Chapter 237 – Rainbow Sky City

The following day, at dusk.

Gold, orange, and red clouds stretched across the sky, painting a brilliant sunset that made the entire heavens seem ablaze. Amidst this fiery splendor, the silhouettes of dragons could be faintly seen soaring swiftly between the clouds.

Dragon wings beat, stirring up a howling wind.

The wind swirled the sunset hues together, mixing different colors into an abstract and peculiar tapestry that danced with the dragons.

Cloaked in fiery clouds, a Golden Dragon with shimmering scales lifted its head to gaze into the distance.

Its gaze pierced through the thick clouds, settling on a grand structure suspended above the sea of clouds in the far distance.

Reflected in Saga’s vision was a Sky City, boasting graceful curves and vibrant, layered colors that at first glance resembled a rainbow. Its unique construction seemed to perfectly blend with the natural cloudscape.

Every Sky City in the Skyrealm Empire bore a unique name.

This city, as its structure suggested, was named Rainbow Sky City.

“The lord of Rainbow Sky City is a beauty-loving female Caster who has close ties with the Temple of the Goddess of Beauty. They’ve organized this beauty contest together, and any Sapient Being that can reach Rainbow Sky City is eligible to participate. The victor will receive rewards from both the Temple and the city itself,” Charlotte said, fluttering her radiant wings beside Saga.

Saga nodded and murmured, “In that case, this Sky City must have attracted many creatures of beauty.”

As he spoke, Saga’s gaze shifted, scanning the sea of clouds.

Approaching Rainbow Sky City, he saw numerous beings also racing through the clouds toward the same destination.

Phoenixes with fiery plumage and elongated feathers glided elegantly through the clouds, their grace and beauty unmatched.

Agile direwolves with glossy fur walked on air, exuding a wild and natural charm.

Petite and sprightly flower spirits with delicate, translucent butterfly wings flitted about, full of whimsy.

Streaks of elemental light flashed across the sky, occasionally revealing the exquisite faces and seductive figures of beautiful female Casters.

The contest at the Temple of the Goddess of Beauty had drawn many Sapient Beings confident in their own allure.

As Saga took notice of them…

They, too, turned their attention to the few dragons.

Gemstone Dragons with scales of every hue, Golden Dragons with diamond-like scales gleaming majestically, and Saga, the Amethyst Dragon, with scales as beautiful as purple crystals—all stood out from the crowd, drawing many gazes.

Especially Saga.

His diamond scales reflected the sunset’s glow, as if he was draped in the fiery sky itself. But more than his striking appearance, it was his regal demeanor that made him stand out as a Transcendent being, drawing even more attention.

“Look, they’re all staring at me. They must be astonished by my beauty,” Charlotte said proudly, naturally assuming the looks directed at Saga were meant for her. She lifted her chin and spread her wings even wider in flight, showcasing her beautiful form.

The contest had not yet begun.

They hadn’t even reached Rainbow Sky City.

But Charlotte was already in full competitive mode.

Soon after, Saga and the other dragons arrived at the outskirts of Rainbow Sky City.

There, a barely visible barrier of wind called the Immortal Wind Barrier encircled the city—a twelfth-circle defensive Spell present in all Sky Cities, impervious even to Legendary beings.

“I wonder if my Annihilation Dragon Breath could penetrate the Immortal Wind Barrier of the Sky City,” Saga mused, looking at the barrier that enveloped Rainbow Sky City. He was even tempted to test whether his Dragon Breath could break through the twelfth-circle defense.

However, reason prevailed, and he suppressed the impulse.

Saga was well aware of where he was.

Causing trouble in a Sky City of the Skyrealm Empire was tantamount to courting death, and he was not yet powerful enough for such a feat.

“What a marvel for such a grand city to dwell among the winds and clouds,” Tixil commented, blinking.

“Every second must consume an immense amount of Elemental Energy to resist the pull of the earth and remain aloft.”

“The Wind Core created by the Casters of the Skyrealm Empire supplies an endless stream of wind Elemental Energy,” Charlotte explained.

“I don’t know exactly how they do it. The principle of establishing a connection with the plane of wind seems simple, but I’ve heard from some elders in Deep Sea Dragon City who are proficient in wind magic that, although it’s all wind magic, no other high-ranking Legendary Wind Caster can construct a Wind Core like those of the Skyrealm Empire.”

Saga thought for a moment, then said as he gazed at the majestic Sky City, “The Sky City is the foundation and core of the Skyrealm Empire, and the Wind Core is the heart of the Sky City. It probably requires some secret method known only to the imperial family of the Skyrealm Empire to create it successfully.”

The casting system within the Skyrealm Empire was rich and diverse, with powerful Casters aplenty.

However, one branch undoubtedly flourished above all others.

Without exception, all lords of the Sky Cities of the Skyrealm Empire were high-ranking Legendary Wind Casters and members of the Alpha Royal Family.

“Saga, the Sky City is not like the Near Seas or the surface. It cannot be compared,” Tixil said, looking at the Golden Dragon seriously.

“You must restrain yourself here. If we incur the enmity of a Legendary Caster of the city, we may not be able to leave.”

Charlotte nodded vigorously in agreement, “Yes, we must be careful in such a place.”

Hearing the earnest advice of his two companions, the Golden Dragon was momentarily taken aback, then smiled helplessly and shook his head, “Tixil, Charlotte.”

“It seems you still don’t know me well enough.”

“Don’t worry, I know to keep a low profile in the Sky City.”

Saga was proud but not foolish. On the contrary, he was always meticulous in his thoughts. He knew where to curb his arrogance. To remain haughty and arrogant without sufficient power was foolishness.

“We’ve never been to a Sky City of the Skyrealm Empire before. Let’s go and witness the grandeur of the empire that dominates the skies of the Yar Continent.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

Outside the protective Immortal Wind Barrier of Rainbow Sky City.

There were many tracks extending outward and docks connected to the tracks, allowing newcomers to land and then pass through the Immortal Wind Barrier into Rainbow Sky City.

At the dock.

The Golden Dragon folded its wings and descended gently, followed closely by Tixil the Amethyst Dragon and Charlotte the Gemstone Dragon, all landing at the same dock as Saga.

The arrival of the three dragons simultaneously caught the attention of the city’s guards.

The dock was an entrance to the Sky City, with many stationed guards, the weakest of whom were high-ranking Casters, and numerous Legendary presences were undisguised and scattered throughout.

“Greetings, dragon sirs and ladies,” a young-looking guard in uniform greeted with a polite smile, speaking in fluent Dragon Tongue, indistinguishable from the natural speech of a dragon.

Saga looked down, his gaze resting on the diminutive guard.

The massive size of the dragons, even without exerting Dragon Might, created an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Yet, in the face of the mountainous Golden Dragon, the guard, who seemed as insignificant as an insect, showed no sign of fear.

Under the dragon’s scrutiny, the guard calmly inquired, “May I ask, what brings you to Rainbow Sky City?”

Charlotte lifted her head proudly and declared, “To claim the championship of the beauty contest at the Temple of the Goddess of Beauty.”

At her words, the guard was momentarily taken aback, then smiled and said, “I wish you success in Rainbow Sky City.”

There were many Sapient Beings coming to Rainbow Sky City for the beauty contest. The guard asked a few more questions, such as the origins of Saga and the dragons, and their caster systems.

The answers to these questions were not important; they were merely routine inquiries.

For those entering Rainbow Sky City, the key was whether they were Casters.

As long as one was a Caster, the attitude of all Sky Cities was consistent: all were welcome.

“A Mind Warlock?”

“That’s a fine path for a Caster.”

After the questioning, the guard maintained his smile, which seemed etched onto his face, and said, “Rainbow Sky City welcomes Casters from all species.”

“However, please note that private duels are forbidden within the city. If you have grievances to settle, you may go to the Death Arena. Engaging in private duels outside the arena, depending on the impact on Rainbow Sky City, will result in judgment and punishment, with the most severe being the death penalty.”

“Besides private duels, the use of teleportation magic within the city is prohibited, as is flying.”

The guard informed Saga and the other dragons of many things to be mindful of in Rainbow Sky City.

Each Sky City had its own set of rules established by its lord, and newcomers were usually informed of these upon entry.

Violating the rules, if discovered, would result in corresponding punishment.

Saga listened as the guard recited the rules, his eyes narrowing slightly.

From the guard’s ever-smiling face, Saga could sense the pride that filled the hearts of the Skyrealm Empire’s Casters, allowing them to face dragons that could easily crush them without showing fear, but instead converse with a smile.

Their calm and politeness were also a form of pride.

Looking around.

Saga saw that although the other guards were silent and still, each stood tall and proud, chests puffed out, exuding a similar aura.

“A powerful empire gives its citizens strong confidence.”

“The spirit of the guards here is very resilient, starkly different from those of ordinary nations.”

“If guards from some small country were standing before me, they would probably be trembling with fear by now,” Saga thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Charlotte asked curiously, “Human, I can understand the prohibition of private duels within the city, but why ban flying? Your city itself is suspended in the air.”

The guard’s polite smile remained unchanged as he patiently explained, “Dragon Lady, please understand.”

“All Sapient Beings in Rainbow Sky City are Casters, all capable of flight. If flying were not prohibited, it would lead to chaos and disorder in the city’s appearance.”

“There are also reasons for banning certain special magics. Behind these regulations, there have been unfavorable precedents.”

Casters are generally restless.

Their pursuit of truth and longing for magic, their research and obsession with spells, often lead to bizarre incidents. The history of this world is filled with disasters caused by Casters. In a nation of Casters like the Skyrealm Empire, if the use of certain magics were not explicitly forbidden, chaos would ensue daily.

Even so.

Sky Cities were not entirely safe. With so many Casters, not every one of them would abide by the rules. Even ordinary people could not all follow the rules, let alone the noble Casters.

After explaining the rules.

The guard handed out three tokens inscribed with magical runes to Saga and the dragons.

The runes on the tokens twisted, indicating the passage of time.

“Since you are not citizens of the Skyrealm Empire, the longest you may stay in a Sky City at one time is six months.”

“If you wish to reside in a Sky City for an extended period, you may apply for temporary residency or join the Skyrealm Empire to obtain permanent residency rights.”

The guard’s face was smiling as he said, “With your status as dragons, the chances of becoming citizens of our nation are high. Are you interested? I can take you to apply directly.”

The Skyrealm Empire was an empire of Casters, not just humans.

Though mainly human, it included other species, and dragon citizens were among them.

For ordinary Casters, becoming a citizen of the Skyrealm Empire was not easy. Only those with certain talents were recognized and granted citizenship. However, all dragons possessed excellent magical aptitude and were welcomed by the Skyrealm Empire if they so desired.

Saga and the other dragons declined the guard’s invitation.

There were many benefits to becoming a citizen of the Skyrealm Empire, with permanent residency in the Sky Cities being just a minor one. However, there were also obligations, not merely verbal commitments, but strong magical contracts that had to be fulfilled when necessary.

“I wish you a pleasant journey in the Skyrealm Empire.”

As the entrance to the Immortal Wind Barrier at the dock slowly opened.

“Please enter.”

With a hint of curiosity, Saga and the other dragons stepped forward, crossing the Immortal Wind Barrier and officially entering Rainbow Sky City.

Even in the Skyrealm Empire, dragons were a rare sight.

The three massive dragons, with their extraordinary bearing, immediately attracted many gazes upon entering the city.

For Saga and the others, the focused attention was nothing new, and they ignored it.

Since flying was forbidden in Rainbow Sky City and their large dragon forms were not convenient for moving around, under the watchful eyes of many, the dragons used transformation spells to adopt half-dragon, half-human forms. Still, their striking appearance and demeanor drew attention.

Unconcerned with the attention from other beings, Saga carefully observed the interior of Rainbow Sky City.

The first thing he saw was a series of distinctive magical buildings, each containing the ingenious ideas of Casters from different races, each with its own style, rarely seen in the outside world. Magical runes crisscrossed the structures, moving as if alive. Although each building had a different style, the presence of so many unique buildings created a harmonious architectural landscape when seen together.

Between the unique magical buildings, the streets were spacious and bright.

Even the stones paving the ground were of fine magical material, bearing the weight of dragons weighing thousands of tons without issue. The Sapient Beings walking the streets of the city were numerous, their only commonality being their ability to cast spells.

Not all citizens of the Skyrealm Empire were Casters.

However, those on the Sky Cities were all Casters. Non-Caster citizens could only stay on the surface, deprived of the privileges of the Skyrealm Empire and subject to oppression and discrimination.

“What a bustling city of magic,” Tixil commented, stepping on the ground beneath her.

“Even the ground has been magically reinforced.”

“Everything visible in this city seems related to magic.” The traces of magic were everywhere.

At the same time.

As his gaze swept across the bustling city, Saga recalled his visit to Laine City in the Lionheart Kingdom, where he had intended to experience a simple adventurer’s game but stumbled upon a demon invasion.

“Surely I won’t encounter any trouble in this Sky City, will I?” Saga wondered.

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