Chapter 249 – The realization of destiny, the instant extinction of one hundred thousand living beings

Tixil and Charlotte initially shared a Dragon’s Nest with Saga.

However, when Saga entered his dragon slumber, a tremendous force emerged from his body as the center, causing the gravity within the nest to seem as if it had been turned upside down, making it difficult for both Tixil and Charlotte to approach.

The two Little Dragonesses eventually had no choice but to leave the place where Saga slumbered, leaving him to sleep alone.

In the quiet and deep Dragon’s Nest, the coiled Golden Dragon lay with its eyes tightly shut, breathing evenly.

Invisible and intangible, an infinite Power Essence converged from all directions, continuously nourishing Saga’s body, allowing him to grow robustly.

Meanwhile, unlike the dragon slumbers he had experienced before, Saga did not fall into a complete sleep this time. Besides the psychic connection with the Psychic Guards, his own consciousness remained quite clear.

Yet while he was conscious, it was as if he had entered another magnificent world.

This was an unprecedented sensation.

After falling into the dragon slumber, Saga’s vision did not darken.

It was as if he had adopted a third-person perspective, his consciousness seemingly detached from his body, allowing him to observe himself and everything around him from a bystander’s point of view.

Then, as time passed, his perspective began to change strangely.

His field of view gradually widened, and everything in it began to shrink, as if he were rapidly moving backward.

Centered on himself in the Dragon’s Nest, Saga began to see more scenes.

He saw the Gemstone Dragons in the Emerald Gorge, urging Stone Giants to build structures, and Tixil and Charlotte frolicking in mid-air.

Soon, the entire landscape of the Emerald Gorge came into view.

But this seemed to be just the beginning.

His perspective continued to rise, and everything in his view kept shrinking.

The already sizable Emerald Gorge quickly turned into a small black dot.

The undulating mountains, the lush and deep forests, the bustling kingdoms of various colors, and the magnificent and magical Sky Cities of the Yar Continent almost all came into Saga’s sight.

Before long, a massive planet appeared before Saga.

“Saiga Planet.”

The vast planet quickly shrank, and in the vast and dark space of the universe, more stars and celestial bodies appeared in Saga’s view.

In this state, the passage of time seemed to lose its meaning. It was unclear how much time had passed when everything in front of Saga seemed to turn into streaks of swiftly passing light, eventually becoming specks of light, a dazzling galaxy composed of countless points, each seemingly a star.

“This should be the Milky Way system I’m in,” Saga thought silently.

The size of the prime material worlds varied; some were just a continent, while others were as vast as a complete universe. The prime material world Saga inhabited was on the scale of a galaxy, neither too big nor too small.

Gazing intently at the Milky Way system, Saga quietly felt the vast basic forces that existed on a cosmic scale, watching the countless celestial bodies rotating in strange patterns, feeling the terrifying fluctuations from individual neutron stars, white dwarfs, and even black holes that absorbed everything, as well as electromagnetic nebulae and massive gravity wells. While feeling his own insignificance and shallowness, he also gained a new insight into the basic forces.

“Is this the destiny and understanding that comes with stepping into legend?”

“Such a scene, has every legendary creature seen it? No, impossible. Each creature must see a completely different scene when stepping into legend.”

In the midst of this, Saga had a moment of enlightenment.

When ascending to legend, he was establishing a deeper connection with the world’s Force Field that enveloped everything, allowing him to use this seemingly higher-dimensional perspective to observe the macro-scale world.

Moreover, the reason why legendary creatures are powerful, far surpassing non-legendary beings under normal circumstances, is that all creatures that step into legend are gradually understanding the essence of the world. Even a little bit of this understanding grants legendary creatures power far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The reason Saga was able to defeat legends, to a large extent, was that even though he had not yet reached legend, the basic forces he wielded pointed directly to the fundamental essence of the world.

Even though Saga’s mastery was still very shallow, it was enough to exceed the imagination of mortals.

After his perspective lingered within the range of the prime material world of the entire Milky Way system for a while, Saga immersed himself in the infinite magnificence of this galactic world, gaining a renewed understanding of the basic forces at the macro scale.

In a trance, he vaguely felt that his perspective could rise even further.

For instance, to see the worlds beyond the Milky Way system’s prime material world, even beyond the prime material plane, including the entire Great Ring Multiverse, and perhaps even… beyond the Great Ring Multiverse.

As Saga entertained this thought, his perspective began to change accordingly, continuing to rise and expand, stretching beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way system.

However, a profound sense of fatigue arose from within Saga’s consciousness, forcing him to abandon this idea.

“This is not the limit of the Force Field’s coverage; it is my current limit,” Saga thought as he quietly gazed at the magnificent and dazzling galactic world.

Just as he thought this destiny insight was about to end there, his perspective suddenly began to change again.

This time, it was not rising and expanding but sinking and shrinking.

The specks of light that made up the dazzling Milky Way turned back into a vast array of stars over time, and Saga’s perspective traveled through the stars, eventually returning to Saiga Planet, back to the Yar Continent, and finally back to the Emerald Gorge.

When his view returned to the Emerald Gorge, Saga saw that many areas were ravaged, as if they had experienced significant war traces.

The Gemstone Dragons circled in the sky, the tamed Wind Demons, multi-headed Serpent Lizards, Stone Giants, and others patrolled the ground, all on high alert.

“What happened to the Emerald Gorge?”

At the same time, Saga noticed that in some areas full of destruction, among the broken rocks and tree debris, the bodies of numerous Ratmen could be faintly seen.

It seemed the Ratmen had begun to emerge on the surface again.

“Tixil and Charlotte should be able to handle it,” he decided, choosing to trust his companions as his consciousness continued to sink into his own Dragon’s Nest.

His slumbering body came into view again.

Finally, the perspective returned to Saga’s own body.

But just when Saga thought this strange experience was about to end, the perspective within his body still persisted and continued to sink and shrink.

Scales, flesh, bones, blood… and ultimately the countless primal particles that made up Saga’s body, just like the boundless stars he had seen on the macro scale, there was a mysterious similarity between the two.

Whether on the macro or micro scale, basic forces existed.

Besides the gravity and electromagnetic force that Saga was more familiar with, the nuclear forces between particles also unveiled a hint of mystery. They allowed the microscopic particles that made up the macro world to exist in an orderly fashion, with the strong nuclear force combining smaller particles into higher-level particles, and the weak nuclear force causing larger particles to decay into sub-particles.

“In the process of these particles combining and decaying, there is an extremely strong release of energy.”

“If one could fully comprehend and master this, unimaginable power could be obtained.”

Saga focused intently, carefully observing the changes in the particles of the micro world, trying to deeply remember all the details of the basic forces in operation, while also attempting to understand and comprehend them.

Time quietly passed.

It was unknown how long it had been, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years, or maybe just a moment.

A feeling of reaching a limit sprouted from within.

Before Saga could react, his perspective suddenly began to rise and expand, detaching from the micro world, and ultimately fully returning, merging into his own body.

At the same time, outside the Dragon’s Nest.

Numerous holes appeared on the ground of the Emerald Gorge.

From within, swarms of giant rats, no different in size from ordinary people, began to emerge.

They had sharp fangs and claws, with malicious and cunning light in their small eyes. Some scurried on all fours, while others stood on two legs wielding weapons. The individual differences were irrelevant; what mattered was their overwhelming numbers.

It seemed like an endless stream of Ratmen was emerging from the ground.

The Gemstone Dragons circled in the sky, using various psychic abilities to annihilate the Ratmen en masse. Piles of Ratmen died, but even more surged forward.

Although they posed no significant threat, the appearance of Ratmen was always accompanied by plague, disease, and pollution, causing destruction to everything on the surface.

Tixil the Amethyst Dragon frowned slightly, using Mind Blast to instantly kill hundreds of Ratmen.

She keenly felt a disease, invisible to the naked eye, spreading from the dead Ratmen’s bodies, contaminating the land of the Emerald Gorge.

“These detestable Ratmen.”

Tixil considered the Emerald Gorge as the starting point for building the Gemstone Dragon nation.

She had high hopes for this place, hoping for proper development, not just a fleeting impulse.

But if the rat plague continued unabated and the pollution in the Emerald Gorge reached a certain level, it would become a lifeless wasteland, and she would have to abandon it.

Before Saga’s arrival, the invasion of Ratmen was an ongoing problem for the Emerald Gorge.

From time to time, large swarms of Ratmen would emerge from the ground, gnawing and contaminating everything visible, impossible to kill or eradicate.

Under Tixil’s leadership, the Gemstone Dragons were busy, continuously slaughtering the numerous Ratmen.

But in the short term, it was difficult to kill all the countless Ratmen that covered the ground like a dark cloud.

Meanwhile, the slumbering Golden Dragon’s body trembled slightly, and then its Golden pupils slowly opened.

Propping itself up with its forelimbs, Saga surveyed his surroundings, feeling that the Dragon’s Nest, which had previously been the right size, now seemed much more cramped.

Turning his head, his gaze swept over his scales, each shining with a golden luster, free of dust.

Saga examined his body.

From head to tail, the Golden Dragon’s size had now exceeded thirty meters. Just lying quietly on the ground, it exuded a terrifying oppressive force that could captivate the soul. And the ground of the Dragon’s Nest, which had been reinforced by magic to bear the weight of a dragon, now showed a deep indentation beneath Saga.

On the surface, the increase in size was secondary.

During the dragon slumber, refined by the basic forces, Saga’s weight had even reached dozens of times that of a True Dragon of the same size, with every move carrying a crushing destructive force.

“Ratmen are eroding the Emerald Gorge.”

Perceiving the ongoing battle outside, the Golden Dragon lifted its head slightly, its gaze calm and scales shining brightly.

In an instant, a vast and terrifying legendary Dragon Might burst forth like a storm, like thunder, like a tsunami, from the long-silent Dragon’s Nest, sweeping across the entire Emerald Gorge in a moment.

Tixil and Charlotte were first taken aback, then their faces lit up with joy.

“Saga has awakened!”

“Such might… He has successfully stepped into legend, a young legend!”

Both Little Dragonesses were exhilarated by their partner’s breakthrough.

At the same time, the shrill squeals of the Ratmen filled the air.

After a brief moment of shock, Tixil and Charlotte shifted their gaze from the direction of the Dragon’s Nest, looking down, while the other Gemstone Dragons were stunned by the unforgettable sight.

Wherever the Dragon Might passed, Ratmen fell to the ground in agony, rolling on the ground non-stop. Their fur withered, their skin shriveled, as if they had been scorched by a terrifying heat, rapidly losing moisture and emitting wisps of steam, along with a slightly nauseating scent of cooked meat.

In a short time, swathes of Ratmen fell dead.

At this moment, numbers lost their meaning.

The countless Ratmen, who had just been full of vigor, now all became lifeless, still-warm shriveled corpses.

The noisy Emerald Gorge fell silent.

Looking at the ground covered with Ratmen corpses, whose cause of death they didn’t even know, the Gemstone Dragons circling in the sky felt a chill run through them, their hearts trembling.

Over a hundred thousand Ratmen were annihilated in one strike.

If this scene were witnessed by others in the outside world, they might even bestow Saga with the nickname “Ratmen Slayer.”

“What… what happened?”

Although they guessed it was Saga’s doing, the Gemstone Dragons could not detect any magical or psychic fluctuations and had no idea how Saga had achieved this.

All the Gemstone Dragons involuntarily turned their heads, looking towards the distant Gemstone Dragon Cliff, focusing their gaze on a Dragon’s Nest entrance that had been silent for a long time.

Then, under the gaze of all the dragons.

A Golden Dragon, over thirty meters in size, with majestic and winding horns, and a body shining with golden light and a heavy sense of mass, stepped out from it. Then, flapping its wings, it created a gust of wind and soared into the sky, reaching the battlefield above in an instant.

Overlooking the widespread death of Ratmen he had caused, Saga nodded imperceptibly.

What he had just used was one of the new abilities he had conceived during his ascension to legend, based on his insights from observing some special celestial bodies on the macro scale, named—Magnetic Thermal Dragon Might.

Traditional Dragon Might was only a mental assault.

Against creatures like Ratmen, whose minds are chaotic and evil and who are frenzied in swarms, their resistance to normal Dragon Might is extremely strong.

Magnetic Thermal Dragon Might, while attacking the spirit, also forms a flameless high temperature that kills the body.

Correspondingly, there is also Magnetic Cold Dragon Might.

With a thought from Saga, Magnetic Cold Dragon Might erupted, and the bodies of the Ratmen killed by the high temperature rapidly lost heat, then were covered with a layer of visible frost on the surface.

After being processed by both high and low temperatures, the poison that would have been produced by the Ratmen after death was suppressed, preventing further contamination of the Emerald Gorge.

However, in terms of large-scale, efficient killing methods targeting organic life forms, Magnetic Thermal and Magnetic Cold Dragon Might were secondary.

Saga also had a new, yet incomplete weak nuclear skill based on his insights into the micro world.

Looking around, Saga’s connection with the Force Field had deepened, and he could see more force field arcs in his field of vision. They were everywhere, more visible and clearer, easier to understand and use for his own purposes.

After stepping into legend, it was as if he had entered a new world.

Although he had only just entered legend and was only at the first tier of life, Saga himself was unclear how much power he could unleash in full combat. Conventional levels of understanding could not measure his special existence.

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