Chapter 227 – Lionheart King City’s Exotic Customs Street

After leaving Blue Dragon Bay, Saga slowed his flight speed.

With no urgency in time, he didn’t rush directly to the location of Tixil the Amethyst Dragon. His primary goal for visiting the Yarl Continent this time was to take in the scenery, with meeting the Amethyst Dragons being a secondary concern.

High in the sky,

Saga leisurely flapped his wings, weaving through the clouds of various shapes while gazing down to appreciate the diverse landscapes below.

Towering mountains.

Vast plains.

Lush forests.

Deep marshes.

The various terrains, along with the multitude of creatures inhabiting them, caught Saga’s eye.

He simply watched in silence, rarely pausing in his journey.

If something interesting caught his attention, he didn’t mind halting his wingbeats and descending to the surface to observe from the shadows or even to participate.

However, having just arrived on the Yarl Continent, Saga hadn’t encountered anything that piqued his interest.

Time flowed like water, each second passing steadily, and Saga continued his journey across the Yarl Continent. Since it wasn’t the Near Seas, he couldn’t be too conspicuous, so he twisted the force field during flight to conceal his form and aura.

Even when passing close to other flying creatures in the sky,

He rarely drew their attention.

After a while,

Under the starlit night sky, he slowed his flight even more, and Saga looked down from his high-altitude flight.

Below, the natural environment gradually gave way to artificially wide roads created by man, bustling with many caravans pulled by giant beasts, powered by magic, or driven by intricate mechanical structures.

Occasionally, magical flying wheels and mechanical airships could be seen in the air, following specific routes guided by invisible magical currents, moving in an orderly fashion.

Following the direction of the ground roads and aerial routes,

Saga gazed into the distance.

In the dark night, a dazzling array of lights appeared.

A majestic, ring-shaped giant city reflected in Saga’s vision, its walls alone towering a hundred zhang high, grand and imposing. Numerous mechanical cannons and magical giant crossbows were mounted on the walls, and squads of sharp-eyed guards surveyed their surroundings. Inside the city, bright lights shone brighter than moonlight and starlight, illuminating the dark night and dispelling the natural darkness.

On the front of the giant city, a massive emblem was emblazoned.

It was a majestic, roaring lion with its mane flowing in the wind.

“This is the Capital City of the Lionheart Kingdom, Rayne City.”

Saga’s gaze shifted slightly as he thought of the Lionhead Scepter he had stored in his space crystal, which belonged to the Lionheart Kingdom.

Through a telepathic command, he sensed that his Black Rose was within Rayne City.

He paused in mid-air, hovering as he stared at the distant Rayne City, and mused, “Truly magnificent. All the Near Seas nations combined wouldn’t match the scale of this single city.”

“And this is just one of the cities under the jurisdiction of the Lionheart Kingdom.”

The Capital City was the most majestic and prosperous, but there were more cities within the Lionheart Kingdom than just Rayne City.

Since leaving the coastal region and crossing the Mahal Mountain Range, which served as the boundary between the Lionheart Kingdom and the coastal areas, Saga had been within the territory of the Lionheart Kingdom.

In the Near Seas, Saga had often heard of the Lionheart Kingdom.

It was also the kingdom that traded most frequently with the Near Seas nations.

The reason was simple: it was the closest to the Near Seas.

Traveling east from the Near Seas to the Yarl Continent, the first kingdom one would encounter was the Lionheart Kingdom.

Then, Saga continued flying forward, getting closer and closer to the Capital City of the Lionheart Kingdom. However, as he approached the airspace of Rayne City, he felt an inexplicable sense of danger.

His keen intuition for danger made Saga stop.

“It feels very dangerous to enter the airspace of this city.” Among the clouds, Saga looked down at the bustling Rayne City.

Now that he was closer to Rayne City, the sights within the city were even more complete and clear.

Saga could see the myriad of buildings and the multitude of humans.

Magic shops, potion stores, auction houses, branches of the Adventurers’ Association, magic towers, knight academies, beast shops, magic academies, magic machinery stores, and more. Although it was nighttime, the streets were bustling with people, and many of the Lionheart Kingdom’s signature Gryphon Knights circled and screeched overhead, chasing each other in groups, presenting a scene of prosperity.

His gaze shifted upward.

Reflected in Saga’s pupils were the human guards and magical devices on the city walls.

With a brief sense, Saga did not detect any legendary guards at the wall positions.

But he was certain that there were legendary beings in this place, and likely many of them, with a good chance of high-ranking legends among them. However, these legends mostly concealed their traces and rarely showed their legendary might directly, as it could easily cause indiscriminate harm to the ordinary populace.

“I can’t fly directly over the airspace of this city.”

“There are many traces of detection and reconnaissance magic. If detected, it might draw out the legendary beings inside.”

Saga’s gaze swept over the airspace of Rayne City.

A powerful nation would naturally have control over its airspace, not allowing powerful creatures to enter and exit at will.

Due to the vast territory, it might be overlooked in the wilderness.

But in the airspace of the national cities, it was absolutely forbidden for powerful creatures to trespass.

In the airspace of Rayne City, Saga only needed a brief glance to see thousands of magical surveillance constructs like the Eyes of the Stars and the Eyes of the Secret Arts, and these were just the ones easily observable.

To enter Rayne City unnoticed or fly over its airspace would undoubtedly be very difficult.

“At first, when the Near Seas Eight were hunting me down, one of the duchies proposed seeking help from the Lionheart Kingdom.”

“If they had really done so, I might not have won so easily at that time, or I might even have had to flee the Near Seas.”

Gazing at Rayne City, Saga thought to himself.

The Lionheart Kingdom was also a powerful presence among the various kingdoms.

It was a very loyal follower of the Skyrealm Empire, with a magic culture heavily influenced by the empire, thriving and prosperous. In addition to the famous Gryphon Knights, there were many powerful casters in the country, and having fought many proxy wars for the Skyrealm Empire, the national spirit was very martial. They also did not reject or resist the characteristics of hostile nations and encouraged the study of magic machinery.

“Go around?”

“Hmm. Since I’m here, let’s take a look inside.”

Deciding to visit Rayne City upon seeing such a prosperous and magnificent city for the first time, Saga knew that with his abilities, he could live well as long as he didn’t cause trouble in a high-profile manner.

With his wings retracted, the Golden Dragon spiraled down silently.

He concealed his aura and used a transformation spell to take on the appearance of a handsome young man, blending into the crowd on the wide road leading into the city.

The Lionheart Kingdom was predominantly human but did not exclude other intelligent races from entering the city.

While in the air, Saga had seen other races such as elves, goblins, and saurian warriors entering the city.

“It’s a pity that my transformation spell isn’t good enough to turn me into small creatures like flies or mosquitoes, otherwise I could have slipped in quietly without going through the main gate.”

Saga thought to himself.

At the city gate of Rayne City, numerous guards were stationed, responsible for controlling and inspecting creatures entering the city.

When it was Saga’s turn in the queue, the guards used a magic crystal ball that could identify the species of creatures, shining a light on Saga.

Dragon scale patterns emerged on the crystal ball.

Staring at the seemingly harmless and handsome young man in front of them, the guards’ expressions changed slightly, and more guards cast wary glances at him.

“Young man, reveal your true form.”

“To enter Rayne City, we need to confirm your species.”

The guard said solemnly.

Since some species of creatures were prone to causing trouble, the guards of Rayne City would place certain species under higher levels of surveillance when entering the city.

Saga blinked, revealing an innocent and clear gaze.

At the same time, pairs of dragon horns grew out from his head, fine golden scales partially covered his handsome face, a tail extended from his waist, and his black eyes turned to a golden hue, attracting the surprised gazes of many passersby.

“Are you a dragonkin? What dragon bloodline do you possess?”

The guard was slightly taken aback, then sized up Saga and asked.

The crystal ball glowed faintly, and a lie-detecting spell was activated simultaneously.

“Yes, I possess the bloodline of a Golden Dragon.”

The lie-detection spell targeted the mind, and for Saga, a Mind Warlock, it was ineffective, and the identification was true.

“What’s your name?”

“Hyperion,” Saga said.

The guard recorded Saga’s name, then the wary expression faded, replaced by a smile, “Hyperion, Rayne City welcomes you. We hope you enjoy your stay here.”

For a dragonkin with a Metal Dragon bloodline, Rayne City was quite welcoming.

If it were a Chromatic Dragon bloodline, Rayne City wouldn’t refuse entry but would place them on a surveillance list to prevent any trouble.

“Rayne City does not exclude other races from entering; you are free to move about in your true form.”

The guard said with a smile.


Saga nodded slightly.

“If this is your first visit here and you would like a guide to learn about Rayne City, we can provide one for free,” the guard added.

“No need.”

Saga shook his head, declining the guard’s offer.

The guard didn’t ask further and let him pass.

The Lionheart Kingdom continued the style of the Skyrealm Empire, with the Capital City being very inclusive of various races. The inspection at the city gate was not very strict; as long as the creature wasn’t too dangerous, such as a Heartstealer or a Parasite Beast, they were generally allowed to pass.

In fact, if Saga hadn’t disguised himself and had descended directly in his dragon form, he could have entered Rayne City, which would have welcomed the arrival of a True Dragon. This could somewhat increase the city’s influence, but it was foreseeable that if Saga entered in his true form, he would be subject to covert surveillance by legendary beings, which was not what he wanted. That’s why he chose a compromise, entering as a dragonkin.

Once past the city gates and inside the Capital City,

Saga, a newcomer, curiously surveyed his surroundings.

The surrounding crowd also curiously observed the dragonkin youth.

Rayne City had many different races, and normal humans were used to seeing other races, especially humanoid creatures. But upon seeing the uniquely handsome dragonkin youth, they were inevitably affected.

Any humanoid creature would be influenced by the charm emitted by Saga in his dragonkin youth form, attracted to it.

Walking on the streets of Rayne City, Saga observed his surroundings while aimlessly wandering.

Of course, as the wealthy King of the Near Seas, Saga wasn’t satisfied with just wandering around.

When passing by a magic shop, Saga would buy interesting trinkets he saw, and occasionally he would enter a restaurant to order a table full of meticulously cooked dishes, enjoying his meal regardless of the surrounding gazes.

After spending some time in a rather upscale tavern, Saga returned to the streets.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted, and he continued to wander nonchalantly before turning into a rather dark alley. Even in a bustling Capital City like Rayne City, there were still many dark corners.

At the same time,

Several people who had been following Saga for a while also followed him into the alley.

The narrow alley had only a wall on the opposite side, with no trace of the dragonkin youth.

“Where did he go? Lost him?”

“What a shame to let such a big fat sheep get away.”

The group cursed and grumbled.

In such a city, there was a mix of good and bad elements, including some malicious groups, like those who specifically targeted new arrivals to the city, waiting for opportunities to steal valuables or rob them directly.

“Looking for me?”

Suddenly, a calm whisper came from behind.

The group’s hearts skipped a beat as they turned to look.

A pair of indifferent golden pupils met their gaze.

Quickly, in less than a minute, the seemingly harmless dragonkin youth walked out of the alley, weighing several newly acquired money pouches in his hand.

“The money spent has come back, hasn’t it?”

Saga smiled contentedly, continuing to walk through the bustling Capital City with an air of innocence.


Under the cover of night, he stopped in front of a building emitting a warm pink light, beautifully decorated. Saga paused for a moment, looking at the sign.

Romance House.

At the same time,

At the entrance, a scantily clad human woman’s eyes lit up, and she enthusiastically approached, taking Saga’s arm and said with a smile, “Wow, such a handsome dragonkin youth. Would you like to come and play with me? I’ll take good care of you.”

Saga shook his head in refusal.

“Don’t you like human women?”

“We have beauties of all races here.”

“Elves, catgirls, centaurs, harpies. There’s nothing you can’t imagine that we don’t have.”

The woman enthusiastically introduced.

“Oh, do you have dragons?”

“.No, we don’t have that,” the woman’s voice faltered.

Saga pulled his arm out of her embrace and continued forward.

Then he realized he had wandered into an indecent area, with a long stretch of street filled with places like the Romance House; he had mistakenly entered a red-light district.

Here, he felt the inclusiveness of Rayne City.

Even in this red-light district, he saw the presence of Succubi.

These were real demons.

Under normal circumstances, demons, who were feared by many, were very welcome here. The Succubus brothel was bustling with customers, doing extremely well.

“I shouldn’t stay here for long.”

The young dragon took a deep breath and quickened his pace, intending to leave the red-light district.

Suddenly, someone patted Saga’s shoulder from behind.

Saga moved his feet nimbly, avoiding the touch.

“What is it?”

Not sensing any malice, Saga looked up with an innocent gaze and asked.

Reflected in Saga’s eyes were three people.

One was a scruffy, tall middle-aged human with a sheathed knife at his waist, exuding a sharpness beneath his unkempt appearance, dressed like an adventurer.

Beside him was a handsome elf in tight clothing, carrying a longbow on his back.

The last ‘person’ made Saga’s gaze slightly condense.

It was an angel with a pair of pure wings, floating a few inches off the ground, with a halo above its head, even more beautiful than the elf, almost androgynous.

“A White Light Angel. There’s even a celestial being here.”

Saga’s gaze fell on the halo above the angel’s head.

However, the halo, which should have been pure and flawless, was already half-stained with black marks.

This fellow was a White Light Angel on the verge of falling, already halfway fallen.

Thinking about it, an angel mingling in a red-light district with Succubi probably wasn’t very upright.

Apart from the darkened halo, it also had dark circles under its eyes, yawning, looking like it had indulged too much.

“Hello, it’s my first time encountering a dragonkin here.”

“Let’s be friends. If you don’t mind, I’ll take you for a good tour of this red-light district. I know which house has the gentlest beauties, which has the wildest, and the specialties of each beauty. Hehe, I know them all.”

The middle-aged adventurer smiled somewhat sleazily, very forward in his approach.

“Not interested.”

Saga declined the middle-aged adventurer’s offer.

At this point, the handsome elf also showed a somewhat indecent smile and whispered to Saga, “How about this, we can not only let you play for free, but also let you make some extra money.”

Saga’s gaze shifted, curious:

“How to make money?”

The middle-aged adventurer smiled and said, “Simple, with your dragonkin identity, just write a review guide for the various brothels afterward, and it will definitely sell well.”

He pointed to the tired-looking White Light Angel beside him.

The middle-aged adventurer rubbed the angel’s head and laughed, “This little angel’s species is special. The review guides he wrote all sold out. With the money he earned, he can’t even return to Paradise Peak.”

The angel with the darkened halo defended:

“I, I’m just trying to understand the customs of the material realm in depth, to facilitate other angels descending to the material realm in the future.”

“Right, right, to let other angels understand the red-light district more deeply.”

The middle-aged adventurer and the elf both laughed, teasingly saying, filling the air with a jovial atmosphere.

Then, they all looked at Saga, inviting the dragonkin youth to join their group.

Although they received another refusal from Saga, their enthusiasm didn’t wane, and upon learning that it was Saga’s first visit to Rayne City, they warmly offered to take him around the city.

After aimlessly wandering for a long time, Saga accepted their warm invitation.

“By the way, are you an adventurer?”

Inside a small but lively tavern, the middle-aged adventurer asked Saga.


Saga replied, taking in the scene inside the tavern.

Bearmen, trolls, dwarves, humans… Many species gathered here to drink and jest, most of them dressed as adventurers, and indeed registered adventurers.

“How about we go to the Adventurers’ Association later and get you registered as an adventurer?”

“Although you seem weak, you are a dragonkin after all, and you should grow quickly.”

The aura that Saga emitted was only around the third rank, and he seemed like a harmless and beautiful young dragonkin, indeed not giving a strong impression.

“Being a high-level adventurer later on comes with many benefits and perks.”

The middle-aged adventurer said.

Hearing this, Saga thought of the adventuring team that had once hunted him down.

Although he had defeated them, the quality of their team was indeed not bad, and they were not a ragtag group.

Becoming interested in the Adventurers’ Association, Saga nodded and said, “Alright, let’s go to the Adventurers’ Association later.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged adventurer laughed:

“Haha, the Adventurers’ Association gains a new member. I’ll help you become a powerful adventurer in the future.”

Raising his glass, the middle-aged adventurer shouted, “To heaven and the abyss!”

The other adventurers in the tavern echoed in unison.

“To heaven and the abyss!”

They all shouted, laughing continuously, creating a lively atmosphere.

“Hyperion, where do you come from? Dragonkin are quite rare.”

During the drinking and chatting, the elf curiously asked.

Saga pondered for a moment and said, “I come from the Near Seas, from a rather remote dragonkin tribe.”

“Metal dragons are common in the sea, so it’s normal for dragonkin tribes to exist.” The elf nodded and said.

At the same time, the middle-aged adventurer’s gaze shifted slightly and said:

“The Near Seas? Recently, a noteworthy character has emerged there.”

“You’re talking about the King of the Near Seas,” another tavern patron interjected.

“Right, the King of the Near Seas.”

“Indeed noteworthy. It’s said that this King of the Near Seas, though not legendary, can defeat legends and even subdue legendary creatures, making them willingly follow him.”

Voices filled with awe rose one after another.

Listening to their conversation, the dragonkin youth’s tail swayed imperceptibly.

“My fame has even reached the Lionheart Kingdom. Not bad at all,” Saga thought to himself.

“Nonsense, that’s definitely an exaggeration. Although the King of the Near Seas is a dragon, it’s impossible for him to overpower legends or subdue them.”

Another voice of skepticism emerged.

“Indeed, how could a legendary creature submit to a non-legendary? It must be a fabricated tale.”

“Anything is possible. The King of the Near Seas did defeat The Indestructible Fang adventuring team.”

Two opposing voices debated endlessly.

At that moment, the middle-aged adventurer slammed his hand on the table and said, “Let’s not argue, we have someone here from the Near Seas.”

Looking at Saga, the middle-aged adventurer asked:

“Hyperion, since you’re from the Near Seas, you must know the specifics about the King of the Near Seas, right?”

“We’re very curious, is he as powerful as the rumors say?”

You’ve really asked the right dragon.

Under the gaze of many tavern patrons, Saga said:

“I’m not sure about the specifics, as I haven’t seen the King of the Near Seas myself. But as far as I know, the deeds mentioned in the rumors are indeed true.”

After receiving the dragonkin youth’s response,

Those who acknowledged the King of the Near Seas’s strength felt more confident.

However, the skeptics’ views didn’t change much.

Saga wasn’t surprised by this; people tend to believe what they want to believe, and even ironclad facts in front of them might not change their minds, let alone some rumors.

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