Chapter 103 – God’s body in hand, let’s eat!


The deer platform collapsed, and the fire spread towards the surrounding buildings of the Zhaixing Palace.

On the platform, a dark green mist churned, making it impossible to see anything.

“Lin Shen, don’t let the monster escape!”

Guo Zheng shouted, his face full of excitement and sweat!

We won! We won!

We can finally get out alive!

That monster must have a divine corpse on it. As long as we get it, we’ll make a fortune.

Unfortunately, I broke my leg and can’t contribute. I hope Lin Shen won’t keep all the spoils to himself later.

Guo Zheng was worried.

But he believed that Lin Baici wouldn’t do that. Otherwise, on the deer platform earlier, he could have let himself die or handed himself over to those soldiers or the king. He would have died long ago.

“Damn, how could I doubt Lin Shen?”

Guo Zheng reproached himself, while also thinking that if he could heal his leg, he could continue to team up with Lin Baici in the future.

With a super rookie like him, they would definitely make a huge profit.

Just as Guo Zheng relaxed and imagined a bright future, suddenly, the mist in front of him surged, and the burly figure of the king broke through the mist like a tank, appearing in front of him.


Guo Zheng was shocked, cold sweat streaming down his body.


Guo Zheng immediately wanted to call for help, but the king was faster.


The king reached out his big hand and grabbed Guo Zheng’s face, covering his mouth and nose, quickly lifting him up, and then grabbing his arm and throwing him forward.

The king lowered his head and opened his mouth.


With a crunch, he bit Guo Zheng’s throat, then shook his head and tore it with force.


A piece of flesh and the trachea were torn off and swallowed by the king, who chewed vigorously.

The effect of flesh regeneration was activated.

The king’s body lit up with a dark red light, and the injured parts began to heal.

But just as the king was about to take a second bite, three flying stones hit its left eye accurately.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The impact of the flying stones was tremendous, shattering the king’s left eye socket, with flesh fragments splattering everywhere. One eyeball hung by a few muscle fibers, dangling from its chin.

“Who’s there?”

The king roared, reaching out to grab the eyeball, wanting to put it back into the eye socket.


Another flying stone hit its left eye again, breaking the muscle fibers, and the eyeball fell to the ground.


A red clay figure rushed out and pounced on the eyeball.

The king reached out to pick up the eyeball, but a bronze sword shot towards it, piercing its neck with a thud, completely severing the already half-cut neck by Xia Hongyao.


The king’s head fell to the ground.

“Ah! Damn commoner, you tricked me!”

The expression on the king’s head was ferocious, unwilling, and resentful, shouting angrily.

The king never thought of escaping, that was just a deception to the enemy, buying time. It wanted to devour the human with the broken leg, heal its injuries, and then kill these people and dig out their hearts to eat.

But it didn’t expect to fall into an ambush.

When did that commoner figure it out?

The king’s body bent down to grab the eyeball, but the red clay figure was faster.

Lin Baici rushed over and caught the flying dragon tooth with his right hand.


Lin Baici held the dragon tooth, not attacking with a flying sword this time, but using it as a javelin and threw it out.


After the bronze sword pierced the king’s head, it nailed into the ground.

Lin Baici rushed to the headless body.

Drunk Immortal Fist in Wine!

Ada ada ada!

Lin Baici imitated Chen Zhen’s shout when he challenged the Hongkou Dojo, and his fists quickly struck the headless body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After twelve punches, Lin Baici turned around and kicked the right side of the body.


The headless body flew backwards.

Xia Hongyao’s sixth sense was very keen. She was originally going to go down the steps to chase the king, but when she didn’t hear any movement over there, she saw Lin Baici charging towards Guo Zheng.

Gao Mayi didn’t know why Lin Baici did this, but she believed that he must have a reason, so she followed.

They happened to meet this headless body.

Xia Hongyao swung her knife and struck.

Sun Crown!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The headless body was cut into sixteen pieces, like the meat sections prepared by a chef’s knife for braised pork ribs.

Lin Baici rushed to the king’s head, pulled out the bronze sword, and prepared to smash it. The Food God spoke.



After Lin Baici struck it with the sword again, he exhaled a breath of relief.

Finally, it’s over.

The king was dead, and the dark green mist began to dissipate.

When Lin Baici heard the Food God’s comment that this king possessed the divine grace of ‘flesh regeneration,’ he became more cautious.

Among the five people present, Hua Yueyu was already a Divine Hunter and had divine grace. Although Tang Zhiqian was cut by the king, he still had all his limbs intact. Only Guo Zheng had a broken leg, severe blood loss, and was weak and unable to move. He was obviously the best prey.

So Lin Baici had the red clay figure hide near Guo Zheng, holding a bronze plate to camouflage itself.

When the king’s body emitted the dark green mist and seemed to want to escape, Lin Baici knew it was going to devour flesh and blood.

His shout of ‘where is it’ was completely to confuse the king, while he himself rushed out at the first moment.

To ensure a successful strike, he had kept the red clay figure and didn’t let it attack with flying stones. Now it was the perfect opportunity to catch the king off guard and deliver a heavy blow.

The only regret was that Guo Zheng died.

Lin Baici sighed. His speed was already fast enough, but he was still slightly slow.

The red clay figure jumped onto Lin Baici’s shoulder and handed him the walnut-sized eyeball.

Lin Baici took it.Just when he thought that this eyeball was the same as the one he found in the belly of the clay puppet, some parts of this eyeball turned into powder with a fluttering sound, leaving only a small piece of godly remains the size of a fingernail, presenting a dried and dehydrated jerky-like appearance.

“Xiao Bai!”

Hua Yueyu ran over with a long spear in her hand, staring at Wang’s corpse. “Is it over?”

“It’s over!”

Xia Hongyao examined Wang’s corpse. As long as she touched it, Wang’s body would crumble into powder and quickly turn into a pile of dust.

“Lin Shen!”

Tang Zhiqian also ran over, excited. He had bet correctly, and Lin Baici had won. “Let’s go down quickly. It’s too dangerous here!”

The fire was still spreading, and the platform had already started to collapse.

[A dried monster corpse, its flesh has a powerful detoxification effect. As long as it’s not an instantly lethal poison, most people who are poisoned can be cured by consuming it.]

[When drinking tea, add a few strands of it, or eat it as a snack like dried fish during leisure time. It has the effect of cleansing the intestines and purifying toxins in the body.]

[Eat it regularly to detoxify and beautify the skin, and no longer worry about acne!]

Lin Baici looked towards the high platform on the north side. The eunuchs, courtiers, and dancers had all turned into powder, but the beautiful female corpse that Wang had been holding before did not crumble. It should be what the Food God had mentioned.

[What are you standing there for? Pack it up!]


Lin Baici just felt that the appearance of this corpse was a bit creepy, but if the effect mentioned by the Food God was true, then this corpse was definitely valuable.

Lin Baici was in his puberty and had never had acne. He even had an eight-pack abs without exercising. But his childhood friend, Li Wei, was different. His face was covered in pimples, and he was already an average-looking person. With a face full of acne, he had completely lost the ability to seek a partner.

“You guys go down first, or look for something valuable to take with you.”

Lin Baici strode towards the high platform on the north side and picked up the beautiful female corpse.


The touch of it was beyond words.

Lin Baici felt that the effect of this thing on restraining desires was even better than the Buddhist scriptures!

Tang Zhiqian didn’t lack money. He casually picked up a few bronze wine goblets, while Hua Yueyu carried a bronze long spear and picked up two bronze swords.

“Where is the godly remains?”

Xia Hongyao looked around but didn’t see it. She was stunned.

This was the most precious spoils of war!

“Little Lin, quickly find the godly remains!”

Xia Hongyao urged, it shouldn’t be missing from here, right?

“Let’s leave the Star-Picking Palace first!”

Lin Baici urged. This place was about to collapse.

When he ran down the stairs, he saw the golden goblet that Wang had thrown on the ground. He picked it up.

After Wang Mingfu and his group rushed out of the Star-Picking Palace, they didn’t dare to stay and ran for more than 500 meters before finally stopping due to exhaustion.

“Is… is it safe now?”

“What do we do now?”

“If that Lin Shen is dead, will Wang come to catch us?”

“Damn it! Can’t we hope for something good?”

The group argued and looked towards the direction of the Star-Picking Palace.

Although the dark mist had dissipated a lot and become thinner, at this distance, they couldn’t see the situation over there anymore.

“We can delay for a while! “

Wang Mingfu sat on the ground, taking the opportunity to rest. He hadn’t given up yet. Once he regained his strength, he would immediately find a safe place to hide.

“A bunch of cowards!”

Suddenly, a female voice sounded, disdainful of everyone.

Wang Mingfu’s face changed, and he was about to retort when he saw the person speaking, and he was shocked.

The woman was wearing a gorgeous palace dress, with black long hair tied up in a lily bun, and embroidered shoes with golden threads.

She was the leading palace dancer in the Star-Picking Palace.

She walked towards them on the stone-paved floor.

“Ah? How… how did it come here?”


“Damn it!”

These people who thought they had escaped a disaster were like ants scalded by boiling water, running frantically and fleeing in a panic.

“Why didn’t you help that man stab the king and kill him?”

The dancer frowned, her hands trembling.


The two water sleeves embroidered with pink peach petals shot out like venomous snakes, wrapping around the necks of two people and tightening forcefully.

Crack! Crack!

Their necks snapped, and their heads turned ninety degrees, resting on their shoulders.

“I don’t like cowards!”

This dancer was like a female ghost, her body seemingly weightless. She floated to a man’s side, waved her sleeve, and strangled his neck. It was as easy as breaking a piece of grass, effortlessly snapping his neck.

No one targeted by her could escape.

Wang Mingfu ran desperately, completely losing his way.

Because he ran too fast, his chest felt like it was on fire, but he didn’t dare to stop.

“Damn it! Why didn’t this ghost die in the Star-Picking Palace?”

Wang Mingfu cursed.

He saw a bamboo forest ahead and was overjoyed. He immediately exerted all his strength and rushed in. After stumbling and turning left and right for more than two hundred meters, he leaned against a bamboo tree with a diameter of a bowl and gasped for breath!

“Did I escape? Should I have escaped?”

Wang Mingfu prayed, not daring to look back, afraid that the dancing monster would catch up again.

“Are you tired?”

Suddenly, a greeting sounded in his ear.

“Damn it!”

Wang Mingfu trembled all over and pounced forward, but after taking two steps, a water sleeve coiled around his neck like a predatory python.

Wang Mingfu reacted quickly and rolled to the side, but his left ankle was still entangled. Then, he was pulled down to the ground and hung upside down.”You were given to that Lin Baici by the king, right? I am his friend, you can’t kill me!”

Wang Mingfu shouted, trying to save himself.

“So, my new master is called that?”

The dancer raised an eyebrow.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mingfu felt hopeful and immediately increased his strength. “I am his close friend, we have a good relationship, I can even sacrifice myself for him!”

Wang Mingfu tried to impress the dancer with his words.

“In that case, you should not have abandoned your master and run away!”

The dancer’s face turned cold.

“What do you want from me? How can I escape from this?”

Wang Mingfu was on the verge of tears.

“I only respect heroes!”

The dancer glanced at Wang Mingfu.

“I am a hero! I can prove it to you.”

Wang Mingfu shouted.

“Is that so?”

The dancer flicked her sleeve.


Wang Mingfu’s ankle was twisted.


Wang Mingfu screamed in pain, but then he closed his mouth. A hero should be able to endure even this level of pain.

“Alright, if you can withstand the pain of being dismembered, I will spare you!”

The dancer said, and five ribbons shot out from her sleeves, wrapping around Wang Mingfu’s neck, wrists, and ankles.


Wang Mingfu was covered in cold sweat, wondering what was happening.

Was he going to be dismembered like a horse?

“I will go back and kill the king, I can give you money, I…”

Wang Mingfu promised rewards, but it was useless.

In the next second, the five ribbons exerted force.


Wang Mingfu was dismembered, his internal organs scattered on the ground.

The dancer, as if crushing an ant, didn’t even spare a glance at the corpse. She looked towards the Star-Picking Palace.

Then she turned around and floated into the bamboo forest.

Has the cassia tree in the courtyard bloomed?

Is the old yellow dog still sunbathing at the village entrance?

Has the neighbor’s daughter, Yuniang, found her ideal husband and become a wife?

Mother, I miss you!

I want to go home!

Before being captured by the new master, I want to go back and take a look!

Boom! Boom!

The Star-Picking Tower collapsed, and the things ignited by the pine torch burned quickly. Soon, this place became a pile of ruins, with black smoke and charred marks everywhere.

“Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Lin Baici saw Hua Yueyu holding her forehead, looking in pain.

“Yes, I have a headache and feel nauseous.”

The little fish person felt nauseated.

“Me too, ugh!”

Tang Zhiqian said, then started vomiting, but there was nothing in his stomach, only bile.

“This is caused by the radiation of the divine remains. You two should leave this place immediately, or you will be contaminated and become dead flesh people!”

Xia Hongyao explained.

“Dead flesh people?”

Tang Zhiqian’s face turned pale upon hearing this terrifying term.

“I have the divine grace and became a divine hunter, why would I be contaminated and become a dead flesh person?”

Hua Yueyu didn’t understand.

“Because you haven’t strengthened your body with the divine power in the meteorite yet!”

Xia Hongyao said, glancing at Lin Baici.

According to reason, it shouldn’t be like this!

Little Lin has only become a divine hunter for a month, so he shouldn’t have had many opportunities to strengthen his body. Why is he fine now?

Xia Hongyao appeared normal because she had absorbed many meteorites.

“You take them away first, I will look for the divine remains!”

Lin Baici knew time was running out.

God’s Ruins had collapsed, and the dark mist shrouding Palm Port would soon dissipate. The personnel from the Nine Provinces Security Bureau would soon come in.

As for this kind of treasure like the divine remains, who knows if they would forcefully confiscate it?


Lin Baici’s stomach growled again, feeling extremely hungry. He even wanted to pick up the stones on the ground and take a bite.

“Be careful!”

Xia Hongyao warned, preparing to take Hua Yueyu and Tang Zhiqian to a safe place far away to rest, and then she would come back with Lin Baici to search for the divine remains.

The monster was dead, so there was no need to rush anymore.

If necessary, they could ask the personnel from the security bureau to dig through this ruin.

Xia Hongyao left, and the Food God didn’t say anything.


Lin Baici endured his hunger and walked step by step in the ruins still emitting black smoke.

As he walked, he recalled everything about this Deer Platform.

The enemy of ten thousand people, the bronze brazier, the laughter of that arrogant king…

Don’t be anxious! Don’t be anxious!

There must be something I overlooked.

Think again!

Lin Baici continued to recall, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

Was the corpse that the king was holding always staring at the Deer Platform?

It seemed so.

Lin Baici took out the beautiful corpse from the black altar bowl and observed it carefully.

No movement?

Lin Baici held the corpse and walked while observing it. It seemed to move like a compass, always staring in the northwest direction no matter how Lin Baici walked.

Lin Baici followed the direction.

The feeling of hunger became stronger and stronger, indicating that he was getting closer to the divine remains. Suddenly, his mouth began to salivate heavily, as if he was attracted by some delicacy. Lin Baici instinctively looked over.

It was a pile of rubble.

Lin Baici took out the bronze sword and started digging. He tried to summon the Muscle Buddha, but it didn’t work. It seemed that he had to wait for some time after its death to summon it again.

He had to do it himself!

Lin Baici squatted on the ground, using the bronze sword as a shovel, digging up the dust. After digging about one and a half feet deep, a piece of dried meat was exposed.

“I found it!”A look of joy crossed Lin Baici’s face. Before he could reach out, two slender arms, as if condensed from starlight, extended from his shoulders. They pulled the piece of dried meat out of the ground. Without even cleaning it, they shoved it directly into Lin Baici’s mouth.

【Thank the gods for their gifts!】

The God of Food routinely offered a pre-meal prayer.


Lin Baici was stunned. The thing was quite dirty.

At least wash it first.

As the divine body entered his throat, Lin Baici felt choked. However, in an instant, a surge of divine power erupted within him like a spring, rushing towards his limbs and nourishing his internal organs.


Extremely comfortable!

A sense of fullness arose spontaneously, making Lin Baici feel that his life was without regrets.

【Yaho, two new divine blessings get√, so satisfying!】

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