Chapter 121 – Rabies, eat dog food, watch the sunset on the Ferris wheel!

Ning Meng’s opponent was a stray dog, not very big in size, with yellow fur, and looked skinny but very clever.

It saw Ning Meng holding a sword and immediately dodged, barking wildly about five or six meters away, but not attacking.

Ning Meng was bitten all over, with wounds all over her body. The bright red blood flowed down, staining her clothes with bloodstains, which looked terrifying.


Ning Meng cried, gripping the bronze sword with both hands, confronting the stray dog. She was scared by the bites and dared not take the initiative to attack and kill the dog.

“Mengmeng, don’t just stand there, go kill the dog!”

She Niuniu urged anxiously.

“Ning Meng, go kill the dog!”

Shanshan also urged, “Kill it and give it to me!”

“You have the nerve to speak. If it weren’t for us helping you move, we wouldn’t have to suffer like this!”

She Niuniu got angry when she heard Shanshan’s voice.

“It’s not like I forced you to come?”

Shanshan retorted.

“What do you mean by that?”

She Niuniu cursed, “So we rushed to serve you?”

“That’s right!”

Shanshan sneered. She had a closer relationship with Ning Meng, while She Niuniu had inserted herself.

“You f*cking!”

She Niuniu was about to explode with anger.

“Ning Meng, go kill the dog!”

“Everyone is waiting for the sword to save their lives!”

“Please, go kill the dog!”

Everyone was urging.

“I… I dare not!”

Ning Meng cried uncontrollably, trembling all over. She really didn’t dare. The wounds on her body were still hurting.

“Then give me the sword!”

Shanshan urged, “Hurry up, I’ll use it first!”

“Give it to me!”

She Niuniu shouted.

Ning Meng didn’t know what to do.

“Do you want to kill us?”

Shanshan shouted.

“No… I don’t!”

Ning Meng intended to give the sword to Shanshan, but as soon as she made a move towards Shanshan, the stray dog immediately lunged forward.


Ning Meng screamed in fright, quickly gripping the bronze sword with both hands and confronting the stray dog.


She Niuniu cursed. Her eyes rolled, and she suddenly let go of the Samoyed that was biting her and ran towards Ning Meng, “Ning Meng, give me the sword!”

Seeing this, Shanshan also went to snatch the sword.

Their group of best friends, five people, had lost one, and the remaining one cried and didn’t know what to do, “Stop fighting, Ning Meng, quickly kill the dog.”

“Kill the dog quickly, otherwise give me the sword.”

Lin Baici was also helpless. He had kindly helped them, but their performance was really disappointing.

If he had known, he would have given the sword to someone else!

She Niuniu ran to Ning Meng’s side first and reached out to grab the sword, “Let go!”

Ning Meng was gentle and weak, and didn’t dare to resist. She subconsciously let go, but the next second, Shanshan pounced over, “Don’t give it to her!”

The two of them fought each other.

“Ning Meng, come over and help me!”

Shanshan shouted.

“You f*cking b*tch!”

She Niuniu cursed. She had a stronger physique and more strength, gaining some advantage. She dared to make a move, poking one hand in the eye and fiercely punching Shanshan’s mouth.

Shanshan only knew how to pull hair and scream.

With their actions, the stray dogs judged it as interfering in their dogfight and punishment followed.

Woof woof! Woof woof!

Dozens of stray dogs that had been watching the fight from a distance suddenly rushed over.

“Stop fighting, the dogs are coming!”

Xia Hongyao tried to dissuade them.

But it was already too late. Dozens of stray dogs swarmed in, engulfing Ning Meng and the other two, and began to bite frantically.


The three of them screamed in agony.

She Niuniu managed to grab the sword, but it was useless. Seven dogs bit her, and she couldn’t shake them off, making it impossible for her to swing the sword.

Lin Baici looked at Ning Meng lying on the ground, her eyes wide open, already breathless. He was so angry that he spat blood. What the hell was going on?

If only they had been a little bolder, they could have survived, but instead, they ended up dragging the other two down.

Sometimes, even when given the opportunity, it’s useless.

“Get out of the way!”

Lin Baici scolded, pushing away the stray dog in front of him, picking up the dragon tooth from the dead She Niuniu’s hand, and then throwing it to the short guy.


The bronze sword was inserted by the short guy’s feet.


The short guy shouted, pulling out the bronze sword and swiftly striking three times.

He was also facing a stray dog, but this beast was obviously much stronger than the ones in the village. It required extreme caution for an adult to deal with them barehanded. If one was even slightly careless, they would be in trouble.

If they encountered those large dogs, they could only rely on their luck.

As the sun set, the blood-soaked lawn became a scene of carnage, with bodies scattered everywhere and packs of stray dogs.

Less than half of the people who killed the dogs were left, and everyone was struggling.

The tall guy pinned the woman who had delivered the takeout to the ground, punching her head one after another.

“Please… spare me!”

The woman’s eyes were swollen, her mouth full of blood. Every time she spoke, broken teeth and blood would spew out.

“Sorry, I’m also trying to survive. If you want to blame someone, blame the mastermind behind this!”

The tall guy remained indifferent. He had already started attacking, so it would be foolish to show mercy.

Among his companions, two had made their choices. One had already killed someone and was panting heavily nearby, while the other had given up halfway and was crouching, crying helplessly.

The woman who had been beaten by him curled up on the ground, crying as well.

The old security guard held a cigarette in his mouth, constantly scolding and gesturing, intimidating the Husky he was facing.

The Husky was indeed frightened and kept growling, but it didn’t dare to attack.

“Handsome guy, I’m done!”

The short guy had killed the dog, wiped his clothes on the blade, and said.

“Wang Bing, 29 years old, an O-type man. He passes by the hair salon several times a month and wants to go in and have some fun, but he can’t bring himself to do it.”

The sudden words startled the short guy.

“What the hell?”

The short guy looked at the bronze sword in his hand. To be honest, if it weren’t for the current situation of death and injury, where everyone wouldn’t care about such things, he would be embarrassed.

Because the voice mentioned his most embarrassing secret.

“Oh my god!”

The guy in slippers and his girlfriend had already killed the dog and went to the side. He had been paying attention to this sword because he felt it was a good thing.

Now, hearing the sword suddenly speak, he was shocked and dumbfounded.

“Short and dark, with low self-esteem. He loves watching movies where the underdog triumphs!”

“Please, stop!”

Wang Bing ran towards Lin Baici and handed him the bronze sword. The action was as fast as handing out a grenade that had already been pulled: “Take it quickly!”

“Handsome guy, give me the sword!”

“I’m about to die, lend it to me first!”

“I’ll give you money! I’ll give you money when we get out!”

The people who were still alive were all begging Lin Baici in a low voice, either pleading or promising to give him money.

Lin Baici didn’t listen. According to the Food God’s comment, he would help the kind-hearted people first, and if their personalities were also good, he would consider their age and try to save the younger ones.

A middle-aged man who couldn’t borrow a sword anymore watched as he was about to die. His mentality collapsed, and he started cursing Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

“Why the fuck can you choose who lives and who dies? It’s so unfair!”

“Do you even deserve to be a hunter? Did you rely on your body to get ahead?”

“You bitch!”

The middle-aged man cursed Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao with all sorts of foul language and personal attacks.

Lin Baici couldn’t be bothered with this kind of barking insect.

He looked at the old security guard and locked eyes with him.

“It’s okay, save the young people first. They still have a long life ahead. I’m just an old cabbage, it wouldn’t be a loss even if I die. Oh my god, my cigarette!”

The old security guard spoke, and the cigarette in his mouth fell.

Although the situation was critical, he remained optimistic.

As time passed, more and more people were bitten to death by the wild dogs.

Lin Baici estimated that the wild dogs wouldn’t give him enough time to save everyone, and as expected, after ten minutes of dogfighting, a change occurred.

The old security guard’s mouth slanted, and saliva dripped out, splashing onto his neck and chest. His eyes also started turning red, and he became excited.

He started attacking the wild dog actively.

Others began to show the same symptoms.

“They…they seem to have contracted rabies?”

Wang Bing sniffed and looked terrified.

“Be confident, remove the ‘seem’!”

The guy in slippers sat on the grass, holding a blade of grass in his mouth. “What we are experiencing now, is it called rule contamination? It’s really terrifying!”

“It seems that as the dogfight progresses, if it doesn’t end quickly, humans will gradually develop rabies, and the condition will worsen. I wonder if they will die!”

The gymnast swallowed her saliva, her face full of fear. She was now grateful for Lin Baici’s help; otherwise, she would have gone crazy too.

Thinking about how terrible she would look with rabies, the gymnast suddenly felt that it would be better to die directly.

“Hey, catch the sword!”

Lin Baici shouted at a man, but after hearing his words, the man suddenly roared and pounced on him, showing a terrifying posture with bared teeth and claws, like a zombie.


Lin Baici kicked him in the stomach and pushed him away.

This person was done for!

Or rather, all the people still in the dogfight were done for.

The dogfight gradually stopped, and these people didn’t die, but they had contracted the most severe form of rabies.

The wild dogs no longer attacked them, but they started attacking each other, hugging and scratching and biting each other like mad dogs.

Lin Baici counted and, still maintaining his sanity, found that more than twenty people had passed this level, almost all of them had killed the dogs with his dragon tooth to pass.

Apart from those who were bitten to death, there were still over sixty people left, but they all had rabies, and it was unknown whether they could be cured or not.

Xiao Huya sat at the place where number 24 died, carefully collecting the soil on the ground. It seemed that he wanted to collect the ashes of number 24.

But he had already been burned to ashes.

Xiao Huya didn’t make a sound, but his shoulders trembled as he cried sorrowfully.”This is a great show that pleases the dogs, humans, how do you feel? Are you happy?” The stray dogs taunted.

“How long are you going to torture us?” Wang Bing spat, his gaze scanning the pack of dogs, hoping to find the dog king and kill him directly.

“The final game, find the dog food. As long as you find the dog food, you will be our dog’s good friends and can leave this dog paradise alive!”

The stray dogs suddenly sat back on the ground, raised their front legs, and started applauding.

“Go for it!”

“Go for it!”

“Go for it!”

The applause of the stray dogs was uniform.

Seeing this scene, the crowd didn’t find it cute, but rather creepy.

“Only fifteen minutes, start looking for the dog food.”

The stray dogs urged.

“Just this little time?”

The crowd panicked.

“Damn it, fifteen minutes, what can we do? I can finish a fight in less time than that!”

Wang Bing cursed angrily.

“Oh? Then I’m better than you, I always take half an hour!”

The slipper guy said, and his girlfriend twisted his arm hard.

“Can we have more time?”

The slipper guy, being bold, laughed and shouted at the stray dogs, bargaining.

“We already have plenty of time!”

The stray dogs shook their heads in unison.

“What… what if we can’t find it?”

The gymnast girl worried.

“Don’t worry, even if you can’t find it, you won’t die. After all, we dogs are not demons!”

The stray dogs comforted, “You’ll just get rabies and go crazy!”

“Then it’s better to die!”

The slipper guy’s girlfriend cried.

“Can you give us a clue?”

Xia Hongyao clenched her fist, very excited. Good, this is what I’m good at.


The stray dogs shook their heads.

“How are we supposed to find it without a clue? Are we supposed to guess?”

The slipper guy laughed.

“By luck!”

The stray dogs dispersed and started playing in pairs.

“You guys are clearly trying to kill us!”

Wang Bing cursed.

“But this young man is a friend of our dogs. I can tell him the most crucial clue he has ever seen!”

The stray dogs all looked at Lin Baici.


Everyone stared at Lin Baici.

“Handsome guy, ask them quickly!”

The gymnast girl urged.

“We’re running out of time!”

The slipper guy’s girlfriend was very anxious.

“Damn it, it’s already been a minute. Wait, it shouldn’t have started yet, right?”

The tall guy cursed.

“Don’t ask me, I’ve already said it, you’ve seen the most crucial clue!”

After the stray dogs finished speaking, they all ran away.


Lin Baici wanted to ask, why do you favor me so much?

The slipper guy wanted to make a joke, ‘Were you a dog in your past life? That’s why they’re so close to you.’ But suddenly realized that it was an insult, so he quickly shut up.

“Handsome guy, it’s up to you!”

The gymnast girl gave up. She had never been good at using her brain since she was young. She never watched palace dramas because she couldn’t understand the relationships in them.

The slipper guy saw his girlfriend actually thinking, and couldn’t help but advise her, “Don’t waste your brain cells, you don’t have that intelligence!”


The girlfriend wanted to hit him.

“Xiaolin, tell me the clue quickly!”

Xia Hongyao urged, “I’ll guess with you!”

“I want to know too!”

Lin Baici frowned and started reasoning.

The pollution of the rules must be related to Du Shan, who stole the electric scooter. As for what the divine taboo is, it is currently unknown, but it should be related to dogs.

Could it be dog food?

Lin Baici went through the information he knew about Du Shan and his girlfriend Wen Li in his mind. In fact, there wasn’t much, mostly gossip descriptions from Du Shan’s classmates.

“Let’s not stay here, let’s all go and search, move!”

The tall guy didn’t want to die, so even if there was no chance, he still wanted to give it a try. But after he finished speaking, he found that the gazes looking at him were very indifferent.

“I don’t know much either!”

Lin Baici analyzed, “Generally speaking, the most crucial information must be with the key person, which is Du Shan’s rental house!”

Lin Baici recalled his entry into the Boshuo community, his conversation with the old security guard, finding the ninth floor, and then asking one by one. Finally, he heard the sound of a dog in a room and broke in.

After killing the dog, he entered the room.

The room was too dirty, and he wasn’t interested in searching. He just went to the balcony and saw a telescope. It wasn’t facing the sky, but a window.

Does Du Shan have a voyeurism fetish?


Lin Baici raised an eyebrow. Du Shan loved Wen Li so much, willingly stole the electric scooter to support her, and even after being caught and expelled, he didn’t blame her, but still wanted to be with her.

Since he loves Wen Li so much, would he be interested in other girls?

Lin Baici immediately looked at the old security guard, but it was a pity that he was the person most familiar with this community, but now he has gone crazy.

“Who has lived in this community the longest?”

Lin Baici squatted down and used a bronze sword to draw a rough diagram on the lawn, based on the location of the buildings he remembered from his visit in the afternoon.”This is the building where Dushan lives, what’s the number of the building on his left?”

Lin Baici asked.

The girlfriend of the man in slippers glanced over: “Building 5!”

“And this floor, the window on the west side, what’s the room number?”

Lin Baici pointed to a spot.


The girlfriend of the man in slippers had been living in this community for several years. She loved to wander around and gossip, so she knew the layout of the community well.

Not to mention the room number, even if Lin Baici asked her who lived in which house, she knew quite a lot.


Lin Baici pondered. This was the final answer he could find through the existing clues.

He was now in the rule pollution and couldn’t go out to check the room. So, what was the significance of this number?

Lin Baici stood up and looked around.

The park was vast and couldn’t be taken in at a glance.

Lin Baici immediately started running towards the Ferris wheel.

“Did the handsome guy find the answer?”

The gymnast girl was excited and expectant.

“Hurry up and follow!”

Wang Bing urged.

“Hurry up, it seems that the captain has found something?”

Despite wearing slippers, the man in slippers ran faster than anyone else.

Everyone followed in a swarm.

The Ferris wheel was built on a concrete platform and was slowly rotating. Each cabin was not large, like the electric tricycles used by the elderly to send their grandchildren to school on the street.

Lin Baici ran over and saw numbers on the cabins, which cheered him up, but then he frowned.

The number on the cabin was 07, and the next one was 08. It was obviously just the order of the cabins, and there was no other meaning. However, Lin Baici didn’t miss any details.

“Man in slippers, you and your girlfriend go into 02. O-man and gymnast girl, you go into 05. Check carefully!”

Lin Baici himself yanked open the door of cabin 09 and rushed in.

“Wait for me!”

Xia Hongyao leaped up and jumped in.

“We have to wait for a full rotation, right?”

Wang Bing was anxious. Waiting for the cabin to come down felt like it might be too late.

“Everyone else, don’t just stand there, hurry up and get on. From a high vantage point, you can overlook the entire park. You might find useful clues!”

The man in slippers urged.

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