Chapter 139 – Divine taboo drops, Xiaofei makes a move

“Do it!”

Lin Baici threw the dragon tooth with a flick of his hand.


The bronze sword, accompanied by a faint glow, shot towards the eye socket of the Pigman King.

The Pigman King raised his right arm and smashed it onto the dragon tooth.


The dragon tooth was knocked away.

Xia Hongyao was the first to attack, appearing in front of the Pigman King. As long as the opponent blocked or attacked, she would move around and attack the monster’s neck.

This was her fixed tactic.

However, the Pigman King’s response was somewhat unexpected. It opened its mouth wide and let out a powerful roar.


The piercing roar felt like an iron cone stabbing into the ears, causing a headache.

The momentum of the group’s attack instantly stagnated.

The Pigman King waved its large hand, swatting at Xia Hongyao like swatting a fly.


Xia Hongyao rolled to dodge, then swiftly slashed at the Pigman King’s wrist.


The short knife cut into the flesh.

But instead of blood flowing out, the fat on the Pigman King’s arm suddenly swelled, enveloping the blade and even flowing towards Xia Hongyao’s hand.

This scene shocked the bartender. Their charging footsteps had already slowed down, but now they came to a complete stop.

Lin Baici and the innkeeper rushed to the side of the Pigman King. One swung a wooden torch, while the other wielded a bone-cutting knife.

Bang! Swish!

The torch hit the Pigman King, sparks flying, but it didn’t ignite the Pigman King like it would an ordinary person. It only charred a part of its skin.

Nangong Shu’s bone-cutting knife hit, but like Xia Hongyao, it got stuck in the swollen skin.

The innkeeper pulled twice with force, but failed. She let go directly, then leaped up and delivered a whip kick to the Pigman King’s head.

The Pigman King swung its hand and slapped Nangong Shu.

Nangong Shu twisted his waist, changing direction in mid-air to dodge the attack. Then, he kicked the back of the Pigman King’s head.


The huge body of the Pigman King staggered from the kick.

Xia Hongyao’s short knife was a divine taboo. When she saw that it couldn’t be pulled out, she activated it directly.


Several sword qi shot out, instantly piercing countless holes in the fat, greatly reducing its toughness.

Xia Hongyao pulled out the short knife, preparing to attack again. But the fat on the Pigman King’s body suddenly wriggled and formed a small ball.


Lin Baici and Nangong Shu shouted at the same time.

In the next instant, those fat balls detached from the Pigman King’s body and shot out like cannonballs.

Lin Baici swung the wooden torch to knock away those fat balls.

Xia Hongyao erupted with a golden shield of light, blocking the fat balls, then took the opportunity to kill the Pigman King.


The short knife cut across the Pigman King’s neck.

This time, the wound was deep, and red blood splattered.

Xia Hongyao succeeded with one strike and quickly distanced herself. She took deep breaths, staring at the Pigman King.

The previous burst of power had consumed a lot of her energy, and her high ponytail couldn’t continue to launch a strong attack.

The Pigman King touched its neck and saw the blood on its hand. It extended its fat tongue and licked it, then looked at Xia Hongyao.

“You’re pretty good for a human, huh?”

The fat on the Pigman King’s neck wriggled, healing the wound.

The woman in leather pants had an ugly expression.

Their attempt to attack had failed. This boss was extremely tough.

The Pigman King took a deep breath, and the pile of armor on the ground flew up as if attracted by a magnet, covering the Pigman King.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an iron warrior, with only its head exposed.

“What the f*ck!”

The bartender’s face was full of shock, and he cursed.

After the Pigman King put on the armor, it had completely transformed into a steel mountain, and judging by the thickness of the armor, it was not easy to break.

“I think you two look pretty good. I’ve decided to spare your lives and make you my slaves.”

The Pigman King glanced at Xia Hongyao, then stared at the innkeeper, its eyes flickering with crimson light. It grabbed a handful of potato chips and threw them into its mouth.

Crunch! Crunch!

Some saliva and crumbs from the potato chips splattered around.

“Although I usually don’t touch humans, it’s not bad to occasionally lower myself and taste something new!”

The Pigman King scratched its crotch, then picked up a dirty apron and put it around its neck. After that, it grabbed a pig head mask and put it on its face.

The woman in leather pants was being ignored. If it were any other time, she would definitely be furious and curse, “Are you blind? I look pretty good too, seven out of ten!”

But today, she just hoped that this pig-headed creature wouldn’t target her.

The thought of being unable to kill it and Xia Hongyao and the innkeeper being crushed under its disgusting fat made the woman in leather pants shudder.

“Why aren’t you attacking?”

The Pigman King held a bone-cutting knife in one hand and a bone-crushing hammer in the other, waiting somewhat boredly. “Come on, I want to lose weight!”

Lin Baici glanced at them. The bartender had completely lost his fighting spirit, the dwarf and the woman in leather pants wanted to fight but were afraid of death, and the old man had ulterior motives.

Xia Hongyao had the strongest fighting spirit.

“I’ll follow your lead!”The boss lady met Lin Baici’s gaze and immediately took a stand.

“Since you guys won’t do it, then I’ll do it myself!”

The Pigman King laughed loudly, exerted force with his legs, and with a loud bang, he charged towards the bartender.

“Captain, save me!”

The bartender shouted and turned to run.

Seeing this, the Pigman King immediately gave up on him and charged towards the old man.

“Damn it!”

The old man cursed and imitated the bartender, shouting, “Captain, save me!”

But it was useless, the Pigman King was still chasing after him.

“What the hell, are you crazy?”

The old man was frustrated, why did he target me?

“I hate old people, breathing the same air as you makes me sick.”

The reason why the Pigman King wanted to kill the old man was that simple.

As for sparing the bartender, it was because that guy was useless and not worth worrying about, while the old man, although he shouted the same, did not have a fearful look in his eyes.


A two-meter-long bone-cutting knife swung down.

The old man activated his divine blessing and, like a monkey, increased his speed, bouncing on the ground like a rubber ball, and ran away.

The Pigman King turned his head and killed the dwarf and the leather pants girl.


The two of them shouted helplessly and fled in different directions.

The selfish actions of the bartender and the old man caused Lin Baici’s morale, which he had accumulated through the temptation of divine blessing, to collapse once again.

The dwarf and the leather pants girl were not selfish to the extreme. They could fight when the wind was in their favor, lend a hand, or make up for a blow, but actively seeking death?

They didn’t want to!

“I’ll do it!”

Xia Hongyao rushed towards the Pigman King and instructed Lin Baici, “Don’t rush, pay attention to the boss’s weak points.”

Facing Xia Hongyao charging towards him, the Pigman King swung his bone-cutting knife.

Xia Hongyao dodged, accelerated, and swiftly passed by the Pigman King.


The short knife scraped a spark on its armor.

“So tough!”

Xia Hongyao’s short knife could cut through iron like mud, but at this moment, it didn’t leave a single slash on the Pigman King.

[Iron armor meat mountain, impenetrable defense!]

[The fat of this monster has grown together with this set of armor. As long as its blood is flowing, this armor will continuously repair itself!]

[In a short period of time, a large amount of attack must be given to destroy this armor and break through the defense. Otherwise, if it drags on, it will be worn down by it!]

Food God’s comment.

[Its liver has a first-rate blood replenishing effect and can remove impurities from the blood. Stir-fry it with boiling water, cool it, and dress it with vinegar and green onions. It tastes excellent.]

“I can hypnotize it for a few seconds, you guys attack fiercely during this time!”

Nangong Shu suggested.


Lin Baici reached back and put the wooden torch back into his backpack.

“Vegetable girl, do you think I can’t hear you?”

The Pigman King sneered, his body moved, and he pounced towards Nangong Shu. “Your destiny for the rest of your life is to give birth to my offspring and produce milk!”

The boss lady’s face turned cold, and when the Pigman King pounced, she suddenly opened her lips, which were smeared with lipstick, and blew gently.


A pink mist quickly spread out, enveloping the Pigman King.

The boss’s speed immediately slowed down, and his body swayed.

“Hongyao, don’t rush!”

Lin Baici raised his hand and threw out a flying sword, then leaped towards the Pigman King. His right hand clenched into a fist, emitting a golden light, and then he struck towards the Pigman King’s head.

Unarmored, exposed body!


The pig mask on the Pigman King’s face flew off, and the armor on his body, like fat, began to ripple.

Lin Baici landed on the ground and punched the pigman king’s stomach.

Break for me!


Lin Baici’s fist made a cracking sound as it hit the Pigman King.

This guy was like being hit by a speeding truck, his whole body retreating, and cracks appeared on the armor on his body.

Lin Baici took a big step and caught up.

Third punch!


With the blessing of the unarmored, exposed body divine blessing, Lin Baici’s fist was powerful, directly blasting away this iron-armored meat mountain.


The Pigman King fell to the ground, and the armor on his body clattered down like broken porcelain, with dozens of pieces falling off. But in the blink of an eye, his fat began to wriggle, blocking those cracks and starting to repair.

“This is outrageous!”

The Pigman King was furious and tried to get up, but a pink arrow shot out from Nangong Shu’s hand and hit his heart.


The Pigman King’s body froze, and a dazed expression appeared on his face.

Lin Baici jumped over, in mid-air, and punched the Pigman King’s body.

Break for me again!


Lin Baici’s fist hit the Pigman King’s head, and with a swift motion, it slammed into the ground, smashing the floor and causing debris to fly everywhere.


The flying sword that Lin Baici had thrown out earlier flew around the room for half a circle and shot towards the Pigman King, piercing his chest.


Lin Baici grabbed the hilt of the sword and forcefully pulled it out!Zila!

The flesh rolled up, revealing a large wound.

The pink smoke and dust surged, forming the shape of a beautiful woman. She twisted her body and danced beside the Pigman King.

Lin Baici couldn’t control his eyes and glanced over.

He unexpectedly felt an impulse towards something that wasn’t human.

This surprised him.

Nangong Shu’s divine grace was so powerful that it didn’t even deal with him directly, only causing a ripple, yet it had such a great impact on him.

Lin Baici didn’t know that his four punches had also shocked Nangong Shu.

No one knew Nangong Shu’s origins, only that she had come to Haijing ten years ago and opened this Dragon and Beauty Bar.

Most divine hunters were unruly individuals. Some people couldn’t help but flirt with such a beautiful boss, but Nangong Shu managed to establish herself in Haijing and make her bar the gathering place for divine hunters.

Posting missions, offering rewards, underground transactions…

As long as it involved divine hunters, this bar would do it.

You should know that Nangong Shu would take a commission for these things, and it wasn’t a small amount of money. Some people were jealous and wanted to cause trouble, but Nangong Shu dealt with them all.

Before becoming the bar boss, Nangong Shu had rich experience exploring the God’s Ruins and had seen many talented young people, but someone as outstanding as Lin Baici was rare.

She had just inquired about Lin Baici’s resume from Xia Hongyao.

Just two months ago, he was still an ordinary high school graduate, but he alone broke through two God’s Ruins, purified two Divine Taboo Games with a pollution intensity of 5.0, and killed the main members of the Lost Coast…

Since that crazy maid appeared and started playing the Master Game, Nangong Shu had already witnessed Lin Baici’s excellence, but these four punches made her realize that she had underestimated him.

This man was incredibly strong, without limits.

More importantly, his will and mentality. The bartender was useless, a waste. Look at the dwarf and the leather pants woman, they could only take advantage of the situation. As for the old man?

He was a cunning and scheming person, perhaps powerful, but also detestable.

Nangong Shu preferred a man like Lin Baici, who faced monsters fearlessly and threw punches without fear.

Just one word,


The Pigman King didn’t die. The fat on its body wriggled, not only healing the wound but also spreading onto Lin Baici’s bronze sword, trying to devour it.

Xia Hongyao rushed over and swung her knife.

Flesh shattered!


The short knife struck the Pigman King’s head, causing some pieces of flesh to splatter and fly.

Lin Baici forcefully pulled out his sword and struck again!

Flesh shattered!

This time, the bronze sword slashed into the Pigman King’s body. Wherever the blade went, the fat was crushed, broken, and splattered, causing severe damage.


The Pigman King screamed.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao surrounded the Pigman King and attacked wildly.

The recently obtained divine grace immediately came in handy, and its killing effect was excellent.

The dwarf and the leather pants woman wanted to help, but they couldn’t intervene and didn’t want to intervene, otherwise, they would be suspected of stealing kills.

The old man stood on the side, his gaze wandering between Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and the bar boss.

This was not good!

The three strongest people teamed up.

“Should be stable now, right?”

The bartender had just asked when the fat on the Pigman King suddenly exploded, raining down like water.

Lin Baici quickly pulled out the Bodhi Messenger’s Kasaya and covered his head and face.

He saw another golden shield burst out from Xia Hongyao’s body and felt a bit envious.

He also needed to quickly obtain a defensive Divine Taboo.


The Pigman King roared and desperately rushed forward, wielding two weapons to attack Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

The two of them evaded for the time being, and the Pigman King didn’t chase after them but pounced towards Nangong Shu.

He had to kill this weak woman. Her pink mist was too terrifying, causing people to lose their minds and fall into confusion.

“Why won’t it die?”

Xia Hongyao was shocked.

After shedding all the fat, the Pigman King appeared even stronger and more terrifying. However, Xia Hongyao, with her high ponytail, wasn’t afraid. With a charge, she stood in front of the bar boss.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three flying stones quickly struck, hitting the Pigman King’s eyes.

Because it had been hit by Lin Baici’s King’s Armor Divine Grace, which broke through its armor, its resistance to attacks was very weak at the moment. When the flying stones hit its eyes, they immediately became swollen, teary, and its vision became blurry!

Xia Hongyao then slashed at the Pigman King’s neck, but blood sprayed out, and this guy still didn’t die.

Seeing this, Lin Baici raised an eyebrow, turned his head, and shouted at the dwarf and the leather pants woman, “What are you standing there for? Come and attack the monster!”

The two of them didn’t dare to refuse and immediately ran over, slashing wildly at the Pigman King.

Splatter! Splatter!

Wounds crisscrossed, blood flowed.

At this moment, this room already resembled a slaughterhouse.

Lin Baici seized the opportunity and delivered another King’s Armor Punch, smashing it onto the Pigman King’s head.

Bang!The Pigman King fell to the ground.

“Stab his heart!”

Lin Baici urged.

The dwarf and the woman in leather pants, one after the other, thrust their bone-cutting knives into the chest of the Pigman King, piercing his heart.


The Pigman King let out a mournful scream, struggled a few times, and then lay still.

“He’s dead!”

The dwarf exclaimed joyfully.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao each gave an additional stab, only then did they feel relieved.

The battle was over, the Pigman King was GAME OVER!

“Are you that Ying Baili from the Jiuzhou Security Bureau?”

The woman in leather pants looked at Lin Baici, very curious.

She had heard that Ying Baili was the top rookie in the Jiuzhou Security Bureau, incredibly strong.

“Do I look like a woman to you?”

Lin Baici was speechless.

“But I think even if Ying Baili is strong, he’s probably at your level!”

The woman in leather pants saw Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao together and assumed he was also a reserve talent cultivated by the Security Bureau.

“You can’t compare like that!”

Xia Hongyao had met Ying Baili.

“Magician, could you please dig out this monster’s liver!”

Lin Baici took out a car-mounted mini fridge from the black pot: “Put it in here!”

“What do you want the liver for?”

The old man was curious, was this the reason for Lin Baici’s strength?

“To eat!”

Lin Baici was succinct.

“Hehe, you really love to joke!”

If Lin Baici had been evasive, the old man might have believed him, but he spoke so decisively that the old man took it as pure nonsense.

It was a joke, even though this was a BOSS, could its organs be eaten at will?

Aren’t they afraid of death or infection?


The dwarf also thought Lin Baici was joking.

“Quickly get the liver, and then bartender, you go squeeze the pig’s intestines!”

Lin Baici assigned tasks and walked towards the pig head mask.

[Butcher Mask, when a person puts it on, they will immediately become proficient in dissection, possessing the skill of a butcher, no matter what beast, you can dissect and separate it, and after your handling, these separated organs can be preserved, not rotting within seven days.]

[When wearing this mask, intimidation against beasts +1.]

[You are the butcher, slaughtering everything!]

Lin Baici picked up the pig head mask.

It felt slightly hard.

Honestly, this thing was quite ugly, even scarier than the headgear of Piggy in Journey to the West.

There were some blood stains on the mask, Lin Baici thought it was splashed on, but after wiping it, he found it was the decoration on the mask.

Wearing this thing on the street would probably cause panic and scare many children.

[As a top predator, you should have the ability to perfectly dissect prey and take the most delicious parts.]

[I eat game, I only eat the most delicious part!]

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