Chapter 147 – Good luck, tonight we eat chicken!

The fine rain wet the walls of the maze.

Lin Baici wiped the rain off his face and checked the ancestral divine corpse sealed by the black coffin. After confirming that there were no cracks, he put it away.

The scene just now, where this thing was about to merge with Chenfu Jiang’s body, scared him.

It seems that he should use it as little as possible in the future.

There is no such thing as walking by the river without wetting your shoes. Maybe one day he will be parasitized.

Improving personal strength is the way to go.

Lin Baici squatted beside Fan Baoqing and started with him!

He reached into his pocket and found a money bag.

Inside were several bank cards, an ID card, a few hundred yuan bills, and the rest were some meteor coins.

Lin Baici counted them, there were 26.

Just as Lin Baici was about to see if Fan Baoqing had any divine taboos, the Food God commented: [No need to look, he’s just a poor guy!]

Fan Baoqing would go to the Dragon and Beauty Bar for a drink when he had nothing to do. It was usually very safe, who could have expected to encounter a crazy maid this time?

So he didn’t bring his equipment at all.

Lin Baici shrugged.

After Fan Baoqing died, a small light ball appeared about a foot above his head. Lin Baici grabbed it.


The light ball burst, revealing a small piece of sheepskin paper.

Lin Baici opened it and saw that it was a damaged map.

This is the map fragment that the crazy maid said would drop after killing someone.

Lin Baici didn’t plan to continue killing, so this map couldn’t be put together. He got up and went to the old man.

The old man held a dagger about a foot long in his hand, with a slender blade and a pointed shape.

[Curse Dagger, as long as it stabs someone, the next attack, no matter where it hurts the person, even if it just grazes the skin, the damage will double the severity of the first injury.]

[This effect disappears after seven times.]

[Using this dagger tends to be destructive, always wanting to stab someone. It is recommended not to go to places like kindergartens and elementary schools when carrying this dagger.]

Food God’s comment.

This dagger has average attack power, and the negative effect is too great. Lin Baici doesn’t like it, so he’ll sell it or give it away.

Lin Baici remembered that the Food God had just said that the old man had a badge on him. He searched for it and found it in his inner pocket.

It was obvious that the old man had sewn the pocket himself to hide the badge.

[A Maoxiong World War II Medal, from a battlefield in God’s Ruins. Shouting ‘Ura’ activates it and summons a tank.]

The medal was made of gold, with a red pentagram as the main body, a cavalry sword and a rifle crossed behind it, and a sickle and hammer crossed in an X shape on the front.

There were inscriptions on it, but they were already blurred.


Lin Baici whispered, and a rusty light beam was projected from the medal. After the light dissipated, a T-34 tank was left behind.

It was covered in rust and even had traces of shell impacts.

[This tank cannot operate normally, but the cockpit can be used as a warehouse.]

Lin Baici jumped onto the tank, grabbed the hatch, and opened it with force.

It was filled with supplies. Lin Baici checked them. Most of them were long-lasting food, such as canned food, compressed biscuits, military rations, and some drinking water.

In addition, there was a first aid kit and a safe the size of a backpack.

Lin Baici grabbed the handle of the safe and pulled it out.

He didn’t bother to look for the key and directly used the bronze sword to cut it. It took five minutes to successfully open it.

It was like a piggy bank inside, filled with meteor coins.

Lin Baici grabbed a handful and let go.

Ding ding dang dang.

The meteor coins collided and made a wonderful sound.

“How many are there?”

Lin Baici asked.

[You are just a Nine-Leak Fish, not illiterate. Can’t you count?]

The Food God refused to answer such a pointless question.


Lin Baici suddenly felt hungry.

He was taken aback and then put his hand into the meteor coins, digging a few times. Soon, he found a meteorite the size of a walnut.


This old man is amazing!

Very wealthy!

Lin Baici didn’t know that the old man had killed his companions for this meteorite.


Lin Baici was about to collect the meteorite when the Food God spoke up.

“Eat it!”

“But we are in the contaminated area caused by that maid. If she sees me eating the meteorite, it might be a problem!”

Lin Baici worried.

[Then eat her together!]

The Food God didn’t care at all: [If you don’t eat it, I’ll help you!]


Lin Baici knew he couldn’t refuse, so he took out a bottle of mineral water, rinsed the meteorite, and put it in his mouth.

The meteorite melted as soon as it entered his mouth, turning into a hot stream that rushed into Lin Baici’s stomach, then spread to his limbs and bones. His skin turned red and white steam emerged.

The cells all over Lin Baici’s body were nourished by divine power, evolving to the next level of life.

This process lasted about a minute. The white steam on Lin Baici’s body dissipated, and his skin returned to its normal color.


Lin Baici exhaled a breath.

Since encountering that crazy maid, he had become mentally and physically exhausted. Now, after eating this meteorite, he was instantly in full condition.

“It seems that I can prepare some meteorites as supplies to eat in the future!”

Lin Baici took out a suitcase from the black altar bowl and poured all the meteor coins into it. After going out this time, he would also buy a safe.

Looking at so many meteor coins, he felt inexplicably relieved.

“Can people fit in this tank?”

Lin Baici was curious.

[Warning, any living being entering will immediately explode due to inability to withstand the spatial pressure.]

Lin Baici shouted “Ura” and a rusty light curtain was once again projected from the medal, enveloping the tank, and then the light disappeared along with it.

“It’s so troublesome to use!”Lin Baici wiped the badge and felt that it was not very useful: “And the internal space is too small, it can’t hold much!”

If someone else heard Lin Baici say this, they would definitely criticize him and call him ignorant.

Lin Baici was just lucky to have obtained a black bowl in the ruins of the Dragon Zen Temple, and the space inside was also large.

In the Divine Hunter Circle, many lion king-level people do not have this type of spatial divine taboo.

If the old man is willing to sell this badge, there will be many people fighting for it.

The only advantage of this badge should be its small size and portability. However, the problem is that if Lin Baici puts the black bowl in it and wants to retrieve an item, the whole process is too cumbersome, and the tank-like size is too eye-catching.


If only this bowl was a little smaller,

Lin Baici picked up the golden sphere above the old man’s head without looking closely and walked towards Chen Fujiang.

It’s time for the main event.

I hope Chen Fujiang is fat.

This dark red leather glove is definitely a good thing, so he took it off first.

【Glove of the Power of the Giant Elephant, capable of lifting a thousand catties!】

【As a gourmet, you inevitably have to deal with some large prey. With this pair of gloves, you can easily carry these prey!】


Food God’s comment.

Chen Fujiang is short and has relatively small hands. Lin Baici tried it on and thought it might not fit, but unexpectedly, the glove could change its size according to the wearer’s hand shape.

The leather was soft and tightly adhered to the palm of his hand, but without the feeling of tightness, it was very comfortable.

Lin Baici threw a few straight punches, feeling a bit regretful.

“Unfortunately, this glove has no defensive power!”

After going through the God’s Ruins, Lin Baici realized that defensive divine taboos were also very important. He needed to find opportunities to obtain some defensive items.

He continued to lick the package.

Chen Fujiang did not have any spatial divine taboos, so the things he brought were limited, and he only had more than thirty meteor coins.

In fact, the Divine Hunters only fully armed themselves when exploring the God’s Ruins. They usually hid their divine taboos.

Chen Fujiang only came to the Dragon and Beauty Bar today and never expected to encounter Lin Baici. Otherwise, if he had a suitable weapon, it would be even more difficult to deal with him.

After licking the package, Lin Baici used the Divine Turtle Shell to divine in which direction he could encounter more monsters, and then ran over.

After more than ten minutes, the Leather Pants Girl and Xia Hongyao appeared at the intersection.

They met halfway, so they formed a team.

“Don’t worry, we can pass the level once we find Xiaolinzi!”

Xia Hongyao didn’t want to kill people to obtain the map, so finding Lin Baici was their priority.


The Leather Pants Girl was impatient and wanted to meet Lin Baici as soon as possible.

She couldn’t rest assured without him.

“There’s a corpse!”

Xia Hongyao shouted and immediately ran over.

“Be careful.”

The Leather Pants Girl reminded, but Xia Hongyao didn’t listen and quickly ran to the nearest old man’s corpse.

“Hongyao, it’s the person from the Lost Coast. He was killed!”

The Leather Pants Girl exclaimed when she saw Chen Fujiang’s corpse.

“I saw it too!”

After inspecting the old man’s body, Xia Hongyao went to Chen Fujiang’s side.

“Was it done by the boss lady?”

The Leather Pants Girl asked cautiously.


Xia Hongyao shook her head.

“Then who?”

The Leather Pants Girl was shocked. In her opinion, Chen Fujiang was very powerful and should be the strongest among the participants in the game. But she didn’t expect that someone killed him!

Someone was pretending to be weak and attacking the strong!


Xia Hongyao blurted out.


The Leather Pants Girl was stunned. “Are you talking about Captain Lin?”

“I didn’t say that!”

Xia Hongyao denied it. If the news that Lin Baici killed the person from the Lost Coast spread, it would cause trouble for him.


The Leather Pants Girl admitted that Lin Baici was very strong, but killing Chen Fujiang, was it too exaggerated?

Could one person be so outstanding?

But Xia Hongyao’s certainty made the Leather Pants Girl hesitate.

Could it really be Captain Lin?

Could the Lin Baici she saw not be his complete form?


“Let’s go!”

Xia Hongyao was excited. Xiaolinzi had passed by here, so they should be able to catch up soon.

On these three corpses, there were sword marks from a bronze sword.

Xia Hongyao was very familiar with them.

“Xiaolinzi is really strong!”

Xia Hongyao sighed.

She was worried before that Lin Baici would encounter Chen Fujiang early and get into a tough battle, so she wanted to meet him quickly. But now she wasn’t in a hurry.

Not only Xia Hongyao and the Leather Pants Girl, but everyone who passed by and saw Chen Fujiang’s corpse was shocked.

Because Chen Fujiang was too famous, he was the number one most advantageous contender. Everyone was afraid of him, but now he was dead.

Everyone was worried because there was a big boss hidden among these players.

When Nangong Shu saw these three corpses, his eyebrows raised.

“These sword marks should be done by Lin Baici, right?”

The boss lady was curious. “But how did he do it?”

Indeed, a small wolf dog bites fiercely when it bites someone,

But how to raise it?

Some people wanted to kill to pass the level, while others didn’t like it and thought of other ways.

The gnome was one of them.

When he encountered the transgender person, they immediately teamed up temporarily.

“Listen, it sounds like there’s a battle going on?”

The transgender person’s ears twitched.

“Yes, there is. Do you want to go and take a look?”

The gnome asked.

“No, thank you.”

The transgender person was worried. He was now afraid of encountering people who wanted to kill for the map.


The gnome didn’t want to go either.

The two of them were about to leave, but they hadn’t gone far when Sunglasses Guy appeared with three others.

They also rushed over after hearing the sound of battle.

When Sunglasses Guy saw the gnome and the transgender person, he didn’t hesitate at all: “Kill them!”He had teamed up with the transgender person before and knew he was a weakling.


The transgender person turned and ran.

The dwarf had short legs, but he was not slow when he ran.

The two of them chose to run towards the sound of battle without any prior agreement. Given the current situation, the more chaotic the scene, the higher the chance of escape.

As they rushed past a crossroad, they saw Lin Baici fighting a skinless monster in a tunnel.

“It’s the team leader!”

The dwarf was overjoyed and immediately rushed over.

The man with sunglasses followed and saw Lin Baici, hesitating subconsciously.

The other three also hesitated, mainly because Lin Baici’s performance in the previous two battles was too good, making them wary.

“Let’s go, we have to negotiate!”

The man with sunglasses thought that Lin Baici must also have a map, and maybe they could pool their resources.

“Team leader!”

The dwarf ran over and respectfully called out. He wanted to join the fight, but Lin Baici swung his sword and chopped off the monster’s head.

After glancing at these people, he put on a gluttonous apron, put on a pig head mask, and began to dissect the monster.

The four men with sunglasses paused again when they saw this.

What was he doing?

“Is he trying to bluff us, to scare us into not acting rashly?”

“There are four of us, what are we afraid of?”

“That’s right, this kid seems to have a lot of good stuff on him, we can kill him!”

The crowd murmured, thinking that they had the advantage with four people on their side, their courage rose again.

The transgender person originally wanted to run, but seeing Lin Baici so calm, he decided to wait and see.

The man with sunglasses came over with the three others and asked directly, “How many maps have you got? If we combine ours, we might have enough!”

Upon hearing this, Lin Baici frowned and looked at the four men with sunglasses, “How many people have you killed?”

“Not many!”

The man with sunglasses chuckled, not wanting to appear weak or let Lin Baici look down on him, he added, “But not a few either!”

“You don’t need to kill people, there are map fragments on the ribs of these monsters!”

Lin Baici informed them.


Everyone was stunned. Was there such a way to clear the level?

“How do you know?”

The man with sunglasses was puzzled.

“Just do as I said!”

Lin Baici didn’t want to explain further, “Or give me five hundred meteor coins, and I’ll tell you why!”

“Why don’t you just rob us?”

A slightly bald man retorted.

Lin Baici stared at him, “If I wanted to rob you, you’d be dead already!”


The slightly bald man wanted to argue, but when he met Lin Baici’s sharp gaze, he didn’t dare.

“We won’t interfere with each other, it’s okay for us to kill these two, right?”

Even if what Lin Baici said was true, the man with sunglasses didn’t want to do it. The skinless monster looked fierce and was definitely harder to kill than humans.

The dwarf and the transgender person were easy targets.

“Team leader!”

The dwarf pleaded.

“He at least called me team leader!”

Lin Baici looked at the man with sunglasses, “I have to intervene!”

“I’ll pay, Lin God, I’ll give you a thousand meteor coins, please help me!”

The transgender person offered money.

He knew that the young man’s surname was Lin, so he added the word ‘God’ to show respect.

“That’s acceptable!”

Lin Baici smiled.

“Hey, are you looking down on us four?”

The slightly bald man, perhaps due to his approaching middle age, had a bit of a temper.

“That’s right!”

Lin Baici smiled, his eight white teeth shining brightly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Usually, after the slightly bald man made such a tough statement, the other party would back down. After all, it was four against one, and they had the advantage.

But this young man admitted it directly.

“Holy shit, badass.”

The transgender person was shocked, then full of admiration.

The dwarf looked at the man with sunglasses and his group, hoping they would say more and completely infuriate Lin Baici. Then they would be doomed.

The four men with sunglasses were very upset, but considering Lin Baici’s previous reputation, they didn’t dare to act rashly. But they were not willing to leave just like that.

“I don’t think you four look like rich people, so here’s the deal, each of you give me five hundred meteor coins, and you can leave!”

Lin Baici made his offer.

“What did you say?”

The man with sunglasses was taken aback.

What did he mean?

Was this a ransom?

“Are you deaf?”

Lin Baici’s face darkened. They dared to be arrogant in front of him, did they really think he had no temper?

“Get him!”

The slightly bald man wiped his nose, “Let’s see what he’s made of!”


The man with sunglasses thought the same. They couldn’t just surrender without a fight, could they?

So the four of them suddenly accelerated and pounced on Lin Baici.

“Team leader!”

With Lin Baici there, the dwarf also had the courage to fight.

Seeing the four men rushing over, Lin Baici stopped dissecting the monster, grabbed its corpse, and threw it at the slightly bald man.

“Holy shit!”

Everyone exclaimed.

The monster was over three meters tall and weighed at least five or six hundred pounds judging by its size. But Lin Baici threw it as if it was a brick.

With ease.


The monster whistled out, and with a bang, it hit the ground, blood and organs splattering everywhere.

The formation of the four men was disrupted.

The slightly bald man was cunning. He dodged the monster’s attack and also slowed down, planning to let others go first so he could take advantage.

But he didn’t expect that after the monster fell, a bronze sword suddenly appeared from behind it and stabbed straight at him.

The bronze sword was too fast. The slightly bald man didn’t react in time and was pierced through the chest with a single thrust.

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