Chapter 107 – Video bestseller, Lin Da’s hunger has become famous!

The double bed in the Hilton Hotel was large and soft. It was a waste not to use it for playing poker.

Lin Baici casually clicked on the link and played the video.

The familiar sound of the scripture immediately came out.


Lin Baici was stunned for a moment. Even if he didn’t activate it, he could remember anything he casually listened to for at least three months with his divine gift of perfect hearing.

This scripture was the “Heart Sutra of Prajna Paramita”. Lin Baici was so familiar with it that he could recite it backwards. But what surprised him was the voice reciting the scripture.

Isn’t that himself?

Lin Baici quickly glanced at the title of the video, which was plain and simple: “Recitation of the Heart Sutra”. Then he looked at the uploader.

Lin Daer.


It really was himself.

Lin Baici quickly closed the website and saw a bright red 99+ on the message tag that looked like an envelope.

He clicked on it.

There were notifications mentioning me, likes received, system messages, and my messages, all with a 99+ next to them.

“Is my video popular?”

Lin Baici quickly opened the backstage and browsed the data.

The number of views was 15.205 million, likes were 4.01 million, coins were 2.38 million, favorites were 1.02 million, and shares were 3.78 million.

Lin Baici was a little shocked.

From the time he uploaded the video until now, it had only been a month at most. Wasn’t this growth rate too fast?

On average, the number of views increased by 500,000 per day.

Lin Baici didn’t know the algorithm for views on Bilibili, so he didn’t know how many people had watched this video in total. But the number of favorites indicated that at least 1.02 million people had watched it.

Since Lin Baici had never bought favorites, each of these numbers represented a real person.

“Over a million views!”

Lin Baici was filled with mixed emotions. Was this his own data?

It felt so awesome!

By the way, how many fans did he have?

Lin Baici quickly checked and found that he had 350,000 followers.

Oh my, that’s quite a lot!

Lin Baici couldn’t help but curse.

With so many new fans from just one video, he should be able to break into the top ten, or even the top three, on Bilibili, right?

No wonder there were so many messages in the backstage. With such explosive data, it was no wonder people were going crazy.

Lin Baici looked through the messages.

Most of them were from fans asking when he would release the second recitation video, and some wanted a high-quality version.

There were even people who wrote long paragraphs telling him about their own emotional experiences, and they were not the same person.

“Are they really treating me like a high monk?”

Lin Baici laughed.

If it had been a few days ago, no, even yesterday, Lin Baici would have been ecstatic to see his recitation video become so popular. He would have celebrated by singing and treating himself to a big meal. But now…

Lin Baici was very calm.

After all, in the afternoon, he had temporarily rejected a job offer with an annual salary of one billion yuan.

How many videos with over ten million views would he have to make to earn one billion yuan?

There wasn’t much money in Lin Baici’s bank account right now, but he had the Divine Taboo, the herbal cushion that had the effect of perfect hearing and delaying and treating senile dementia. As long as he was willing to sell it, he could set the price at one billion yuan, and the rich would fight over it.

As a transcendent being, the Divine Taboo, meteorites, divine gifts, and Divine Taboos were what Lin Baici cared about the most.

“In the end, I made a mistake!”

Lin Baici joked to himself. If it had been a week ago, he would have been eager to know how much income this video could generate. But now, he didn’t even have the urge to take a look. Instead, he opened the comment section first.

The barrage was impossible to read because there were too many, densely packed with bad words.

There were also countless comments, over a hundred thousand.

Lin Baici originally wanted to read them all, but now it was impossible.

“How to relieve worries? Only through recitation. Bros, let’s loop it and forget our worries, living carefree like immortals!”

“Damn, this video is amazing. It actually affects my mental state. Is it using some psychological techniques?”

“Let me see how many people want to become monks. Give me a +1!”

Then Lin Baici saw over three thousand replies with +1 below.

In addition to these casual chats, some people shared their personal experiences.

“Thank you, UP主. I failed the college entrance examination and my parents are unhappy with me every day. I can’t even lift my head in front of my relatives. After listening to this video, I feel much better. Thank you, UP主. I’m ready to fight again next year!”

“Just failing the college entrance examination is not the end of the world. I was cheated on by my girlfriend and almost became a father. Isn’t that worse than you?”

“To all the stock market losers, let me give you some advice. Don’t sell your house and go all-in. The wind on the rooftop is too strong. Fortunately, I heard this video, otherwise I would have to be collected with a shovel!”

There were many people who were not living well, and after listening to this video, their mental stress was greatly relieved. So they treated this place as a confessional and vented their feelings. After all, it was online and no one knew who they were.

“Haha, I found that when I want to spend money, I listen to this video and the urge to recharge disappears!”

“Me too. I wanted to recharge recently, but I quickly opened this video and listened to it. Now I’ve saved 600 yuan and I’m planning to have a good meal tonight.”

“Haha, the major game companies must hate this UP主!”

“Besides the urge to recharge, even the urge to live is gone. Whenever I try to get close to my girlfriend, she plays this video for me. It’s a crime.”

“I think it’s great. I use it to quit smoking now, and the effect is amazing. I recommend everyone to try it!”

“Nima, I was scared when I heard this video for the first time. I thought something was wrong with me. I immediately ran to the pharmacy in the middle of the night and bought a box of Sildenafil. I took three pills in one breath, but it didn’t work. The next day, I felt even worse.”

Lin Baici browsed through hundreds of comments, many of which were negative.

They said this video was not right and that listening to it too much could harm the brain.

Some people said that this video used some psychological techniques to guide and suggest people through sound. They suggested reporting this video to prevent harm to society.

Others simply cursed, saying that the lyrics were nonsense and insulting to the Buddhist scriptures. They suggested that Buddhists should seek compensation.

Lin Baici laughed it off. He wanted to find the reply from Hua Kai Qian Mo, but there were too many comments. So he clicked on the list of followers instead.

Hua Kai Qian Mo was his first fan, so naturally, Lin Baici followed her as well.

There were four updates.

“Recently, I accidentally came across a chanting video. It relieves a thousand worries and makes me want to create a painting video. I hope it can bring some courage to those who are having a difficult journey.”

“I’m looking forward to Lin Daer’s second video. What sutra will he chant? The Diamond Sutra or the Surangama Sutra? I’m super excited!”

“I’m annoyed! Why hasn’t there been a second chanting video after such a long time?”

“Yeah, with such great chanting skills, how could he be an ordinary person? How could he have nothing better to do than make videos? It’s a pity that we will probably never hear his chanting again!”

Hua Kai Qian Mo’s updates were posted every two to three days, with the last one being seven days ago. It seemed that she was greatly disappointed and hadn’t logged in to Bilibili anymore.

Lin Baici actually didn’t have much intention to make more videos, but Hua Kai Qian Mo’s updates changed his mind. He decided to release another video.

She was his first fan, someone who had left many comments encouraging him and giving him ideas.

Without further ado, Lin Baici saw that Hua Kai Qian Mo mentioned the Diamond Sutra, so he decided to chant that. He found the text online, activated his memory and practice, and quickly memorized the entire sutra. The remaining challenge was to recite it fluently and accurately.

After an hour, Lin Baici felt that he was ready.

He rubbed his cheek and found a piece of instrumental music by Jiuzhou Feng as the background music. With the activation of the Sanskrit sound, he started recording with his phone.

“Why is this person without self-appearance, without others’ appearance, without sentient beings’ appearance, without the appearance of longevity? If one sees me through form, seeks me through sound, they are walking the evil path and cannot see the Tathagata. All appearances are false and illusory. If one sees all appearances as non-appearances, they will see the Tathagata. Namo Fragrant Cloud Bodhisattva Mahasattva…”

Lin Baici stood by the French window, looking at the bustling city and smelling the scent of fireworks from the streets and alleys. There were stars in his eyes and a Buddha’s heart in his chest.

The sutra flowed out of Lin Baici’s mouth, echoing in the room, as if it attracted the presence of celestial beings and Buddhas.

On the same floor, in room 1208, Gu Qingqiu leaned against the bed, flipping through a book called “Annotations on the Huainanzi.” Suddenly, her slender fingers pressed down on the page, and she listened attentively.

The Diamond Sutra?

It’s recited so beautifully. Could it be a master?

Gu Qingqiu sat up, flipped her black hair over her shoulder, and assumed a cross-legged sitting position, listening earnestly.

With her red lips slightly parted, she followed along and recited the sutra.

She had long memorized the Diamond Sutra!

In the neighboring room, room 1206, a girl with dyed golden hair finished showering and walked out wearing new underwear.

“Godfather, do I look beautiful?”

The girl twirled around, showcasing her ballet-trained flexibility with a high leg lift.


The middle-aged man frowned, tilted his ear, and listened carefully. “Don’t speak!”

The girl spread her arms and pounced on the middle-aged man.

“Don’t mess around.”

The middle-aged man pushed her away forcefully, almost knocking her off the bed.

“What’s wrong?”

The girl froze, wondering what happened.

After saying “Don’t speak,” shouldn’t the next sentence be “Kiss me”? Why did godfather refuse?

But soon, she didn’t care about godfather’s strange behavior because she heard the chanting from the next room. It sounded so good!

The middle-aged man got off the bed, walked to the wall, and pressed his ear against it.

The chanting was coming from the opposite side.

The girl imitated him.

They didn’t know how long had passed when the chanting finally ended. The middle-aged man and the girl maintained their positions, waiting for three or four minutes to make sure there was no sound before standing up straight.

The middle-aged man smacked his lips, savoring the experience.

He was somewhat unsatisfied!

“Godfather, I…”

The girl had spent the whole day playing with the middle-aged man and bought a lot of clothes. Normally, she should have spent more time with godfather, but suddenly she lost interest.

But halfway through her sentence, she closed her mouth because she would get hit.

“Well, you should go home for now!”

The middle-aged man sat on the sofa, poured a glass of wine, and stared blankly outside the window.

Normally, the middle-aged man would stay up all night playing, but today he had no desire to do so, like an enlightened monk without desires or demands.

The girl didn’t leave and sat on the bed, lost in thought.

About half an hour later, the middle-aged man gradually recovered from the influence of the Sanskrit sound. He got up, took his wallet and phone, and left the room.

…After Lin Baici finished recording the video, he realized that he didn’t have any editing tools. Now he was in a bind and could only wait until tomorrow when he returned to school to figure something out.

He took out the meteorite stone that dropped after killing the enemy, ate it, and enjoyed a moment of satisfaction before falling asleep, only to be awakened by the doorbell.

Opening the door, he saw a slightly bald middle-aged man standing outside.

“Hello, did you sing that Buddhist scripture just now?” The middle-aged man had a friendly attitude.

His goddaughter, wearing a bathrobe, followed behind him and her eyes instantly lit up when she saw Lin Baici.


This guy is handsome!

Following her goddaughter’s gaze, she glanced at Lin Baici.

Is this room occupied by a beautiful girl or a rich woman holding a joy ball?

The goddaughter hoped it was the latter, otherwise she would feel unbalanced.

“I’m sorry for disturbing your rest.”

Lin Baici quickly apologized, only thinking about quickly sending a video to Hua Kaiqianmo. He forgot that this was a hotel and it might disturb others.


This is only my second time staying in a hotel, I have no experience at all.

[A straightforward and sociable boss who loves making friends, besides liking to eat tender grass, has no other flaws. However, he has been overworked recently and is at risk of sudden death.]

[A slightly dark-minded female college student who has practiced ballet for five years and has very good flexibility.]

“No, no! You didn’t disturb me!”

The middle-aged man smiled and quickly denied it. “My name is Cao Fengnian. I came to disturb you late at night because I wanted to ask you to record that Buddhist scripture for me!”


Cao Fengnian reached out his hand.

He was usually very busy with work and exhausted both physically and mentally. His only hobby was playing poker with his goddaughter to relieve stress, but recently it didn’t work anymore.

However, after that Buddhist scripture just now, his mood was very comfortable, and he felt that the shadows that had been hanging over his spirit were wiped away.

Very comfortable!

His old friend also suffered from chronic headaches. He felt that this Buddhist scripture might be helpful in relieving his pain.

“I’m Lin Baici!”

Lin Baici shook Cao Fengnian’s hand. “I have it on my phone, but it hasn’t been edited yet. If you don’t mind, I can send it to you and you can find someone to edit it yourself.”

It’s just a Buddhist scripture, it doesn’t matter. Besides, I have to upload it to Bilibili anyway.

“Thank you so much!”

Cao Fengnian was very happy. He scanned Lin Baici’s QR code and sent a friend request.

After the verification was passed, Cao Fengnian immediately transferred 100,000 yuan to Lin Baici.

“You don’t have to give me money!”

Lin Baici sent the audio file.

“This won’t do, I must give it to you, otherwise how can I trouble you next time?”

Cao Fengnian deliberately put on a serious face and urged Lin Baici. “Hurry up and accept it!”

This young man was easy to talk to. When he wanted the Buddhist scripture, the other party gave it to him. But he couldn’t take it for granted, otherwise it would be difficult to ask for it next time.

Because the other party didn’t have this obligation.

In Cao Fengnian’s opinion, if Lin Baici could sing this Buddhist scripture so well, he should be able to sing other Buddhist scriptures too. When he got bored of listening to this one, he planned to ask for a new one.

Cao Fengnian gave money because he wanted to turn this accidental encounter into a long-lasting friendship.

“Just accept it, this amount of money is just pocket change for Uncle Cao.”

The goddaughter timely interjected, both advising Lin Baici and praising Cao Fengnian, making him appear generous and wealthy.

“Then I won’t be polite, thank you.”

Lin Baici didn’t want to push the money back and forth for such a small amount.

“Haha, Mr. Lin, when are you free? I’ll treat you to a meal!”

Cao Fengnian had already noticed that there was no one else in Lin Baici’s room. A person who was staying alone in a five-star hotel either had money or was extraordinary.

This kind of person was worth making friends with.

Moreover, Cao Fengnian saw that Lin Baici’s expression didn’t change at all after receiving the 100,000 yuan transfer. He remained calm.

If it were another young person, they would probably be overjoyed!

“Just call me Baici!”

Mr. Lin’s name sounded strange.

Cao Fengnian chatted a bit more and realized that it was getting late, so he took his leave at the right time. “It’s getting late, you should rest early!”

When the girl followed Cao Fengnian back to the room, she couldn’t help but glance back at Lin Baici.

She actually wanted to add him as a WeChat friend.

Lin Baici was about to go back to his room when he saw Hua Yueyu peeking from behind the slightly open door of the room opposite.

“You’re not asleep yet?”

Lin Baici suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed. Did he wake up everyone nearby?

“No, you recited that Buddhist scripture just now really well.”

Hua Yueyu was shocked.

Lin Baici’s voice clearly hadn’t undergone professional vocal training, but it had a unique quality that made it memorable.

Coupled with his appearance, if he shaved his head and wore a monk’s robe, wow, he would definitely attract many female fans with special tastes.

Suddenly, she felt a little excited. What should she do?

“Go to sleep early!”

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he closed the door.


Hua Yueyu felt that even if Lin Baici had such a high appearance and such a good figure, he was still a loner. Otherwise, why didn’t he invite me in for a chat after doing such a thing?

Am I not good enough for you?

You really missed your chance!

Could it be that you’re not interested in me, the steel girl?

Hua Yueyu inwardly criticized herself. Just as she was about to close the door and go to sleep, she saw a beautiful girl standing not far away in the corridor. With her long black hair and a white sleeping gown that reached her knees, she looked like a ghost.

“Oh my god!”The mermaid shivered and quickly closed the door.

Returning to her bed, she couldn’t sleep!

She remembered that in God’s Ruins, on the way to the underground wine cellar, the girls who were playing in the sea mentioned that a scripture recitation video on B-site was very popular recently, and they asked if it was posted by Lin Baici.

Hua Yueyu opened B-site, and sure enough, without searching, it was directly pushed on the homepage.

She clicked on the video, and without playing it, she saw the ID, Lin Da E Ren, and knew it was Lin Baici without a doubt.

Then she looked at the data!

Impressive, my little Bai!

It’s a hit!

Hua Yueyu had planned to use her status as a top-tier host to promote Lin Baici and bring him some traffic, but it seemed unnecessary now.

Judging from the data of this video, it had already gone viral.

Hua Yueyu searched on TikTok, Kuaishou, and Today’s Headlines, and sure enough, there were many people dressed as monks reciting scriptures, obviously imitating Lin Baici, riding on his popularity.

Gu Qingqiu stood in the corridor, surprised to find that the one reciting the scriptures was actually a schoolmate!

This boy,

She knew him!

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