Chapter 120 – Bloody gladiator, death reduction

No one made a choice. Some were scared, and some didn’t know who to choose.

These dogs were obviously more ferocious and powerful than ordinary dogs. If they encountered a large dog, they would basically be done for.

Of course, they might also win, but they would definitely be bitten all over.

“Can we have a weapon?”

She Niu proposed.

“What are your teeth and hands for?”

The wild dogs sneered.

“I choose a dog!”

Lin Baici urged, “Hurry up and start!”

“I also choose a dog!”

Xia Hongyao immediately spoke up.

They were both divine hunters, so killing a dozen dogs was not a problem.

There was some commotion in the pack of dogs, and soon, seven of them came out. Six went to find Xia Hongyao, and one went to find Lin Baici.

Lin Baici looked at that dog and took out a bronze sword.

The dog took a few steps, then suddenly stopped and looked back. It realized that there were no companions coming to find Lin Baici, and it was dumbfounded. After waiting for a few seconds, it suddenly rushed towards Xia Hongyao.

“Is this allowed?”

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Could it be that he could also be exempted from the dog fight?

“Your luck…”

The fitness pants girl envied.

“It must be the deterrent power, right?”

The slipper guy looked at the bronze sword in Lin Baici’s hand.

“What did you do?”

Number 24 was curious.

“I want to know too!”

Lin Baici frowned. This might be the key to purifying the contamination of these rules.

If we were talking about dog lovers, Lin Baici definitely wasn’t one.

But why was he favored?

While Lin Baici was thinking, suddenly, the pack of wild dogs started barking wildly.

Woof! Woof!

More than thirty dogs rushed out of the pack and pounced on Lin Baici.

Without exception, they were all large dogs.

A fierce group.

“What the hell is going on?”

Everyone was startled and quickly retreated.

Lin Baici turned around and ran, preparing to create some distance first, then kill them one by one to avoid being surrounded.

It was only the second round, and they didn’t know what would happen next, so Lin Baici didn’t want to use the Muscle Buddha and the powerful divine favor.

What if the wild dogs thought he was too powerful and increased the difficulty?

Anyway, caution was the top priority.

Three Doberman Pinschers, which were the fastest, had already chased up to Lin Baici.

Lin Baici suddenly turned around, facing an evil dog that pounced on him, and swung his sword to kill it.


The sharp bronze sword easily cut through the evil dog’s head like cutting tofu, splitting it in half.


Blood splattered.

Before the dog’s body even hit the ground, Lin Baici kicked it in the stomach.

The dog’s corpse flew out like a sandbag barrier, knocking over several other dogs.

“After you finish killing the dogs, lend the sword to my girlfriend!”

Number 24 shouted.

“Lend it to my girlfriend too!”

The slipper guy wiped his hand on his clothes.

Everyone wanted to borrow the sword, but just as they were about to speak, the wild dogs started barking furiously.

“The countdown for the dog fight begins. If you haven’t made a choice in ten seconds, I will choose for you!”

The wild dogs growled fiercely.

Everyone’s nerves tightened. If the wild dogs made the choice, it would definitely be the most difficult one, right?

“I… I choose him!”

The big guy who had been beaten by Lin Baici pointed to the girl who delivered takeout.

She was alone, so even if she was killed, no one would stand up for her.

“Don’t! Don’t choose me!”

The girl shook her head, terrified.

“Don’t care about your face anymore. The most important thing is to survive!”

The big guy said to his friends, then ran after the girl.

The tragic death of the delivery guy scared him, making him afraid to fight the wild dogs.

“If I can survive this time, I will work hard, live well, and never mess around again!”

The big guy had a friend who lived in this neighborhood. They would often gather here to play when they had nothing to do. This rule contamination had affected all of them.

“I choose her!”

“I choose a dog!”

“I… I also choose a dog!”

Most of the big guy’s friends chose dogs, but two of them chose humans. Although they often fought and caused trouble, they didn’t dare to kill.

“I choose a dog!”

After Number 24 finished speaking, he urged Xia Xiaoying, “Hurry up and choose, or someone might choose you!”

Xiao Huya was weak and small, the kind of girl who would cry for a long time if she was punched once. If it weren’t for Number 24’s threat, someone would want to choose her.

“I choose a dog!”

Xiao Huya cried anxiously.

“Everyone, hurry up and choose. Don’t wait for the dogs to choose, or most likely, there will be large dogs!”

The slipper guy urged.

Everyone was making their choices. Some chose humans, but most chose dogs.

When the countdown ended, some evil dogs immediately rushed out of the pack and pounced on their respective targets.

“Run, find a way to buy time and wait for him to give you the sword!”

Number 24 said, then shouted at Lin Baici, “Hurry up!”

Xiao Huya was lucky. She was facing a Pomeranian, but Number 24 was unlucky. He encountered an adult Cane Corso.That muscular body looks stronger than No. 24, and when he stands up, he is even taller than Xiaohuya.

“Damn it!”

Seeing the Ganali Mastiff rushing over, No. 24 quickly ran away.

Buy some time first.

It would be better if there were weapons,

But barehanded?

I’m called Feng Qin, not Wu Song.

No. 24 is already very fast, but the Ganali Mastiff is even faster when it sprints. No. 24 only dodged twice and was bitten by the dog on his clothes.

Damn it!

No. 24 threw punches.

Bang! Bang!

However, this dog has a strong resistance to punches, and these two punches also aroused the dog’s ferocity, and it began to attack his neck.

“Handsome guy, lend me a sword!”

“Can you lend it to me first?”

“Please, give it to me first?”

Everyone cried out, asking Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao for a sword.

Xia Hongyao has already killed all the dogs attacking her, but her short knife is a terrifying divine taboo. Except for her, even ordinary people, let alone ordinary divine hunters, have a high chance of being contaminated if they hold it.

“No. 24, I have a torch that I can lend you, but it is very dangerous and will burn the person who uses it to death. Do you want to use it?”

Lin Baici’s head was already big. After these dogs saw that he was more powerful, they stopped attacking actively and started guerrilla warfare.

Which dog should Lin Baici kill?

That dog runs away, while the others launch sneak attacks from behind him.

“Use it!”

No. 24 shouted anxiously, his face full of urgency. “What time is it now? Why are you still considering these things?”

Lin Baici quickly took out a torch made of pine wood and threw it towards No. 24.

“Catch it!”

“Rub it on the ground, and you can ignite the torch!”

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he immediately became vigilant, staring at the wild dogs around him. If they reacted, there would be no way to give others weapons to help them.

Fortunately, the wild dogs did not react. It seems that as long as humans do not intervene and only give them a weapon, it does not count as interfering with the fighting dogs.

No. 24 looked at the torch flying towards him and suddenly realized that he had miscalculated.

“I should have run to his side just now!”

No. 24 regretted it. He has always been outstanding and rarely relied on others. Now that he is in a crisis, he also wants to rely on himself to pass.

So this habit made him suffer a little loss.

At least if he ran to Lin Baici’s side, he could catch the torch faster and easier.

But it doesn’t matter.

No. 24 stared at the torch flying in the air, calculating the timing of his jump, but the dog suddenly let go of him and ran towards the torch, obviously trying to intercept it.

“Damn it!”

No. 24 cursed and immediately rushed over, then jumped with all his strength, just like grabbing a rebound, and collided with the Ganali Mastiff.


This dog is very strong, estimated to weigh over a hundred catties, but No. 24 has more experience in confrontation. While he pushed away the dog, he also extended his arm.

“My Healing System Game”


No. 24 grabbed the torch, landed, and the Ganali Mastiff landed immediately and bit No. 24’s thigh.


Intense pain immediately surged, making No. 24 grit his teeth.

“Damn it!”

No. 24 forcefully rubbed the torch on the ground.


Just like lighting a match, the flame ignited.

The orange light shone on him, warm like a mother’s embrace, making No. 24 want to pounce on it and embrace it.

Without thinking, No. 24 swung the torch towards the wild dog.

“Don’t light it, shake it off first, otherwise you will also be ignited.”

Lin Baici shouted.

No. 24 immediately gave up burning the dog, exerted his brute force, and punched the wild dog biting his leg.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The wild dog was punched and let go of its mouth, preparing to go around No. 24’s back and bite him from behind, making it difficult for him to punch.

However, No. 24’s reaction was super fast. At the moment when the Ganali Mastiff let go of its mouth, he swung the torch.

The wild dog dodged a bit and was not hit by the torch, but it was touched by the flame, and then its body suddenly ignited like gasoline.


No. 24 was startled. Is this torch so powerful?


The wild dog screamed miserably and pounced on No. 24.

No. 24 immediately turned his head and ran.

“Xiaoying, quickly, burn the dog!”

No. 24 rushed towards Xiaohuya.

“Drop the torch!”

Lin Baici shouted. He had already killed the last dog and was shocked to see that No. 24 had not let go of the torch.

As long as a person holds a torch made of pine wood, there is always an impulse to burn others or burn oneself.

Lin Baici ran towards Xiaohuya.

Because he fought the dogs in close combat, he was splashed with a lot of blood, making him look like a killer coming out of a crime scene.

“Xiaoying, use the torch to burn the dog!”

Because he was almost robbed of the torch by the wild dogs just now, No. 24 did not throw the torch to Xiaohuya, but planned to hand it to her directly.

His steps were big, running very fast, and he quickly arrived by Xiaohuya’s side.

“Come on, take the torch, it’s very useful!”

No. 24 was very anxious. If it weren’t for the wild dogs not allowing him to help, he would have helped Xia Xiaoying burn that dog.Bomei bit down on Xiaohuya’s leg.

Xiaohuya endured the pain and reached out to grab the torch. But in that instant of contact, Rule 24’s mind was contaminated, and a burning impulse surged to his head. Without hesitation, he grabbed the torch and swung it towards Xiaohuya’s head.


Xiaohuya screamed in fright.

Just as the torch was about to hit her, a bronze sword flew in and collided with the torch.


The torch was knocked open, and sparks scattered.

Rule 24’s face twisted, still wanting to burn Xiaohuya to death. But Lin Baici had already rushed over and delivered a flying kick to his chest.


Rule 24 was sent flying.

“Quick, drop the torch!”

Lin Baici urged, running over to try and retrieve the torch.

It was too late. Rule 24, who had been knocked away, didn’t get up. Instead, he held onto the torch and suddenly placed it on himself.


He ignited himself.

“Damn it!”

Lin Baici cursed, but he couldn’t catch up.

If he had known earlier, he would have used his flying sword to cut off Rule 24’s right hand. Although it would have left him disabled, at least he could have survived.

Perhaps it was the burning pain that restored some of Rule 24’s sanity.

He knew he was finished, so he shouted at Lin Baici.

“Save her! I beg you!”

After shouting at Lin Baici, Rule 24 looked at Xiaohuya. “I…”

Feng Qin wanted to tell Xiaoxiaoying that he truly loved her.

He wanted to say, “If only I had realized my feelings for you earlier, how good would it have been to confess to you?”

But time didn’t give him that chance.


The flames roared, and Rule 24 burned to ashes. The wind blowing from the lakeside scattered his remains on the lawn.


The wooden torch fell to the ground.

Rule 24 was dead. Lin Baici didn’t have time to pick up the torch. He turned around and picked up the bronze sword, handing it to Xiaoxiaoying.

“Kill the dog!”

“Feng Qin!”

Xiaoxiaoying cried out, taking the bronze sword and gripping it with both hands, slashing at the Bomei biting her leg.

“Handsome guy, help me!”

“Let me use the sword!”


Everyone cried out, all asking Lin Baici to borrow the sword. Some people even wanted to borrow the torch, and a few who were close to the torch wanted to go and pick it up. But after seeing Rule 24 ignite, they were too scared to do so.

Of course, some people asked Xia Hongyao to borrow her knife.

“You can’t use my knife!”

Xia Hongyao was helpless. She wanted to help, but her short knife couldn’t be used by others. Once they touched it, they would be contaminated.

“Hurry up and slash!”

Lin Baici couldn’t help, so he could only hope that Xiaohuya would be stronger. “If you kill it quickly, I can help one more person!”

“Wu wu!”

Xiaohuya cried as she fiercely slashed at the Bomei.

Wang Jianlong’s teeth were very sharp. With just three slashes, the Bomei’s skin was torn open, and blood flowed.

The Bomei didn’t let go. Instead, it bit even harder, seemingly wanting to kill Xiaohuya before it died. But in the end, it was killed by Xiaohuya’s slashes.

“Stop the bleeding yourself.”

Lin Baici threw a pack of bandages to Xiaohuya and swiftly took back the bronze sword from her hand.

“Borrow it to me! Borrow it to me!”

“I’m about to die, lend it to me first!”


Everyone pleaded.

Lin Baici’s brows furrowed tightly, enough to strangle a nest of crabs. He felt immense pressure because his choice would determine who lived and who died.

Save someone he knew?

Save someone closest to him?

Or save the weak first?

Various thoughts swirled in Lin Baici’s mind as he ran towards the gymnast.

She had helped everyone once, and with her physical fitness and ability to withstand pressure, she should be able to kill the wild dogs in the shortest amount of time after obtaining the sword, instead of getting stuck in a stalemate and wasting time.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

The gymnast, who had been bitten all over, took the bronze sword and immediately gritted her teeth, slashing fiercely at the dog that was chasing her.

Everyone saw this scene and understood that Lin Baici wanted to help the ten people who had received the flying discs first.

“Captain, you don’t need to save me. Help my girlfriend first!”

The guy in slippers shouted. He had already been knocked down by the wild dog and was holding its head with both hands, barely avoiding being bitten in the throat.

“Burn the dog with this torch, but remember to drop it as soon as the dog is dead!”

Seeing his situation, Lin Baici was worried that he wouldn’t be able to wait for the bronze sword, so he threw the wooden torch over.


The guy in slippers saw that the trajectory of the torch wasn’t very good, and it was about two or three meters away from him. He was thinking about how to grab it first when a stone suddenly hit the torch.


The torch was knocked and happened to fall beside the guy in slippers.

He grabbed the torch and swung it fiercely at the wild dog.

The wild dog howled in pain and was forced back.

The guy in slippers immediately swiped the torch on the ground, igniting it, and then pounced on the dog.


The guy in slippers swung the torch three times, hitting the wild dog. It sizzled and caught fire. Instead of dropping the torch, the guy in slippers held onto it and ran towards his girlfriend.

“What are you doing?”

Lin Baici shouted.

“Gambling with my life!”The man in slippers was rational. He knew that his girlfriend might not be able to wait for the bronze sword, so it was better to take a chance with the torch.

By the looks of it, as long as it took only a few seconds, it should be fine.

Fortunately, while the two were fighting the dogs, they were close to each other, not wasting any time.

“Honey, take the torch!”

The man in slippers threw out the torch: “Trust me!”

His girlfriend, who was initially hesitant, gritted her teeth and rushed over to pick up the torch after hearing his words.

“Quick, hit the dog!”

The man in slippers kept an eye on the situation, directing his girlfriend: “To the left!”

His girlfriend trusted him and swung the torch to the left.

It worked.

The wild dog was set on fire.

“Quick, throw away the torch!”

The man in slippers shouted, and he sighed in relief when he saw his girlfriend throw away the torch.

They survived!

“Quick, thank the handsome guy!”

The man in slippers urged his girlfriend. It’s always good to be polite, especially since it was clear that Lin Baici was the key figure in determining whether they could survive or not. So, they must maintain a good relationship with him.

The gymnast girl killed the dog and without waiting for Lin Baici’s command, she threw the bronze sword back to him.


Lin Baici caught the sword and handed it to the woman in red gym pants.

“You two, hang in there!”

Lin Baici was referring to the first and fourth men who went into the field. They were men and could hold on for a longer time.

“Thank you!”

The woman in gym pants, already bleeding profusely, gratefully took the sword and fiercely slashed at the wild dog. But her joy turned into sorrow.

She thought that having the sword made her invincible, so she underestimated her enemy and her attack was too casual.

The wild dog she was facing dodged nimbly, avoiding her attack, and then pounced. When its front legs pressed on the woman’s chest, its mouth bit into her throat.


The woman in gym pants fell to the ground, her eyes looking at Lin Baici. She wanted to call for help, but she couldn’t make a sound.


What could Lin Baici say?

Why couldn’t she be more cautious?

In such a critical moment, every choice could lead to death!

Seeing that the woman in gym pants was beyond help, Lin Baici hardened his heart, snatched the bronze sword from her hand, and planned to give it to the short man who caught the frisbee first.

“Give it to someone else first, I can still hold on!”

This guy was as agile as a monkey, and the dog biting him was a small breed, so he was still calm.

The fourth man who caught the frisbee had already been bitten to death, so he could be ignored. Lin Baici rushed towards Ning Lemon.

This girl was his schoolmate, who had once given up her seat for him in the cafeteria.

“Quick! Quick! Use the sword to kill the dog!”

The social bull girl urged, her expression excited. When Ning Lemon was done, it should be her turn. But man proposes, God disposes, and an accident happened.

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