Chapter 125 – The first cup of milk tea in autumn

The course schedule at Haijing University of Technology is one class for fifty minutes, followed by another class, with a ten-minute break in between.

There are also evening classes, sometimes lasting until ten o’clock, but usually they are arranged for courses like Marxism and ideological and political education.

At 9 o’clock, everyone packed up and went to the teaching building. If they were late, they would have to sit in the front.

“Not going to sleep? Can you hold on?”

Qian Jiahui saw Fang Mingyuan with everyone and envied his endurance. If he stayed up all night, he would definitely have to sleep in the next day.

“Sleep in the classroom!”

Fang Mingyuan yawned.

Today is an English class at ten o’clock, in Building B, Room 3108.

Unfortunately, the teacher is a man, and he is somewhat bald, with poor attractiveness.

“Why do we have so many male teachers?”

Xu Daguan was unhappy.

“If they were women, would you dare to pursue them?”

Qian Jiahui chuckled.

“I wouldn’t!”

Xu Daguan shook his head and laughed, lowering his voice, “Let me tell you guys, I actually found out that our counselor is quite good-looking, just not good at dressing up.”

“So outdated!”

Qian Jiahui rolled his eyes and didn’t even bother to look at him.

“You don’t understand. You can transform her, think about it, it’s like polishing a rough gemstone, turning her into a gem that everyone wants. Isn’t that a great sense of accomplishment?”

Xu Daguan originally planned to invite Gu Qingxiang to have a meal, establish a good relationship, and hope that she would think of him first when taking leave or when there is something good happening in the department. But he didn’t succeed, Gu Qingxiang refused, but he did discover that she is quite beautiful.

“Why would I play with ready-made gemstones when I can polish my own?”

Qian Jiahui was full of question marks, not understanding Xu Daguan’s logic.

“Can we still have a pleasant conversation?”

Xu Daguan was speechless. Qian Jiahui’s Versailles statement was simply infuriating.

When everyone arrived in the classroom, Liu Yu went straight to the front row, while Xu Daguan, Qian Jiahui, and Fang Mingyuan all sat in the back row.

Hu Wenwu saw Lin Baici and the others and followed them.

“Wenwu, go sit in the front!”

Lin Baici didn’t want to corrupt Hu Wenwu, “None of us are studying!”


Hu Wenwu wanted to advise Lin Baici not to waste his time like this, but he couldn’t say it in front of so many people.

Forget it, let’s talk about it privately.

“Old Bai, I thought you were a good student!”

Xu Daguan changed his opinion of Lin Baici, “I didn’t expect you to be so lazy!”

“Times have changed!”

Lin Baici shrugged. After sitting down, he got up again and chose another seat.

Although it was still in the back row, it was seven or eight seats away from Xu Daguan.

There was no other way.

This guy has athlete’s foot!

Before, when he didn’t take off his shoes, Lin Baici couldn’t smell anything, but now his sense of smell has improved. As long as he gets close to him, that smell…

Oh my god!

Lin Baici felt like he was suffocating.

What should I do in the future? I can’t be influenced like this for four years, right?

Lin Baici’s head was spinning.

If this continues, my appetite will decrease.

Lin Baici took out his phone and prepared to read for a while. He didn’t look up, but he knew that someone had entered the classroom, and he could even determine how many people.

Not by listening to footsteps, but by smell.

It turns out that everyone’s body odor is different, some are strong, some are light, mixed with the scent of soap, shower gel, sweat.

And some people are wearing perfume.

All kinds of smells mixed together, making Lin Baici’s nose uncomfortable.

When a strong smell of sweat wafted over, Lin Baici couldn’t help but look up.

Who is this god? Haven’t they taken a proper shower in half a month?

Oh well, it’s Zhang Zhixu!

Did you not take a shower after military training?

“Old Bai!”

Zhang Zhixu shouted and sat down next to Lin Baici, reaching out to put his arm around his shoulder.

“I heard that girls have a keen sense of smell, and they can tell if a guy hasn’t showered for a few days, is that true?”

Lin Baici asked.


Zhang Zhixu was startled, “No… that can’t be true, right?”

“You see those women on TV, can they smell their husband’s clothes and know if he has another woman?”

Lin Baici countered.


Zhang Zhixu squirmed uncomfortably and suddenly felt uneasy.

“Do I look untidy?”

Lin Baici worried.

“Just based on your face, someone would want you even if you were untidy!”

Zhang Zhixu finished speaking and saw a group of girls entering through the back door. He immediately stood up, “I’m going to sit by the window, I want to sunbathe today!”

As Zhang Zhixu walked past, he quickly sniffed his armpits.

Fortunately, the smell wasn’t strong!

It can be maintained!

Lin Baici didn’t say anything, but instead used the smell to determine whether the next person entering the classroom was male or female.

Most of the female freshmen don’t wear makeup, but they still have more scent compared to the male students, such as shower gel, nail polish, and other hand creams.

Lin Baici discovered that there were actually a few boys who secretly used skincare products.


This body scent is quite unique, with a fresh and natural scent, but also a hint of coldness, like winter plum blossoms. But why is it getting closer?


A cup of milk tea was placed on the table in front of Lin Baici.

“Hello, Lin classmate!”

The girl’s voice was pleasant, like rain hitting banana leaves. After she finished speaking, she sat directly next to Lin Baici.


The voices around Lin Baici suddenly disappeared.

After attending classes for a few days, Lin Baici had also summarized a pattern. The students sitting in the last few rows of the classroom were mostly boys, and most of them didn’t like to study. They either played with their phones or read comics.A girl suddenly appeared, naturally causing some surprise.

Lin Baici turned his head and saw a girl with an oval face.

“Classmate Lin, thank you for saving me that day!”

Zhu Qiunan expressed her gratitude. “My name is Zhu Qiunan, a freshman from the School of Economics and Management!”

“You’re welcome!”

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

On the day of the military training performance, the girl who was attacked by the crazy dog that he shot was Zhu Qiunan.

“I want to treat you to a meal at noon!”

Zhu Qiunan had been learning about Lin Baici’s situation these days and wanted to find time to treat him to a meal.


The boys around looked at Lin Baici with envy on their faces.

A beautiful girl inviting him to a meal, you’re so lucky!

“Darn, I missed out!”

Zhang Zhixu regretted not staying, then he could have had a chance to get close to this girl.

“No need!”

Lin Baici declined.

“I insist. If it weren’t for you, I would have been disfigured.”

Zhu Qiunan had inquired and found out that the unlucky ones who were bitten by the dog that day were still in the hospital, and one of them had contracted rabies and was basically done for.

“You really don’t have to be so polite.”

Lin Baici wasn’t being insincere. He picked up the milk tea, inserted the straw, and took a sip. “Here, you’ve already given me a thank-you gift!”

Zhu Qiunan didn’t say anything, but she also didn’t leave.

Fang Mingyuan also couldn’t sleep and winked at Lin Baici.

“Damn, you’re not even going to eat the little red riding hood that was delivered to you, what a waste. If the atmosphere is good during the meal, you could have gotten out of being single!”

Zhang Zhixu lamented his misfortune, filled with anger.

“She’s quite pretty!”

Qian Jiahui thought this girl was quite good, with an indescribable charm.

“Nonsense, she’s the most beautiful girl in the freshman class. How could she be ugly?”

Xu Daguan rolled his eyes.

Zhu Qiunan became famous because of being bitten by the crazy dog that day. Everyone discovered that she could still look so elegant and refined even in military training attire.

Moreover, someone found out that she was the top scorer in this year’s college entrance examination, combining intelligence and beauty.

Zhu Qiunan didn’t wear makeup. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a red hoodie, and white sneakers.

A very ordinary outfit, but it made her look exceptionally elegant!

Unlike Ji Xinyan, who had a fashionable style and exuded a metropolitan temperament, often seen in pictures on Xiaohongshu.

Bai Jiao gave off the feeling of a normal campus girl, the kind that could be seen everywhere, loved by many because of her fair and beautiful skin.

As for Zhu Qiunan, she also had the aura of a campus girl, but she gave off a somewhat cold feeling, not haughty or arrogant, just cold and difficult to approach.

During the first class, Zhu Qiunan didn’t leave and sat next to Lin Baici, attentively listening to the lecture.

The boys in the back row occasionally glanced at Zhu Qiunan, and even the English teacher looked over several times.

After all, there were very few girls sitting in the back row, and they were so beautiful.

When the English teacher saw Zhu Qiunan studying seriously, his gaze towards Lin Baici became unfriendly. He even called on him three times to answer questions, thinking that Lin Baici was hindering this girl’s growth.

“I’m so unlucky!”

Lin Baici wanted to cry but had no tears. He had planned to leave after one class, but now he was being watched by the English teacher. How could he dare to leave?

Does this mean I’m also on the teacher’s blacklist from now on?


“Miss Zhu, you’re not from our department, why are you listening to this class?”

Lin Baici felt like he had been tricked.

The English class was attended by students from the Software Engineering 01, 02, and 03 classes, and Zhu Qiunan definitely had nothing to do with them.

“I’m waiting for you to have lunch together and also listening to the class!”

Zhu Qiunan’s tone was matter-of-fact.


Lin Baici was dumbfounded. It didn’t matter if she was waiting, but now I’m being watched by the teacher!

“Lin Baici, good luck!”

Xu Daguan smirked. This class was really boring, so he wanted to go out and have a good meal.

“Going out to have a meal with my girlfriend, I’ll leave first!”

Qian Jiahui patted Lin Baici’s shoulder.

“I already have plans for lunch today!”

Lin Baici explained.

Zhu Qiunan looked at Lin Baici, seemingly judging whether he was lying or not, then she apologized softly, “I’m sorry for troubling you!”

Zhu Qiunan packed up her textbooks and left.

Lin Baici breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned his head, he realized that everyone was looking at him.

【A cocktail with multiple flavors, when you first taste it, you may experience the sweetness of champagne or the sourness of brandy. With another sip, you might taste the smoky flavor of whiskey or the strong spiciness of white liquor. But in the end, it will make you addicted and unable to extricate yourself!】

Food God’s comment.

“Are you talking about this girl?”

Lin Baici frowned. It seemed like the Food God was using alcoholic beverages to describe a woman for the first time. Usually, it was ingredients.

“The girl can be special, either just tasting a little or enjoying every drink!”

“Can she be more special than Xia Hongmian?”

Lin Baici was curious.

“The latter is, of course, the top-level feast that no one can match. This girl is like a cocktail that allows you to taste different aspects of life!”

“Not interested!”

Lin Baici pursed his lips.

“Lin Baici, that girl is Zhu Qiunan, right? She actually took the initiative to bring him milk tea? And she even accompanied him to listen to a class?”

Liu Zilu’s gossip heart was ignited. “Are they dating?”

“It’s reasonable to give a cup of milk tea to someone who saved your life, right?”

Ji Xinyan had been stealing glances at this side during class, but Lin Baici didn’t even look at Zhu Qiunan.

Bai Jiao didn’t participate in this topic as she was carrying her books.

Zhu Qiunan has a crush on Lin Baici?

That’s just a passing glance!

The second class began, and the English teacher walked to the podium, scanning the last row but didn’t see Zhu Qiunan.

Lin Baici made eye contact with the English teacher. He didn’t want to speak up, but in order to avoid attention and be able to skip class anytime, he reluctantly spoke up.

“Teacher, that girl is not from our major. Can she still attend your class?”

Lin Baici pretended to be puzzled.

“Not from our major?”

The English teacher frowned and thought for a moment. It seemed that he hadn’t seen her in the previous classes.

“Teacher, she is Zhu Qiunan from the School of Management!”

Someone shouted.

“I see!”

The English teacher nodded and then scolded, “Look at her, she comes to class whenever she has nothing to do. And look at the rows behind you, do you think I can’t see you? Put away your phones!”

“Damn it, Lao Bai, you shameless!”

“Don’t drag us down!”

“If you give me Zhu Qiunan’s WeChat, I won’t blame you!”

“What the hell are you thinking? If you’re giving it, give it to me!”

The boys whispered.

The crisis was resolved, and they became invisible again, able to continue skipping class.

Ding Dong!

Princess Christ Mountain: I’ve landed.

Lin Baici calculated the time it would take for Jin Yingzhen to get from the airport to Haijing University of Technology. It was fine, she could hold on until the end of class.

Xu Daguan finished his meal and leisurely headed towards the school.

Unfortunately, autumn had arrived, and the senior sisters were wearing more clothes. He could no longer see their youthful thighs.


Xu Daguan pondered on the content of his upcoming live broadcasts. When he reached the school gate, he saw a red Lamborghini speeding by and stopping on the side of the road.

“There are so many rich second generations in this school!”

Xu Daguan felt depressed. He would have to work hard for a long time to catch up with their starting line!

The car door opened, and a pair of long legs wrapped in jeans emerged.

“Damn, they’re so long?”

Xu Daguan was astonished. He could play with those legs for a year! Then he saw a woman with golden wavy hair walking out.

Her hair was slightly curled, and combined with her delicate features and makeup, she was very eye-catching. However, the next second, Xu Daguan’s gaze fell on her chest.

This young girl was wearing a light gray thin open-chest sweater.


It’s so big!

Xu Daguan instinctively raised his phone and took a few pictures.

“Why does she look like a Korean?”

Xu Daguan often watched live broadcasts from Korea and had an understanding of their appearance. This young girl in front of him looked similar to those girl group members, but much more beautiful. And her figure was amazing.

These tight jeans really showcased her charm. It’s a pity she wasn’t wearing yoga pants.

Thinking of this, Xu Daguan began to envy the Korean girl’s boyfriend.

As a man with social skills and thick-skinned, Xu Daguan immediately started a live broadcast.

“Family, I saw a beauty and can’t enjoy her alone, so I quickly started a live broadcast!”

Single-handed Jungle: Where’s the beauty? Let us appreciate her!

Xu Daguan aimed his phone at the Korean girl.

Green Mushroom: Damn, she’s a beauty!

Cow Three Feet: What are you waiting for? Go and ask for her WeChat!

My Brain is Injured: Daguan, are you getting scared now?

“What if I get mistaken for a pervert and get caught?”

Xu Daguan started to hype up the atmosphere. “You guys have to give me some motivation! Send some free gifts, a few planes and rockets.”

“Great, everyone is enthusiastic. Since that’s the case, I won’t care about losing face. Family, watch closely!”

Xu Daguan walked towards the Korean girl and greeted her in broken English.

“hello! hello! How are you?”

Jin Yingzhen glanced at Xu Daguan and chose to ignore him.


Only when Xu Daguan approached did he realize that this kimchi girl was really tall, probably over 1.8 meters.

Ordinary men couldn’t handle it, especially with her looks and figure. They would feel inferior walking beside her.

Xu Daguan continued to strike up a conversation.

Jin Yingzhen lowered her head and chatted with Lin Baici. Annoyed by the noise, she replied, “Sorry, I do and what y?”

“Could you please leave?”

Single-handed Jungle: Daguan, she told you to leave!

Crayfish Only Eats the Head: Isn’t that Porsche next to her? Daguan, how many dishes did you have to drink like this? You dare to approach such a beauty?

Cow Three Feet: Let’s go and harass those inexperienced girls instead?

Of course, Xu Daguan knew he had no chance. He was doing this purely for the sake of the show. Losing face and making a fool of himself was nothing.

As long as he received some gifts!

Who can’t get along with money?

Once he received his salary this month, he would go take a bath and get a foot massage, forgetting all the unhappiness.

Jin Yingzhen couldn’t stand this person not leaving, so she got into her car. She had originally planned to go to the restaurant with Lin Baici, but now she had to leave first.

“Damn it, such a good opportunity, I wonder which lucky dog got it cheap!”

Xu Daguan cursed in his mind, but his face was still smiling as he continued the live broadcast.

Lin Baici had made a reservation at the Golden River Seafood Restaurant. He had never been there before, but he heard that it had a good reputation and was only 1.5 kilometers away from Haijing University of Technology.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Jin Yingzhen saw Lin Baici riding a shared bicycle towards her and immediately greeted him.


“Sorry, I’ve been watched by the teacher all day and didn’t dare to skip class!”

It was all because of Zhu Qiunan.Lin Baici quickly locked his bike, “Hungry? Let’s go eat!”

“Seeing Oppa, I’m already very satisfied!”

Jin Yingzhen naturally wrapped her arm around Lin Baici’s, heading towards the restaurant.

The customers coming in and out of the restaurant couldn’t help but look over.

This pair, a man and a woman, were so tall!

The Korean girl’s low-cut sweater today was simply killing, attracting countless gazes.

They entered a private room and ordered food.

Lin Baici always chose the expensive dishes.

With over ten million lying in the bank, he was completely at ease.

“Oppa, this is your reward!”

Jin Yingzhen took out a small box, placed a bank card on top of it, and pushed it towards Lin Baici with both hands.

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