Chapter 145 – You’re too outstanding!

The pictures on the wall are like the cave paintings used by primitive people to record major events of the tribe. If connected together, they tell a story.

A group of people went out hunting and were attacked. They escaped into a canyon.

There were many gullies in the canyon, and these people got lost after entering.

Some people starved to death, and some encountered monsters. They fought and killed these monsters. When they ate their bodies, they found some fragments of pictures on their skeletons.

So they started hunting monsters and collecting bones, and finally pieced together these pictures to get a map.

With the help of this map, they not only found the treasure buried in the canyon, but also managed to get out and return to the tribe.

They became heroes of the tribe, enjoying flowers and applause.

Lin Baici looked up and activated his sense of taste, smelling the air.

There should be monsters in this maze. By killing them and collecting their bones, a map can be pieced together.

There was no abnormal smell.

Lin Baici was not in a hurry. He ran in the maze, occasionally marking the walls with paint to facilitate recording.


The maid saw Lin Baici quickly discover the key to clearing the level and was so shocked that she sprayed the cola she had just drunk out of her mouth.

No way!

You’re too outstanding!

Can you give others a chance?

According to the rules of the game, the first team to clear the level has the advantage of going first. It means that the other people can only enter the maze after Lin Baici and his team have been inside for half an hour.

But in less than five minutes, Lin Baici deduced the clues from the pictures on the wall.

Can he still play?

With his combat power, he probably has already collected all the maps before others even enter the maze.

“Your speed is the best in history, and you have greatly refreshed the record!”

The maid estimated that no one would be able to break this record in the future.

She picked up the remote control and teleported all the remaining people into the maze, then picked up the microphone and began to announce the mission.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this level is called ‘Rescue the Princess’. Whoever rescues the princess can survive and have the right to decide the life and death of others!”

“The characteristic of the princess can be described in one word: ugly!”

“The location of the princess can be found through the map. So where is the map? After killing someone, you will be rewarded with a fragment of the map!”

“Ladies and gentlemen, please start fighting!”

The maid’s mission caused a huge uproar.

This meant that everyone became enemies, fighting for their lives.

Those with weak strength panicked, but for people like Chen Fujiang, it was like a fish in water.

In the previous two levels, Chen Fujiang had no place to use his strength and felt extremely frustrated. But now, as long as he killed someone and obtained a map fragment, he could clear the level.

“Lin Baici, just you wait!”

Chen Fujiang clenched his fists.

Everyone in the maze became cautious.

Lin Baici frowned when he heard the mission announced by the maid.

Did he reason incorrectly?

Anyway, he should first find a monster and kill it to see.

Lin Baici took out the Divination Turtle Shell and divined for a while.

“The turtle shell divination, asking the gods for guidance, today is very auspicious!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The voice was full of killing intent.

“Can’t you say something reliable?”

Lin Baici felt annoyed.

“I am already very reliable!”

The voice felt wronged. “You just need to find someone and kill them. It’s simple enough that you don’t even need to use your brain!”

“Forget it, I shouldn’t have asked you!”

Lin Baici sighed.

“Master, master, before you kill them, can you let them do a divination? I have been idle recently, and my divination skills have become rusty. I’m afraid I won’t be accurate in the future!”

The voice pleaded.

Lin Baici ignored it, put the Divination Turtle Shell into the black altar bowl, held a bronze sword in his right hand, and a voodoo staff in his left hand. He relied on his instincts to wander around the maze.

When he entered a fork in the road, he saw a man on the opposite side. He was about to say hello, but the man saw him and turned and ran.


Lin Baici frowned and shouted, “Why are you running? I didn’t plan to kill you!”

After Lin Baici called out, the man ran even faster.

In the previous two levels, it was announced to the whole group that Lin Baici, as the captain, had outstanding performance. So in everyone’s mind, he was extremely strong.

Now, unless it was someone like Chen Fujiang who was holding a grudge and wanted to regain his reputation, anyone else who encountered Lin Baici would definitely avoid him and take a detour.

Lin Baici didn’t know where the monsters were, so he simply followed the scent left by the man and tracked him.

Damn it!

He felt like he had turned into a hunting dog.

Fan Baoqing ran with all his strength for more than ten minutes, but couldn’t hold on anymore. He stopped and leaned against the wall, panting heavily.

“Should I have lost him?”Fan Baoqing turned around and took a look,

Good, no one around.

He rested for a few minutes, ready to leave, but after walking about ten meters, he saw a monster turning into the T-shaped intersection ahead.

It was about three and a half meters tall, with no skin on its body, only muscles exposed, looking very eerie.

When the monster saw Fan Baoqing, it roared and immediately started sprinting. Its big feet stomped on the ground, making a thumping sound, like war drums.

“What the hell!”

Fan Baoqing was startled and turned around to run.

The monster was fast, and Fan Baoqing seemed to hear the sound of breaking wind as it sprinted. But what was even more terrifying was that Lin Baici’s figure appeared ahead at the fork in the road.

“What the hell!”

Fan Baoqing felt hopeless. This was truly a dead end.

While Fan Baoqing was contemplating whether to knock Lin Baici down and see if he would spare him, Lin Baici started sprinting.

Fan Baoqing didn’t hesitate at all and immediately knelt down.

“I’m willing to be your henchman!”

Fan Baoqing said, and as he saw Lin Baici run past him towards the skinless monster.

“What the hell!”

Fan Baoqing exclaimed and instinctively turned his head, only to see Lin Baici holding a staff adorned with a skull, aiming at the monster.


A lightning chain as thick as an arm struck the monster, causing its body to become paralyzed. Lin Baici took advantage of this and rushed in, swinging his sword continuously.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three strikes hit the monster’s head, directly blinding its eyes.


The monster screamed and wildly swung its arms.

Lin Baici stepped back, threw the Dragon Tooth Sword with his right hand.


The bronze sword, with a faint glow, shot into the monster’s left eye socket, piercing through its head.

Due to inertia, the monster stumbled forward a few steps before falling to the ground with a thud.

Lin Baici didn’t immediately approach, he aimed the staff at the monster’s body and released another lightning chain.


After the electric shock, Lin Baici walked to the monster’s body, kicked its head, then pulled out the bronze sword and wiped it on the corpse.


Fan Baoqing watched in shock as Lin Baici effortlessly killed the monster.

This was too powerful!

Look at his relaxed posture, killing monsters as easily as taking a stroll in the living room.

Fan Baoqing looked at the bronze sword in Lin Baici’s hand, hesitated for a moment, and decided to stay kneeling, not getting up or running away.

“Damn, this equipment is too good!”

Fan Baoqing envied and almost cried.

“Why are you running?”

Lin Baici sneered.


Fan Baoqing forced a smile and, seeing that Lin Baici had no intention of killing him, quickly offered, “I can be your henchman!”

“Just you?”

Lin Baici sneered.

Fan Baoqing felt despised, but he didn’t dare to show any dissatisfaction. And to be honest, he had the capital to look down on himself.

In fact, he didn’t fight the monster not because he couldn’t, but because he wanted to conserve his strength. After all, the condition for passing this level was to kill and obtain map fragments, there was no need to waste energy on these monsters.

If it weren’t for Lin Baici suddenly appearing, with his divine favor, he could have easily escaped.

“Who were you with before? Tell me about their appearance, divine favor…”

Lin Baici instructed and took out the Gluttony Apron from his backpack, so as not to get blood on himself when dissecting the monster later.

He didn’t expect to use the equipment he just obtained so soon.

With the bronze sword in hand, Lin Baici squatted beside the monster, putting on the Butcher’s Mask.


Lin Baici’s head throbbed, and some knowledge and experience of anatomy immediately flooded into his mind. And when his hand touched the monster’s body, a familiar feeling arose, as if he had dissected tens of thousands of these monsters before.


The bronze sword cut open the monster’s chest, and some crimson blood immediately flowed out.


Fan Baoqing was dumbfounded.

What are you doing?

It’s fine to kill the monster, but why open its chest and abdomen?

Could it be that this guy is a pervert?

Fan Baoqing turned his head and glanced at the maze corridor. Instead of running away, he bravely walked towards Lin Baici.

This was a good opportunity to curry favor.

He remembered one of the rules announced by the maid, which stated that whoever rescued the princess could live and decide the life and death of others.

“Captain Lin, I can give you some Meteor Coins, spare me, okay?”

Fan Baoqing forced a smile, wanting to buy a spot in the team with money.

“Give me?”

Lin Baici frowned.

“Uh, not give, but offer!”

Fan Baoqing was startled, cursing himself for being so bad at speaking. He didn’t have the qualifications to use the phrase “give you”.

“…”Lin Baici didn’t expect that his casual remark would scare the other party so much, but since he didn’t intend to kill anyone, it was not bad to pick up a meteor coin.


Lin Baici nodded.


Fan Baoqing breathed a sigh of relief. “Five hundred meteor coins, is that okay with you?”


Lin Baici looked up and glanced at Fan Baoqing.

“Captain, I’m just a poor guy. Even these five hundred meteor coins were saved by scrimping and saving. If I were strong and had Divine Taboos by my side, why would I be so timid?”

Fan Baoqing explained, his expression anxious.

“Five hundred is fine!”

Lin Baici agreed.

“I’ll give it to you when I go back!”

Fan Baoqing smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject. “What should I do now? Help you carry the corpse?”

“Stay aside!”

Lin Baici didn’t need any help.

Now that Fan Baoqing’s life was guaranteed, he had the leisure to ponder why Lin Baici did what he did, and he was amazed.

This method was too amazing, wasn’t it?

Look at these bones that were stripped clean, not a trace of flesh left. It was like the skill of a butcher.

Even if someone’s ancestors were butchers for three generations, they probably couldn’t achieve this level of skill.

Lin Baici inspected the bones of the monster’s body and found that there were only runes on the ribs, so he removed all the ribs.

“Damn, Captain, there are runes on them?”

Fan Baoqing exclaimed, discovering a blind spot.

“Of course, why would I bother if there were no runes?”

Lin Baici quickly pieced them together and found that they were incomplete, so he put them in a bag and stored them in the black altar bowl. Then he took out a bottle of mineral water and washed his hands.

“A space-type Divine Taboo?”

Fan Baoqing exclaimed once again.

Lin Baici had too many top-quality Divine Taboos on him, didn’t he?

Fan Baoqing was envious to the point of withering.

“Let’s go!”

Lin Baici beckoned.

“Captain, how did you know that there were runes on the ribs?”

Fan Baoqing was curious.

Lin Baici didn’t say a word and looked at the mural on the side.

Fan Baoqing wasn’t stupid and pondered for more than ten seconds before understanding.

“Damn, the conditions for clearing the level are actually on this?”

Fan Baoqing was shocked and then excitedly said, “Does this mean that we don’t have to kill anyone?”

“It should be possible!”

Lin Baici’s words made Fan Baoqing burst into tears.

No wonder the other party spared him. It turned out that there were other methods.

Thanks to Lin Baici’s wisdom, if he had been a bit foolish and started killing people, he would have been doomed.

Wait a minute, how did Lin Baici find his way here?

He should have a tracking-type Divine Enchantment, right?

Fan Baoqing discovered that Lin Baici was unfathomable.

When they returned, he would gather more meteor coins to give to him!

If only he could hold onto this thigh forever.

Lin Baici’s luck was a bit bad afterwards. He wandered around for an hour but didn’t find any monsters or people.

He did come across a human corpse though.

Lin Baici had no choice but to take out the Divine Tortoise Shell and divinate again.

“Go left! Great fortune!”

Lin Baici put away the tortoise shell and saw Fan Baoqing looking at him, his face full of shock.

“Motherf*cker, a… a Divine Taboo that can speak?”

Fan Baoqing swallowed his saliva. It was his first time seeing one, and he quickly reassured, “Captain, don’t worry, I will never tell anyone!”

He was really worried that Lin Baici would kill him to keep him quiet.

In the realm of Divine Hunters, a Divine Taboo that could speak was considered a valuable item that couldn’t be bought with money.

This time, Lin Baici walked for more than ten minutes and encountered a skinless monster.

The monster roared and charged.

Lin Baici raised his staff and aimed at it.


A lightning chain struck!

Afterwards, Lin Baici killed the monster with his flying sword. He didn’t use the wooden torch because he was afraid of burning the bones to ashes.

After easily killing the monster, Lin Baici put on his mask and prepared to dissect it, but someone arrived.

It was Chen Fujiang.

Others might try to avoid the sound of battle, but Chen Fujiang was different. He was eager to encounter a large group of people so that he could kill to his heart’s content.


Chen Fujiang saw Lin Baici and burst into laughter.


Fan Baoqing realized that Chen Fujiang was staring at Lin Baici with ill intentions, clearly intending to kill him.

Lin Baici stood up.

“You’re not running away?”

Chen Fujiang sneered. “How bold!”

“We don’t need to kill each other. There are map fragments on the bones of these monsters. When pieced together, it forms a complete map!”

Fan Baoqing quickly explained.

Chen Fujiang frowned and glanced at Fan Baoqing, then looked at Lin Baici. “Who discovered it?”

“It was Captain Lin.”

Fan Baoqing smiled apologetically.

“Tsk tsk, to be honest, if you hadn’t killed the people from the Lost Coast, I really wouldn’t want to be your enemy!”

Chen Fujiang sighed.

He didn’t have a weapon, but he wore a pair of dark red gloves on his hands.”The Giant Elephant Gloves, made from the tanned leather of a giant elephant. Once worn, one possesses the strength of a giant elephant, capable of lifting nine tripods and moving mountains.”

“Moving mountains?”

Lin Baici frowned.

“Of course not, it’s a metaphor, understand?”

Lin Baici sniffed, “Wait a moment!”

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Fujian sneered, “You’re not thinking of surrendering, are you?”

“There’s someone hiding and watching.”

Lin Baici rubbed his nose. The old man’s scent was drifting over with the wind and rain.

Chen Fujian turned around and shouted, “Come out!”

No response.

“If you don’t come out, I’ll kill you first!”

Chen Fujian threatened.

The old man hesitated for a moment, then walked out from the fork in the road.

He had also rushed over after hearing the sounds of battle. The reason he hid was to see if there was a chance to benefit from the fight between the two.

Save Lin Baici?

Not to mention that he couldn’t beat Chen Fujian, even if he could, he wouldn’t save him.

Lin Baici’s valuable possessions were something the old man had long coveted.

“Are you going to help him?”

Chen Fujian sized up the old man.

The old man shook his head.

“Then why don’t you scram?”

Chen Fujian scolded. This old man looked much more cunning than the man next to Lin Baici, like an old weasel.

“I’ve long admired the reputation of the Lost Coast, I want to join you!”

The old man found an excuse.

“You’re not worthy!”

Chen Fujian didn’t even bother to placate him, “If you won’t leave, then after I kill him, I’ll deal with you!”

Thinking of taking advantage of me?

Keep dreaming!


Chen Fujian suddenly charged, lunging at Lin Baici.

Lin Baici raised his voodoo staff.

Chain Lightning.


Chen Fujian dodged to the side, like a bouncing ball, he hit the wall, accelerated, and pounced on Lin Baici.

Lin Baici launched his second attack.

Mind Blast.


A circle of black ripples spread out from the sheep bone skull, scattering in all directions.

Chen Fujian’s mind was very strong, so he wasn’t affected. He rushed to Lin Baici, throwing a punch at his head.


The wind from the punch ruffled Lin Baici’s hair.

Lin Baici didn’t dodge, he swung his sword to kill.

Chen Fujian’s punch was halfway through when his eyebrows raised, he suddenly changed direction, striking to the right.


Muscle Buddha and Chen Fujian clashed.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Both of them were unsteady and retreated a few steps.

Seeing this Muscle Buddha, Chen Fujian’s pupils shrank.

So strong!

Even with the Giant Elephant Gloves, he couldn’t suppress the opponent.

As Muscle Buddha attacked again, Lin Baici took out the Champion Dart, ready to throw, but Chen Fujian wasn’t scared at all.

It was just that Muscle Buddha was too strong, Chen Fujian wanted to repel it and kill Lin Baici, but he couldn’t.


A flying stone suddenly came, Chen Fujian swung his fist, smashing the walnut-sized stone into dust. Then he activated Divine Grace, his strength and speed increased, he attacked, circled behind Muscle Buddha, lifted it up, and directly threw it over his shoulder.


Muscle Buddha was smashed to the ground, its neck twisted. If it were a human, it would be dead.


The Champion Dart was shot out, the guaranteed hit effect activated.

Chen Fujian swung his fist to hit it, but the dart dodged his fist and pierced his heart.

“Nice stuff!”

Fan Baoqing and the old man drooled with envy.

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