Chapter 132 – Master, let’s play a game?

Long and Beauty is an underground bar, so there is no natural light source. It relies solely on artificial lighting, and in order to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, the lighting is dim.

Among the twenty-nine people present, they are all divine hunters. They know that it is useless to escape once the rule contamination begins, so they have adjusted their mindset and actively prepared for battle.

Of course, no one is foolish enough to be the first to go, even if there is a reward.

【A gourmet roulette game, everyone must participate until three people die or each person takes a turn three times, then the game ends!】

Lin Baici took a deep breath, preparing to raise his hand.

Since he can’t avoid it, it’s better to be the first to participate. Maybe he can even get a reward. However, before he could speak, the crazy maid had already lost patience.

“Since no one volunteered, then I’ll choose myself!”

The maid rhythmically tapped the ground with a baseball bat, scanning the crowd with her gaze. Suddenly, she looked at Lin Baici.

“That handsome guy, it’s you!”

The maid raised the baseball bat and pointed at Lin Baici. “You’re so handsome, be an example for everyone!”


Everyone looked over, and many people showed a relieved expression on their faces.

“Damn, it’s the first time I’ve realized that being ugly has its benefits!”

The old man muttered to himself. Although he wasn’t chosen, he should be grateful. But why do I feel like crying?


Chen Fujiang chuckled secretly.

“Linzi, are you okay?”

Xia Hongyao worried. After all, Lin Baici had less experience with rule contamination than her and lacked experience. “Should I go first?”

This is one of the seven wonders widely spread among divine hunters.

Extremely dangerous.

“Stay quiet!”

Lin Baici was speechless. You with low intelligence, what heroism are you showing off? Aren’t you afraid of dying too slowly?

Nangong Shu noticed that this boy had a calm expression, without any signs of panic.

What a brave heart.

There’s no one else like him.

“Gourmet roulette, let’s begin!” The maid smiled at Lin Baici. “Do you want to spin it yourself, or should I do it for you?”

【Let the maid do it for you. She will feel that you trust her and show mercy!】

“You do it!”

Lin Baici smiled. “I hope you can bring me some good luck!”

“Master, are you teasing me?” The maid blinked her big eyes, looking innocent. “Then I won’t hold back!”

As the maid spoke, she forcefully spun the roulette.


The roulette spun rapidly like a wheel.

“On this circular roulette with a radius of one meter, there are sixty-four sections starting from the center. Each section is labeled with a kind of ‘gourmet food’. When it stops, the pointer points to a food, and the masters have to eat it. That’s when one round of the game ends!”

The maid explained the rules of the game.

“What if we can’t eat it?”

The old man, who had been prematurely aged by rule contamination, asked.

Everyone’s expression became serious because they saw that many of the foods written on the roulette were quite sinister.

For example, rice mixed with live maggots, orange juice made from dead skin and toenails.

“No worries!”

The maid chuckled. “I will help the masters eat it!”

The gourmet roulette slowly came to a stop.

Everyone widened their eyes, looking at the section the pointer was pointing to.

“Congratulations, master. You’ve won a spotted skin bullfrog!”

The maid squatted by her suitcase and took out a transparent jar. Inside the jar was an adult bullfrog the size of a fist.

This bullfrog was a dark yellow color, covered in bumps that could cause death to those with intense fear just by looking at it.

“Is this thing poisonous?”

Xia Hongyao worried. Lin Baici drew the ‘raw spotted skin bullfrog’.


The maid nodded. “But don’t worry, this toxin won’t kill you. It will only paralyze your whole body and cause a lifelong tumor. It should disappear in a few months, but it will leave a scar.”

“Shouldn’t we worry about this?”

Xia Hongyao turned to look at Lin Baici, feeling concerned. “What should we do?”

【Don’t attempt to kill the maid. Even if you all join forces, you won’t be able to defeat her. Once you make a move, you will undoubtedly die.】

【As long as you peel off the skin and remove the poison glands that look like silkworm cocoons, the spotted skin bullfrog will be non-toxic. But remember, when removing the poison glands, be careful not to break them. First, cut off the gland duct, tie it off, and then quickly remove the poison gland.】

Nangong Shu and the transgender person looked at Lin Baici’s face and sighed in regret. He was about to be disfigured.

“Eat it. What’s the big deal about being poisoned? It’s better than dying!”

The dwarf magician, who was ugly, didn’t care about his appearance.

“If you don’t want to eat it, you can kill this maid!”

Chen Fujiang instigated.

“Linzi, don’t listen to him!”

The landlady persuaded. “I’ve heard from others that this maid can’t be killed!”

“That’s right, she can’t be killed!”

Xia Hongyao nodded confidently because her sister had encountered this crazy maid before.

“Don’t waste time, eat it raw!”

The maid urged.

“Isn’t it too cruel to eat it raw? Can I handle it a bit?”

Lin Baici smiled faintly. “As the first one to go, I should be given some preferential treatment, right?”


The maid didn’t mind. She was just doing it for fun, not to kill anyone.Lin Baici took out a pair of disposable gloves from the black altar bowl and put them on. Then he reached into the transparent jar and grabbed the bumpy and uneven skin of the spotted bullfrog.


The texture is really disgusting.

The bumps on the back of the bullfrog were uneven, and the mucus made Lin Baici’s palm slippery, almost losing his grip.

He took out the bullfrog, quickly made a thin cut on its mouth with a bronze sword, then grabbed it with his hand and tore it forcefully.


Lin Baici tore off a piece of bullfrog skin, leaving only pale pink flesh.

The bullfrog was still alive, so its limbs were still kicking.

Enduring the disgust, Lin Baici cut open the belly of the bullfrog and found a cocoon-like organ. He saw a gland as thick as a yogurt straw, touched it with his hand, found the head, pinched it, cut it off with a bronze sword, tied it up, and quickly removed the poison gland.

Afterwards, he took out this mass of internal organs.


Everyone looked at Lin Baici in astonishment.

Although his movements were not smooth and skilled enough, his hands were steady, and his purpose was clear, as if he had dealt with this kind of bullfrog before and knew how to handle it.

Lin Baici glanced at the maid.

The maid met Lin Baici’s gaze, smiled slightly, and blinked her big, innocent eyes.

She didn’t say anything, but Lin Baici immediately took out a bottle of mineral water from the black altar bowl, opened it, and poured it over the bullfrog to clean off the mucus and blood.

[Go ahead, it’s pure and natural, and its meat contains a hormone that can increase your testosterone!]

Lin Baici originally felt a bit disgusted, but after hearing the Food God’s words, he picked up the bullfrog and brought it to his mouth, starting to eat with his head down.


The taste is unexpectedly good!

“Do you want some?”

Lin Baici asked.

“Have you dealt with this kind of bullfrog before?”

Xia Hongyao asked curiously.

“No, but I have killed fish before, so I guess the handling method is similar!”

If it was only Xia Hongyao, Lin Baici would explain it to her, but with other people, he didn’t bother.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The maid applauded, very satisfied with Lin Baici’s performance.

“Who’s next?”

The maid asked.

“Hongyao, your turn!”

Lin Baici urged, “Let her spin the roulette!”


Xia Hongyao trusted her friend and didn’t hesitate when Lin Baici asked her to go.

Nangong Shu saw this scene and couldn’t help but be surprised.

To make Xia Hongyao’s sister trust him so much, Lin Baici must have something extraordinary.

The maid spun the food roulette, and after more than thirty seconds, the roulette slowed down. The pointer finally pointed to the box with the word “kiwi”.

“You’re lucky! You drew a fruit!”

The maid squatted down and took out a transparent jar from the suitcase, inside of which was a pink kiwi.

“You’re so lucky!”

Everyone envied her. This kiwi must be fine.


Xia Hongyao was very happy and raised her right hand towards Lin Baici, “Come, high five!”

[Kiwi, its flesh is sweet and delicious, but if the skin touches peach fuzz, it will itch, become red and swollen, and grow mold-like hair that takes several days to fall off!]

[There are no side effects, it’s just uncomfortable during the hairy period!]

[Soak the kiwi in vinegar to quickly remove the hair!]

Xia Hongyao was about to get the kiwi, but Lin Baici quickly stopped her.


Lin Baici took out a pair of disposable gloves and handed them to Xia Hongyao, “Put these on!”

“You’re quite cautious!”

The old man sighed.

This fruit looks fine, but who knows if there’s a trap?

Lin Baici put a lot of supplies in the black altar bowl, including everything from firewood, rice, oil, and salt. He took out a bag of vinegar and poured it into the black altar bowl.

“Put the kiwi in!”

Lin Baici instructed.

Xia Hongyao followed suit. After soaking the kiwi in vinegar, the hair on the skin quickly fell off. She took it out, rinsed it with mineral water, and started eating.

“The taste is great!”

Xia Hongyao gave a thumbs up.


The maid urged.

This round of the game was called the Food Roulette Gamble. After the hosts drew the food, they had to eat it. As for how to handle the “food,” as long as they didn’t discard more than one-fifth, the maid wouldn’t ask.

Everyone hesitated because they weren’t as reckless as Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

The more God’s Ruins the Divine Hunters experienced, the more cautious they became.

“Shu Aunt, you better come out as soon as possible and let the maid spin the roulette for you!”

Lin Baici reminded.

Nangong Shu and Xia Hongyao obviously had some relationship, and she was also a boss lady, so she deserved some help.

As for the others?

They were all Divine Hunters, and who knows if they had any trump cards.

Nangong Shu glanced at Lin Baici, hesitated for a moment, and then stood up.

She chose to trust Lin Baici.

There must be some divine taboo on this boy that allowed him to make the right decisions, as can be seen from his handling of Xia Hongyao.

Nangong Shu drew a plate of jelly-like food that looked like sticky snot.

[Whale fat jelly, heat it up slightly before eating. Otherwise, after eating it, you will have a runny nose for several days, causing your nose to become bigger and difficult to breathe.]

Nangong Shu looked at Lin Baici, waiting for a “food handling suggestion.”

“I think you should heat it up before eating!”Lin Baici dared not speak with certainty, otherwise others would probably notice something.

Nangong Shu immediately followed suit.

“The fourth one!”

Upon hearing the maid’s words, everyone immediately looked at Lin Baici.

Lin Baici remained silent.

“Hey handsome, can you help me later?”

The transgender person flirted.

“Sorry, I just guessed based on my instincts!”

Lin Baici could do nothing to help.

The old man stood up and imitated Lin Baici’s way of spinning the food roulette, gambling on whether this young man could predict the key point of this round.

Although he didn’t know what it was, following along should be fine.

The old man guessed correctly, with extremely good luck, drawing a piece of raw fish that had the effect of nourishing the skin and promoting blood circulation after eating.

“The fifth one!”

As soon as the maid finished speaking, nine more people stood up, including Chen Fujiang from the Lost Coast.

“Oh, you guys are so enthusiastic, it’s making things difficult for me!”

The maid sighed, “In the past, when playing games, the masters all wanted to be the last one to come out! How about this, let’s play rock-paper-scissors?”

Everyone knew that this change was brought about by Lin Baici. Following his process should be stable, and the closer to the front, the safer it should be.

“These people aren’t stupid!”

Lin Baici sighed.

Everyone played rock-paper-scissors to determine the order of appearance.

The Food God began to comment on the “delicacies” marked on the roulette. There were only three types that would be fatal when eaten, and the most serious ones were paralysis, blindness, and deafness. The rest would make the body uncomfortable but were not lethal.

After grasping this information, Lin Baici became calm, but the others did not, as various reactions began to occur after eating the “delicacies”.

Their skin became wrinkled!

Their limbs shortened, looking extremely uncoordinated.

They couldn’t stop hiccuping.

Chen Fujiang drew a toad with warts. He laughed and glanced at Lin Baici, imitating his actions to deal with the toad.

First, he peeled the skin, then tied off the blood vessel, and finally removed the cocoon-like thing, before gutting it.

“Mmm! It tastes great!”

Chen Fujiang smacked his lips, holding a frog leg and gesturing towards Lin Baici, “Thanks for your help!”

“You’re taking advantage of me, aren’t you?”

Xia Hongyao became angry, rolled up her sleeves, and wanted to fight.


Lin Baici stopped the high ponytail, “The game has just begun, don’t rush!”

Seeing that Lin Baici wasn’t angry, Chen Fujiang couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

Damn it!

I misjudged!

How could someone like him, who is neither arrogant nor impatient, be just an ordinary newcomer? And looking at his relationship with Xia Hongyao, he must be a talent cultivated by the Nine Provinces Security Bureau.

The information provided by Jiulong Hall was incorrect.

Or, are they deliberately setting up the Lost Coast?

Chen Fujiang did this to throw Lin Baici off balance and make him make mistakes. Now that he sees that he is not affected, he gives up.

The Food Roulette continues, and many people have encountered some problems to varying degrees.

Relying on the information from the Food God, Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and Nangong Shu safely made it through the second round.

When he saw Chen Fujiang get a nut that looked similar to a walnut, Lin Baici smiled and said, “If you want to survive, you should compete with that maid!”

“Do you know what’s wrong with this nut?”

Chen Fujiang frowned.

“That’s right!”

Lin Baici nodded.

“What price do I have to pay for you to tell me the answer?”

Chen Fujiang asked.

“One thousand shooting star coins!”

Lin Baici quoted a price.


Chen Fujiang sneered, “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Even if the other party takes the money, they can still give a wrong answer.


Chen Fujiang exerted force with his right hand, crushing the nut, and then threw the flesh into his mouth.

Crunch! Crunch!

It’s quite hard.

“It’s okay, even if you die, I can still loot your corpse.”

Lin Baici smiled faintly, “Anyway, your money will eventually be mine!”

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This middle-aged man is obviously a key member of the Lost Coast, but he is not the least bit timid.

He’s really tough.

Chen Fujiang wanted to retort, but suddenly, pfft pfft pfft, he let out a long string of farts and then felt his pants getting wet.

He released a bunch of oil.

Chen Fujiang’s face turned pale, and this humiliation was more unbearable than being killed.

“How do you feel?”

Lin Baici asked with a smile.

Chen Fujiang closed his eyes.

After experiencing three rounds of the Food Roulette, it ended. Two people died, one became blind, and besides Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and Nangong Shu, five others were unaffected.

Among them were the old man and the transgender person.

Lin Baici didn’t know if they were lucky or had a means of survival.

“As the first master to actively participate in the Food Roulette, this young man will receive a coffee machine as a reward.”

The maid took out a coffee machine from the suitcase and handed it to Lin Baici.

“No matter what kind of coffee, as long as it is brewed with it, it will become very mellow and have the effect of quickly replenishing energy!”

“It’s a favorite of men!”

“A coffee machine that has been irradiated by divine bones. Drinking the coffee it brews can slightly improve one’s physique and replenish divine power!”

“However, it’s easy to become addicted, and long-term consumption can lead to frequent insomnia, making it impossible to sleep normally!”

“Handsome, do you want to sell it?”

The old man asked for the price, he was interested in its energy replenishing effect.

“You should focus on surviving first!”

The dwarf magician was speechless. Was this really the time to discuss such matters?

“If you’re selling, please reserve it for me!”

The old man pleaded, “We can negotiate the price!”

“Alright, we’ll talk later.”

Lin Baici thought it would be better to keep it for now. When he was about to become addicted, he could sell it. Besides, he had a wine pool and meat forest, so there seemed to be no need to replenish energy by drinking coffee?

After the maid presented the coffee machine to Lin Baici, she took out thirty dartboards from the suitcase, casually threw them, and they flew out, hovering thirty meters away in the air.

On the dartboards, there were many squares, each marked with different scores. The bullseye in the middle of the dartboard had the highest score.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the second round of the game is a dart competition. The person with the highest score will receive a reward, and the last three scorers will be eliminated!”

The maid announced the rules.

Everyone immediately looked at the blind unlucky guy. Without asking, he was sure to take up one spot.

“What does elimination mean?”

The old man felt uneasy.


The maid smiled slightly, “If death is not used as a punishment, I don’t think the masters will play to their fullest!

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