Chapter 255 – The new lord of the secret realm and the extermination of rats

After witnessing countless Dragon Kind slaughtered in the Dragonfall War, their corpses strewn across the battlefield, Saga and Tixil could somewhat understand the feelings of the ancient dragon souls now.

The war between the Chromatic Dragons and the Metal Dragon Kind was so brutal that both sides were determined to annihilate each other. But was there really such deep-seated hatred between them? No, they were both unwillingly drawn into the vortex of war, and even though they were weary of fighting, they couldn’t escape it.

Learning that the different Dragon Kinds were now living in relative harmony, the ancient dragon souls, filled with resentment and anger, gradually calmed down.

In the Dragon Soul Sanctuary, the resentment and anger of the ancient rock dragon, who died at the hands of an ancient Red Dragon, were just a facade. It was merely channeling its unfocused rage onto a visible target. Its true resentment and anger stemmed from the senselessness of the civil war itself.

As long as the war continued.

Even without the ancient Red Dragons, there would be encounters with ancient Blue Dragons, Green Dragons, and the like.

Nowadays, only after the era of the Dragonfall War had passed, and the divine battles among the top-tier Dragon Gods and the civil wars among the Dragon Kind had subsided, did the ancient dragon souls truly let go of their years of resentment and anger.

“How did the war end? Who won between the Platinum Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen? After the devastating civil war, have the Dragon Kind returned to their peak?”

After calming down, the ancient dragon soul couldn’t help but ask repeatedly.

In response, Saga and Tixil shared what they knew.

Among other things, when the ancient dragon soul learned that the civil war it had been involved in had become the prelude to the Dragonfall War, leading to the loss of the Dragon Kind’s dominant position, and that they had not recovered even now, a clear expression of regret appeared on its face.

“If it weren’t for this civil war among the Dragon Kind, other races would never have had the chance to overturn our rule,” it sighed.

“But it’s too late to say anything now.”

The voice paused, and the ancient dragon soul’s gaze swept over the dragons, finally settling on Saga. After quietly observing him, it said:

“I died in my own era and should fade away with it. The future of the Dragon Kind now rests on you, the True Dragons of later generations.”

Gazing at Saga, the increasingly lucid ancient dragon soul also recalled everything that had happened in the sanctuary.

It let go of its rejection of Saga’s mixed-blood Red Dragon identity and sincerely praised:

“An existence like you would have been rare even in the most glorious era of the Dragon Kind. Seeing such a powerful rising star like you, I have every reason to believe that the Dragon Kind will eventually rise again under the leadership of True Dragons like you. A single war’s defeat cannot shake the spine and foundation of the rulers.”

The scene of the black and gold dragon sweeping through the sanctuary was still vivid in its memory.

Only Saga, who had just stepped into legend, had given the ancient dragon soul many surprises and unexpected moments.

Although Saga was more inclined to enhance his own strength and pursue individual greatness, he did not refute the ancient dragon soul’s words.

The other party was right.

In fact, even if he had no intention of leading the Dragon Kind to rise again.

But once Saga grew strong enough.

Even if he became extremely indifferent in the future, completely unconcerned with the affairs of the Dragon Kind, his mere existence would still provide immense support to the Dragon Kind, making other races wary and unable to ignore him. The mere presence of a strong being, in a sense, was already a form of protection for his race.

At this moment, Saga’s gaze shifted slightly as he asked:

“Ancient dragon senior, how exactly did the massive, all-encompassing civil war among the Dragon Kind across all worlds come about?”

He wanted to know if the cause of the Dragon Kind’s civil war was as he suspected, directly caused by the Dragon Gods, rather than conflicts between different Dragon Kinds.

“Isn’t it in your heritage?”

“The history of the civil war is just a blank in the legacy of dragons.”

The ancient dragon soul was slightly taken aback.

After a few seconds of silence, it probably guessed that the Dragon Gods had erased the history, as no other being could affect the legacy of dragons.

Then, the ancient dragon soul quietly narrated, telling the story of the beginning of the civil war among the Dragon Kind.

“It was mainly due to the escalating and irreconcilable conflict between the Platinum Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen.”

“These two Dragon Gods represented justice and evil, respectively, and their opposing natures made it impossible for them to coexist peacefully.”

“The Iron Dragon King of the Heavy Metal Dragons, a being of immense strength comparable to higher deities, was lured by the Chromatic Dragon Queen to call upon the Platinum Dragon God to descend to the material realm. Leading a group of powerful ancient and primeval Iron Dragon confidants, they ambushed and attacked the Platinum Dragon God in the material world.”

“They underestimated the strength of the Platinum Dragon God, who fought his way out of the encirclement with his own power and returned to Paradise Peak. Enraged, he expelled the entire Iron Dragon clan from the Metal Dragon Kind.”

Listening to the ancient dragon soul’s story, Tixil and Charlotte looked at each other and exclaimed:

“So that’s what happened. No wonder the Iron Dragon clan was expelled from the Metal Dragons. There was such an incident in the past.”

They were a bit curious and asked:

“What about the Iron Dragon King? After daring to ambush the Platinum Dragon God, what happened to it afterward?”

“After the plan failed, it disappeared without a trace. No one knows whether it’s dead or alive.”

“That creature deserved to die, daring to try to replace the Platinum Dragon God’s position. Although it was lured by the Chromatic Dragon Queen, it must have harbored such thoughts long ago,” the ancient dragon soul said.

It sighed deeply and continued:

“It was after this that the Platinum Dragon God could no longer tolerate the Chromatic Dragon Queen’s conspiracies and officially declared war on her.”

“At the same time, the Dragon Gods who followed their own beliefs, along with the start of the divine war, the civil war among the Dragon Kind also erupted. Initially, it was only between the Chromatic Dragons and the Metal Dragons, but as the war intensified, no Dragon Kind could remain unaffected. Even other Dragon Gods were drawn into it.”

After hearing the ancient dragon soul’s words, Saga shook his head slightly, thinking to himself:

“Having too strong a belief in one’s own deities is not always a good thing. Once the gods make a huge mistake, the whole race will pay a painful price.”

In the matter of the Dragonfall War, the Dragon Gods definitely made a big mistake.

Because they could have stopped the war among their followers, having a pure divine battle between gods, but that’s not what happened. They let the flames of war they ignited spread throughout the entire race.

As for why they didn’t stop it?

The reason is simple. They were blinded by hatred and no longer cared about the losses that would follow.

One of the sources of a deity’s power is their followers.

Attacking the followers of the opposition weakens their strength.

Even if those followers are also members of their own race, the Dragon Gods, once blinded by rage, no longer cared about this detail.

“Now, the fact that dragons revere the Dragon Gods with only a faint belief is both good and bad,” Saga thought to himself.

The good thing is that if the spark that ignited the Dragonfall War were to reappear, the dragons would just watch the gods fight and would not risk their own lives to fight for the gods, preventing a second Dragonfall War from breaking out.

If there were other similar events, the dragons would also think for themselves, rather than blindly following the Dragon Gods.

The downside is that the power level of the Dragon Gods has decreased, and the overall strength has diminished.

The Dragon Gods are the highest level of combat power for the Dragon Kind. Their decrease in power is actually a key reason why the Dragon Kind has now lost its dominance.

After further communication with the ancient dragon soul.

The serene and peaceful ancient dragon soul gradually became transparent, and it lifted its dragon head, saying:

“After wallowing in the memories of resentment for countless years, I have finally awakened. I think it’s time to return to the embrace of the Dragon Gods.”

As a dragon from the Dragonfall War era, it had faith, believing in the Platinum Dragon God.

When the ancient dragon soul let go of the resentment and obsession that kept it in the material realm, as a follower of the Platinum Dragon God, it would be protected by him and ascend to his kingdom.

For ancient dragon souls like this from the Dragonfall War era, the Dragon Gods would also value them highly. With a little nurturing, they could become a great addition to their divine realm.

Saga and Tixil nodded and wished:

“May you be reborn in the kingdom of the Dragon Gods.”

The ancient dragon soul smiled slightly and said:

“If the Dragon Gods show mercy and give me a chance for rebirth, we may meet again in the future.”

Then, the ancient dragon soul lifted its nearly completely transparent dragon claw.


A point of brilliance bloomed, then solidified.

It was a stone heart, constructed like a heart, crystal clear in appearance.

Looking around, the ancient dragon soul took a deep breath, and then the stone heart in its claw cast a wave-like brilliance that swept across the entire sanctuary.

The twisted and chaotic sanctuary froze, then began to turn upside down.

In an instant, the vast plains where the battle took place reappeared, including the ancient Red Dragon, and all the dragons cleared by Saga solidified once again.

However, compared to before, the skies of the plains no longer burned, and the earth no longer cracked.

Different kinds of dragons coexisted peacefully, soaring in the sky or perched on the land.

After the ancient dragon soul’s heart knot was untied, the endless war in the Dragon Soul Sanctuary also ended.

The dragons inside the sanctuary were all evolved from the ancient dragon soul’s memories using soul power. Each dragon was actually a part of it, and it had absolute control.

After the sanctuary changed.

The ancient dragon soul extended its dragon claw, and the stone heart flew towards Saga.

“This is the Heart of Stone, my heart. It’s a one-in-a-million special heart among our rock dragon kind, and I was lucky to have it.”

Rock dragons have a special structure that can nurture various strange minerals.

The Heart of Stone is one of them.

It can absorb souls, allowing souls to reside within it, and as the number of souls living inside increases, the quality of the Heart of Stone also improves, making the sanctuary even stronger.

Seeing the Heart of Stone, many of Saga’s doubts were also answered.

The existence of the Dragon Soul Sanctuary had one point he couldn’t understand.

How could the dragon souls from the Dragonfall War era have existed for so long without fading away in the torrent of time? Although the ancient dragon soul was tenacious, it had not reached an indestructible level.

Now it seems that it was because of the Heart of Stone that the ancient dragon soul has been able to exist until now.

“The sanctuary world I created is centered around it. Wherever it is, the sanctuary is there.”

After speaking, the ancient dragon soul showed a look of sadness and said:

“This may be the only Heart of Stone left. During the Dragonfall War era, our rock dragon kind was already few in number. Because of the war, we were on the brink of extinction, and now we may have been completely wiped out.”

Rock dragons are a rare kind of dragon.

Saga and Tixil had never seen a rock dragon before.

Now, hearing the ancient dragon soul’s sad words, they felt a bit heavy in their hearts. Thinking about it, they wondered how many already rare dragon kinds had gone extinct in the Dragonfall War.

After calming their emotions, the ancient dragon soul looked at Saga and said:

“I have reshaped this sanctuary with my last strength. The Dragonfall War will not happen again.”

“It has now become a proving ground. All the dragons inside can serve as trial targets for you, the True Dragons of later generations, to hone your abilities and skills. It can also provide a resting place for dragon souls.”

At the same time.

The aura belonging to the rock dragons on the Heart of Stone completely dissipated, turning it into an ownerless object.

“Now, it is yours,” it said to Saga.

“In the future, you can also create the sanctuary according to your own ideas. As the former master, my only hope is that there will be no war inside.”

Saga nodded solemnly and said:

“Thank you for your generosity. I will make good use of it.”

This might be the only existing Heart of Stone, its value incalculable. If cultivated well and enough souls are collected, it could even form a complete soul world. Saga never imagined that this trip to the sanctuary would yield such a huge gain.

His will infused into it, the Heart of Stone in his dragon claw, and the sanctuary itself began to take on Saga’s aura.

Because this refinement took some time, Saga only tried it briefly before stopping.

Afterward, the figure of the ancient dragon soul grew fainter and fainter.

After a simple farewell, it completely disappeared.

“The Dragonfall War. Before the giants and elves, there was such a fierce internal blood battle.”

Tixil shook her head slightly.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for infighting, how could other races find the opportunity with our Dragon Kind’s strength?” Charlotte said, swishing her tail.

Saga’s eyes showed a thoughtful look as he sorted through history.

The Dragon Kind were naturally strong, ruling countless worlds in ancient times. Then, weakened by infighting, they were opposed by other races of the time. During the Dragonfall War, they crushed the giants and elves, exterminated some of the powerful races of the time, and fell from the throne of dominance. And now, humans, whose footprints are spread across all planes of existence, also rose during this period, gradually evolving into the current situation.

“I wonder if there will be a chance to see our Dragon Kind reclaim the throne of dominance,” Charlotte said with a longing expression.

“It’s difficult. The gods would not want to see such a thing happen and would join forces to suppress the rise of the Dragon Kind,” Tixil said with her clever mind and unique insight.

Saga nodded lightly in agreement:

“Yes, the current situation among the various races and divine systems is very stable. Unless there is some great chaos that leaves the gods unable to care for themselves, and then rise again in the chaos, otherwise, there is no chance in a stable situation.”

Next, Saga and the other dragons stayed in the Dragon Soul Sanctuary for a while longer.

Saga summoned the ancient Red Dragon and tested himself against the ancient Red Dragon at its peak, honing and controlling his own power.

Additionally, at the beginning, Saga’s momentum was too strong, and he swept all the dragons in the sanctuary by himself, leaving no chance for Tixil and Charlotte to take action. So they became spectators, admiring their partner’s outstanding performance, feeling proud of Saga’s strength, and at the same time feeling a sense of urgency to enter the realm of legend themselves.

Now, Tixil and Charlotte also chose some dragons as trial targets to hone themselves.

After a satisfying trial.

Saga took out the Heart of Stone.

With a thought, the Heart of Stone burst into a vortex-like brilliance, and Saga and Tixil entered one after another, leaving through it.

After leaving the Dragon Soul Sanctuary, the vast plains disappeared.

In their place, a range of towering mountains rose from the ground.

And gathered at the location where Saga and the other dragons appeared, were hordes of giant rats.

“Oh? Not dead enough?”

Saga’s gaze narrowed slightly as he put the Heart of Stone into the space crystal, storing it inside the inner layer of scales around his neck.

The sanctuary gate and the Heart of Stone disappeared together.

This scene was witnessed by countless Ratmen.

The restless squeaking filled the mountains, annoying Saga.

“Dragon, hand over the sanctuary,” a tall figure emerged from the multitude of Ratmen, standing out like a crane in a flock of chickens, over three meters tall.

As it walked, the surrounding Ratmen bowed and retreated, making way for it.

“These rats seem a bit different from the ones before,” Saga keenly noticed that this new group of Ratmen that appeared here generally had sharper and denser fangs than the previous ones.

The leading three-meter-tall giant rat, which also exuded the aura of a legendary creature, had dark fur, strong muscles, and a tall and sturdy upright body that shone with a glossy sheen. Its protruding mouth was filled with rows of fierce and vicious teeth, resembling both a rat and a malevolent wolf.

This was the leader of the Evil Tooth clan, lured here by the Black Claw leader.

The numerous Ratmen now were also Evil Tooth Ratmen.

“Even rats can become legends, tsk, Yar Continent truly has hidden dragons and crouching tigers,” the Golden Dragon said calmly, smiling slightly, not hiding the disdain for the rat race in his words.

Understanding that the other party would not hand over the sanctuary willingly, the Evil Tooth leader grinned viciously and said, “Dragon? We’ve tasted dragon before.”

Lifting a serrated greatsword, the Evil Tooth leader shouted:

“For the Evil Tooth clan, slay the dragon! Eat dragon meat, drink dragon blood!”

Countless Ratmen echoed their leader’s cry: “Slay the dragon! Slay the dragon! Slay the dragon!”

Ratmen are a very contradictory race, both brave and cowardly.

On one hand, Ratmen are very afraid of death. The phrase “scared as a mouse” is a true reflection of their timidity. When encountering creatures stronger than themselves, they usually retreat obediently.

But on the other hand.

When there are enough Ratmen gathered, they are fearless even in the face of dragons and can even be immune to the mental oppression of Dragon Might.

At this moment, as countless Ratmen excitedly shouted to slay the dragons.

Saga looked down, his gaze sweeping over the horde of rats.

“I’ve heard your last words. Now prepare to embrace death,” he said as the black and gold dragon’s scales took on a slightly darker hue, exuding an extremely heavy presence. Then, suddenly, he surged forward, a sonic boom sweeping through the forest, lifting countless branches and stones, echoing between the mountains.

The black and gold dragon, with a body size that belied its incredible speed, charged towards the Evil Tooth leader with terrifying force.

By the time the Evil Tooth leader realized what was happening, the oppressive black and gold dragon was already close at hand.

The individual scales on the opponent’s face and the indifferent gaze were clearly visible.

“Such terrifying might, this is bad, this dragon is too formidable, Black Claw has set me up!” the Evil Tooth leader thought in horror, feeling like he was falling into an abyss.

Despite both being legendary, the feeling was as if they were not on the same level at all.

In a rush, the Evil Tooth leader could only barely withstand the might of the giant dragon, holding his weapon in front of him.


The black and gold dragon stomped on the ground, crushing the diminutive Evil Tooth leader into a pulp with a violent gesture. The ground beneath also trembled violently, like the sea, raising countless waves of earth and stone, accompanied by crisscrossing fissures that swallowed up swathes of Ratmen around them.

At the same time.

The Magnetic Cold Dragon Might erupted alternately, instantly turning countless Ratmen into withered, desiccated frozen corpses.

The Ratmen’s cries of slaying the dragon also came to an abrupt halt.

As the black and gold dragon’s scales shimmered with a dark sheen, its formidable presence swept across the land, and with a single, swift motion, it had quelled the uprising of the Ratmen with overwhelming force.

The leader of the Evil Tooth clan, who had stood tall and defiant moments ago, was now nothing more than a stain beneath Saga’s might. The surrounding Ratmen, who had been whipped into a frenzy by their leader’s call, now lay silent, a testament to the true power of the Dragon Kind.

The Ratmen, a race both bold and timid, had met their match in the face of a dragon whose strength far surpassed their own. Their immunity to Dragon Might was of no consequence against the raw power that Saga wielded.

The battlefield fell silent, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the wind, as Saga and his companions stood amidst the carnage, a stark reminder of the Dragon Kind’s supremacy.

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