Chapter 152 – Xiaobai, you’re useless even when given the opportunity!

“What is this thing for?”

Lin Baici didn’t believe in ghosts and gods. He thought there were no ghosts in the world, so when the Food God said that this thing could be used to see ghosts, it should be an exaggeration.

【To see things that the human eye cannot see.】

“Can it see Sadako or Nie Xiaoqian?”

Lin Baici wanted to roll his eyes, but after he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

Wait a minute!

There are no ghosts in the world, but there are divine taboos. If there are contaminated horror videos or graves, there might really be ghosts.

Thinking of this, Lin Baici’s scalp tingled.

Because he realized that he didn’t have any weapons to kill ghosts and monsters,

This is troublesome.

The more Lin Baici thought about it, the more restless he became. He couldn’t sleep, so he put away the ghost lamp and went to find Nangong Shu.


Lin Baici knocked on the door, “Aunt Shu, are you asleep?”

“Just a moment!”

After a few tens of seconds, Nangong Shu opened the door. She was wearing a white nightgown that revealed her alluring collarbone. “What’s wrong?”

“I just opened the gift box that the crazy maid gave me. There is an oil lamp inside that can see ‘certain dirty things’. I want to ask, has there ever been a divine ruin that has monsters like ghosts in the world?”

Lin Baici humbly asked for advice.


Nangong Shu really wanted to say,

Is that it?

I shouldn’t have opened the door for you earlier.

I was hoping for something more!

“Are you talking about divine ruins with monsters like ghosts and spirits?”

Nangong Shu understood in seconds, “There are ghosts in Europe, and we also have ghosts here, but the most are in the Eastern Land. All kinds of dirty things abound. They have the ‘Night Parade of One Hundred Demons’, and it’s not a joke.”

“How do you kill these monsters? Do you need special weapons?”

Lin Baici didn’t expect that there really were, hoping not to encounter them in the future.

He was normal, not interested in matters of life and death.

“Yes, the rules contamination in these divine ruins is very troublesome. Most divine hunters are unwilling to touch them!”

If a monster’s head is cut off, it will basically die, but if a ghost’s head is cut off, it’s not certain.

“Come in and talk!”

Nangong Shu invited Lin Baici into the bedroom.

“Should we go to the living room?”

Lin Baici didn’t move. He always felt that it wasn’t appropriate to enter a woman’s bedroom late at night.

Nangong Shu turned her head, glanced at Lin Baici, and smiled, “Is this my spider cave? Am I going to eat you or something?”

Since it had come to this, Lin Baici didn’t pretend anymore.

In the landlady’s bedroom, there was a faint fragrance, and the decorations were very simple. The most abundant things were books and magazines.

“Please have a seat!”

Nangong Shu sat back on the bed, leaning against the headboard, revealing her thigh in this posture. “In Hong Kong, there is a famous divine ruin, which is a gambling ship!”

Nangong Shu continued, “At that time, a meteorite hit the open sea and happened to affect this gambling ship. It has all the Eastern horror elements you can think of. It’s like a collection of terrifying divine taboos, no problem!”

“Playing there is definitely more exciting than visiting a haunted house!”

Nangong Shu looked at Lin Baici, “Are you interested?”

Lin Baici shook his head.

Was she joking?

I would never go to this divine ruin even if you killed me.

Lin Baici never watched Hong Kong or Japanese horror movies.

Too scared!

“Some people say that this gambling ship divine ruin could be ranked among the top ten most difficult divine ruins in the Nine Provinces, but it was eventually removed from the list. It’s not as good as Qin Palace!”

Nangong Shu wanted to go and experience it, to enjoy the experience of being scared to the point of peeing.


Lin Baici guessed, “Not difficult enough?”

“No, it’s because this gambling ship is still drifting on the sea to this day, and it cannot be detected by radar or satellites. So whether divine hunters can find it or not depends entirely on luck.”

Nangong Shu explained, “In short, because very few people have gone there, there have been very few deaths, so it has no reference value!”

“For example, Qin Palace has had several dragon-level deaths!”

“That’s just a case of rumors scaring people!”

Lin Baici felt that it was just that the more people spread the rumors, the more exaggerated they became, and the more distorted they became.”But you should also be careful. If you ever go to Hongcheng or Haojing’ao to play, remember not to take a boat out to sea. Once you enter the range of that gambling ship, any type of boat will lose control and eventually drift towards that gambling ship.”

“Immortal Wood Romance”

Nangong Shu reminded.

That gambling ship is like a disaster. Whenever a ship encounters it, everyone on board dies, and the deaths are all strange and bizarre.

Lin Baici was completely calm. Anyway, he had no plans to go to Hongcheng or Haojing’ao, so he definitely wouldn’t encounter that gambling ship.

“If you want this type of equipment, I can help you keep an eye out. There are more of them in Dongying!”

Nangong Shu had a wide network and had access to such channels.

“Then I’ll trouble Aunt Shu to help me see if there are any ‘Ghost Killing’ divine taboos, price is not a problem.”

Lin Baici smiled confidently.

He didn’t have much money, but he already had more than twenty divine taboos. If the things the boss lady found were good enough, Lin Baici wouldn’t hesitate to trade two for one.

Chatting with the boss lady was very pleasant. When Lin Baici noticed the time, it was already 2 a.m. He quickly got up and said, “Sorry for keeping you up!”

“It’s okay!”

Nangong Shu thought, are you planning to leave just like that?

It’s already so late,

Shouldn’t we do something?

Look at this bed, it’s so big and soft, you can roll around on it.

“Rest early, don’t send me off.”

Lin Baici quickly left and closed the door for the boss lady.

Nangong Shu looked at the door and suddenly chuckled self-deprecatingly.

What’s wrong with me?

I’ve been alone for twenty years, why am I suddenly moved?

It can only be said that Lin Baici’s looks and personality are very appealing to Nangong Shu.

Or perhaps, Nangong Shu has discovered an unpolished gem and wants to play a cultivation game once.

Just think about it, the number one dragon-level divine hunter in Jiuzhou was cultivated by herself.

How satisfying would that be?

In today’s society, there are too many bad women. Lin Baici is still young, so in order to prevent him from being deceived, I have to give him some intensity.

Haijing Fine Arts Academy, Building B, Room 302, Art Studio on the third floor.

The night was already quiet, like a black curtain enveloping the earth, as if suffocating the old man of the world in his twilight years.

There were crickets chirping outside the window.

A girl sat in front of an easel, motionless for six hours, like a withered statue.

The pale energy-saving light fell on her tall figure, casting a shadow on the floor, like a soulless ghost.

The walls of this classroom were stained with various colors of paint, creating a horror movie atmosphere in this midnight hour.


The door creaked, and a man in his fifties with graying hair walked out.

“Chenxin, it’s time for you to go to sleep.”

It was the vice dean who came. He lived in the faculty housing of the Fine Arts Academy. When he finished his work and was smoking on the balcony, he saw that the lights in this teaching building were still on, so he knew Chenxin was still here and came to check.

Chenxin, as a genius who has held art exhibitions in Paris, is entitled to enjoy a classroom alone.

“I’ll go soon!”

Chenxin replied, but her body remained motionless, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed perfunctory.

But the vice dean didn’t blame her, instead he sighed with concern.

“Creation is not something that can be achieved overnight…”

The vice dean wanted to persuade Chenxin not to ruin her health, but when his gaze fell on the canvas in front of Chenxin, his eyes froze.

How could this be?

The painting on it was Chenxin’s imitation of Van Gogh’s classic masterpiece “Sunflowers”.

When the vice dean saw it at noon, the golden and orange flowers were vibrant and full of vitality, making people feel that life was so beautiful and not to waste time.

But now, under the pale light, the fuzzy hairs on the flowers seemed to be wriggling tentacles, and the center of the flowers looked more like the eyes of a demon.


The vice dean instantly took a cold breath, and goosebumps covered his body.

Uncomfortable! Chills!

A crazy and eerie feeling rushed over him, like a demon’s hand choking his neck, almost suffocating him.

Why is it that the same painting?

Just by looking at it at different times, such a big difference can appear?

The vice dean looked at Chenxin.

This girl was beautiful and tall, usually kept to herself and spoke very little.

Her cheeks were thin, her skin was pale from not seeing the sun all day, and her black hair was wrapped in a handkerchief into a big bun at the back of her head.

The apron on her body was dripping with paint, messy and disorderly.

“Dean, it’s late, go back to sleep!”

Chenxin wanted to be alone.

“Geniuses are indeed different!”

The vice dean sighed, then persuaded, “Creators also need to be nourished. You have been staying in the studio all the time, and you know too little about this world.””This National Day, the Egyptian Embassy will hold a historical artifact exhibition at the Sea Capital Museum to promote cultural exchange between the two countries. You should go and take a look!”

“I don’t like crowded places!”

Li Jing refused.

She said whatever she wanted to say, without changing her attitude just because the other person was the vice dean.

“I know you don’t like crowded places!”

The vice dean took out a ticket. “You can enter with this ticket for the first three days when there are fewer people. After that, it will be open to the citizens of the whole city for the next four days!”

“But during the last four days, because there will be too many people, more than a dozen precious artifacts will be removed and cannot be seen.”


Li Jing nodded.

The vice dean walked over, placed the ticket on Li Jing’s backpack, and then left. As he passed by the classroom door, he glanced at the oil painting.

The fruits in the middle of the sunflowers looked like eyeballs, densely packed, as if a demon was taking a walk in the middle of the night.

Li Jing didn’t touch the ticket and continued to daydream.

Li Jing got up early and bought a steamed bun from the cafeteria before heading to the classroom.

Since being guided by Li Jing last time, her painting skills had improved by leaps and bounds. Recently, she had even been lucky enough to receive a commission from a game company.

Although it was just a small company, the price they offered was not low, allowing Li Jing to save up a small fortune.

Classroom 302 was closed, but the lights were on.

“Did Chen Xin stay up all night again?”

Li Jing pushed open the door and stuck her head in like a hamster. Her gaze was immediately drawn to the oil painting on the easel.

The morning light spilled into the window, some of it falling on the painting. The sunflowers reflected a vibrant and lively atmosphere, exuding the scent of a bountiful harvest.

It was a very warm oil painting.

Looking at it was like reading a heartwarming story.

Li Jing knocked on the door and then walked in. “Chen Xin, thank you for your guidance last time!”

Chen Xin turned around and made a sound of agreement, acknowledging her.

Li Jing suddenly felt that her dry expression of gratitude was insincere, so she remembered the ticket she had just bought. “There is an ancient Egyptian artifact exhibition at the Provincial Museum during this National Day. I have a ticket. If you have time, you can go and take a look!”

The ticket cost 350 yuan, a bit expensive, but Li Jing was willing to give it to Chen Xin.

“No need, I already have one.”

Chen Xin refused.


Li Jing felt a little disappointed. Then she noticed the oil painting in her backpack and quickly took it out. “Chen Xin, can you give me some more advice on this?”

It was her graduation design.

Chen Xin glanced at it.

This classmate’s work resembled the painting “The Great Sultana” by the Gaulish painter Ingres, which is currently preserved in the Louvre.

“You emphasize the physical features of the female too much. Sometimes, it is more enticing to have just the right amount of concealment!”

Chen Xin commented.


Li Jing felt a bit embarrassed. Recently, when she drew illustrations for that game company, they wanted the characters to have large breasts, a curvy figure, and minimal clothing.

“How can I create good works if I’m not making money and starving?”

Chen Xin smiled faintly. “As long as you pour your heart and passion into it, it will be a good work!”

“Thank you!”

Li Jing nodded eagerly.

Chen Xin turned back and continued to gaze out the window.

Li Jing knew it was time to leave. She took a few steps and suddenly remembered something. “By the way, Lin Da Er Ren has released a new video. Have you listened to it? It’s amazing!”


Chen Xin raised an eyebrow, put down the paintbrush, and took out the outdated phone from her pocket. She opened the Bilibili app.

In her list of followed creators, there was only Lin Da Er Ren.

Chen Xin clicked on his name and indeed saw a new video.

Click to play!

Why is it so? This person has no self, no others, no living beings, no life span.

All appearances are false and illusory. If one sees all appearances as non-appearances, then one sees the Tathagata.

It was the “Diamond Sutra”!

A warm and mellow voice flowed out of the phone, carrying the enlightenment and broad-mindedness that comes after experiencing all the worldly pleasures, and entered Chen Xin’s ears.

Chen Xin never cared about things like phones or clothes, but today, she felt an urgent need to change her phone.

Because the sound quality was too poor.

As the chanting continued, it seemed as if the fragrance of incense was wafting through the classroom, with a high monk in bare feet and a simple robe passing by, preaching with single-minded devotion.

The restless emotions that had been plaguing Chen Xin recently subsided, and in her chest, a Buddha’s heart seemed to solidify.

Li Jing originally wanted to talk to Chen Xin about Lin Da Er Ren, but when she saw Chen Xin listening to it again after finishing, she tactfully left.

Chen Xin listened to it seven times in a row until her phone was almost out of battery before reluctantly stopping.

Lin Da Er Ren’s new video not only didn’t disappoint, but far exceeded expectations.

In just a few days, it had already reached 10 million views, and judging from the current trend, it would soon surpass 100 million.

Chen Xin scrolled down the screen with her finger and looked at the comments.

“I hope my mother stays healthy and lives to be a hundred.”

“I hope I can successfully find a job this year and have a stable income!”

“Please let me find a girlfriend this year and successfully get out of being single!”

The comment section was filled with wishes.

“What’s going on?”

Chenxin was puzzled, then chuckled. Were they treating Lin Da’s video comment section as a wishing well?

Some people even posted comments with pictures of incense and fruits.

Chenxin originally wanted to comment and share her thoughts, but seeing these ‘wishes’, she didn’t want to break the pattern and gave up.

Just as she was about to close the app, she noticed a private message. She opened it and found it was from Lin Da.

“Thank you for your support. I’ve specially made this ‘Diamond Sutra’ for you. I hope you like it!”


Was it written for me?

The corners of Chenxin’s mouth curved up into a smile.

What’s happening?

She suddenly felt a sense of happiness!

Chenxin stood up, stretched her arms over her head, and prepared to pack up and leave. Then she saw the oil painting on the drawing board.

She shook her head, tore off the painting, and picked up the brush. In just over ten minutes, a ‘Sunflower’ was born.

In the golden dawn, the flowers were full of hope.

Chenxin saw the ticket on the table. She originally didn’t feel like going, but now,

It would be good to go out for a walk!


After having a hearty breakfast at the Nangong’s house in the morning, Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao said goodbye and left.

“What are you planning to do for the National Day?”

Xia Hongyao hopped along in the sunlight.

“I haven’t decided yet.”

Lin Baici wanted to go home, but he also wanted to take advantage of the National Day to look at houses and buy one, then bring his mother directly over.

Buying a house is not like buying cabbage, it needs careful selection.

For example, the surrounding environment, neighbors, community property…

These were all things he learned from chatting with Nangong last night.

“Why not explore a God’s Ruins?”

Xia Hongyao was excited.

“You must be joking!”

Lin Baici was speechless: “Haven’t you had enough ‘fun’ recently? Most god hunters would have a mental breakdown dealing with so many rule pollutions!”

“Alright then!”

Xia Hongyao was a little disappointed: “Then let’s find a place to have some fun?”


Lin Baici looked at her high ponytail: “I think I should stay away from you this National Day. Every time you take me out to play, nothing good happens!”

It was like she was a jinx.

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