,

This girl was the thief, and Lin Baici must have done something to make her return the earphones.

Zhu Qiunan’s curiosity was piqued.

“From now on, we have nothing to do with each other!”

Lin Baici smiled lightly.

The girl with short hair looked at Lin Baici’s handsome face and felt ashamed. He had seen her worst side.


“I actually had my reasons!”

The girl with short hair explained.

“I don’t care about your reasons. I said it’s over, I don’t know you!”

Lin Baici waved his hand.


But the girl with short hair didn’t think so. After all, there was a video of her stealing the earphones on the other person’s phone. If he remembered it one day and wanted to threaten her, he could do something indescribable…

Thinking of this, the girl with short hair subconsciously glanced at Zhu Qiunan.

Damn it!

What was she thinking?

Look at this girlfriend, she’s prettier and has a better figure. Even if this guy cheats, he won’t choose me.

“Oh, by the way, I don’t care if you steal things in the future, but if I catch you, you know what will happen.”

Lin Baici said indifferently and ignored her.

This indifference made the girl with short hair feel humiliated, but the more casually Lin Baici spoke, the more she dared not doubt the power of his words.

Forget it!

I’ll avoid her in the future!

In such a big school, we probably won’t meet again.

The girl with short hair left. She actually wanted to add Lin Baici as a friend and send him a red envelope, both to show her submission and to leave evidence.

Even if it came to a critical moment, she could say that this guy was extorting her. But Lin Baici’s attitude made her put away this little trick.

Lin Baici noticed Zhu Qiunan looking at him from the side and thought to himself, “This is bad.” Then he stood up and said, “I’m leaving!”

“What did you do?”

Zhu Qiunan frowned.Lin Baici has always been with himself. He couldn’t have witnessed that girl stealing the earphones, and there is no evidence. She wouldn’t easily admit it either.

“Wait until we become friends, and I will tell you!”

Lin Baici replied casually and quickly left.

Oh my god!

This girl is too smart, can’t handle it. After a few more days together, he won’t be able to keep any secrets.

Lin Baici felt that no matter how beautiful, virtuous, and gentle Zhu Qiunan was, he couldn’t marry her because she was too smart. Her husband was probably not even cheating yet, but she caught him as soon as he showed the slightest sign.

Gu Qingqiu, sitting far away, smiled when she saw the short-haired girl looking for Lin Baici.

Confirmed, he is the Divine Hunter.

Then Gu Qingqiu looked at the beautiful girl next to her, unable to understand, right?

That’s right!

She learned another secret of Lin Baici, and it was her exclusive secret.


Gu Qingqiu hummed a little tune.

On Saturday morning, Lin Baici slept until 7:30, got up to wash, and then set off for Haijing Normal University.

While waiting for the bus outside the school gate, he bought two roujiamo (Chinese hamburger).

Because it was the weekend, there were many students going to the city. As soon as bus route 167 stopped, a bunch of students crowded in front of the door, like sardines in a can.

Many girls were disgusted and swore to work hard to earn money in the future. Even if they couldn’t afford a private car, they would be able to afford a taxi.

Lin Baici took the bus just to experience the daily life of an ordinary college student, and it felt pretty good.

He noticed that the prettiest girls always had the fastest crowd around them.

Ding dong!

A WeChat message arrived.

Lin Baici took out his phone.

Li Shangui: Something came up suddenly, it will probably take an hour. Explore on your own after you arrive.

Their relationship was good, so there was no need to apologize.

Lin Baici opened the map and looked at the nearby attractions of Haijing Normal University. He found that the observation tower near the river was not far away. It would take about twenty minutes by taxi, and bus route 167 went directly there.

“You’re the one!”

Lin Baici followed the bus all the way, arrived at the riverside, and as soon as he got off the bus, he saw the towering observation tower.

It was said that at night, there would be huge advertisements on the tower that could be seen from a distance.

Hanging such an advertisement for one night would cost over a million.

Perhaps because it was close to National Day, everyone wanted to finish work quickly and go home to celebrate, so there weren’t many people out this weekend.

The riverside was relatively empty.

A group of pigeons landed on a small square,


A girl squatted on the ground, feeding the pigeons.

Lin Baici could only see her profile, but he was still amazed.

Her long hair was like clouds, coiled up and held in place by a hairpin. Her cheeks were slightly thin, and her skin had a kind of unhealthy paleness. Obviously, she didn’t go out often, but this appearance made her have a sickly and delicate beauty.

Like frost on a sea of red, snow deceiving plum blossoms.

[A rare feast, her soul is very delicious, I suggest you start eating immediately!]

The girl seemed to notice Lin Baici’s gaze and looked over.

Lin Baici smiled and turned away.

When Shen Xin saw Lin Baici for the first time, she wanted to invite him to be a figure model because this young man’s body proportions were incredibly symmetrical.

But since he left, she didn’t chase after him.

In everything,

fate is important!

So Shen Xin continued to feed the pigeons. In her heart, she had already drawn these pigeons over and over again!

After Lin Baici finished exploring the observation tower and took a taxi to Haijing Normal University, Li Wei was still busy, so he could only wander around.

It had to be said that the ratio of female students in normal universities was terrifyingly high.

With a larger base, the chances of encountering beautiful girls would also increase. As Lin Baici walked all the way, he saw at least seven or eight girls with equally stunning looks.




The Gourmet God’s comments gradually became concise.

[What is this place? It’s a fat and delicious sheep pen. Look at those lambs. When you’re hungry, catch one and eat it. Happiness is as simple as that!]


Lin Baici’s stomach suddenly growled.

“What’s going on? Is there a divine taboo nearby?”

Lin Baici immediately looked around. He could be sure that his hunger was not due to not eating enough.

The Gourmet God didn’t answer.

Taking advantage of the concealment of his backpack, Lin Baici took out the Divine Tortoise Shell and divined.


The tortoise shell fell to the ground, but it didn’t speak because a boy ran over.

“Classmate, may I ask where you got that tortoise shell? It looks like an artifact to me.”

The boy was not tall, had a square face, and wore thick glasses. He didn’t look at Lin Baici but stared at the tortoise shell in his hand.

“Bought it from a roadside stall!”

Lin Baici frowned and put the tortoise shell in his pocket.

“Classmate, it’s a crime to privately possess cultural relics!”

The boy raised his glasses with his finger, but couldn’t see the tortoise shell, so he looked at Lin Baici.

Lin Baici turned and walked away.

“Hey, wait!”

The boy chased after him, “I didn’t mean anything else, I just wanted to take a look at it!”

“Get lost!”

Lin Baici would never lend it to him.”I’m a student from the Archaeology Department of Haijing Normal University, my name is Xu Donggui. Classmate, there’s a problem with this tortoise shell you have, you’re not qualified to possess it!” Xu Donggui tried to persuade.

Lin Baici stopped and stared at Xu Donggui, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, I’m just curious and want to borrow it for a look. Just a quarter of an hour, I’ll return it to you once I’m done!”

Xu Donggui recalled the appearance of the tortoise shell, it seemed like a relic from before the Qin Dynasty. This young man must have been lucky to have stumbled upon it.

As for tomb robbing?

It’s not impossible.

Lin Baici looked at Xu Donggui, somewhat annoyed. Mainly because this guy had delayed him, and his hunger had disappeared. This meant that the Divine Taboo that had caused his hunger was gone.

“Ten minutes is fine too!”

Xu Donggui laughed heartily, “I study archaeology, my professional knowledge is solid, I won’t damage it. Moreover, if I identify it as a relic, you could make a fortune!”

This was a pure lie.

If Xu Donggui identified the tortoise shell as a relic, then his graduation thesis would be settled. Moreover, he might even find a good job due to this achievement and fame.

As for this young man?

He shouldn’t expect to get a penny.

Selling relics is illegal.


Lin Baici smiled, took out the divine tortoise shell, and handed it to this young man.

If you’re seeking death, then I’ll send you on your way!

【Just a mere ant, yet it covets the wealth of a top predator. I suggest roasting it and feeding it to the dogs!】

(End of the chapter)

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