Chapter 130 – Dream top

The atmosphere in the bar was too comfortable.

Lin Baici was not interested in drinking, or rather, he had never drunk before and didn’t understand the enjoyment of it. So besides the task menu in his hand, which still had some appeal to him, he couldn’t feel the fun of going to a bar.

Maybe it was because there were too few beautiful women.


Lin Baici hadn’t looked at a few tasks yet when his stomach suddenly growled, feeling hungry.

[A delivery has arrived, let’s eat! Let’s eat!]

The Food God should be referring to the young man sitting next to him. Lin Baici casually glanced at him, but when his gaze fell on the spinning top on the bar counter, he couldn’t take his eyes off it.


Lin Baici’s head spun, as if he was drunk. His vision blurred, and he felt extremely tired. When he opened his eyes again, everything in front of him had changed.


“Get rid of it!”

“Fight to the death! Fight to the death! Fight to the death!”

The roaring shouts came from all directions, and Lin Baici looked up to see that he was standing in an arena.

The trapezoidal stands on all sides were filled with spectators, who were now going crazy and venting their excess energy.

They wanted to watch a deadly battle.

“Am I a gladiator?”

Lin Baici looked down and saw that he was only wearing a pair of shorts, holding a shield in his left hand and a Roman short sword in his right hand.

The marble-paved ground was pitted and filled with solid dark red bloodstains, as well as fragments of flesh.

Lin Baici even saw a mutilated ear being carried by a group of ants, trying to drag it back to their nest.


The sound of iron chains swinging.

A wooden gate on the arena wall opened, and a three-meter-tall orc walked out from inside.

It had sharp fangs and teeth, and its whole body was covered in green skin, as if it had been painted. It held a huge steel wolf tooth club, which was also covered in bloodstains and flesh.

“Human, kneel and surrender, and I will spare your life!”

The orc roared.

“Rule contamination?”

Lin Baici frowned.

After entering the bar, he didn’t provoke anyone. The only things he touched were the drinks and the task menu.

With Xia Hongyao’s reputation and the face of the bar owner, no one should have any reason to deal with him. So the only person left was the young man who had just sat down next to him.

It should be the spinning top!

Lin Baici held the short sword in his right hand and cut his arm.

He felt the pain clearly. It seemed that self-harm was inseparable from this place. So, the next step was to kill this orc, right?


The orc was about to continue its proclamation, but it saw the human charging towards it, with a wild and furious momentum like an angry bull!

“What’s going on?”

Zhuang Du was shocked.

Was this a brainless brute?

Why did he start fighting as soon as he came up?

Ordinary people would try to avoid fighting when they saw such a terrifying orc.

Zhuang Du’s spinning top, named Dream, could pull anyone who looked at it into a dream once it started spinning. After that, Zhuang Du could manipulate the dream to obtain the information he wanted.

Now, it was the first level of the dream.

A classical gladiatorial arena.

If the enemy was intimidated by the orc gladiator and chose to surrender instead of attacking, even if it was just pretending to buy time, as long as they surrendered, they would obey the orc’s commands under the influence of the rules.

The orc would order the opponent to kill themselves, and the opponent would comply. However, most of the time, Zhuang Du only asked the orc to inquire about some valuable information.

Because in the first level of the dream, there was a high probability of the trapped person waking up, especially for those with strong mental will, it was easy to detect abnormalities.

Commands like self-harm went against human instincts and were only effective against ordinary people. It was not easy to kill a Divine Hunter.

Lin Baici held the shield in his left hand, placed it on his ribs, and slammed into the orc fiercely.


The orc staggered from the impact.

In the next moment, Lin Baici’s short sword struck like a venomous snake, stabbing at the orc’s kidney.

“Damn, this guy has strong willpower!”

Zhuang Du furrowed his brows. He had no choice but to materialize his backpack on Lin Baici’s back.

Although he didn’t know what was inside the backpack, he could guess that there must be Divine Taboos in it.

Although giving the opponent the backpack would increase their combat power, if he didn’t give it, this person with strong mental will would soon realize that this was a false dream and easily escape from the contamination of the rules.

But Zhuang Du wasn’t afraid. He still had a deeper second level of the dream.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lin Baici slashed three times in a row, all hitting the orc’s body, but it didn’t break through its defense.


The orc roared and swung its wolf tooth club, as if swinging a whip.

Lin Baici watched as he couldn’t dodge and could only block with his shield.


Lin Baici was sent flying by the impact.”Human, submit to me!”

The orc roared.

After rolling a few times, Lin Baici stood up and felt something on his back. He turned around and saw his own backpack.

“Wasn’t it gone just now?”

Lin Baici took off the backpack and took out a black bowl from it.

Eat porridge! Eat porridge!

Lin Baici opened the food storage and took out a bronze sword and a pine torch.

“What the hell, a space-type divine taboo?”

Zhuang Du’s eyes bulged, and he couldn’t help but smile: “I hit the jackpot! I hit the jackpot!”

Unexpectedly, a newcomer actually had such high-quality equipment.

Was it given to him by Xia Hongyao?

Damn it,

It seems that if a person is handsome, women will throw themselves at him.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Du became even more angry. He decided to extract valuable information from him and then erase his consciousness, turning him into an idiot.

But today, he deserved to get rich!

This is a space-type divine taboo!


Thank you, brother!

Zhuang Du was ecstatic.

“Are you just going to stand there and shout?”

Lin Baici was speechless. He watched as the orc kept asking him whether he would submit or not, without any intention of attacking. Lin Baici couldn’t wait any longer and charged directly.


Zhuang Du felt that this young man had no brains.

But in the next moment, when the torch hit the orc and ignited it, Zhuang Du finally understood why he was so reckless.

This divine taboo is also top-notch!

Once ignited, it cannot be extinguished.

In the first level of the dream, Zhuang Du couldn’t affect the physical rules, which means he could choose whether or not to give Lin Baici the backpack. But when Lin Baici started using the King Sword Dragon Tooth and the pine torch, Zhuang Du couldn’t artificially weaken their power.

The orc died and turned into a pile of ashes.

Zhuang Du had expected this, so he flicked the spinning top on the bar counter with his finger.


The spinning top spun even faster.

In the second level of the dream,


The environment where Lin Baici was located changed. At this moment, he was riding a pure white warhorse, wearing a magnificent military uniform, and following an army as they entered the city gate.

His warhorse was also armored and adorned with ribbons, looking extremely majestic.

The army entered the city.

The citizens on both sides of the street cheered and threw fruits, pastries, ribbons, and embroidered balls at the soldiers. Some bold women even directly expressed their love.

This was a triumphant legion that had defeated the enemy and returned in glory.

And Lin Baici was the king’s son and the highest commander of this legion.

“Your Highness, I love you!”

“Your Highness, please allow me to lightly kiss your boots!”

“Please drink fine wine, please taste beautiful women!”

The citizens cheered, and from time to time, daring girls ran up to the front of Lin Baici’s warhorse, fawning over him. Some even knelt down and kissed the ground where his warhorse had passed.


Zhuang Du took a cold breath.

Why does it feel wrong?

Ordinary people would have already floated away when faced with such a grand welcome ceremony, but why is Lin Baici indifferent?

In the past, some trapped individuals couldn’t wait to return to the castle and start a wild party with the beautiful women.

“Could this kid know that this is a dream?”

Zhuang Du was puzzled. Some people had noticed it before, but at least they had entered the castle. He had never seen anyone like Lin Baici who realized it so quickly.

Or maybe I’m just overthinking it.

Zhuang Du warned himself not to panic.

Lin Baici entered the castle, and a grand welcome banquet followed.

Nobles dressed in gorgeous clothes surrounded Lin Baici, flattering him and saying all kinds of flattering words as if they were free. The noble ladies and young girls kept teasing and throwing seductive glances.

Delicious wine, beautiful women, and endless praises were like the sharpest knives, capable of turning a hero into a pile of bones.

Zhuang Du had seen too many men addicted to this, but today, this person remained indifferent, as if watching a group of fools perform.

Could this guy really be a highly enlightened monk, free from desires?

The dream continued!

The old king appeared.


Everyone knelt down.

Zhuang Du saw that Lin Baici didn’t kneel, and instantly became nervous. He was hesitating whether to directly open the third level of the dream, but the young man still knelt down on one knee.

This relieved him.

“His willpower is stronger than ordinary divine hunters, but that’s all!”

Zhuang Du evaluated.

“My son, your bravery and reputation have spread throughout the entire continent. As long as you answer the next three questions to my satisfaction, I will pass the throne to you!”

The old king spoke and took off the crown on his head, placing it within Lin Baici’s reach.

“New king!”

“New king!”

“New king!”Not only the nobles were cheering, but even outside the castle, it seemed that thousands of citizens were shouting, looking forward to the new king’s ascension.

“The first question, who killed Black Shark III and Octopus Ball?”

The old king asked.

Zhuang Du pricked up his ears.

“Xia Hongyao!”

Lin Baici answered without hesitation.

Zhuang Du nodded, this answer was consistent with their reasoning.

“What is your biggest secret and most valuable possession?”

The old king asked the second question.

“I actually have two stomachs. My most valuable possession is my stomach. I can digest everything!”

Lin Baici answered quickly.

“Two stomachs?”

Zhuang Du was a bit confused, but because of this, he believed it, because he had heard that a very small number of divine hunters had already lost their human form.

“One last question, are you willing to be loyal to me?”

The old king’s expression was serious: “As long as you are willing to be loyal to me, then this throne, this country, will be yours!”

As the old king spoke, he even extended the crown forward, as if he was about to put it on Lin Baici’s head.

Zhuang Du also smiled. As long as Lin Baici agreed, he would be like a fish on a chopping board, easily manipulated under the influence of the rules.


Lin Baici said one word and suddenly stood up and rushed forward.


He drew the sword at his waist and stabbed it into the old king’s heart.

“I refuse!”

Lin Baici finished speaking, then used his right hand to twist the sword, crushing the old king’s heart, and then kicked him in the stomach.


The old king was thrown out.

Lin Baici swung the sword.


Blood splattered from the blade.

“Ah, regicide!”

A noblewoman turned pale with fright, stood up and ran, but after only a few steps, Lin Baici threw the sword, piercing her heart and pinning her to the ground.


Zhuang Du was dumbfounded. What’s going on?

Could it be that this guy didn’t fall into the dream?

Otherwise, why would he refuse when he could ascend the throne just by agreeing?

Is he crazy?

Or seriously ill?

“I will obtain what I want on my own, I don’t need you to give it to me!”

Lin Baici’s gaze was cold. After sweeping his eyes over the noble guests, he looked at the old king and said, “Take him to the guillotine and hang him!”


Zhuang Du was stunned.

This guy is definitely rebellious.

He not only has a rebellious streak, but it runs through his whole being.

Damn it!

Zhuang Du felt that this young man was ruthless. Among the people he had dealt with in the dream labyrinth, there were at least hundreds, if not a thousand, but this guy was the only one who killed a king.

But this guy is also extremely tough!

He actually dared to kill the king by regicide?

Zhuang Du felt that it would be best to kill this kind of enemy in one go if he provoked him, otherwise it would be a great danger.

Fortunately, as long as he didn’t realize that this was a dream, he still had a chance to turn the tables.

Zhuang Du bent his finger and flicked the spinning top again.


The spinning top spun even faster.

Lin Baici opened his eyes and found himself in a church.

He was wearing a sacred white robe, holding a code in his left hand and a short sword in his right hand.

In front of him, there were countless people kneeling.

“Oh, divine beings, please respond to the prayers of your people.”

These people were bowing and praying, with devout expressions.

“What the hell, when will this end?”

Lin Baici was annoyed: “Just die!”

Boom! Boom!

Thick thunderbolts descended from the sky, directly turning these believers into ashes.


Zhuang Du was completely dumbfounded.

No, your believers are seeking help, at least listen to their requests, right?

But you just killed them?

According to the rules, as long as Lin Baici responded to the prayers of the believers, he would be influenced by the rules.

Generally speaking, when ordinary people become supreme gods, they would definitely enjoy the feeling of invincibility and the enjoyment of divine power. But Lin Baici…

It’s confirmed, this guy is seriously ill!

Zhuang Du really wanted to cry but had no tears. This guy doesn’t play by the rules, what can I do?

I’m also desperate!

To be honest, Zhuang Du regretted a bit. He shouldn’t have acted rashly, but since he had already made a move, there was no room for turning back.

Zhuang Du was about to continue when he suddenly sensed something was wrong. He quickly withdrew from the god’s perspective in the dream and returned to reality, only to see a bronze sword slashing down.


Zhuang Du didn’t have time to grab the dream spinning top, so he could only dodge!


The bronze sword struck the bar counter.

This sound attracted the attention of the other people in the bar.

“Hey, no fighting allowed here.”

The bartender frowned.Lin Baici ignored the bartender and focused on Zhuang Du, “You seem to be having a good time?”

As he spoke, Lin Baici draped a kasaya over himself.

“When did you realize you were in a dream?”

Zhuang Du glanced at the bar, where the dream top was still spinning, but it was completely useless now.

This guy’s mental will was so strong that he could forcibly break free from the dream?

“When I entered the beast-fighting arena. By the way, can I ask how to get out of it?”

Lin Baici found the believers annoying. After summoning a thunderbolt, he emerged from the dream, quickly drew his sword, and killed Zhuang Du.

Zhuang Du didn’t answer, but a bitter smile crossed his face.

Damn it,

So the King’s three questions, all his answers were just toying with people!

Now it seems that Heisha III might have been killed by this kid.

“Bastard, do you know where this is?”

The dwarf who was performing magic on the stage leaped forward and stared at Zhuang Du.

Because it was this guy who started the trouble.

The people in the bar began to watch the excitement.

Zhuang Du wanted to leave, but the dream top was still on the table, which was a problem.

“Are you a member of the Lost Coast?”

Lin Baici didn’t immediately reach for it because he didn’t know if it was dangerous. As for not attacking this guy, he was waiting for Xia Hongyao to come down.

To see if they could capture the opponent alive.

“Lost Coast?”

Upon hearing this name, the crowd couldn’t help but frown.

In this world, there are always some people who are inherently destructive and evil. The Lost Coast is a team composed of such god hunters.

In a word, they do nothing good, commit all kinds of evil, and act as they please!

Zhuang Du suddenly lunged at the bar, trying to snatch back the dream top, but the dwarf launched himself at him, and the bartender also swung a bottle of wine at him.

Lin Baici didn’t need to lift a finger.

At the Dragon and Beauty Bar, protecting the customers is the staff’s duty.


The three collided and flew back. Zhuang Du knew he couldn’t get the dream top back, cursed his bad luck, and prepared to leave, but a muscular Buddha blocked his way.


As the muscular Buddha chanted the Buddha’s name, he threw a punch.

Ora ora ora!

His fists were like a forest, saving all beings.

[A small top that can cause hallucinations. Once activated by spinning, it can pull anyone who gazes at it into the dream it creates!]

[The holder can observe the trapped person’s performance from a god’s perspective.]

[When the trapped person completes the process according to the environment, they will be controlled by the holder.]

Food God’s comment.

[It has little effect on people with strong mental will!]

After listening, Lin Baici reached out and picked up the top.

This thing is a deadly weapon for ordinary people. If he were a bit more evil, he could rewrite their cognition.


Under the impact of the Buddha’s punch, Zhuang Du was thrown out. Before he hit the ground, a bronze sword flew out of Lin Baici’s hand, heading straight for him.


Zhuang Du used all his strength to avoid being killed instantly, but his left arm was severed and fell to the ground.


Blood splattered.

The crowd was somewhat taken aback and instinctively looked at Lin Baici.

The bronze sword flew back.


Lin Baici reached out and caught it.

The muscular Buddha attacked again.

“This kid’s Divine Taboo is so strong!”

“What’s his background?”

“He came with Xia Hongyao, he must be a newbie from the Jiuzhou Security Bureau, right?”

The customers whispered to each other, shocked by Lin Baici’s performance.

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