Chapter 263 – Fortress of Guns, Sky Shaking Stars, Emperor Dragon

On any battlefield, a caster in the midst of constructing a spell is extremely dangerous.

Especially one who has reached the legendary fifth tier of lightning magic.

But the King of the Near Seas seemed to ignore the lightning mage from the very beginning of the fight, not earnestly attempting to disrupt the spellcasting until the mage’s spell was successfully cast.

This puzzled the sole surviving gunner from the thunderstorm battle.

Now, the horrific scene reflected in his vision, legendary corpses raining down upon the earth like rain, answered the doubts in his heart.

“With such ultimate defensive and offensive power.”

“.And to possess the ability to absorb lightning, even using twelfth-circle spells to charge itself.”

“The most fatal part is, it’s only at the second tier of legend?”

“Either my life level appraisal technique is flawed, or… the Rosen Kingdom has provoked a terrifying monster that should never be provoked.”

The gunner muttered to himself.

Even as a gunner on the cusp of high-tier legend, he couldn’t help but feel a chill when looking at the black and gold dragon standing proudly before him.


He saw the black and gold dragon slightly turn its head, looking towards him.

In the instant their eyes met, within the indifferent and profound golden dragon eyes of the other, the gunner saw his own insignificant figure.

In an instant, his hair stood on end.

A sense of being targeted by death itself arose spontaneously.

“It’s your turn, Mechanist.”

The deep Dragon Tongue sounded in his ear, the gunner’s face tightened, and he slowly retreated in mid-air.

“King of the Near Seas, I do not wish to be involved in your feud with the Rosen Kingdom.”

After confirming he couldn’t stop the terrifying dragon before him, the gunner focused on self-preservation.

“Do what you must, and don’t look for trouble.”

Despite his inner fear, as a citizen of a superior empire, a sense of inherent superiority still involuntarily surfaced, and he couldn’t help but use a commanding tone.

Hearing the gunner’s words, the black and gold dragon fell silent for a few seconds, then cracked a smile.

“Do what I must, Mechanist, your arrogance amuses me.”

Dragons are known for their arrogance, but sometimes those from the superior empires seem even more self-righteous than True Dragons, still acting high and mighty even when disaster looms.

From the dragon’s cold smile, the gunner keenly sensed the malice within.

He took a deep breath, then said in a deep voice:

“Do you wish to make an enemy of the Mechanar Empire?”

Glancing at the royal court standing amidst the shattered earth, Saga lost interest in further communication with the Mechanist, extended a dragon claw to remove the bullet embedded in his dragon scales, then gazed at the Mechanist with a fierce smile.


With a flap of his wings, a massive sonic boom erupted, and the black and gold dragon vanished from the spot in an instant.

On the other side, the gunner’s eyelids twitched, and alarm bells rang in his heart.

He suddenly raised his arms, his body spinning like a dance, and his dual-wielded guns fired simultaneously, instantly unleashing a rain of bullets in all directions.

Immediately after, the gunner’s figure also disappeared.

Bullet Leap!

He became a blur, leaping between the trajectories of bullets, rapidly increasing the distance between himself and the black and gold dragon.

After leaping to the furthest bullet, putting a certain distance between himself and the black and gold dragon.

The gunner’s body flew backward, his face towards the black and gold dragon.

“Want to completely annihilate me? King of the Near Seas, you’re too arrogant.”

“I only want to avoid unnecessary trouble, it doesn’t mean I fear your power.”

The scenery in the air flew by rapidly, the gunner exhaled, and his eyes, fixed on the black and gold dragon, suddenly turned into crosshairs, pale blue energy radiating from his body, swirling around him like a fierce wind.


The wind and clouds stilled, and the black and gold dragon in his eyes also froze, as if a lifelike sculpture.

In the gunner’s world, time had stopped.

This was the legendary gunner’s unique skill—Time Stop Shooting.

Time Stop Shooting doesn’t truly stop time; it overloads the gunner’s thinking speed and physical abilities, allowing him to achieve a transcendent state beyond his current realm in an extremely short time, with thoughts and movements so fast that time seems to stand still.

In the pseudo-time stop domain.

The gunner seized the opportunity, merged his pair of mechanized pistols into a more powerful hand cannon, and locked onto the black and gold dragon frozen in mid-air.

“Imperial Machine Spirit above, bear witness for me, to slay a dragon with a gun!”

A massive amount of magic power flowed into the hand cannon, its mechanical structure splitting and recombining, transforming into a semi-transparent cannon over ten meters long.

Fatal Blast!

Targeting the dragon’s head, the gunner pulled the trigger heavily.


The cannon roared, firing a terrifying attack capable of piercing through mountains of steel, moving slowly but resolutely towards the black and gold dragon’s head in the time stop domain.


The giant bullet, or rather shell, was halfway to its target when suddenly.

Under the gunner’s horrified and incredulous gaze, the black and gold dragon’s eyelids twitched, and the previously rigid gaze slowly came to life.

It extended a dragon claw with a deeper black light flowing and covering it, gradually intercepting the shell.

In the end, the Fatal Blast landed precisely on Saga’s gravity-enhanced dragon claw.

Light and flame blossomed bit by bit, like a vivid fire rose taking shape.

Just then, the gunner’s Time Stop Shooting state also ended.

The perception of time returned to normal.


A deafening explosion sounded, and a violent explosion occurred at the dragon’s claw, the bright and flashing light and fire like the birth of another sun.


Whether light or fire, both were confined near the dragon’s claw, unable to spread out, and eventually dissipated between the dragon’s clenched fingers with its fist movement.

“Keeping up with my Time Stop Shooting”

The gunner was astounded.

In Saga’s perception, what had just happened was this—the gunner’s movements suddenly became so fast they blurred, even he had trouble tracking them, and he felt a certain threat. Then, he predicted the gunner’s attack through the force field reaction, burned psychic energy to enhance his thoughts, pumped Power Essence to drive his body, and finally kept up with the gunner’s Time Stop Shooting.

“I am death! Gunner, come face me, face death!”

The black and gold dragon roared, its wings tearing through the storm and clouds, rushing towards the gunner with a terrifying oppressive force.

On the other side, the gunner nearly suffocated under the immense pressure.

Yet maintaining calm under pressure is one of the essential lessons for a Mechanist.

Suddenly, he arched backward, retreating against the sky, back to the heavens, facing the dragon, his arms outstretched.

“World and truth, exist in gunfire and cannon roar!”

“Gun Fortress!”

As if bearing an unbearable burden, the gunner who called out Gun Fortress trembled violently, blood flowing from his seven orifices.


A tremendous roar erupted behind the gunner.

At the same time, a majestic fortress phantom, composed of millions of guns and cannons arranged in a tightly ordered and layered fashion, emerged from behind the gunner.

Gun Fortress—one of the Mechanar Empire’s foundations.

In the past war with the Skyrealm Empire, countless Sky Cities fell from the heavens and were reduced to ashes because of the Gun Fortress.

High-tier legendary Mechanists can use part of its power, but only demigods can truly drive it.

This sixth-tier legendary gunner burned most of his life as a price to barely summon the phantom of the Gun Fortress.

After a moment of silence, countless energy glows bloomed among the numerous gun barrels and cannon mouths, and the Gun Fortress roared like a monstrous beast.

The terrifying assault instantly enveloped the black and gold dragon.

Cannon fire swept inch by inch over the dragon’s scales, engulfing its entire body, offering a baptism named destruction, and the entire sky seemed to ignite.

Watching this grand spectacle, the nearly spent Mechanist gasped for air, but joy flickered in his eyes.

“Praise the Empire, praise the Gun Fortress.”

He showed a devout expression like a believer in the gods, hands joined, whispering softly.

“All who are enemies of the Empire.”

Before he finished speaking.


In the midst of the terrifying cannon fire that seemed capable of destroying the world, suddenly a track of blank nothingness burst from the source covered by the fiercest fire, tearing a straight path through the cannon fire domain, instantly engulfing and obliterating the gunner, and still not stopping, continuing against the sky full of cannon fire, piercing through the grand fortress phantom, and shredding the high clouds.

Saga exhaled a breath of annihilation, turning his dragon head.

The Dragon Breath followed, destroying the Gun Fortress phantom.

The sky full of cannon fire gradually ceased.

Huh. The black sheen slowly faded from his body, the Golden Dragon ended his breath, and then took a long breath.

The covering cannon fire had disappeared.

The Golden Dragon exposed under the sky, with wisps of steam rising from his body, scales everywhere cracked, some areas showing signs of being scorched by high temperatures, and some even carbonized, looking seriously injured.


He stood tall, bloodied, and on his tightly scaled faceplate, a pair of golden dragon eyes shone brightly, showing no sign of weakness.

“Finally gave me a nice surprise, Mechanist, you die with honor.”

Saga twisted his neck, the pain in his body didn’t repel him but brought stimulation and excitement.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, the Golden Dragon was right, Saga too was keen on battle, and didn’t mind getting hurt; injuries only made his fighting spirit soar.

“Gun Fortress.”

Looking towards where the Gun Fortress phantom had been, Saga’s gaze narrowed slightly.

What he destroyed was only the phantom of the Gun Fortress.

The real thing must be of divine creation.

In this world where individual might is supreme, the Mechanar Empire is an anomaly because its strength does not lie in any one Mechanist, but in the powerful creations that gather the wisdom of countless Mechanists.

Including this time, Saga’s contact with the Mechanar Empire was limited, but he also felt its strength.

“The power of a kingdom-level is hardly a threat to me now, but the many empires are not to be underestimated.”

“On my journey to the pinnacle of the world, to fulfill my grand ambition, they will be my biggest obstacles and challenges.”

Saga thought silently.

Not fearful of the challenges he might face in the future, the blood-soaked Golden Dragon licked the corner of his lips, tasting a strand of hot, sweet blood, feeling even more pleased and excited in his heart.

“Leaving the empires aside for now, I have other matters to attend to.”

The dragon lowered its gaze, looking towards the earth.

The reason for coming to the Rosen Kingdom was secondary to the snake woman’s serious injury; what was most important was the Rosen Kingdom’s continuous and unrelenting crusade and attacks on Thorn Isle, even if they had previously received a painful lesson from the Red Dragoness, they still hadn’t changed their original intention. This time, Saga came to completely settle this grudge.

Because of the battle between legends, the aftermath of the fight fell on White Oak Isle, turning vast tracts of land into a scarred mess, with collapsed mountains and burning forests everywhere, and deep depressions and ravines all over the ground.

Countless citizens of the Rosen Kingdom died in the aftermath.

And in such a broken scene.

The royal court, protected by a magical array, stood in the center, unscathed, its complete and bright exterior out of place amidst the wreckage.

Gazing at the royal court, the Golden Dragon slowly spoke.

“King of the Rosen Kingdom, and all the dukes, marquises, and earls.”

The nobility above the earls, these basically make up the upper echelons of a country.

Pausing for a moment, Saga’s voice was resolute as he continued:

“Within three minutes, come out of the royal court on your own, then commit suicide before me, to extinguish my wrath with your death.”

“This is your only chance.”

For the Rosen Kingdom, which had been an enemy since his youth, Saga had little patience, and was even too lazy to subjugate it, preferring to wipe it out completely. Moreover, because the citizens of a kingdom generally have a much higher cohesion than a duchy, forcibly subjugating them is also a troublesome matter.

Furthermore, the blood of the Golden Dragon flowing in his veins made Saga not so cruel, so he gave the Rosen Kingdom one last chance.

Inside the royal court.

The atmosphere was deathly still and oppressive.

The king took a deep breath, trying to keep his teeth from chattering with fear, and slowly said:

“Gentlemen, this dragon is covered in wounds, it is definitely at the end of its strength, do not fear it, it’s just blustering.”

“I have already asked the Mechanar Empire for help, just hold on for a while, and the Mechanar Empire will definitely send a strong person to relieve us.”

Outside the royal court.

After quietly waiting for three minutes, Saga lost his last patience.

Clearly, the Rosen Kingdom had not grasped the opportunity he had given, betraying the sliver of mercy from his Golden Dragon bloodline.

“Embrace the doomsday you have chosen.”


The Golden Dragon flapped its wings, its body shot straight into the clouds, and in a shift, it hovered thousands of meters high in the sky, then stood upright, eyes slightly closed, one strong dragon arm raised, fingertips slightly spread, as if grasping something in the air, pointing to the heavens.

“What does it want to do?”

Inside the royal court, a group of nobles didn’t understand and asked questions.

But soon, they knew what Saga wanted to do.

A shadow suddenly appeared, then rapidly enlarged.

Including the king, one noble after another subconsciously raised their heads, looking through the gap smashed in the palace, looking up at the sky, then involuntarily shivering, breathing rapidly.

In their vision.

As if struck and oppressed by some force, the clouds churned, scattering around, forming four increasingly large voids.


Behind the Golden Dragon, four huge meteors, their surfaces red from rapid friction with the air, burning with raging flames, appeared through the rolling burning clouds, visible to all creatures in the sea below.

Meteor Shock Star—

Exerting gravitational pull on meteors drifting around the outer space of the Saiga world, dragging them in, while applying a super gravity field, transforming them into earth-shattering meteor strikes.

Saga used the Rosen Kingdom as a test subject for his skill, officially deploying it for the first time.

There are meteor summoning spells in legendary magic.

But their power is incomparable to a real meteor fall, let alone compared to the Meteor Shock Star enhanced by Saga.

At this time.

Numerous sea creatures panicked, fleeing the territory of the Rosen Kingdom at high speed.

The Rosen Kingdom, a country of a thousand islands—originally with five large islands, besides Thorn Isle which was taken away, the other four were close to each other with White Oak Isle where the royal court was located at the center.

Now, four meteors with a slow yet earth-shattering momentum, respectively fell towards the four islands of the Rosen Kingdom.

“We’re doomed.”

“The Rosen Kingdom is finished.”

“Where is the support from the Mechanar Empire!”

In the noisy and chaotic palace, the Rosen king’s lips buzzed, watching the rapidly enlarging, falling meteor, his face ashen.

Then, accompanied by a terrifying explosion and the surging fire before his eyes, the king’s entire world fell silent.


The first meteor hit White Oak Isle right in the center, striking the royal court.

The protective array that had stood unscathed in the previous battles between legends was as fragile as an egg, instantly shattered, and the flaming meteor hit the ground, instantly engulfing everything in flames, the earth split in four, and terrible ravines extended like lightning, radiating to the entire island.

Crack! Crack!

White Oak Isle, nearly 300,000 square kilometers in size, crumbled inch by inch from the royal court at the center, and the surrounding seas simultaneously set off a terrifying tsunami.

Waves rolled, and the boiling roar of the sea sounded like a wail.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The other three meteors fell one after another, burying all the creatures on the other three islands.

Together, nearly a million square kilometers of the kingdom’s territory, at this moment, shattered, sinking into the deep sea with raging flames.

At the same time.

Some intelligent sea races, with extreme speed and already far away, fortunately not affected, looked at the terrifying scene like the end of the world, then looked up again, gazing at the silent golden figure in the burning sky.

“Emperor Dragon of Armageddon, Emperor.”

Involuntarily, they murmured, looking at the terrifying figure that brought doomsday to the defiant, chanting the revered name from their hearts.

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