Chapter 146 – Winner

The champion dart pierced Chen Fujiang’s chest, but he was unharmed.

Because he activated the divine blessing!

Rubber skin!

The effect of this dart is guaranteed to hit, but it does not have armor-piercing effects. Therefore, it is almost ineffective against enemies with defensive divine taboos and divine blessings.

Chen Fujiang grinned and charged towards Lin Baici.

Do you really think I, a lion king-level hunter, am easy to deal with?

Lin Baici threw out a flying sword.


The dragon tooth drew an arc and flew towards the back of Chen Fujiang’s head.

Lin Baici charged forward.

Drunken Immortal Fist in Wine.

He wanted to disrupt Chen Fujiang and prevent him from easily blocking the flying sword.

In an instant, the shadows of fists were like raging waves.

Chen Fujiang didn’t care about these punches. Even without the rubber skin divine blessing, with his strengthened body, he could withstand these punches. However, the flying sword was too sharp. If he were to be hit by it, he would be seriously injured.

“I want it!”

Greed flickered in Chen Fujiang’s eyes.

I didn’t expect Lin Baici to have so many top-quality divine taboos?

If it were any other time, I would definitely envy him, but now…

As long as I kill him, all of these will be mine.

With the giant-like power gloves, Chen Fujiang not only increased his strength but also had a defensive effect. He punched towards the dragon tooth, trying to knock it away.



After his left fist hit the blade, the dragon tooth only slightly deviated and continued its attack.

Chen Fujiang’s expression changed, and he had to use his full strength with his right fist.


The dragon tooth was knocked off course and grazed Chen Fujiang’s head, but Lin Baici seized this opportunity and continuously punched Chen Fujiang.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Lin Baici caught the flying dragon tooth and swiftly slashed.

The King’s Armor is Unbound, Leaving the Body Exposed!

Chen Fujiang didn’t have time to dodge and could only block with his fists.



Chen Fujiang was shocked because under this attack, he felt that the rubber skin on his body had cracked, and some areas even shattered, greatly reducing his defense.

“What the hell?”

Originally confident, Chen Fujiang’s face changed slightly.

Is this the effect of the divine blessing?

Chen Fujiang saw Lin Baici preparing to strike again and, out of caution, he retreated and created some distance.

This scene dumbfounded Fan Baoqing and the old man.

No way?

You are a lion king-level hunter, and also a core member of the notorious Lost Coast. How could you be forced back by a newcomer?

Don’t you care about your reputation?

And this Lin Baici, he’s too strong, right?

“Is that all?”

Lin Baici smiled calmly and continued to charge and attack.

Dragon Tooth Flying Sword.

Here I come!

“Damn it!”

Chen Fujiang cursed, “A genius won’t stumble in the same place twice!”

This time, he exerted all his strength and intended to knock away the bronze sword.

After all, he had just tested it. Lin Baici’s punches didn’t cause much damage. With his physical strength, he could withstand them.


The bronze sword flew away, and Chen Fujiang tried to keep his head away from Lin Baici’s punches, but this guy’s punches were too fast.

He still took five hits.

But it’s not a big problem!

No swelling at all.

Chen Fujiang wanted to counterattack, but Lin Baici quickly retreated and pulled out a wooden torch.


The flying dragon tooth sword, which had been knocked away, regained its balance and flew back to Lin Baici’s side, caught by his single hand.

This scene made the three of them drool.

This weapon is simply too cool.

“Is that all?”

Chen Fujiang retorted with the words Lin Baici had just mocked him with.


Lin Baici chuckled lightly.

“I’ll make you stop laughing soon!”

Chen Fujiang became angry just by looking at Lin Baici’s face. However, when he tried to continue his attack and took a few steps forward, he found it difficult to maintain his balance.


Chen Fujiang was astonished, and suddenly, with this movement, he felt a bit dizzy, like he had drunk a lot of white wine and was in a tipsy state.

Fan Baoqing and the old man watched as Chen Fujiang’s body swayed, took a few steps, and stopped, like a drunkard. They were momentarily puzzled.

Could it be that this guy has an old illness that suddenly flared up at this moment?

Or maybe Chen Fujiang was the quickest to react. His face twisted, and he questioned Lin Baici, “What kind of divine blessing is this?”

Damn it!

I was careless!

He thought that Lin Baici’s punches had no power, so he didn’t guard against them. In reality, the second attack from the opponent’s fists was indeed weak.

However, this thing is not physical damage, but a damn divine blessing effect.

Chen Fujiang knew that he had been played by Lin Baici.

The first sword tactic was just a bait, and the real killer move was those seemingly harmless punches.

At this moment, Chen Fujiang felt a strong sense of frustration and defeat.

Because his intelligence was suppressed.

Chen Fujiang considered himself to be powerful and able to crush others, so he didn’t think about tactics. But Lin Baici was different. He was calm, wise, and had a big heart.

Facing a lion king, he still fought bravely!

Different from Fan Baoqing and the old man who didn’t know Lin Baici’s background, Chen Fujiang had investigated this freshman and knew that he had only become a divine hunter two months ago.

Indeed, the difference between people is greater than the difference between people and dogs!

Chen Fujiang’s head was muddled, and he looked at Lin Baici with a strong killing intent.It is necessary to kill him, otherwise, once this guy grows up, the Lost Coast will be removed from the Divine Hunters Association.

Chen Fujiang no longer underestimated Lin Baici, but regarded him as an evenly matched opponent, in fact, if it weren’t for the huge gap in strength between the two, Lin Baici would have already taken Chen Fujiang’s head in the previous clash.

With full firepower and full concentration, Chen Fujiang is indeed difficult to deal with, but luckily, this guy is drunk, so some of his attacks on Lin Baici don’t need to be blocked and will miss.

With the sneak attack of the Red Earth Clayman, Lin Baici made Chen Fujiang always have to divide his attention to guard against the surroundings, so as not to be hit on the head.

Coupled with the entanglement of the Muscle Buddha and the sharp Dragon Tooth King Sword, although Lin Baici is at a disadvantage, he also holds his ground.

Because whether it’s the Muscle Buddha’s fist or the bronze sword, as long as Chen Fujiang is careless and gets hit, it will be a serious injury.

Lin Baici moves around Chen Fujiang, occasionally giving him a punch.

Although the direct damage is not great, it will make him dizzy.


Chen Fujiang is annoyed, “Are you a man? Come and fight me head-on!”

“Is he getting anxious?”

Fan Baoqing is surprised.

“Yeah, he’s getting anxious!”

The old man smacks his lips and suddenly becomes a little worried. He has completely offended Lin Baici by being a bystander and trying to take advantage of the situation.

If he survives, he will be in big trouble, but if he is asked to kill him, he may not necessarily win.


The old man regrets it. He shouldn’t have been greedy and should have taken advantage of the situation to benefit himself and eat some Night Grass to fatten up.

“Getting anxious?”

Lin Baici taunts.


Chen Fujiang snorts coldly, suddenly retreats, takes out a metal syringe with a red potion from his waist bag, presses open the protective needle cover with his thumb, and injects it into his neck.


The potion is injected, and Chen Fujiang’s spirit immediately becomes excited.

There are some bloodshot veins on his eyeballs, and some blood vessels bulge on his neck and face. More importantly, he has recovered a lot from his drunken state.

This is a kind of nerve potion. After injection, it can accelerate the secretion of adrenaline and greatly enhance physical abilities in a short period of time.

Chen Fujiang is determined to kill Lin Baici.

But he thinks it’s worth it. There are too many good things on this newcomer. As long as he kills him, he will definitely make a big profit.

“Damn, this guy is using drugs, no sportsmanship!”

Fan Baoqing instinctively blurts out. It’s already shameless enough for a Lion King-level expert to bully a junior, but now he’s using drugs?

It’s truly notorious for the Lost Coast, with no bottom line.

Lin Baici’s face becomes serious. He has already played all his cards and can barely maintain his undefeated status. Now that the opponent has injected drugs, even a fool knows that his combat power will increase.

“Do you want to run?”

This choice is possible. The effect of the drug on Chen Fujiang’s body cannot last forever. Lin Baici can wait until the effect wears off and then counterattack.

However, Lin Baici is not willing to give up so easily.

“Is there a way to counterattack?”

Lin Baici quickly recalls all the Divine Taboos he possesses in his mind.


Lin Baici suddenly thinks of that ancestral divine corpse. At that time, on the train, Black Shark Third Generation was infected, but he didn’t have any symptoms.

It’s you!

Lin Baici quickly takes out a black metal sphere.

“Do you still have a trump card?”

Chen Fujiang is truly surprised to see that Lin Baici didn’t run away. This kid doesn’t look like a fool, so if he dares to stay, it means he still has something to rely on.

Immediately, Chen Fujiang becomes excited. No matter what trump card you have, once I kill you, it will all be mine.

“Damn, this guy is using a divine corpse. No integrity!”

Fan Baoqing blurts out. It’s already shameless enough for a Lion King-level expert to bully a junior, but now he’s using a divine corpse?

It’s truly notorious for the Lost Coast, with no bottom line.

Lin Baici’s face becomes serious. He has already played all his cards and can barely maintain his undefeated status. Now that the opponent has injected drugs, even a fool knows that his combat power will increase.

“Do you want to run?”

This choice is possible. The effect of the drug on Chen Fujiang’s body cannot last forever. Lin Baici can wait until the effect wears off and then counterattack.

However, Lin Baici is not willing to give up so easily.

“Is there a way to counterattack?”

Lin Baici quickly recalls all the Divine Taboos he possesses in his mind.


Lin Baici suddenly thinks of that ancestral divine corpse. At that time, on the train, Black Shark Third Generation was infected, but he didn’t have any symptoms.

It’s you!

Lin Baici quickly takes out a black metal sphere.

“Do you still have a trump card?”

Chen Fujiang is truly surprised to see that Lin Baici didn’t run away. This kid doesn’t look like a fool, so if he dares to stay, it means he still has something to rely on.

Immediately, Chen Fujiang becomes excited. No matter what trump card you have, once I kill you, it will all be mine.

“Jianlai”His eyes noticed the rapidly approaching Chen Fujiang and stared directly at him.


A gaze that seemed substantial met Chen Fujiang’s eyes. In that instant, Chen Fujiang felt as if he was looking at a deity.

The deity was high and mighty, while Chen Fujiang felt like a lowly insect, giving him the urge to kneel down and worship.

Chen Fujiang looked away because staring at this eyeball made him feel that it was presumptuous and disrespectful.

But Lin Baici didn’t stop. Seeing Chen Fujiang stiffen, he immediately attacked.

The bronze sword angrily slashed!

Flesh shattered!

Chen Fujiang’s instincts kicked in, and he raised his right fist to block, but under the influence of this ancestral divine corpse, his reaction was half a beat slow.


Lin Baici cut off his right arm.


Chen Fujiang screamed in pain. The intense pain, combined with the effect of the potion, allowed him to break free from the soul oppression of the ancestral divine corpse and regain some consciousness.

Too terrifying!

Chen Fujiang had explored God’s Ruins before and had experienced the radiation from divine corpses, but it was nowhere near as terrifying as the radiation emitted by this eyeball.

It was a direct contamination of the mind.

But why did Lin Baici, who was holding this eyeball, not have any problems?

For a moment, Chen Fujiang wanted to run, but this was the God’s Taboo Game, and he couldn’t escape. The crazy maid had said that the winner of this final round had the power to decide the life and death of others.

Because of Lin Baici’s outstanding performance in the previous two rounds, Chen Fujiang no longer had the confidence to defeat him in the game.

“I can only kill him here.”

Gritting his teeth, Chen Fujiang launched a desperate attack.

No wonder the Nine Dragon Pavilion had spent so much money to make the Lost Coast bring back the missing clay puppet god idol.

When the captain first took on this mission, he was puzzled as to why the Nine Dragon Pavilion wanted the clay puppet god idol. It was rare for ordinary divine hunters, but not for the people of the Nine Dragon Pavilion.

Now he understood.

They had long known that there was a divine corpse in the clay puppet god idol.

That was their ultimate goal.

It was just because of their identity that they couldn’t act directly, so they entrusted the Lost Coast.

How did this young man discover the divine corpse in the clay puppet god idol?

And this divine corpse turned out to be an eyeball?

Wait a minute,

The most important thing is,

Why wasn’t he affected by the radiation contamination of the divine corpse?

Chen Fujiang stared at Lin Baici and found that he was completely fascinated.

Lin Baici hesitated slightly. According to reason, he should have bought time and waited for Chen Fujiang to be contaminated by the ancestral divine corpse, which would make his body deteriorate.

But the problem was, Lin Baici didn’t know if there would be any consequences of holding onto this thing for a long time.

Even if he seemed fine now, what if he became infertile in the future or stopped liking girls and started liking female animals? That wouldn’t be good.

Lin Baici was prepared to attack, but the ancestral divine corpse in his hand suddenly shot out and hit Chen Fujiang’s face.

The eyeball visibly fused with Chen Fujiang’s flesh and drilled into his eye socket.

“What the fuck!”

Lin Baici was startled. Was this thing going to come alive?

[Quickly retrieve it!]

The Food God commented: [Otherwise, a divine servant will be born!]

Lin Baici didn’t dare to let this situation continue, even without the Food God’s reminder. He swung his sword and beheaded Chen Fujiang’s neck.


A head rolled, but before it hit the ground, the flesh on Chen Fujiang’s neck crazily wriggled, grew, and sprouted many strands of flesh, like fungal hyphae in the plant kingdom, quickly extending and sticking to the head, pulling it back.

“What the fuck!”

This scene made Lin Baici’s scalp tingle. He swung his sword again!

This time, he aimed for Chen Fujiang’s head, wanting to cut off that fleshy ball.

Crack! Crack!

Luckily, the dragon tooth was sharp and easily cut through the skull. Lin Baici didn’t care about the blood and dirt. He reached in with his hand and grabbed the ancestral divine corpse.

He quickly took out the black coffin, which was the metal ball, and brought it close to the eyeball.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Several metal straps popped out of the black coffin and wrapped around the eyeball.

Inside the bar, the crazy maid rushed to the TV as soon as she saw Lin Baici take out the eyeball.


It turned out to be an ancestral divine corpse!

But the problem was, why wasn’t this human contaminated?

Could it be…

The crazy maid pondered and took out a mobile phone, ready to make a call, but after dialing the number, she hung up.

Forget it,

It’s none of my business. I just want to play “My Master’s Game”!

Lin Baici threw the black coffin into the black bowl basin, made sure he hadn’t lost any limbs, and that his mind was normal, and that he didn’t develop any strange preferences for female animals, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After glancing at Chen Fujiang’s corpse, he turned his head and looked at Fan Baoqing and the old man.

Fan Baoqing was kneeling on the ground, vomiting, while the old man staggered and ran away.

He wanted to leave this ghostly place.

Lin Baici immediately chased after him.

“Captain, I’ll give you a lot of Meteor Coins, spare my life!”

The old man begged for mercy.

Lin Baici had a stern face and threw out his flying sword.

Whoosh!The Muscle Buddha appeared, charging at the old man in large strides.

The old man was already weakened by the pollution in his body, and now being irradiated by the Ancestral Divine Body, he was even weaker.

Most importantly, he was scared out of his wits.

Lin Baici showed no mercy. The Muscle Buddha began a flurry of punches, sending the old man to his end.

A minute later, the old man was dead.

【An old man with ulterior motives, he actually had a lot of meteor coins in his badge.】


Lin Baici raised an eyebrow. Did the Food God mean a spatial Divine Taboo?

But he couldn’t worry about that now, he had to deal with Fan Baoqing first.

Lin Baici turned his head and walked towards Fan Baoqing.

“Boss, you’re amazing!”

Fan Baoqing was panting heavily, squeezing out a smile to flatter Lin Baici.

“Did you enjoy the show?”

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

“Boss, it’s not that I didn’t want to help you, but I’m too weak. I was afraid that if I tried to help, I would only hold you back.”

Fan Baoqing was scared to tears.

Would Lin Baici kill him to keep him quiet?

He wanted to run, but seeing the old man’s fate, and knowing that even if he could escape now, he couldn’t escape forever in this game. Fan Baoqing had no confidence in coming out on top.

【A man who has abandoned his companions to save his own life, quite unscrupulous.】

“Boss, I beg you, I won’t say anything!”

Fan Baoqing pleaded.

The eyeball-shaped Divine Body, he had never heard of it, so it must be something that needed to be kept secret.

“Sorry, I only trust friends, and the dead!”

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he threw out his flying sword.

He wouldn’t kill Fan Baoqing just because he didn’t help, but he saw something he shouldn’t have seen.

In his normal state, Fan Baoqing couldn’t beat Lin Baici, let alone now. He didn’t even have the strength to resist and was easily killed by Lin Baici.

【Good, all the prey is dead, time to loot.】

Lin Baici was also looking forward to it, wondering how much valuable loot he could get.

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